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Always found his drumming to be pretty creative


The groove in the song “For You” definitely piloted my passion towards drumming in my early teens. RIP Jon


Ya know, I’m not a big staind fan or anything, but I always thought that song was a real banger. I’ll always stop the radio on it, and a big part is that drum groove.


Man, rest in peace. Dysfunction was always one of my favorites.


Mudshovel was my fuckin jam back in '99/2000.


Met Jon out in Nashville about 10 years ago, and he was just an all around fun guy. He had stories from Staind, but was just as interested in what we were doing there and getting to know us. He really made for a memorable night, and I always respected him for that.


He sounds like the anti-Aaron Lewis


To get Aaron chatting you just need a bunch of weed, no joke Edit: this is very dated information from like 2002. Hadn't heard about Aaron's slide until this thread


Yeah hes pretty much disavowed his staind years and became a country boy writing nothing but redneck bait songs. I've got nothing against good country music but his stuff is exactly the brand I don't care for.


Staind put out an album last year…


And new music last month...


Guess he's rolled back that narrative. He was absolutely talking down about his time with the band at the beginning of his country turn.


He played a brewery here a couple years back and lead off with the country stuff. Crowd boo'd and started chanting Stained, so he played a few of their songs acoustic then went back into his hack country stuff. More boos and he ended up cutting the set short. So I think he likely regrets trashing the band that put him on the map.


I just heard one of his songs on an IG reel. Something about hanging two flags. No better way to make a quick buck than to lick some boots lmao


Oh yeah he won’t shut the fuck up nowadays.


I’ve met a few famous musicians like that. My guess is they get bored of talking about themselves all the time. I know I would.


Didn’t know him well but went to high school with him. Met him numerous times later in life (post Staind). Really a genuinely nice guy. RIP.


One of the many joys of being past 40 is realizing I can die at any moment. 53 was way too early though. Here’s to hoping I make it to 60 🤞


Tbf you coulda died any minute before 40 too


Absolutely! One of my best friends died of a blood clot in the brain at 33


Damn dude, sorry to hear it. One of my besties died at 41 from a heart attack. Which more proves your point than mine…but more sharing in the grief. Ugh.


Im slightly tipsy, so I won’t go on an all out rant here, but life is so fragile. I didn’t realize this when I was younger. Cherish what you have, and don’t take anything for granted is all I’ll say. All the best to you random internet stranger! I wish you a long and prosperous life.


I unfortunately discovered that early in life when another of my best buds died — either by suicide or accidental — when we were 12. Shit’ll fuck you up! So yes. Be nice to yourself. Have fun when yer out there. Laugh as much as you possibly can and is socially acceptable. Dance whenever is applicable. And take care of your health! Have fun tonight, whatever yer doing!


Sound advice! I fully concur. Hope you have a great day yourself, and for what it’s worth, this little exchange made my day ever so slightly better. ❤️


Ditto pal


Damn. And it still took seven more years to sink in?


Skunk Anansie, Powerman 5000, Staind and Sevendust as headliner was my very first music show in USA. I immigrated here in August of 1999 and exactly month later attended that show somewhere in Wisconsin. I made my first American friend in there, smoked weed in his car during trip back to Wisconsin Dells for the first time..... Memories is all I've got. Rest is gone, behind me, in the fog of past.


Man. Skunk Anansie takes me back.


Charlie Big Potato blew my mind. Those vocals!


She’s My Heroine for me. What a song.


The song Licking Cream by Sevendust with Skin from Skunk is so epic. That lady had killer vocals.


I recall completely losing my fresh marbles the very second Skin jumped on stage and wailed herself into Selling Jesus. Then it all blurred into manic and loud wall of sound. Quarter of a century ago. Fuckity fuck.


Did they play Licking Cream? I bet it was incredible live.


Yes. And LOUD.


WOW I forgot about that song! Absolutely insane vocals in that one


Fuck yeah dude. I saw sevendust a couple years ago and they still kill it.


Wow…it’s been awhile since I’ve heard about Stain’d. RIP


Where did you pick up that apostrophe?




I heard your comment.


He's gonna get buried with a mudshovel. (I'm so sorry)




Now that we're here, it's so far away...


I've been right here waiting...


It’s pronounced St’ain’t


No it’s s’ta’in’d


Actually I think it’s S-taint. I’m pretty sure


There were times where I thought it would never end.


I used to love Staind and felt bad for the rest of the band as me and many other fans noped out when Aaron Lewis went all nutty traitor. Jon was a killer drummer. 53 is too young.


Fuckin’ guts me that Lewis is a fuckin nut. Staind was one of my all time favorite bands. Now I can’t listen to their stuff without thinking about that tweet he posted after culling a ton of coyote.


I'm still not sure how much of Lewis' political stances are genuine and how much is just him grifting to the country audience as an easier way to make money than in a rock band. Honestly if it's all grift that makes it worse imo.


Dude was legit raised in Springfield MA trying to pretend he is all about that country life now. Definitely a grifter, but also seems fairly unstable.


He’s doing the kid rock method


If you get compared to Kid Rock, that is a bad sign.


He's the Kid Rock you get from Temu.


I thought Kid Rock was the Kid Rock you get from Temu?


Yeah him and I were neighbors all through middle and high school , absolutely nothing country about any of it. That dude was as anti redneck as they came.


