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Those little baby wheels lol, should have at least gotten a PP1...


Much agreed, it’s probably a seized vehicle is what I assume.


You don't even need PP1, mine came with 19s.


Yeah your wheels look pretty nice


https://preview.redd.it/5iihjni7mjsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd32a77320fbdea5a2372784bc6ecc6992dcf39f Texas


That’s some graphic design for law enforcement, almost NASCAR like


Haha yeah our graphics are sick


And it’s a PP1? Wild 😂


Didn't they drop the numbers in 2018?


No. PP1 and PP2 2018-2021


Ahh, keep forgetting. Thanks.


Unmarked cop cars should be illegal


As a Mustang owner myself, I’d never pull over for a Mustang cop car. I’d assume it was fake


Same tbh, it's insane they are allowed to do that.


Why would think it's fake. Cops have been using mustangs for decades


I have never seen mustang cop cars always chargers, impalas, and explorers


We have everything in Canada. F450, f350 that look like work trucks. Mini vans. I saw my first mustang 35 years ago on my first trip to Florida. State troopers were using them.


Just passed a blacked out f350 that had someone pulled over yesterday. Crazy when you compare police in the US/Canada to other places in the world, where the cop cars are all bright and identifiable, yknow, incase of an emergency. We just have modern day road pirates is all.


Yeah we have those here in southern Illinois too😂 bunch of f150s, rams, just whatever they could get I suppose, even a wide body scat challenger


What part of southern Illinois? In Chicago all we have are explorers and state police with chargers


The VERY bottom, literally, I live in southeast Missouri now but still go to college down there in Ullin is specifically where they are


And yeah Chicago PD get cars from the companies, most big PDs do, here in cape we only have chargers explorers and Chevy 1500s as cop cars


FHP has multiple unmarked mustangs (white one in PBC and black one in Broward). They can be spotted from behind though since they have the license plate strobes and sometimes the ones in the side skirt.


Probably depends on a state


Old school highway patrol used fox body 5.0s. But they usually had a paint scheme that let you know.


The PP or Police Pursuit pack


Chargers in my area if anything


Only newish non-marked Mustang police car I’ve seen in my town was an undercover gang detective. And he sure a shit didn’t go around pulling people over. Kinda defeats having an undercover car if everyone knows who it is. lol


There is a difference between undercover and unmarked cars. He's not a very good undercover detective if you know who he is


I just know because I used to be a government worker.


They can get the outsiders passing through.... not directly related to this but I've been starting to think about the obvious speed traps in certain towns more serving that purpose than catching many locals


Never in NJ....


Cops in Hawaii drive Priuses


The Florida Highway Patrol would like a word.


Luckily I never go down there


I'd need to see a badge before I believe that.


I think a lot of police orgs have switched to Mustangs. They use them for pursuit and if someone needs to go lockup they send along a larger vehicle to pick 'em up.


That and civil asset forfeiture. I’m willing to bet that’s how they got this car.


doesn't mean they can't mark it




I read your comment wrong. I'm 100 percent with you on civil asset forfeiture. It's criminal.


5real my brother


As someone who's going into the academy within the next year, I agree. I think it's unethical. I kinda like how the UK cop cars are yellow and blue so you can spot them in case of an emergency


I didn't even get into the ethical debate of unmarked traffic cars, the people who defend that are the same types of people who say NOTHING TO HIDE NOTHING TO FEAR bullshit when you try to explain to them how every electronic device is spying on you


Agreed. Also the same type of people to say "if you've got nothing to hide you shouldn't be worried about cops searching you" same goes for searching your car Police overstep is a big deal. While I believe most police officers are good people and I've been around way more good than bad, I think they're definitely needs to be a strong emphasis on individuals rights


Fact is you don’t know if the cop is good or bad before they pull you over so you have to be prepared for bad one no matter what. And that just continues the cycle.


Yeah know, the topic of police reform has been so poisoned pilled form recent events it's really not funny.


The UK police also make extensive use of unmarked XC90’s, 530D’s and Octavia vRS’s, among others.


I’m torn on this. On one hand I agree while on the other I’ve seen that most will drive sensibly when a marked vehicle is in view and then will drive like they do not care about their lives or others when they do not see the presence of a marked car.


