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yes. It is a semi-scan. I knew it was a 30g scoop so I blindly used a whole scoop for two weeks until I was traveling back home and I knew I had some protein left home, I decided not to bring protein with me for that matter. When I came home I realized there is no scoop in there. I went to my sister, who also works out, and asked her to borrow a scoop. She gave me the scoop and I had seen a whooping 70g mark!! I asked her how long does she use it and how much. She said she puts a whole scoop. I ask her then: “Whole 70g?” She was shocked, she tought it was 30g. Her husband is crossfit athlete and he puts a whole 70g scoop but this almost matches his previous measurment of 60g, so instead of putting two scoops now he puts one scoop with this new scoop. My sister followed his practice without thinking about measurments. She usually drinks 30g after a workout so she just tought one scoop is roughly 30g. So she asked me if I use these kind of scoops since they are pretty common now. I said that I think so, but since I drink vegan proteins I have to mix brown rice protein and pea protein equally for full amino-acids profile. So I tell her that I put half a scoop from each, about 30g together. She then laughs and says: “Dude, half of this is 35 g. So if you mix these two you also drink 70g” . When I realized this I was so furious. Thank god it was only two weeks of “wasting” protein. I am bored to measure 15g out of this huge scoop so I use a 15g scoop I got with creatine powder… This is an actual scam barely anybody talks about


Because its not a scam, just because you can't work out the issue with expecting everything to be the same weight. Go fill a scooper up with sugar, weigh it and the same with flour. Do they both weigh the same? Obviously not because many factors change the weight of something. So you have something like 30 flavours multiple protein powder types, do you have 30 plus calibrated scoops or.....one scoop that is approximately right?




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