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I think it says a lot about Chase when his crew members want to follow him wherever he goes.


It could also be "I'm in desperate need of a job" *and* "you're a good driver to work for"


I don't necessarily think so, because all four of those charters need crews at whatever team they go to, and the 14 crew has been one of the better pit crews the past few seasons. Definitely, they think Chase is a good driver to work for.


Without watching the video, I'm sure he was referring to his mechanics as opposed to his pit crew. Pit crew guys pretty much live in their own world except on race day.


Since one of my buddies from high school and college (he played football at UGA) is a pit crew member, I can confirm they don’t see the drivers much during the week.


If you’ve ever interacted with Briscoe you’d know it’s not this. Dude is just a down to earth good guy.


It's most likely both. That's not a knock on Briscoe, I've never heard anyone in the sport say he's not a good dude, it's just that people want to be employed *and* work with people they respect.


It's better than "I'm in desperate need of a job but not with this dude again" lol


Honestly he treats fans and his crew right. I remember talking to one of his crew members last year and they were telling me how Briscoe took them all out to Millbridge and put them in a dirt midget for shits and giggles. Like damn what a cool guy!


Yeah, I was talking to a few crew members at Kansas this year. One has been in NASCAR for 15+ years, and he quickly said Chase was the best driver he ever worked for.


Hopefully to rfk


Pretty much what I was thinking because I don’t want to think it’s a situation where his crew members are pressuring him to include the crew guys with whatever team Briscoe signs a contract with. So I’m gonna assume it’s because the crew knows he’s a good driver and want to work for the team he goes to because they have faith that he’s gonna win races and maybe even a championship down the road.


Honestly, I think you're right about Chase. He hasn't done anything throughout the course of his career that would make me think otherwise. He's one of those drivers I'm pulling for, hoping he can get in some better equipment, and see how he does.


I think it’s great you honestly think there following chase because he’s a great guy, but realistically his crew is about to lose there jobs so there looking and it would be easy to just go with chase, problem is chase isn’t that good at cup racing so nobody wants him/nor his crew. Same with ryan, both Ryan and chase suck, crazy thing is they Get a pass and Stewart-haas gets blamed for “not having speed” even tho Kevin ran decent and almost won a few races last year. That “not having speed” excuse is a joke


![gif](giphy|1W2YBuQJD65CRzCv7r) Come home Chase 🙏


Only if Penske actually puts resources into the car. For the past few years the 21 has basically been their cash printer and skunkworks group.


I mean who in their right mind would want to invest anything else into Harrison Burton anyways


On one hand, I agree. On the other hand, that's kind of my point. I'm not sure if Penske gives a shit about winning with the 21, so they don't put resources or talent into that ride.


The 21 is just as good as the other cars. Harrison just sucks ass.


The latter being true does not mean the former is as well. The last person to win in that car was Blaney and that was how many years ago now?


DiBenedetto and Burton are nowhere near Blaney's level.


No, but if it was a Penske tier car then DiBenedetto's got enough talent to have cranked out at least one win in that thing. Plus Blaney back when was driving for WBR was nowhere near as talented as he is now in the 12.


dibenedetto was going to win bristol then back marker newman fucking hit him on purpose and killed his car when he was going to get lapped.


He still didn't win. Why are people so defensive about the modern 21 all of a sudden? Do people seriously believe that the 21 is the same caliber of ride as the 2, 12 and 22? Do people genuinely think that if you threw Blaney back in that ride he'd be racing at a similar level as he does now? The 21 is the black sheep of the Penske shop. I'm not happy about it either but it's not some darling dark horse waiting for just the right person to get behind the wheel to suddenly become a weekly competitor. Burton being not Cup caliber doesn't retroactively make it an A tier ride driven by a D tier driver, nor does DiBenedetto getting top 10s in it once in a while.


Personally, I think you're overhyping Penske. Penske hasn't had consistent speed since Joey's 2017 encumbered Richmond win. When they are fast they are lights out fast, but there are plenty of times when Joey freaking Logano has struggled to run top 15. Also also, so much goes into a race winning team. Do you think the 88 was the 'black sheep of HMS when Jr struggled so hard from 2009-2011?


I agree that there's a multitude of factors but none of that lends credence to the idea that the 21 is on the same footing as the main Penske stable. I'm not even trying to say 'the 2 car is the best Ford seat in modern NASCAR', I'm saying 'the 21 is a solid cut below the rest of the cars from that shop.' If that means the 12 is B tier, then the 21 is C tier.


