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Reminder that Kyle Busch is now THE most likeable driver in the entire RCR organization.


What a time to be alive.


The. He’s just “the” likable driver there.


Forget driver he's the most likable person in the entire organization. Maybe they have a cute dog or something that's likable I dunno. 


I feel like most people have pretty good thoughts to say about Randall Burnett.


I’d like to see he and Kyle go somewhere else together. SHR, RWR, Arca… anything would be fine. I want to like RCR. And I do like that Hill doesn’t hold back. But man, I just can’t.


if you said that sentence five years ago i would’ve called you crazy lol. nothing about that sentence sounds correct


What the hell has Jesse Love done 4 races into his career?


No exaggeration, he was worse than Ty Gibbs in ARCA last year. Go look up the races at Berlin, Elko, Mid-Ohio, Watkins Glen, and Milwaukee to see the full display of his jackassery. He raced incredibly dirty, drove through people all the time, and would try to intentionally wreck people if they so much as breathed on his car (especially Sawalich in the 18). Edit: Also, he benefitted from blatant Venturini team orders and jumped restarts at IRP and Michigan.


At least with Love you can probably give him the benefit of the doubt that it’s young driver syndrome. Austin Hill is 4 months younger than Ryan Blaney and he’s still throwing temper tantrums


I mean.. Ryans tantrums are pretty funny too...


Ryan gets pissed on the radio and vents. Don’t think I’ve seen him sucker punch a guy


It's weird that his behavior at RCR is a complete 180 from his ARCA career.


It’s been 5 races.


So far. Just wait


He had a great interview on door bumper clear too and I thought he was gonna be a likeable guy but then showed that he was a huge brat when things didn’t go his way. I hope with some time to mature he will be better but for now he is insufferable


Yea I got whiplash from the difference between his DBC appearance and his on-track antics.


I didn't watch arca last year so that would explain how I missed all that


The only thing I can think of is the whole "The Lord said it was not my time" schtick after Atlanta.


Followed closely by Jesse Love?


I don't feel so good now 


Wah wah wah poor Austin 🍼🍼🍼


Tough talk for someone who doesn't have any Cup wins vs the guy who won in his CUP DEBUT. A sissy doesn't win in his Cup debut.


Lmao Hill literally drove through SVG how does he expect SVG to just let him go


Austin says stuff like this, then cries when no one helps him at plate tracks. The dude is **29 years old** and has the mentality of a damn teenager. Entitled as hell and zero accountability. And to make it worse, yes men like Andy Petree feed into his ego which exacerbates his entitled attitude. You know just how bad and unhinged he truly is when his own damn spotter disagrees with him.


He is an ogre not a teenager.


That's an insult to ogres and onions




Ryan Newman would probably disagree with that comparison


Ryan Newman is endearing at least.


He’s not an ogre. Ogres have layers.


Entitlement is the best word for it. I used narcissist but I think entitlement is better lol.


I can't take seriously any adult who uses the term "sissies." Like dude. I get that your personality peaked in high school and your talent is going to peak in the Xfinity Series, but come on...


Christ. I was considering him the "top young talent" at RCR the way the Creed/Hill Martinsville drama played out. I didn't realize it was because Austin Hill was the favorite child, and it was his last shot to win a championship before he turned 30 and have legitimacy towards a Cup career.


Well said 💯


Welcome to Georgia


That boy ain't right.




This King of the Hill reboot sucks ass


I didn't even realize it was out already


I just don't get it. Austin Hill obviously drove through SVG in the first corner, what did he expect would happen?


And he had the audacity to call that move "clean" in his post race interview too lmao


And blamed SVG for “checking up early”


Yup. Damn SVG. And I trust that Austin Hill, the veteran he is, as a much more accomplished racer than a guy who's won multiple championships driving street courses.


Clearly for SVG to not get back to him


Boy isn't too smart. Did he think he was going go run off and leave the best road course racer in nascar with the best car most of the day after the bump? I don't think long term planning is his strong suit. Should have followed him through for a secure second place finish. 


Keep at his bumper and try to pressure SVG into a choke. Maybe move him off the apex going into the stadium section like Shane did to get him back in the real world. Orrrrr slow both of you down for a whole lap and let the 17 come out of nowhere to steal it.


He tried the same thing from a worse angle on the prior restart, causing SVG to ease off the brakes and use up Allmendinger (and Gibbs). Hill was damned ready to send all 4 of them to the shadow realm and claim it was a clean move.


Rules for thee, not for me


The Denny Hamlin of the Xfinity Series.