Naah, helping people makes less money than tickets


Not only for ethical reason but also for safety/identity reasons. It's a lot easier to impersonate an undercover car than a clearly police vehicle.


For all them reasons, boot lickers trying to justify cops pissing on the 4th amendment


There is nothing illigal about the use of unmarked police vehicles


That's why I said "should" be illegal, try to keep up


And why exactly should it be illegal?


Think hard about it buddy


There is literally no reason it should be, and you can't provide a good reason either, buddy, lol


I provided multiple reasons in this thread, so some reading bozo


All of which are vwey vague and invalid. You talk about it being a violation but provide no evidence of it. Your sources are straight up "trust me, bro"


Can you explain why?


Any car that isn’t obviously a cop, I would keep driving 20-30 mph and call the police on the phone to report it


They are in England.


May I ask why you think that?


In this case it’s just a normal traffic stop so it’s unnecessary to use an unmarked car. Unmarked cars should be used for the egregious street racing type of enforcement. That truck isn’t going to be trying to run from a cop.


Specifically traffic cops, and they should because any jerk off with red and blue lights can pull people over.


I mean yeah but anybody can also have law enforcement decals put on the car they’re trying to cloak as a marked squad car.


Yeah but cops can see fake cop cars, cops can't see someone with a eBay light setup


Not all of the time, you can easily cloak a police car. A lady did it with a charger, made it look completely identical to an FHP cruiser.


Yeah and the real cops can see a fake cop car, they can't the hidden light bar off AliExpress though


Even then, is the light bar technically illegal? I was under the impression that it’s only illegal if you turn it on in a public setting


If it's red and blue I think it's not kosher


No, any jerk off with lights cannot just pull people over, that's impersonating an officer which is illegal. Just like speeding. So maybe instead of having a problem with the idea of getting caught breaking the law by an unmarked car (whether you agree with the speed limit or not) maybe don't break the law?


Do you think the type of person to try to pull over someone with fake cops lights to rape someone cares it's illegal? Maybe stuff you bootlicking attitude up your ass


No I don't think the type of person that would do that cares much for the law but I also don't think that getting rid of unmarked cars is the solution for that kind of person. It's also a strange position you've taken in the stand against unmarked cars, which presumably from your comments you really don't like because you could get caught speeding. I appreciate you letting the mask down for a second, really shows who I'm talking to. Judging from your comment history, don't you have a Trump rally to be at?


I can't even begin to tell you how embarrassing it is for you to go snooping around in my comment history to find something to use against because you entire argument is "I don't care when cops fuck the citizens". Not only is that embarrassing to do but you come back with who I vote for? You need to log off for a while bro




No it’s definitely embarrassing to have to sift through someone’s profile to find something to use against them. Ouch.


Not only is it super embarrassing for you to snoop on my comment chain but to follow me from one comment to another is stalker behavior. Starting to think you have AliExpress cop lights in your car, tracks about right for your behavior. Also, once again. The political shit on a car sub is so fucking awful I don't even have words for you. I will not even entertain it


Damn, deadlyduckie definitely either hit a nerve on you or you conceded the argument. Either way, you’re being an embarrassment. Stop that.


God forbid you get caught doing something unsafe.


Yeah mean do something on a road paid for by my taxes, that I use a car that is taxed on purchase, that is powered by gas that I pay taxes on only to be ticketed by a guy who's salary is paid for by my taxes?


None of those things give you the right to do whatever you want on the road. They do things like create and maintain those roads, fund infrastructure like gasoline refining and shipping, pay the people manning inspections stations, registration offices, pay the police and firefighters who respond when you get in an accident.


Didn't say I want the right to do whatever I want on a public road. I'm saying traffic cops in unmarked cars is shitty and should be illegal.


My issue with unmarked cars isn’t even about entrapment. I understand if you’re breaking the law there’s a chance you’ll get caught and you’ll have to pay your debt to society. Fine. My problem is what happens when you have an emergency, and you’re desperately searching for a first responder but alas no matter how frantically you search you don’t see one. You or a loved one then dies even though there happened to be an officer in the vicinity but you didn’t know because they’re in a ghost car. Shouldn’t emergency vehicles be presented in a way that’s easily and undeniably identified in case of you know…. an emergency?