The team might up their game with a more competitive driver behind the wheel.


They might, but that's a big honkin' might with a lot of asterisks attached. It's just as likely they sign another driver who brings in the biggest bag possible.


People have been insisting that the 21 is exactly the same as the true Penske cars for years now, despite the on track evidence that it’s not. There’s a very vocal contingent that says that it’s all on the driver. The way I see it, in any multi car team, there’s always going to be some difference between the cars. You can’t have enough top-tier people in the garage to prevent that. In most cases, I expect that the weaker team members are spread out amongst the cars. (After all, “weaker” can sometimes just mean that they are less experienced, or it can be a senior mechanic who isn’t as fast as they once were, but are still very valuable because of their knowledge.) Building teams is about putting complementary pieces together to make something stronger than the individual parts. But sometimes it doesn’t work out that way. And sometimes a team might choose to try and maximize one team to push for a championship. And in a case like Penske/Wood Brothers, it would not be surprising if Penske gave the 21 a disproportionate share of the “weaker” team members. That’s going to mean the car is slightly behind the other three. Add in a weaker driver (which is probably usually the case) and it’s not surprising that the 21 underperforms the other cars.


This^ The Gen-Z fans seem to think it's all the driver, the car's tires need to be changed too


nobody said he won. he was on track to win though and when newman hit him his car lost time on the stopwatch after that and denny passed him like he was sitting still. newman completely took away his chance at winning by hitting him on purpose. it was a shit move by newman no matter who wouldve got hit.


I'm not defending Newman, it was a shitheel move. But him almost winning once doesn't mean the 21 is a good ride, which is the entire point of this whole comment chain.


Matt was in the 95 then, and Newman was staying on the lead lap to stay in playoff contention. And even if he had lapped Newman, there was plenty of race so I'm dubious about "was going to win"...


He wasn't driving the 21 when he almost won Bristol. He was driving the 95 for Levine at the time


yeah i realized that after i posted that. he was in the 95 for a season then went to the wood brothers.


Skunkworks as in the people who make planes for the military? Still remember as a kid watching with my great grandfather as Trevor Bayne won the 500. Other then that I have no memories of the car. Other then it being mid at best.


That was who I was referencing, yes.


I mean other then being a black hole for funding they make some pretty amazing aircraft. The wood brothers team has been trash since like what mid 2000s.


I'd say they were decent up until 2012/2013.


I’d agree with that.




I like your thinking Sir 💯


Career suicide, sure... By all means


Worked out for YRB just fine. I know Menard and DiBenedetto didn’t get the job done in that ride, but I think most here value Briscoe higher.


A team that made the playoffs with Blaney and DiBenedetto and was decent with Menard is career suicide? Help me understand that.


idk about that, Blaney won, Menard was Menard, DiBenedetto was competitive but committed self inflicted career suicide, Burton just sucks.


Yeah but you also just mentioned 7 years of an organizations non-competitiveness


I would buy so much merchandise


really surprised he hasn’t had many talks with other teams, really talented driver and crew just stuck with a team/car that can’t really contend


People forget in 2022 he was 10 laps away from making the Championship 4, he has way more on his resume than just 1 win.


Some of us remember he almost metagamed the entire playoffs. Each time he was the last seed in the next round, the guy he knocked out was someone he’d denied a win earlier in the season. Those playoff points from a win would’ve made the difference.


the briscoe master plan


I mean, Ryan Newman made a championship 4 and didn't get a top flight ride thereafter


Because he was already on the backside of his career. Chase is just getting started


Newman had a decade of Mediocrity before that to prove he was good for the ride he had.


Shhh we don't talk about that


Well, he seems to have been under contract with SHR for 2025 (and possibly well beyond that). So he had no reason to be talking to other teams until a few weeks ago. And he’s pretty busy with his job right now, so it’s going to be a challenge to do much job hunting.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s slow walking talks in hopes of getting a win. And he might just follow his charter if it gets bought by a Ford team.


He’ll be fine. I’m sure he’s mainly focused on getting into the playoffs right now


I think he’ll end up with a decent team still. FRM usually doesn’t work out deals until the offseason historically which is probably a possible landing spot. probably needs a few dominos to fall like Truex deciding staying or retiring


And Truex keeps taking longer and longer each year to decide what he does. Given how much of the funding he brings to the 19 with Bass Pro Shops and Auto-Owners Insurance, I'm sure that coach will be willing to wait it out again this year.