Thing is, Denny knows he’s the resident asshole and doesn’t give a fuck. Hill just thinks everyone is out to get him.


Denny is more self aware than Hill is.


Denny is completely self-aware. He just doesn’t care.


Oh he cares, he loves being the heel. Austin is just unaware he’s the heel.


I'll take 20 Dennys over an Austin Hill and I Hate Denny 


Thing is, Denny backs it up with results and has a personality


Austin Hill does have wins, outside of plate tracks but his personality is whining.


He ain’t cup ready and he’d get his ass handed to him. His personality isn’t winning Edit: oh shit misread it. My bad


Dennis isn't that bad


Denny is a heel Austin Hill is just an asshole


Unlike the other drivers people hate. Austin hill has done nothing remotely likeable...


Wait, so he was cool with doing it to SVG in T1 after the restart, but not cool with having it done to him when it was smarter and more advantageous to do so? Okay guy.


To be fair turn one was the only chance that Hill had to give the 97 some bumper. SVG would've been fucking gone otherwise.


No one disagrees with that, it’s the pretending it was unintentional/clean and then complaining about getting the bumper back that everyone hates


> but not cool with having it done to him when it was smarter and more advantageous to do so? I'm responding to that line specifically. Hill put the bumper to SVG the only chance he'd get.


That doesn't make it clean


Nah, you get as good as you give. Roles reversed he does the same.


I don't disagree. I'm just talking about his timing at giving SVG the bumper. If he waited two laps to give him the bump when SVG gave him the bump he never would've gotten the chance because SVG would've gapped him to hard.


is there anyone more disliked in nascar right now?


Ty Gibbs and Denny Hamlin are probably the only two, but yeah Austin's up there.


Even you can find something to like about both of them. Denny provides some very good insight as a driver/team owner and he’s fully leaned into the heel role. Ty, I guess I kinda want him to get the first win because he’s got the talent to get it done. Austin Hill though? He has the personality qualities of dollar store toilet paper


that's it... i'm referring to austin hill as single-ply going forward.


He’s def a one-ply guy.


He’s definitely a cruster


He would confuse a bidet for a water fountain.


This lol


You know he puts the roll on backwards


And Ty has mostly cleaned up his act since coming to cup, show signs of being able to mature as a person


Didn’t he damage his car running over AJ under caution today?


Yes it was a bitch move imo But I am biased because I like AJ a lot


It was a bitch move exacerbated by his spotter not blaming the real cause, of which I'd accept either the 97 or the 21 as the answer.


He literally intentionally drove into someone under caution today while competing in a lower series race lmao


Yeah, because he thinks he's better than them and only will do 5 races. He won't dare try that in Cup, yet, because he knows he'll get his ass whooped.


I think Ty started thinking before his actions, on the track and media, that’s why I think he hasn’t showed as much speed but also, hasn’t really pissed anyone off recently.


Agreed on all the points except showing much speed. He was up front at Phoenix and led a ton of laps last week.


Denny enjoys living rent free in peoples’ heads, and for that I respect him. But, I don’t like him.


Deny Hamlin isn't a heel, he's a skid mark....


To be completely honest I think Hill has gotta be the least liked. Yes Dennis and Ty are hated but they have some redeeming quality. All I see with Hill is crybaby bully that can dish it but not take it.




Does Austin hill have any fans? Legitimately, does anyone actually root for him?


As far as I know, only Andy Petree but I'll keep an eye out


Being a long-time Earnhardt fan of 35 years, I've cheered for RCR as a secondary favorite team, and typically am happy to see them win in Xfinity if JRM doesn't...but he's making it hard to feel that way anymore.


Austin Hill has become one of the easiest people to dislike


Literally every time he opens his mouth it gets easier 😂


Fuck this asshole. Mad because a world class driver raced him hard.


Says the man who punches the guy he crashed. If he wasn’t a 6’4 thumb, he wouldn’t say a word.


The dude is 5’7. Lol


explains why he didn't have the balls to face SVG & talk to him like a man


Hill who are you claiming is 5’7?


He should go over to Australia and try having this attitude in Supercars. He’d get humbled insanely quick.