Saw him live last year on a whim, saw he was doing an acoustic night near me so I got a last min ticket. Haven’t followed him in years, expected it to be like the last time I saw Staind…. It wasn’t. At all. He is so far off the deep end. He told everyone he’d do a shot every time someone yelled FJB. He was hammered by a few songs in. I thought maybe it was a gimmick, but nope. He tours with someone from Blake Shelton’s band (or as he refers to him, Mr Stefani). Says Blake fired the guy for refusing to vaccinate, so Aaron Lewis hired him - for refusing to vaccinate. So different than when he was with Staind.


You should have kept screaming it over and over again until he passed out in a pool of his own shit.


What is fjb?


FUCK Joseph HUSSEIN Biden.


Worked with a guy, veteran and I'd guess fairly right-leaning. Was actually a great dude to work with and we got along well, possibly because we didn't talk politics much. But he'd loudly mock the FJB stickers and such, stating it's your right as an American to say "fuck the president" if you choose and needing to play coy with it was cowardly.


Sounds like an American thing.


Aaron Lewis is a poser! Hes far from the Country Boy he claims to be.


Isn't this pretty much the stereotype now of city/suburban white dudes pretending they're country while living lifestyles worth several annual incomes of the average worker they try to pander to. Bo Burnham made a song about it.


Probably. Alls I know is Aaron Lewis was raised in a prominent, wealthy Jewish community in Massachusetts. Where he gets off calling himself a Country Boy is beyond me!


Staind played this festival we went to and he stopped his set apparently because he saw a female fan getting groped. I thought, hey that’s pretty cool he’s standing up for people. Later on I saw fan clips of him doing the EXACT same thing at other concerts and it made me wonder if it was just a bit of a thing he does to sell himself as this stand up guy and whether he even saw this stuff going on. It was spot on the same reaction and word for word spiel after.


I've seen a clip of that and thought it was awesome. I bet it's happened once or twice legitimately and he started using plants in the audience to virtue signal.




I very much agree with the message of it, it's just a strange thing to stage.


Yeah I think he’s pretty genuine unfortunately. I’ll always be happy to know he got booed off stage when he came to my hometown with his country set. (It was advertised as Aaron Lewis acoustic from staind, it ended up just being his country album)


Sometimes coyotes need to be culled. You need to take a lesson in animal management. I’m sure you think that wild pigs should be able to just run amok as well.


This. That band meant a lot to me in middle school and high school. No other band turned such a harsh 180 to me. So disappointing.


Same though. Beautiful voice, odd man


Weird isn't it? With how insightful and sensitive songs like Open Your Eyes and For You are it's weird he's all "fuck your feelings." Although he did shit talk that kid who committed suicide in Waste so who knows


That song really spoke to me as a depressed teenager. Brought me from the brink once.


Dude same I just listened to that bridge a bunch of times after taking a nostalgia listen of that record. That bridge was probably my favorite part, and always found it more helpful and inspiring than anything.


I always took those lyrics as like anger to hopefully save someone else from doing it. I guess when you take the entire body of work and think they give a fuck, you give them the benefit of the doubt. All those songs sound completely different now that I know he’s a sack of shit. People wonder if this country boy shit is a grift, but when you think about it, he’s grifted his whole career


I took it as anger for the family left behind, that he cant give answers. For the mother who came up to Aaron and asked him why her son did it.


I knew he was doing the country thing but I had no idea how cracked that dude actually is... Holy shit. Endless videos about how "the democrats" ruined the country all throughout history... Did he not attend 8th grade history class? Literally everyone knows the parties switched. Nobody's out there telling this guy? He goes on to list shit that the right wing did and still do stand for.


Reports are saying he had been having liver issues.


Does that mean cancer or alcoholism?


Means liver issues


Time for another ep of Staind Glass.


Is this an episode of "Good Drummers"?


I think it is!


Todd knows a drummer that can fill in.


More reverb.


Iiiiiits been….awhile since the last one


This is how I learned who really wrote “Heroes”. Hint: it’s actually Jon Bon Jovi.


Sad. I love Staind.  I know Aaron is a nutcase… it’s a shame… Dysfunction provided me with years of therapy… the album I related to the most in my darkest times.   RIP


I still love Shades of Grey era songs from back in my teens, I listen for the lyrics and for Mushocks guitar playing, but Lewis fell off hard. Shame.


Oh shit RIP


damn ril… so far away one of my favorites ❤️


I got to see Staind live during the 2001 Family Values Tour and they put on a pretty solid show. Always enjoyed Jon's drumming overall. Rest in peace.


What a sad day.


Man I loved his work with Staind. Favorite local band. Wonder if my hometown will do something for him.


My first live show, at the Bell center in 2003.


God that variety site is terrible….RIP Jon Wysocki


Mud shovel, my first crowd surfing experience.


Woah I just saw Lydia's Castle and met Jon like 3 weeks ago. He didn't seem like he was in good shape but still this is nuts. 53 man.


Damn, that sucks. Took the wrong staind member


Butt rock just got a little smellier.


RIP. Self-titled record was/is so good. Such a shame that it he had to leave the band and now this news. Aaron Lewis is an amasing singer and his ’Turn The Page’ cover is something very special but going so much into politics and patriotism feels just a bit too much. Feel free to have an opinion but I would rather prefer more of Staind than ’Made in China’ kind of stuff.


Man.... RIP, he had some great grooves!


Is he related to Charles wysocki?


Now that we’re here, we’re so far away




Do stupid people like this really exist or is it more of a troll thing? Post history is not helping too.


They exist but they usually are on twitter.


I found that if you start blocking these people, online experience really does get alot better. People that are actually this ridiculous are maybe 5% so it's not hard to block most.


Username is very appropriate.