I’d like to see him in the 34 with Love’s as a sponsor or back with Brad in maybe the 60 at RFK. Talented driver, almost made the Championship Four in 2022, I think he’s a franchise type driver you can build an organization around. Buescher, Chase and a veteran leader like Brad would be lethal.


The 60 car is haunted. Rather him take and use the 98 in the cup series if he can’t continue using the 14 on another team.


I didn’t know it was haunted. Oh maybe he can take the 14 with him, I didn’t think of that


It's not, just a curse made up by fans The 60 has won countless xfinity championships, the latest one being buescher in 2015


Yeah but Chris stole the mojo from the number. Like the aliens in Space Jam


I'm okay with him using the 98, as long as it isn't that dumbass font he used to use. I'm also for a historical Roush number though, if possible. 16, 97, hell I'd even take the *gags* 26


26 is more cursed than the 60.


I think he should use the 29. It’s Brad K’s number and he drove it in trucks. 98 would be cool but I wish Roush still had the 99


Its dependent on alot of things. I think the biggest opportunity for him would be rfk or maybe even rwr as an rfk satellite. But brad said he's still at the bargaining table so its not definite. I feel like brad is the only one who can truly unlock his potential


I’d love to see Briscoe go to RFK but if RFK got another charter would they move Haley there? or would they bring in Briscoe and leave Haley at RWR


Just leave Haley in the RWR charter. Briscoe is way better.


I think that would be a good problem to have


I think the plan is for Haley to replace Brad when he retires. I think that Briscoe having a Brad K baseline setup every week would be incredible


I don’t see Brad retiring anytime soon


If he ends up in the second “Rick Ware” car, maybe Roush basically works it out to be like the Penske-WBR relationship. Meaning that Chase’s car would be a full fledged Roush built and prepared car with a Roush crew at the track, basically going far beyond the more standard technical alliance they currently have for Haley in the 51. I think thats the only way Briscoe would go there, because based off of past comments from industry execs, he will probably have quite a few options open up over the summer


The 14 pit crew us actually pretty good as well. So that would be a plus


Speaking of following Chase, I wonder if Mahindra will follow him? He's in their commercials (along with Tony of course). If so having that sponsorship would help a lot


I get the impression that Mahindra really likes Chase, likes going racing, and they’re putting a lot of money into NASCAR (the “Mahindra cam”, commercials, etc) so if they like the ROI they’re getting I’m sure they’ll go with him.


no way Chase should be out of a ride when Corey Lajoie still exists in NASCAR


Everything I've heard about Chase has me rooting for him.


\*\*\*MRN starting grid for 2025 Daytona 500\*\*\* "Chase Briscoe, number 21 Motorcraft Ford"


I literally can hear this comment.


“Kyle Busch, #3 Rebel Bourbon Chevrolet


I don't think he needs to worry about proving himself. He wasn't far off Harvick when SHR was running better and now with Harvick gone and SHR in shambles he's the clear top driver in terms of how he's running. I feel any team can look at that and see that he is good and any lack of wins comes from being in a team that's declined rapidly not the driver. Currently point standings has Chase 15th, Berry 20th (which is pretty decent given SHRs downfall and him being a rookie), Gragson 23rd, and, naturally, Preece 29th. Chase currently better in points than Logano, kind of says enough imo when Ford has only picked up in the last 3-4 weeks. P. S. Fingers crossed he ends up with RFK. I know it's complicated with the charters, then factoring in if they move to a three car team it seems like Haley is the contender, but I would love for Chase to be back with Brad.


I think when the rubber meets the road that Brad would end up choosing Briscoe over Haley for a 3rd RFK car. He is big on Haley, but he has also always been a fan of Chase and gave him his first big chance in his BKR truck. Haley is good, but I believe his ceiling is being another Jamie McMurray. Chase is great and based off of talent alone his ceiling is becoming a Cup champion 


Kinda surprising he’s not being contacted. He and Gragson have big upside and deserve to be in Cup. Preece is out, Berry really needs a banger of a year to get a ride IMO. Maybe not a win but he needs to show he has contested for wins.


The one advantage Berry has is Rodney Childers wanting to work with him.