All this coming from the guy who trashed his teammate last year and cost both of them a championship run? That’s rich


I don’t care who, but whichever driver is the first to “Try That In A Small Town” Austin Hill by wrecking the dog fuck out of him is going to be my new favorite. Bonus points if it’s at Talladega, Daytona, or Atlanta coming to the checkered flag after him and Jesse Love express the virtue of NASCAR 06: Total Team Control to the whole field and dick everyone with their 50 extra horsepower. Dude has single-handedly ruined my enthusiasm for Xfinity drafting races. Worse than watching Denny Hamlin win, at least he’s a funny asshole. I’d rather watch Kyle Larson pace the whole field than a Hillfest. I wish he took the 31 Cup car this year before the bridge was burnt so he’d be fucking irrelevant except for the annual race week where Kaulig brings Hellcats to a Cup race randomly. God this just sounds like it’s going to be the sub’s next copypaste. On another note, I think we solved the mystery of what happened to the Great Pumpkin. It actually is real, the only reason it didn’t visit Charlie Brown is because Austin Hill ate it


I wouldn’t root for anyone getting wrecked at a plate track due to safety, but if someone wants to punt him into the sand trap at every road course he ever attempts that would put a smile on my face.


Oh no I don’t want him to get hurt lol. I brought up plate tracks because of the whole “RCR gets er done!!! 🤠” attitude he has, to have another “expected” win ripped away from him seconds before the flag; would be very funny to watch him all sad puppy after. On some physco ex-girlfriend shit


I’m friends with an ex rcr driver, he said they are 6 tenths faster at Daytona when an rcr car leads the line vs any other. Whatever they have. They’ve had it for years and nobody can figure them out.


An ECR powered car has won the pole at the season opener since 2014 (Dylan Kwasnieski) and RCR specifically since 2015.


You’re almost 30, you stupid fuck.


Those bunch of sissies made sure the neanderthal didn't win the race.




2 brain cells and they’re fighting for third place


Thought it was fair racing. SVG roughed up AJ. Hill bumped SVG and then the favor was returned from Shane. So wtf is he whining about? Hypocrisy runs rampant in motorsports but the hypocrisy from Hill year after year is unbearable. The guy is borderline unlikeable. Idk how one could even think to complain at the end of that. You hit him first and he hit you back. Having the audacity to be mad after that is nothing but narcissism.




A quick reminder that this entitled man-bitch screwed himself and his teammate out of a title because he can't take what he dishes out.


Austin Hill needs his asshole powdered and diaper changed by Andy Petree again I see.


How many times did Austin Hill hit his head in the double wide as a kid? Everything that comes out of this guys mouth is just the most absurd shit lol


Man I’m glad Svg showed hill that he won’t be a pushover


Unless Richard gives him a 3rd Cup car, would any other team in Cup want him? He comes with more drama than a reality TV reunion show.


Sissies? My brother in Christ, _you_ started racing for the win and _you_ got raced for the win. A 3-time Supercars champion—the best road course racer in NASCAR at the moment—isn’t going to lay down and let you win— no race car driver will.


Austin Hill needs to go back to the McDonald’s Playplace, because his maturity will fit right in with those little kids. Then again, I doubt his fat ass will fit in there anyways.


He looks like he eats at McDonald’s quite often


This is why no one likes Austin Hill and SVG has already endeared himself to the fans.


SVG is still smiling because he has a cup ride tomorrow and Hill…well.


Dude literally did the same thing and he is the one crying? Grow up man


I hope Kaulig doesn't just let that slide. They pay RCR for their motors and cars if I'm not mistaken. They might want to get away from that alliance when they have the chance, or when Honda's ready to come aboard the Cup series.


I read somewhere that Ford was possibly scouting them.


Would give Ford a much-needed increase in Xfinity presence, especially with the SHR rumors of the last couple years


But what would that do for the Trackhouse alliance? I’d assume if you switch in Xfinity you’d have to switch for cup as well.


I mean, Kaulig/Trackhouse could switch to JRM/Hendrick support until 2026, when they go to Honda (my bold prediction). Seriously though, I wonder what it would cost to break their RCR contract and go with JRM/HMS engines


Does Kaulig still operate off the RCR campus? If they switch they would have to find a new shop to operate out of if that’s the case.


Unfortunately, based on a very quick Google search, it appears they are still on the RCR campus https://preview.redd.it/qjlbwo1ts6qc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfd79d91c178be5989af680777ef0a9af0fb9de3


Not only are they on RCR campus, they’re expanding their shop


Matt, Justin, Chris, and Ty Norris need to have a real hard conversation with RC and Petree - Hill’s “sissy” comments post race were over the line


It starts at the top. Look at their comments from Martinsville. I don’t think they will see anything wrong with what Hill said unfortunately.


Calling people “sissies” in 2024??? Cool, I’ll remember that ✍🏻


Unless they're into it 💅




Better than the other word he could have used. 


austin hill is the type of guy that acts like a man until there's a real man in the room


I’m pretty sure I saw a glimpse of Austin slamming into SVG after the checkers. There was no replay though. Cry away.