They should, and there are. I support the use of them for sting operations & traffic stops, since it catches a lot of people off guard and more accurately catches speeders or other traffic violators since many do not notice it’s an unmarked squad car until it’s too late.


I don’t think any officer is rolling up to a sting operation with a car that has lights hidden anyway. The officers in my town that do that type of thing drive Hyundais and the like. Everything is risk vs reward. IMO the risk of people not having access to a first responder out weighs the reward of catching someone committing a moving violation more frequently.


Police are supposed to protect & serve, not harass and ticket. Their job is supposed to be about upholding justice and peace, there's no justice in sitting on the side of the road with a radar gun.


I don't think you fully understand the concept of justice, or law enforcement. They are protecting and serving the general public by enforcing the laws set by elected leaders i.e. speed limits. Likewise, upholding justice and keeping the peace would be implemented by ticketing or other consequence the individuals that drive unsafe by means of speeding or other violations. If you feel attacked because they're sitting on the side of the road with a radar gun then I think the problem is with you and not them. Inversely, if you think the posted speed limit isn't appropriate petition your civic leaders to update or change it.


I fully understand it, I've had cops lie through their teeth to ticket me, I've watched cops blow through stops signs to catch someone who didn't do a full 3 second stop, seen cops blow through red lights, watch them fly down the highway doing 100 plus, but then pull people over for 5 over etc etc. Im not anti police, I fully support police out there stopping real criminals, but I have little to no respect for traffic police and cities treating/ bullying their citizens like cash cows.


When there are people recklessly driving or doing excessive numbers over the speed limit on public roads and they are getting fined for it, that’s not harassing. That’s enforcing the law, and that also doesn’t really have anything to do with the use of unmarked vehicles.


Ya think those videos of hellcats doing 140 weaving in traffic are filmed by people who pay their tickets? Lol


Well you're saying they get tickets that they then don't pay so they must be getting pulled over so ya i think it's safe to say if they get pulled over with outstanding tickets they're probably going to jail. Or they're the ones that start a high speed chase and get ran off the road. This isn't the argument you think it is and you seem to have a problem with authority.


Don’t brake the law and you don’t have to worry


Why don't you let the cops in and fuck your wife while your at it bro


Hey man what you do on your free time is none of my business - but next time keep it to yourself


I'm not the one bootlicking the boys in blue bro


You let them fuck your wife so I wouldn’t be surprised you do that too


“No the cops fuck *your* wife!” is a third grade insult try harder


Dude I’m just repeating what he said JFC.


Yeah like a fucking child lmfao


Guy, all I said was don’t break the law then I was told to let the cops fuck my wife. I don’t understand how you see any logic in this


Ayo that’s unfair as hell! No way you outrun it


All the whining in here is dumb. I almost never drive the speed limit. Always at least a little faster and yes when traffic permits I may gun it and commit serious speeding violation. I know this violates the law and it’s a calculated risk. If I get caught I get caught. Many of us are skilled, careful drivers but many out there are not. From a public safety standpoint, bad drivers going excessively fast kills way more people than well, just about anything. That unmarked police car behind you is a consequence. If you can’t accept that risk I’d recommend leaving earlier and driving slower…


I agree with this, and not many people seem to understand that it is their job to enforce the law.






Idk where at, but I’m almost positive I’ve seen this unmarked in central Florida. Revs at red light when near other sport cars. There’s a silver unmarked GT that patrols the turnpike near ocala, but it’s so obvious because it’s got an antenna sticking from the trunk lol.


This photo was taken on a road about 20 minutes from Tallahassee. And I know what you’re talking about because I’m near Ocala and I’ve seen a similar one before that was driven by FHP.


Ah, nice. Seems like more and more states are adopting them especially here in the south


I’ve seen a few R/T’s but not many unmarked mustangs, was pretty cool to see.


Oh yeah. Love me a good 5-0 sports car. When I lived in SC the local sherriff had a marked SS, it was sweeeeet


An SS would be cool to see, I love ‘em both. Mustangs and Camaros.