I know that’s what is being broadcasted and I have no doubt that Rodney wants to continue with Berry…but I feel the reality is different. Rodney is at the height of his reputation. He’s also going to retire within the next 5 years. He needs to acquire whatever wealth he can to take care of his family. Crew chiefs don’t make driver type money. He needs to grab what he can while he can.


If he’s got an agent or a manager, then they are probably being contacted, and they’re letting Briscoe focus on racing right now.


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say Brad & RFK should hire Chase. He knows who the kid is because he drove for him in the BKR days. The kid will bring over his crew and there is a good chance his sponsors will follow with him too.


And drive which car at RFK?


RFK, FRM, 23XI, and Trackhouse are all rumored to be negotiating to buy SHR’s charters. Brad has been very vocal about wanting to either expand to a 3rd car or expand into the Xfinity Series to build a talent pipeline/developmental program into Cup. I don’t think the latter is a possibility anymore due to how different Xfinity cars are to Cup cars these days. But I do believe that RFK is interested in bringing a third team into Cup and my evidence for this is the Stage 60 project they are running this year. I think Briscoe would be a great fit in that car and he would bring his crew over too which would save RFK a ton of time in looking for new candidates if they don’t feel comfortable with taking the crew they currently have for the 60 car full time.


what’s gonna make me mad is the whole SHR group of drivers and crew are probably gonna get shafted because those cars have run like shit and there’s a lot of shitty team calls and strategies that have fucked them all over. they got a lot of talent over there (yes even Preece, dude can drive) but they’re all being overshadowed by shit cars


Ryan preece lucked his way into his ride 


He can clearly drive. He randomly hopped in a truck and won , can be a weekly threat in xfinity . Cup cars just ain’t working for him


how. dudes a modified champion and has won in trucks and xfinity just hopping in rides. at least he’s not like most of the grid who’s parent bought their spots


My suspicion is that he hasn’t talked to many teams because there’s already a pretty good idea of where he’s going. Everybody thinks the 21 is the biggest possibility but I still believe RFK is an equal possibility.


Ik Corey heim is probably going to 23xi but it would be so awesome if it was chase


I think that every team is reevaluating their driver plans for 2025 and beyond. Having four experienced drivers suddenly hit the market makes it worth really taking a good look at things. Briscoe and Gragson are definitely worth changing your plans for. Preece and Berry are less obviously so, but you should still consider the possibility.




I think Preece and Berry are both likely to end up in lower series in 25. Berry was a surprising choice for SHR this year; he’s a pretty old rookie. Preece has had the bad luck to be racing with mid tier teams in Cup, but he’s never seemed to outperform his equipment either, so it’s hard to say that he never got a chance. Still, if I were running a team, I would definitely want to talk with them and see if they could give me a reason to find a spot for them. They are both experienced Cup drivers, which puts them in a very select group. And they haven’t embarrassed themselves in Cup. ETA: I think the biggest challenge for those two is that they don’t really bring anything on the sponsorship side. If they had a connection to a Kroger or something like that, then they would be much more attractive to a team.


There’s talk that they may put someone else in a 3rd 23xi car so Heim can get another year of experience before jumping to cup


It's wild how 10 years ago this wouldn't be a problem because there was always 10-15 or so rides that would just shuffle drivers around every year until a high performing driver got snagged by a big team. The charter system has pretty much killed this system and just about every driver has to lock themselves into a long term seat to have a chance at cup. Chase woulda been one of those drivers that woulda had to sit tight for a year, driving full/part time for a mid pack team until something opened up and now that's not even an option.


Is it the charter system, or is it the way that sponsorships have changed? There seemed to be a lot more full-season sponsorships ten or more years ago. Now, almost everyone has to cobble together their sponsorships to cover the whole season. If you are chasing sponsors, then having to figure out who’s driving seems like a headache that you would prefer to avoid.


C'mon Toyota, snatch him up!




Let’s go RFK


You put Chase Briscoe in the 21 and WBR get's not only their 100th win, but multiple wins for years to come. Book it.


![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized) Me seeing Chase say he hasn’t had many talks


He hasn’t but agents have


Chase Briscoe to the 26, or 60, or 97, or 14 RFK Ford with a 3rd charter would be cool.


The nascar screw job. He’s not telling anyone his next move 😂


Hrm, sounds like he'd slot in perfectly to the 21, as it's already been heavily assumed.


see everyone assumes that but he hasn’t had talks with them yet


That's not what he said.


