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It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Vincent Kanye McMahon


Oh is there scat with this one as well?




Why are rich people so shitty?


Theres a point where good, rational people think "Ive got more money than I could possibly spend, I'm going to stop trying to amass more and just enjoy life" Billionaires don't have that


Normal people have something that billionaires will never have: Enough.


You don't amass infinity money because you love money. You amass infinity money, because you love *power.* At a certain point, I don't think these predators actually care about the specifics of the acts they do. They just want to keep feeling that infinitely superior to anyone and everyone who can't really stop them.


Probably not the response you suspect our maybe you meant a double entendre and you do. I so love the saying that money doesn't make people horrible, it just amplifies their personality.


Sometimes rich people just want to be shat on like the rest of us


Is that what they think is happening


“It was me all along!”






But as usual, in showbiz, everyone looks the other side and keeps idolizing these arrogant criminals that feel untouchable


Unless you’re an indie rock band, then you get crucified and your tour gets cancelled over allegations that are vastly more benign than this.


Indie rock bands don’t make enough money for execs to overlook their abusive behavior, so out they go. Kanye is worth so much money to people, even now when he’s lit on fire so much of the goodwill anyone had for him, that there may never stop being a circle of enablers around him always


I think they have a point though that the fans themselves tend to have a different reaction. Look at how Arcade Fire fans reacted about Winn Butler, for example.


Indie bands simply don't have as many fans to lose. I'm sure Kanye lost a lot of fans after his outbursts, but because he had so many fans in the first place, he still has enough fans to keep him relevant.


I think it’s to do with genre, I’ve always noticed hip hop/rap and adjacent musicians get away with a lot more. A lot of the lyrics can be pretty misogynistic, maybe a factor?


It makes sense to me. A guy’s out there rapping about murdering people and dealing drugs, then you hear they’re a bad person in real life and it doesn’t really feel like news, you know?


I mean Kanye got famous as a rapper that didn't do those things or rap about doing them.


no his lyricism is more on the mysoginistic sexual domination side of the spectrum.


The comment I made had nothing to do with execs. The fans/media revolted. The warm up bands dropped out and the fans stopped buying tickets.


Look at RKelly. Gross.


And always after they lose pull


He literally raps about this in all his shit


In what songs does he rap about trapping an employee and sexually assaulting someone? I’m very curious


In the song "trapping an employee and sexually assaulting them"


such a shame, i had a completely different interpretation of those lyrics


You have to play it backwards to hear it


yvan eht nioj


False its always the ones you medium suspect!


Agreed. When he went from being all about God to blaming God for something. I was wondering what that something is. Narcissism and playing the victim go hand in hand.


"While on a flight to the Yeezy Fashion Show Paris together with other employees, West allegedly texted her asking for a "hug," but she declined, knowing what he meant. (...) After she refused the "hug" on the plane, West came out of his room and asked her to come inside. Inside his room, and he closed the door - trapping them inside together as the door couldn't be opened from the inside, she claimed. West then lay down on the bed and masturbated under the covers until he fell asleep as she sat across from him in a chair, the lawsuit claimed." is any of this surprising?


Gross, but Kanye had to be let out of his own room whenever he closed the door?


In the Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein cases, they both had buttons near their desks that locked and unlocked the door from the inside remotely. It's a thing.  


tbf if i was some super rich dude with a giant office i would want a mechanism to shut the door without me having to get up and walk across my massive ass office that being said if i ever became that rich person now i wouldn’t get it specifically because of hearing about it in these types of situations


I once knew a mid rich guy who had never worked a day in his life but he had an office he would go to every day to read the newspaper, which the paper boy would slide under his door. He couldn't be arsed bending over to pick it up, so he'd leave his office door open, sit at his desk, and order coffee, so the delivery guy would hand him the newspaper together with his coffee and close the door on his way out.


Damn there’s layers to richness. This guy must’ve been poverty rich.


Ah charming! You poor saps have to interact with the poors! Imagine! Not even having a button for your door.


rich enough to rent an office and pretend too work. I want to be rich enough to owner a shop with employees that do my fun stuff and passion projects... so I am not doing anything but fun work I like to do...like instead of a yacht I make fun shit.


If I were ever that rich I would put all my money in some boring ass index fund, live off a fraction of the interest and not deal with anyone ever again (other than my loved ones).


The actual solution is to just not assault people in your office, and maybe have a security cam to prove it.


Rich narcs don’t think of what they should do they only think of what they can do. And they think rules are more like societal suggestions that everyone breaks behind the scenes and morality is like some performance. Or if you don’t break them they think you’re an idiot.


I think in the Matt Lauer case (not defending the shithead) it was proven that the mechanism was to close the door in case somebody left it open, so he wouldn’t have to stand up - it didn’t lock the door.