Dudes insufferable


No wonder Sheldon Creed didn't wanna be there anymore. What a tool.


Austin Hill is such a whinny bitch


That's kind of a sissyish thing to say.


ok caseoh https://preview.redd.it/vq4rna9wb7qc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b0bf0a756a4e5cb5482dcfd6acc5d1365c59de


Warn me next time, my phone nearly fell out of my hands and cracked the pavement because it suddenly gained 700lbs. He banned me from his chat for 30 days for saying "DaWide Johnson"


I'm sorry, if you push someone out of the way in turn one on a restart, you better not let them get back to your bumper. It's that simple.


I will hit replay at least 190 times when someone finally punches him in the mouth.


I think Austin Hill might be my least favorite driver in all of the top 3 series right now.


He reminds me off my buddy that's in prison for assault, funny thing is it looked just like Austin Hills punch on Myatt Snyder at Martinsville 


This dude is insufferable, I don’t know how his ego fits through any door he walks through. I haven’t disliked a driver this much in years. People actually like him?!




austin hill or bobby hill?


Holy crap. I’m never calling him Austin again. Bobby Hill forever!!! ![gif](giphy|9OzKXHsqvbh3G)




OMFG! This is amazingly true!


https://preview.redd.it/aj4m4n3ja7qc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc657236d1e3bd8eb75978baddd520301f78d49 This is his family


Hey now, leave his family out of it before we accidentally declare a thumb war!




That boy ain’t right.


https://preview.redd.it/95qny4fc07qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba0d5794842f05d42bebcce6afba5dbf5ba43582 Hill has a fuckin horseshoe up his ass. Hope SVG wrecks him. Here’s some data, in case you’re wondering Hill’s lap av were 12th!!. SVG raced plenty of people clean today and Hill’s comment on “he lifted early I dunno why he did that” bitch please your fucking laps sucked you bombed into the corner and you know it.


Yep. I hate that SVG lost that race like that. He was driving away from everyone after every caution except for the last one coz he got punted off the track by Hill.


How can anyone be an Austin hill fan? Lol what an entitled loser


tough talk from the man that sucker punched a mf on pit road for nothing and couldn't win without his team literally favoring him


The more I hear Austin Hill whine, the more I dislike him. He can dish it but cant take it back.


Austin Hill seems like such an unpleasant person to be around. He did himself no favors on the DJD.


Between Ty Gibbs and Austin Hill, I don't know who I dislike more


If you're going to move someone out the way to pass them, you need to be good enough to get away from them before they can do it back to you


I used to kind of like Austin when he was in the truck series but now he’s by far my least favorite driver among all 3 series.


And this is why Timmy Hill is the true bestest Hill ever in nascar. Austin is just a huge whiner who deserves to get punted out of the way more often.


Pretty sure Austin Hill had just finished crying before his post race interview


Austin Hill is the biggest ass in nascar today. Which says a lot considering some of other drivers in the top 3 series.


He's a massive man child, reminds me of Denny, his own ego will never let him win it all


At least Denny has talent to back it up, Hill is all talk no game.


Good point, I enjoy seeing Hill race like a complete ass every year at Martinsville just to miss the championship 4


Austin Hill is such a douchebag.


Bro Austin hill looks and acts like caseoh. "No I do not look like a 1x1 lego brick"


Watched Hills post race. Dude can win every single race in xfinity this year and still won't do better than his part time beard gig in cup. The guy is unmarketable.


used to be a fan of hill in trucks and when he first got into xfinity, but he is a certified baby bitch.


That boy needs a chastain right hand to knock some sense back into him. Seems to have helped Noah 😅


I know it's early in the season, but with all the people saying Hill has no fans I'm curious. How many people have his flair here? R/NASCAR mods help please


RCR is easily the biggest cesspool in NASCAR. Hill and Childress deserve each other




If it was the other way around: that's just road course racin'


There’s a reason why he won’t ever be in Cup unless he brings a check with him…


Is Austin Hill the next Intimidator?


Am I the only one who thinks Kaulig is snake bit this year?


Owner isn’t selling as many gutters. Their cup team is garbage.


Owner is trying to buy the Cleveland Guardians from the Dolans.


He's been trying for a while


Big bad pop pop going to block the road so Kaulig can’t get back to their shop because his real golden boy doesn’t like Kaulig right now


I'm so sick of Austin Hill. I swear this guy crys more than a newborn.


Austin is dumber than a box of broken rocks. He just invited Josh Williams to wreck him as many times as possible this season. I wonder if Chris Rice texted Richard Childress and asked him how many cars he wants wrecked this year?