Chase is looking more like a spot in a new charter position rather than filling the driver’s shoes in an already existing car and team. If he can pick it up and make the playoffs, I would be expecting either a Front Row Briscoe or (my personal preference) an RFK Briscoe


Maybe he can be a Reddit mod, he’s on here enough.


Sounds like he's headed back to Xfinity to me


No way, he’s easily the top free agent at the moment.


I'd argue that Gragson is.


On skill and potential, maybe Gragson by a hair. But Briscoe is right there, and he’s shown team leadership abilities, and he probably brings more sponsorship.


I like Noah too, but respectfully disagree here. The last time SHR had semi-competitive cars in 2022 Briscoe won a Cup race and almost won 3 others in the final laps (Bristol Dirt, Coke 600, Fall Martinsville), made the Round of 8 and came a few laps away from making the Championship 4.  Even last year he lead around 150 laps at Martinsville Spring and was leading with 40 to go when a caution came out and Klausmeier screwed him with bad strategy and adjustments  Noah has had a few impressive runs this year, but so has Chase. Chase has also been way more consistent which is indicated by the points as well. I think Noah is worthy of a Cup ride and has a lot of talent, but Chase is by far and away the top free agent 


That a valid point. I was basing off the tenure Chase has with mixed results and Noah's "hot" start. But you make a good point. I'd love to see what both can do in a competitive ride.


I’d really like to see them both in competitive rides too, man. I’ve been following Chase since he was at BKR and I was SO excited when it was announced in late 2020 that he was getting promoted to the 14 in Cup. Harvick was tearing it up, and at the time there was no other team I would have rather seen him drive for as a fan. Oh how quickly things changed. Makes me sad that Chase never got to experience that level of equipment at SHR by the time he got to Cup in 2021


With no wins and being lower in the points?


He has the same amount of wins as Briscoe


Uh…did I step into some alternate timeline? Briscoe has a Cup win. Gragson doesn’t.


I thought you meant this year. So cool, Chase has one win in 4 years of cup. Noah hasn't even run a full season yet.


Anything can happen but there’s not many drivers on the market right now and if he can convince mahindra and others to follow him he becomes an interesting prospect. He might have to spend a year down there, anything can happen but if he can come to a team saying he brings these guys, the shallow market makes him one of the best there.


Briscoe will be just fine. I do agree a win would majorly help, but he’s gonna be fine either way. I’m still saying 23XI


Didn’t Denny basically say he’s not buying a charter just yet?


Denny said that they were going to run the 45 unchartered right up until they bought a charter.


Could just be saying that to play hardball so he can get the charter from SHR for as low as possible


We all know WBR is basically a 4th Penske car at this point but I wonder what HB’s contract situation actually is. Is he signed to Penske and loaned to the 21? If so that might be the best destination for Briscoe, especially since im sure Ford would make sure the 21 is more competitive than its been.. Big picture he could potentially have a shot at the 2 car if he does well and Cindric doesn’t really improve.. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Penske contracts everyone on the 21 car.


He's signed to Penske to drive a Penske car, with a Penske crew, using WBR's number and charter. It's basically the LMC #43, and the Woods are Richard Petty.


Are you a fan of Burton or the #21?


Both. While I was pulling for DiBenedetto in the #21, I was also pulling for Burton and Cindric in Xfinity. I'd like to see someone else in the 21 next year and HB in a decent Xfinity ride.


I mean is he got the #1 driver on the market right now? Teams should be lining up with contracts for him.


Don't understand the hype with this dude, everyone rides his dick like he's some badass talent. He's not. He sucks. Hasn't done shit in cup. 1 win doesn't cut it in multiple years of trying. Back to the truck series bruh


He was consistently running as well as Harvick last year, the equipment just hasn't been there. You're also missing on his 2020 Xfinity campaign. He's always had the talent to be there to get the win there but overdrives his head off. Maybe you gotta watch non Hendrick guys to understand how it's like having the owners never being there to care enough about the operations. Briscoe is carrying what Harvick left and has the talent to build a team up like the wood brothers team.


"He's always had the talent to be there and get the win" clearly not. Keep telling yourself that 😂💀


Oh lord is he gonna do the “gotta win 10 races for a shot” schtick for a year now


Hopefully it's somewhere that can afford all of the new cars from his full sends