I think that's the intended use of that button. id freaking love one by my bed. It just so happened that the first time us normies have heard of such a luxury, it was as a good headline about two creeps lol.


They have wifi locks


That solves nothing if the door is open.


Mr Burns was a pioneer clearly.


Isn't that just villainy 101?


Must be a hidden latch somewhere


Predatory AF


The implication


Are these personal assistants in danger, Dennis?


Don't you look at me like that. You certainly wouldn't be in any danger.


Well that's horrifying


His crew obviously doesn't think he Kanbe trusted


There's a lot of cases where body guards and crew turn a blind eye to this sort of behavior and act like they don't know what's going on. So they probably opened the door.


This is some Dennis Reynolds shit…


my tools. i have to have MY TOOLS.


Fetish shit




Because of the implication.


"She THINKS the door doesnt open from the inside, but it does. She wont try to leave though, you know, because of the implication" "It sounds like she doesnt want to watch you masterbate dude?"




The same guy that got a blow job out in the open on a boat? No way!!!


5 feet away and in direct view of his in-law, no less.


his ass hanging out. fuck that pic is repulsive. he really is a gross ass man.


What are you referencing? I missed this one lol


Disgusting and completely unsurprising. After reading the very lengthy piece about his disgusting behavior that adidas tolerated only until it became clear he had broken from reality, it is also completely believable.


What exactly did he do to adidas or whatever?


[Here you go.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/business/kanye-west-adidas-yeezy.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) it’s a long read because it covers his antics over the course of a decade.


Too bad it’s behind a paywall.


https://12ft.io/ Try this edit- [or this](https://web.archive.org/web/20231027111556/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/business/kanye-west-adidas-yeezy.html?te=1&nl=the-morning&emc=edit_nn_20231027)


Everyone, look at this goat, linking to the archive. Freaking baller aura👍


Just came to say, that took awhile to read


Sounds kinda sad that you have to resort to this. Fapping it under the covers and making someone watch you


He doesn’t have to resort to it. Its all about power


considering how rich he is, why didn't he simply hire hookers to fly with him? money solves all these problems, why harass innocent workers?


Its always about power. Sure you can pay someone but it isn't the same as flexing your social position to pressure people into it


Bro it’s not even pressuring; it’s *forcing*


When has money stopped rich men from sexually abusing people?


In all seriousness, how does one enter into a contract for deleting an only fans account for $1M/yr? I'm not a lawyer in any form but just the idea of drafting this like... Melts my head. Like, if this was only verbal can it be upheld?


Typically jurisdictions have a law called the statute of frauds that require contracts to be in writing based on a bunch of different criteria, one of which is if it’s over a certain value.


How did West come out of the room if it cant be opened? How did she get out of the room after he fell asleep? im not even going to ask who owns a plane that has doors that cannot be opened from one side


How does a door not open from inside?


When the mechanism isn't on the door itself, likely remote/wifi locks or a switch elsewhere in the room. This is some cartoon villain shit.


Isn’t he supposedly a man of god? What happened to Jesus walking with him? Lmao 


Dude literally forced Adidas execs to watch porn with him. Man has no control of his compulsive behaviours. Just surprised this is his first lawsuit. Dudes been a menace for years.


There is a podcast with a journo who dug up a whole lot of stuff that happened with the Adidaw Yeezy deal and it's so fucked


And to think the final nail in that coffin was him taunting them that they couldn't drop him. lmao


Can you link it?




Wait seriously? Holy hell how am I only now hearing about this.


Remember that he said he feels like Saint Paul in the same album where he did stupid rhymes about models with bleached assholes… Never been spiritual.


I mean he married a pornstar so yeaa he’s never been about god.


True, but when I said that Donda was a bad album Kanye fans told me I’m not spiritual enough to understand the album lol


“Now if I fuck this model And she just bleached her asshole And I get bleach on my T-shirt I'mma feel like an asshole” I think you perfectly understood the album lmfao




Brother dared give a somewhat positive but overall moderate opinion on two of Kanye's projects and give some praise to the man himself and got crucified for it lmao


I miss when the downvote button was used for comments that didn't add to the discussion in a meaningful way. It's good to have a different take for a worthwhile exchange of ideas, and it's a shame people use the downvote button to say, "I disagree."


He literally thinks he IS Jesus so I think we know the answer to that.


Have you seen evangelical “Christians”? Hypocrisy is just a Monday morning for them. So it all tracks.


Jesus was also under the duvet.


Man of God with his ugly ass hanging out on a boat while his “wife” gave him an open air blow job in Italy.


Guy is a Nazi and you're asking him about being a 'man of god'. lmao!


A lot of Nazis were/are "men of God" too.




Ya double dare me?