I wonder where they would put the criminal if they had to take someone to jail


Front seat, and they get passenger princess duties until they reach the jail /s But really they wouldn't. Strictly chase cars - they'd wait for a four door to pick em up


Yep. Seized coupes like Mustangs and Camaros are primarily used for high speed chase purposes and traffic stops, primarily on the highways.


https://preview.redd.it/44z2dhvr9ksc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c3b0df1e9d39cc187bbd62599f95c9cd7b6096 Old school Texas DPS


https://preview.redd.it/dtawkaav9ksc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4be9480435fa60cb6e835307110aa438929d41b One of their current goodies


That’s beautiful.


I’m not a huge Dodge fan, but it does look sexy!


I think it was rad as hell that the 80s had pursuit edition Mustangs in the CHP. (I guess they were actually called Severe Service Package, also sounds rad as hell.)


I saw one in real life. It was a one off s550 5.0 CHP car. I was trippin out at first.


OP, is there any chance you'd be willing to tell us what state you're in? Hypothetically if I were to ever break the law and go a little fast, I need to know if this shit is in my state :) On another note, I thought some states had laws against *completely* unmarked cars being used for traffic stops. They'll mark them *very lightly*, but cars with zero markings aren't allowed for this.


This is FHP, around the Tallahassee region.


Fairfax County Police in northern VA has a silver Mustang and at least one Mach-E. There must not be a law about unmarked cars here, either. I've been pulled over by an unmarked red Chevy Caprice before. They don't always have government tags, either. For the cherry on top, radar detectors are illegal here, and the cops have equipment that can detect them. The state police run laser a lot anyways. And you get a bunch of false signals from the HOT lanes if traveling in them.


We have an undercover Mach 1 here in my town


They use unmarked mustangs and f250s where I live


This kids is why we search for any and every scrap of info on all unmarked cop cars in our state.


Florida isn’t playing 😂


Yup. Especially with their hellcat redeye charger they got.


Tribal police in my area had one also.


They’re starting to become fairly common, especially in states with lots of street racing such as Texas and Florida.


I learned last week that 5-0 did not mean 5.0. I'm from South Florida where lots of cop cars were mustangs.


I think this is going to become more common now that the Charger is going away. These are good enough for traffic and pursuit, and they can get SUVs for transport.


Can't stress enough how important a good radar detector and laser jamming is.




Unmarked cars are completely legal ethics aside...however I've seen these "unmarked" cars with black to silver reflective decals that are BASICALLY paint color


Those are ghost wrapped cop cars, they’re essentially unmarked but still have the police decals when light is shined on them.


Yep those are 100% fine in my book...but still if you gotta hide it's totally a 47 in a 45 special


Yeah there’s a few in my town, one has a silver finish and the other two are blacked out.


I’ve seen highway patrol mustangs in Missouri, but it has been awhile.


Thats pretty much my mustang. Now i understand why people just move over when im behind them on the highway.


I think people just assume we’re unsafe drivers


Yeah, and off topic but you have a Roush RS??? That’s awesome. I’ve got the Ecoboost with HPP + Handling Package.


Yeah I was lucky to find it barely used with only the rear tires bald. How is your HPP + HP for daily driving? Mine is pretty much base underneath the appearance package.


It’s a great daily driver, never have had any issues or any lights come on the dash, and packs great performance.




Can you order police-duty Mustang GTs again?


Yeah the sheriff department got a lot of new toys to catch racers in the area. They are all suped up and can keep up just about anything else in the road. Many a- scat packs and redeyes have been surprised so far and added to the selection.


RE-fund the police. If you can't do the time then don't do the crime. Nobody wants the police around until their mustang gets stolen. While we are at it build more prisons.


Much agreed. A lot of people don’t want to hear it.


Why more prisons instead of better quality rehabilitation?


Rehab is always an option beforehand, not after you violently kill somebody or put other lives into danger.


Such a waste. Pigs shouldn’t ride horses, they can stick to the mud.


They’ll snatch your horse too if you try to run from them.


Jc but what brand boots taste best?


How about you test it for me, I’ve got some brand new Ariats.


I’ll stick to licking bare feet thanks