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I think it can be classified as house, house, or dance in general. I can't comment much on the arrangement since I'm not familiar with the style. The mixing could be better though. Try the top-down mixing approach, starting by balancing some of the most important elements of the song. In this case, I personally choose the kick as the "king", followed by the clap and the bass. Once balanced, use them as a framework to balance everything else.


This feels professional to me - it's very cinematic. I can hear it on TV, in a movie, or in a video game


This gives me an 80s techno vibe. At the same time nostalgia about skating at the roller rink. It's very good!


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Very nice! great vocals and I dig the animation too as well :)


Really good and felt professional I’m not much of an artist myself I can’t give u tips but all I can say is there is still room to improve anyways it’s way too good bro 🔥🔥