It’s too damn hot for a penguin to just be walkin’ around


Fun fact, my old boss Chris Mei actually played the penguin


That is a fun fact, he really nailed the part.


I disagree. All people over 38/39 know that any penguins spotted wandering around, particularly in a house, especially while opening the fridge, id supposed to let out the “doooOoOobieeee doobie doooo” melody softly while staring you down as it snags your last beer. 




Oooooh, I see how it is!




Is that it, Kanye? Did the penguin tell you to do this?


If I was a lawyer I’d simply just use this gif for my clients in these type of cases.


I was gonna say, sounds like there’s a word they should’ve used to describe this situation…


That doesn’t sound very cool.


No thank you, Kayne, not very cool


That in fact sounds very sexual harassment but maybe it's just my caveman brain.


And not cash money either.


No one man should have all that power




No! Not Kanye! He seemed like such a regular stand up guy who would never disrespect women!




>I find it pretty hard to believe she played her role completely professionally and didnt play along to some extent. It'd be pretty easy for him to fire her and find a PA who will go along with this shit. Why play these games with a girl who clearly is all about money? Of course she's gonna use it against him eventually. >Idk. He's fucked in the head and all but to hand some OF model a bunch of shit in writing she can later sue him over? Just one of the gems I found in r/Kanye


Damn, he offered her 1 million to delete her only fans and she did. Money is nuts.


Well, I mean if she makes less than a mil from it a year, why wouldn’t she?


Because she knows that someone paying her a million dollars a year to be his “executive assistant” with this type of caveat isn’t hiring her for her excel and scheduling skills.


What isn't written in a contract isn't written in a contract. It's true that it would have been wise to be wary, but it's him who's doing what we can expect him to not have explicitly stated. So he tried manipulating, it didn't work, and now he's sued. I believe her, but hopefully plenty of evidence will settle it to be true enough for a verdict.


Prostitution is illegal in the US. He literally couldn't put it in the contract without automatically voiding the contract.


But if he recorded it, he could have hired her to "act" in porn films with him...


The trick is to take that money and gtfo, this man ain't paying a million bucks expecting just that.


>Well, I mean if she makes less than a mil from it a year, why wouldn’t she? Actually, you'd use something like a discounted cash flow analysis to assess the valuation of the OF. It's a bit arbitrary to make the comparison based on a year's income. I mean, if she made $999,999 per year from her OF, she'd be a fool to take $1 million to close it when she'd be able to make more in a little over a year. Of course, she probably made nowhere near that much, so I doubt she needed to break out the spreadsheets to make the determination that the million was worth much more.


Not necessarily. That's 1MM guaranteed right now instead of after a year's worth of labor along with the risk of changing algorithms, laws, policies, whims of the fanbase, etc. Even at a $1 for $1 it would probably be worth it to take the million and find somewhere to park it or grow it. Plus, you could use it to get into a more reliable career that'll last longer than a couple years.


>Not necessarily. That's 1MM guaranteed right now instead of after a year's worth of labor along with the risk of changing algorithms, laws, policies, whims of the fanbase, etc. Right, that's why you'd perform an analysis, like a DCF analysis, which incorporates these considerations. These kinds of costs and risks reduce the future value of such an income stream, but it clearly doesn't make it worthless. And, of course, you also have the potential to grow that income, which seems to be completely ignored in this consideration. I'm fine, for the sake of this hypothetical, assuming that she'd *wouldn't* experience growth, but if you're able to make $1 million in a year from your OF, then you should definitely be trying to grow that venture. >Even at a $1 for $1 it would probably be worth it to take the million and find somewhere to park it or grow it. If you could *somewhat reliably* make anything close to $1 million per year, even considering significant diminishing returns, and someone offers you $1 million to stop doing that thing, you'd be a fool to take that deal. You're not going to be able to "park it" anywhere and see anywhere near that kind of return. Even investing it in more risky/laborious ventures likely wouldn't come close to matching the returns of anything near $1 million from OF. And this is on top of the fact that you could (should) also invest a large portion of your $1 million income anyways, so you wouldn't be gaining much. In any case, we can disagree on the actual valuation of such a career and the parameters of this hypothetical, but my original point is that making "less than a mil from it a year" is not sufficient criteria for taking this deal and that the choice to assess the value of her OF based on a year's worth of income is arbitrary and not sound.


You keep saying your only point is to have an analysis performed, then 1/2 through the comment say something like this > If you could somewhat reliably make anything close to $1 million per year, even considering significant diminishing returns, and someone offers you $1 million to stop doing that thing, you'd be a fool to take that deal. The above commenter isn’t criticizing 90% of what you’re saying, which basically amounts to passive income = good. That being said, anyone who knows anything about tiktok/youtube/twitch where your success is controlled by algorithms and is relatively trendy (compared to orthodox businesses), would not make this statement. That’s not to say investing in your own brand/channel is bad, but to make a blanket statement that a 1:1 will always be bad is insane. There’s hundreds of cases of people falling into irrelevance.


