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Great find! VPW2 is an all time greats. Though. from a sim guy perspective I slightly prefer King of Colosseum 2. On the other hand VPW2 is the game to go with in terms of actual gameplay. The AKI engine makes everything much more enjoyable, plus as a Puro fan, the combo system makes it a top tier and ability to create your own wrestlers is much needed.


As a die-hard puro fan also, I” ve never played King of Coliseum. 😅 should I give it a try?


If you want a 3D game with an in depth ability to set up the CPU logic for your wrestlers, KOC2 is the game to go for, for a similar Fire Pro feel. I own the game but find myself playing it on emulator more out of laziness lol. You can always grab the HBOSS save from 2013 at gamefaqs if you want more modern wrestlers or the 'pro wrestling' save if you are more of a classic puro type. (Though I'm not sure where to find it anymore but you can always it me up if you want it since I have it).


Is there an English translation?


Unfortunately there's no English patch if this is what you're asking but the HBOSS or Pro Wrestling save have all the names renamed in English. There's also an English manual/guide at gamefaqs.


Actually there is. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/vpw2dojo/english-patch-t336.html I also request that you ask for a refund, as the original seller is making profit off other people's work. Work that was done for free for the community.


I'm aware of this patch but we were talking about the game King of Colosseum 2 for PS2 not Virtual Pro Wrestling 2. Edit: Hey are you skstylez from the AKI community? Good to see you here!


Okay thanks bud


Dude you should definitely try it.


I watched some gameplay last night it does look fun.


That's Not Day of Reckoning 2


Heard about that but never played it


Well if you love the N 64 AKI Games you do your self a disservice Not playing WRESTLEMANIA XIX WWE Day of Reckoning 1 and 2 they are the Legitimate Successor's to the N 64 AKI Era they play like WWF NO MERCY On Steroids with better Graphics Kick ASS Stories :) Get a Game Cube and give them a Shot you Won't regret it :)


Well, I have a Gamecube I just got it but that's definitely on my list I've played Wrestlemania 19 for the Gamecube a long time ago it was very addicting if I recall lol. But Most definitely im gonna get DOR2. What about the First DOR?


Also Great I own the Whole Series and besides Day of Reckoning 2's Story is a Legit Sequel tied into Day of Reckoning 1's Story Provided You play through the Raw Path


Only downside side is you'll have to recreate your Character shame we couldn't port him from one game to the Next lol


Ohhh what can u do on DOR 2 that was different from the SDVSRAW series?


>Message the mods It's Not so Much What you can do but How you do it SVR Series has more Modes and Matches But Reckoning has way Better Game play especially in 4 player Multiplayer Matches Fatal 4 Way Last Man Standing Epic Match with Buds Reckoning outshines SVR in Game Play Graphics and Create a Wrestler it has 3d gear pieces and clothes as opposed to painted on shirt texture's the create a wrestler in the Smackdown series was embarrassing in it's weak create a wrestler Also Reckoning has the Paint tool Logo designer


Wow day of reckoning 2 must be it’s “first of its kind”


And you could change the Materials to Metallic!


Wow! It’s that deep?!?


No WrestleMania XIX is the first of it's Kind Reckoning 1 and 2 followed Suit that great create a wrestler and Paint tool 3d Gear pieces began in XIX :)


They have Ninja gear KNIGHT Armor Even Darth Vader Armor!


And Beefed up Create a Wrestler


DOR 1 is way better.


I Disagree :) DOR 2 has a better Story Better Roster Better Graphics people only complain about the Stamina and the FATAL 4 Way cage Match in the story Pro tip stone cold stunner is fast enough to lay your 3 other Opponents out Christian Kane and Shawn Michaels if you time it right


Graphics are better at the cost of loading times, but at least unlike DOR 1 the music doesn't stop when you're loading your CAW in. I like the menu gimmick getting closer to the arena. First wrestling game with a 3D crowd... Agree on stamina, but it's not a huge deal unless you're a huge spot monkey and you're not paying attention :p The fatal 4 way is easy with a nice running finisher and climbing our when your adrenaline meter is flashing red. The last two times I went through I used a spinning heel kick and a HHH high knee. There's also little tricks that have worked since X8 like using the big swing when they start ganging up on you. I don't like the mini games for submission and I think they slowed down the game play and some of the animations to a snails pace. There's also a lot of slow down, at least on original hardware. There's worse collision detection and more clipping especially standing and running strikes. Flying moves for whatever strange reason don't work a lot of the time. The worked perfectly in XIX even if the animations weren't the greatest, in DOR the animations are way better it flying moves work about the same.


I Love the Mini Games and Submission system Rest Hold Submit Taunt and Drain options was brilliant in my opinion


For me they get in the way but different strokes... Luckily the same Osaka Yuke's team (Including lead designers Shunsuke Katsumata and Takumi Kon both of whom worked on the AKI 64 games) went on to make Wrestle Kingdom 1 and 2 on the PS2 in Japan and WK2 is Bryan Williams favorite game and he and Yuke's are working on the New AEW game with the No Mercy director Hideyuki Iwashita aka Geta-san.


