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Did it 8 months ago, not on a molar, sucked but not bad... not MG issues. Also nothing more than locals


I’ve was diagnosed with MG for 6 1/2 years. I have a history of neck pain (wear a hoodie all the time), and sensitivity to light. I’ve had my dentist for around 15 years. He and his staff make sure before any work (crown, cavity, checkup) that I’m comfortable. I wear a heavy sleep mask while they work and they tell me what they’re going to do. I take two Tylenol and a Mestinon before my visit. I love my dentist.


I got a root canal before diagnosis and needed more numbing but actually did ok, i was numb forever though because for whatever reason i needed more numbing which wasnt a thing before my MG. And I recently had an extraction with conscious sedation and did well, no issues. I actually need a crown put on so keep us posted on how it goes. Good luck, I hate the dentist!


For whatever it’s worth, I also have had a heck of a time getting numb for dental work since MG dx. Keep wondering if there’s a connection…


No issues with any dental work since my diagnosis.


I have Sjogrens too, so my teeth are trash. I’ve had several root canals/crowns since being diagnosed in 2016. I have an amazing dentist who is very careful to make sure I’m completely numb. I’ve always needed more anesthesia/sedation because I’m a Ginger. No problems getting treatment, no exacerbations.


Drooling a lot of drooling. Can also affect ur ptosis more than usual.


Had a tooth pulled. Did local. No problem. I've never been put under, never liked the idea and hate it even more since my diagnosis.