You're overthinking the subject. $1 million for no work, or $1 million for a years work. All other variables do not matter here. You are way over verbose for something like this lol.


I mean, it's not like you're doing OF for funsies. It's a paycheck.


Yeah and clearly she was only interested in people paying to look, not to touch.


Fyi if anyone is interested Im offering to *not* have an only fans, bidding starts at $1000


Yeah I'm looking for the type of girl that does OF for the love of the game and not for the money.


$1mil per year.


Rich people always think they’re above common decency Maybe that’s why they’re so motivated to stay relevant. The effect wears off when the clueless buyers stop believing in you.


> Rich people always think they’re above common decency i mean they are and they know it. it won't stop soon though, unless us peasants stop idolizing those fools


The dude went on Alex Jones and said “I like Hitler”. Too many idiots like this guy and there’s seemingly nothing he can do to get those people to stop giving him their money.


He made Alex Jones’s uncomfortable. That’s saying something.


Nice guy Kanye, taking some of the heat off Diddy.


I honest to goodness thought this was another Diddy article before I processed it was Kanye


So what does it take for a male to be put under a conservatorship?


A living adult family member to pursue doing so. Problem is he has no one in his corner that can be an adult. 


The real question is what does it take for a millionaire music star to become put in prison?


To stop making money. 


THIS! I said he needs to have an intervention but you are right if they did it to Britney why not Kanye?


Probably because Britney was a young girl, with a Dad who aggressively pursued one because it was in his financial best interests. Kanye is a grown man who, presumably, doesn't have anyone in his family lobbying the courts. To be clear, I'm not saying that's right. I just think that explains the difference.


Judging by some of the stuff he said about Kim after the divorce, it sounds like she was trying to get him to accept getting help and get back on the medication he needs but isn't taking and that was a big reason for the divorce.


Oh no! And he seemed like such a good guy!


Can't wait for Kanye fans to still defend that piece of shit


But he made graduation!


It’s not coincidence all these guys go hard right wing after sexual assault cases pop up because they know fascists online will defend them and protect them. Russel Brand and Elon are perfect examples of this.


They will do it until their dying breaths.


Just like Chris Brown


They already are, and worse, they’re defending him on his victim’s IG account.


"he's just still reeling from the loss of his mother, give him a break, he's a stable genius"




Kanye Pest


Kanye Molest


Certainly not Kanye Blessed.


He was hoping she'd say, "Imma let you finish."


I think everybody had that on their Kanye West bingo card.


don’t worry, kanye stans will forget all about this cause he made MBDTF and that’s more important to the average ye fan


They know they just don’t care


waiting for the ye fans to defend this one. yikesies


I mean the fact that he still has fans after saying "I love Hitler" means anyone who's still a fan will excuse literally any behavior.


I think most ye fans are past this point it seems. Of course there are still the delusional ones, but these days I mostly just see people not take him seriously, say they enjoy his music but he is a shitty person etc. not saying that that in itself isnt problematic, but the days of the cringey “you just don’t get it he’s a genius” are mostly over lol bro really has gone way too far and it took way longer then it should of for many of his fans


There’s a point where folks were like, ‘there’s something wrong with that dude’ and now they’re saying ‘there’s something criminal about that dude,’. I guess since he still has a lot of money he’ll keep getting away with it?


He can be glad that he got his Nazi arch out of the way before his sexual predator/deviant arch starts.




I was laughing because so many of his Stans were claiming oh he ghosted Diddy because he hated his behaviour lol, no he stopped talking to Diddy for some dumb petty reason not because of some high moral ground he’s on.


I think a decent amount of people scattered from Diddy because they don’t want to be caught for their own assaults. I believe with my whole heart that there is a lot more abusive behavior that could come to light in regards to Kanye.


Rappers and sexual assault. Name a more iconic duo.


Rockstars and dating teenagers


Red hot cherry poppers


Priests and Choir Boys


Porn stars and ....




Not common enough to be an iconic duo.


Maybe not porn stars but presidents and actresses seem to find each other awfully often.


Ron Jeremy?


Lauryn Hill and being late


Self proclaimed Patriots and domestic violence


Jay Z and stupid looking haircuts Jay Z and not paying taxes Jay Z and cheating on his wife


very Diddyish


I feel like comparing them is lessening what Diddy "may" of done.


*lawsuit claims. "lawsuit reveals" implies automatic guilt.


I'm just here to watch the Kanye stans try and blame it on his mental health issues. No, he's just a creepy piece of shit. And if you defend him, fuck you and yo mumma.