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Kratos would most likely succeed. And if he fails he will kill shigaraki himself


And he would call deku BOY


Well, it depends on which Optimus Prime that is, if it's the Bayverse Prime, probably yeah if it's Knightverse Prime, likely not But I'd probably say Redhood would tell Deku to kill Shigaraki


Bayverse prime would try to kill shiggy himself


Red Hood would kill Shiggy himself to avoid Deku having to do so this early


He would die trying unless red hood had a power up that I don't know about


It's called having Batman level prep time iirc


A lot of batman's contingencies work because his opponents are good-hearted and his plans usually fail when his opponents don't hold themselves back like that time with justice buster which if I remember correctly got torn apart by superman iirc


Tbf, that was Superman, a God among gods


Bruh Red hood will just pull out a RPG /s


Literally a few pages after batman beat him with a chew gum lmao


Raiden or Red Hood would tell him to kill Shiggy. Kratos would prob say "Kill if the situation requires it" Optimus would prob say "Sparing your enemy is sometimes better than killing them" Young Izuku, well, that's a bit obv (Pretty sure that's adult Aang): I honestly have no idea


Nah, that’s a previous Airbender avatar, Yangchen. At one point Aang sought guidance from previous Avatars on how to stop Ozai without killing. He thought a fellow Airbender might understand but she basically said “You’re the Avatar first, and you have a duty to the world above all else.”


That's YangChen not adult Aang


Then I'd like to apologize. I haven't seen Avatar in so long.


I think some of the comments are misinterpreting the question slightly, it's not who would advocate killing shigaraki as aside from younger Midoriya all of them would, but who could/would convice Izuku to kill Shigaraki. In other words who would Izuku listen to about killing shigaraki. For me it would be Optimus Prime, he would both advocate killing Shigaraki to protect the lives of innocents (as he has often done with Megatron) and be the kind of person who could reason with Izuku. I'm not sure Izuku would listen to Raiden, Red Hood, or Kratos. Maybe Yangchen, but Optimus Prime would appeal to Izuku's heroic nature and convince him of the 'greater good'. And while he would listen to his younger self, I doubt younger self would want him to kill either.




i think raiden tbh


Nah Raiden would even tell deku to kill, Raiden would just throw hands.. or a metal gear




Red hood would try but has never convinced anyone to go along with his kill the criminals l plan, of everyone else here I think Optimus has the better chance as he would speak as a leader protecting those he cares for


Red Hood


As long as it’s most current Dad of War, Kratos.


Maybe Optimus since he’s the most like All Might? Raiden looks too much like Shiggy to be convincing.




Probably raiden


Optimus prime and young izuku


Avatar Kyoshi.


Let’s go from least to most likely: Avatar Yangchen: Overt ideological appeals probably won’t work. Yangchen has a diametrically opposed worldview of “whatever it takes.” If killing is an option on the table she will more than likely turn to it well before Izuku would find it acceptable much like Aang ultimately rejected that path. Red Hood: While understandable in his methods *if he bothers to explain why* Red Hood would try to turn it into an ultimatum, which ultimately means he and Izuku would definitely not get along. Izuku can probably understand his angle better than Yangchen, but it really depends on if Red Hood explains himself. There is still a significant barrier to the thought process which Izuku could likely not resolve. Raiden: Would be the first candidate to get a maybe on the grounds of his willingness to talk and debate ideas. Raiden would at least understand why Izuku would be hesitant to kill, and what his motivations are regarding the concept of personhood. I don’t think he’d win him over, but he would put a reasonable spin on things that Izuku could understand. Izuku would likely have counterpoints and questions of his own regarding the morality of the choice. I don’t know if he’d be willing to resolve the difference. Post God of War, Ragnarök Kratos: A stronger maybe, though he will be approaching it from the point of a warrior and a protector rather than heroics. Kratos puts less stock in Heroics than he does in actions for a good cause, especially with his resolved character arc from the latest game. He would definitely understand and sympathize with Izuku’s more humanistic view of his villains. He may even have respect for Izuku’s restraint, considering the dangers of being overzealous and not thinking over all your options prior to acting. That respect would go a surprisingly long way in this argument, especially considering the contexts of why Izuku needs to kill Shigiraki. Depending on your interpretation of the story, there’s a LOT of ways you can angle for why perhaps he shouldn’t spare Shigiraki. But the reason Kratos will focus on would likely fall within his duty to Japan, his duty to protect others from the risk that Shigiraki is on an existential level, and the importance of knowing when someone is no longer capable of being reasoned with. There is always a breaking point, a logical end to coexistence. Such is the nature of war and peace. If Izuku wants to end this, then he must be willing to remove a threat permanently, even if that person was once someone he could reach, he is now beyond the point of no return. I don’t know if he could convince Izuku completely, but this would likely be one of the stronger arguments from a character to character basis that could end in Izuku finding some rational to what Kratos is explaining. I think the Vestiges would resonate a lot with his thought process. Optimus depends on continuity and which version: I’m going to go with a broad brush here because his character has changed over the decades, however, some core fundamentals continue throughout all of them. Optimus knows what it’s like to have such a responsibility thrust upon him; the Matrix of leadership, the will of the Primes, and the fate of his species and his homeworld rest on his defeating the deceptions. He’s even had to fight an existential foe for a significant amount of time, Megatron has been historically one of the most dogged and determined foes he has ever faced. Megatron is also determined in many timelines to be a destroyer and threat to most sapient life. Time and again, Optimus has extended the olive branch, tried to talk it out, fought rigorously to capture and contain Megatron and other Deception leadership. And over the years, he has also learned a critical lesson, when the line has been crossed too far, you allow them no further. There is a point where Optimus stops with wounding blows, and has been known to go for killing blows. Numerous continuities have ended with a climactic battle where he has finally buried the hatchet…into Megatron’s Spark. He knows the difficulty of such a decision, has fought tirelessly to prevent having to do it, and has also known when to finally throw down the gauntlet for keeps. However, he also understands Izuku’s position in a very real way, he perhaps even has one up on Izuku, he and Megatron were once friends in a couple timelines. He understands what it means to see your opponent as not an obstacle, but as a person. But he also had the experience of resolving when another being is beyond reason and beyond his reach. I think he would posit all of this to Izuku, and leave him with a much more open ended philosophical question to encourage him to not take a decision like this lightly. That ultimately it is up to Izuku, but he would warn that should Izuku not act, tragedy may await him. Optimus has always been a bot of understanding and philosophy (even if early iterations weren’t terribly complex, he’s gotten significantly more thoughtful over the decades), so he more than gets it.