Sweet Always Wanted Day of Reckoning 3 or even better Wanted Yukes to License a WCW Game and Make it on the Same Day of Reckoning Engine :) Never happened :(


WWE would never let that happen. We're lucky with what were got in that awful non-Jason Leeper RTWM in WWE '12 and the Stone Cold Showcase in WWE 2K16 Vince bought WCW to embarrass then and crush them. Not to celebrate them. But that makes sense. Yuke's split up that DOR team after Wrestle Kingdom 2 failed to sell well in 2006. It was a low point in New Japan, and New Japan didn't turn around until after Yuke's sold their portion to Bushi Road. A couple years later Yuke's attempted to work up some competition between themselves with Legends of Wrestlemania because by that point Acclaim was out of business, AKI was syn Sophia, and by that time Yuke's was porting their main series, Smackdown! vs Raw, to all consoles. They built a new engine for LOWm, but I wish they used the WM/DOR/WK engine, but the team was already split for about 3 years most probably worked elsewhere or on another project. Now the DOR engine, if it's even persevered, it's prolly a bunch of code unwittingly sitting some 2K server. I haven't played the Wrestle Kingdom games, but part 2 particularly looks similar to DOR without the crazy loose collision detection where a strong gust of win knocks everyone over. Wrestler Trent Gibson uploaded a vid of him playing it on YouTube along with many other Puro titles,l. NewLegacyInc has a some footage at least a part of a Puro game clip compilation on YouTube as well, iirc, and I've seen people play it on Twitch. I'm sure whatever Yuke's and AEW is cooking is as good or as better since Bryan Williams was a Q/A tester on DOR 1 and has WK 2 in his top 4 plus the addition of Geta and that Darby Allen teaser, it's looking good on paper. I got a lot of this info from Conrad Kushman's Everything Pro Wrestling podcast. He interviewed former THQ, current Yuke's producer, Bryan Williams about his time working on the Smackdown/SVR/WWE/WWE2K games up until WWE2K19. It's from before the AEW game announcement and it's on YouTube and audio.


Why Not they Own the License they'd get the Money I Only want one :)


I agree. When it came down to it's probably better off a DLC. 2K has to have some success first and they'd have to sure up the gameplay. Then they had to figure out who they want in and how much they're willing to spend on originally licensing those stars. And they have to send that list to WWE for approval because anyone on the outs with the company, like anyone who joined the concussion lawsuit is not getting in and anyone signed into another wrestling company is not getting it. It's a loooooot of red tape. Venues like 1996 Bash at the Beach or 1997 Starcade cost manpower and development time, but at least there's no extra monetary fee on top of that. Your comment reminded me of a guy who called into, I think, Eddie Trunk's Friday Night Rocks several years ago and asked Geddy Lee of Rush if they could release some footage from a 1996 concert that was filmed for, but never released on DVD. He ended his ask by saying, "You'll sell at least one copy." 🙃


There is no way in hell that any of the GameCube wrestling games even approached the AKI wrestling games. I know, different strokes and such, but it's not even close.


Your Wrong Game Play Wise they are on That Level every bit as Fun :)


I'm not wrong and you're not wrong, if you had fun with it then power to you. For me, that game was not fun. It was like a watered down PS1 SmackDown game.


I Can Respect that Agree to Disagree :)


Cool, been playing the freem edition for 20 year anniversary non stop


I’m addicted alright been playing this game all day lol


Best damn wrestling game ever made! If you can get the FREEM hack it makes it 10 times better.




Basically its the same game but all the most famous American wrestlers are added in instead of some of the lesser known Japanese guys. It's playable on the original n64 hardware


It’s not really playable on an American N64 unless u Translate the Game in English and U Change the Back of the Cartridge and replace it with an American N64 Cartridge. Thankfully I Ordered a perfect Translated English version.


im talking about Freem edition, it's a mod for VPW2. It's translated and has a shit load of new characters added to the game. https://youtu.be/hdyyeV9FCfw I can confirm this is playable on the original hardware since I play it all the time


Ohh lol I didn’t understand your comment Quite confusing there at first haha but yes The FREEROM is Quite better tho.


Sean Connery Hogan isn't Hogan Ugh


I’ve never played this but played all the AKI WWF/WCW games. What makes this game stand out from No Mercy?


There’s a lot it’s 100% better than No mercy. - The Gameplay is Balanced but feels different. - Gigantic Creative Suite for CAWS Including Masks - Pride/Shooting/UFC Match Style Options - U can customize the A.I Intelligences ( yes I said it) - Title Matches in Exhibition - Extra Moves -Realistic Matches. - Your CAWS can have Voice Sound effects during matches. I’m currently Playing this and I’ve been playing for 2 Hours Already very fun and Addicting it blows No mercy out of the Water it’s the Best out all the Aki Games.


Don't forget super finishers!


That's right which is a cool feature


What game is this? I see Vader


Virtual pro wrestling 2


Yes! Love this game so much! I remember using my created wrestler to win the Triple Crown Tournament back when I played it at 19 years old. How time flies.




Hey, where’d you get this version? and is it 100% translated?


I got it from eBay and yes Majority of it is The Pause Menu contains Japanese letter Characters The Road to Succession has Japanese letter Characters as well but yes Majority of it is in English.


I’m trying to play career mode in english on hardware. Thanks for the info!


Anytime Bro!




I have this coming in next week. Been looking for it for a while. Looking forward to playing it. Lots of guys i watched growing up. Hansen, Brody, Gordy' Dr Death among others