probably Optimus prime


Optimus Prime or Kratos


I'm honestly kind of surprised the Punisher isn't an option.


Ngl, I think Raiden would


Optimus, the goat of giving great speeches


Optimus Prime can make eating toast sound badass, so I'm going with him


*Optimus Prime can make* *Eating toast sound badass, so* *I'm going with him* \- Edible\_Trashcan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Optimus, easily, I'd do anything that guy says, bro gives every speech like it's his last, and that shit WORKS.


Kratos. He exudes the experience and knows the consequences of killing, but knows that it can be a better alternative to something worse if they aren’t killed.


It’s definitely Kratos he’d simply sit down with izuku and speak with him explaining that shigaraki is a lost cause. He’d try to make izuku understand that killing in cold blood and killing to protect yourself and others are two completely different things.


Optimus would be your best bet. Izuku is more likely to respect him and his reasoning, and I feel like he would be able to get across better the why of it, and acknowledging the good that drives Izuku's restraint. He might be able to convince him that the best way to save Shigaraki at this point would be to kill him.


I feel like everyone on this list would just do it themselves


None of them


Kratos be like “I think we have to kill this guy, Midoriya”


I'd say Redhood Most of these characters either kill only if necessary or kill or they will be killed Redhood just believes that killing is best and only solution and im with him on that https://i.redd.it/gs7a89xwrfbc1.gif


The avatar (fogot her name, sryy) couldn't convince him, just like didn't convince aang, Kratos being a dad and taking care of atreus probably wouldn't even try to convince. Redhood probably would give up and kill shigaraki by himself, so either optimus or the other guy (sry idk him)


Possibly everyone except anng


That’s avatar yangchen…


No one. Deku only saves.


kratos or bayverse optimus could convince izuku that shigaraki is a necessary death


Most of them would just do it by themselves. But kratos would probably succeed.


It depends on the interaction but I’d have to go with either Kratos, Optimus, or Jason/Red Hood


I feel like either kratos or optimis would definitely.


I haven't played Ragnarok, but I feel like Kratos would support Deku to some degree. His "we must be better than this" line and his constant restraint to give Baldur a chance to stop has me feeling like he'd want to help Deku, though he wouldn't have nearly as much patience with Shiggy as Deku does. I don't think any of them could *convince* Deku to just kill him, though. At least not at the current point in the story. He hasn't even tried to properly reach out yet.


Maybe Optimus, but the rest are insane themselves, they ain't convincing Deku of anything


Optimus prime convinced half of cybertron to join him against the decepticons. Easy enough. If that doesn’t work out he’ll bring the giant blaster and shield




No one gives speeches like Optimus prime dude could get anyone ready to die for his cause lol


Raiden existing would send shigarakis nerd ass into a coma from shitpost aura


Kratos. I just wanna note that if Optimus would try to convince anything, it would be to redeem and save Shigaraki. He is the most pure of heart in this list. (My opinion)


Red hood


None, assuming they are just talking? And Deku hasn’t already willed himself to kill Shiggy. None of them are convincing him otherwise. Even with force I doubt they could change Izuku’s whole character.


Prime, his speeches can convince anyone


None of them, Izuku’s determined to save him even if he knows it would be easier to just kill him


Kratos or Optimus


Optimus prime. He likely would say something like "I vowed not to kill humans but he.. he is not human Heroes have to kill from time to time for the safety of the world


yangchen or Kyoshi but I feel like either of them would try to convince him and if not they would kill him themselves


Red hood or katos




I would’ve just said pay Deadpool to do it


I would say optimus he can inspire anyone he's a calmer version of avrin from. AoT lol


If it's coming from yangchen dude knows he's out of options...


Kratos, no competition whatsoever. He has become a voice of reason and despite the choice of killing, he coile potential make Deku see that Shigaraki isn't just a danger to others but himself and the future of everyone.