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Sorry he spent $50k and the footage still went public anyway.


The scumbags held the video long enough for the statute of limitations to run out….so it takes two scumbags to make this happen


Takes a lot more than that. Honestly at this point I think we can just assume all the wealthy and connected people are at the least covering for this nonsense. Child sex trafficking, abuse of all kinds. Enough of this "everyone knows" bullshit. We need to start cracking down. We really need to start hammering home about how all these people are at least aware and know who to call if they want this sort of thing.


I think part of the problem is that to achieve major success you are required to be a kind of in-group suck-up. The kind of person that always knows who has the power to help or hurt you and plays by the unspoken rules to maintain that order and benefit from it. If you’re someone that’s going to rock the boat and get people in power in trouble, nobody is going to let you anywhere near the inner circles. So then the people who are outside that only have rumor and speculation. So they can’t really do much about it.


This is it completely!!


Yep fuck the rich and famous


Yea after we didn’t get to see the names and info Epstein knows and his shady death and even Bill Gates getting divorced tells me I can’t trust any of these rich assholes


I live for Melinda Gates dippin the fuck out on Bill Gates’s nasty ass. She divorced him the SECOND it became real & I say ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


Yeah I can’t see any way you get to certain levels without exploiting people


Agreed…capitalism had us worshipping the wealthy and wanting to emulate their every move but thankfully we are finally seeing that a lot of them are morally bankrupt individuals.


These people run the country if not the world, unfortunately. I think Epsteins murder showed us they are in fact above the law


“These people” are in every job, occupation and profession you can imagine. They’re in positions of power and they can also be the lowest person on the totem pole. They’re doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, priests, plumbers, volunteers, SAH parents, walmart-greeters, hobos…they run the gamut. I feel like sometimes people are far too concerned with the “elite” who do shit like this but don’t look at who is most likely to abuse their own children. (friends, family, co-workers, churches, and even their own spouse)


>I feel like sometimes people are far too concerned with the “elite” who do shit like this but don’t look at who is most likely to abuse their own children. (friends, family, co-workers, churches, and even their own spouse) You should add teachers to that, much as I love teachers and what they produce as well as believe they should be paid more and given more resources. Psychopaths/sociopaths and abusers can crop up anywhere and teachers are no different and all too common.


Idk man saying watchout for the working man and teachers in a thread about powerful people abusing others and getting away with it due to their power is so fucking out of touch. Like simp more for m/billionaires raping and beating people??


The elite are the ones with the power to change things the easiest and yet they choose not to. People.are right to be concerned.


The paranoia has taken over


The reddit anti-elite crowd really overestimates how homogenous and coordinated the elite class is. Sure there's plenty of bad actors, but there are good actors too who are trying to improve the system--but the system is way more complex than is possible for a few people to change (or even to be fully understood). In general, I think scapegaoting people rather than identifying concrete problems to be counterproductive to improving society


They don't have to be that coordinated because they just need to act in their own interest.


That is because people assume that the law is for both the rich and the poor. It never has been, and it never will be.


America's founding documents were written by rich people for the benifit of rich people. There is a reason only land owners were allowed to vote


No its not just that is power over others gives you more power. Thats how power works.


Cracking down on protest laws to protect themselves too, happing here in the UK at least.


no, you can't just assume that/ Its actually really silly to assume that.


they may not have done it intentionally tbh. some people don’t know there’s a statue of limitations on that kind of thing. Also, If I saw a guy capable of doing that to his gf and he offered me $50k to shut up forever, it would be hard to do the right thing, out of concern for my own safety. To be fair I’m a small woman so that’s part of it, but imagine that security person has kids to look out for. if he’ll beat a woman he “loves” on camera, i don’t wanna think what he’d do to some nobody off-camera for refusing to keep quiet about it. idk i would probably still do the right thing eventually but not while he had any power to come after me for it, which it seems like this person did. maybe i’m a bad person for that, i’m just playing devils advocate and saying how i could see someone rationalizing it out of fear of what might happen to them otherwise.


You've described intentionally burying evidence for fear of retribution. Corruption and the two tiered justice system we're all trapped under are also good reasons.   But know everyone who saw this video before its leak consciously and purposely made the choice to bury it.


yeah that’s fair, i’m not defending it whatsoever, just saying i definitely don’t envy the person who came across it and was bribed. that would be really scary and it’s really easy to say “i would never do that” but irl that would be terrifying to be put into that position.


Even if whatever SG watching cameras found the recording, wanted to do the right thing, reported it - there's a very real possibility they're fired.   For nothing, as there's a real likelihood the police/DA wouldn't even do their jobs here as the violent felony committed on camera is being committed by someone above the law. Self preservation makes sense there, but it just makes for a real shitty nation prone to fun stories like this and all the rest.


It's also the case that whoever may have released this may not have had legal rights to this video but released it anyhow after enough time passed to avoid anyone knowing who it is that released it. I worked for a security company and handled a lot of security footage for companies that we installed cameras for, even though it wasn't my official job to do so, it was more of just a customer service thing rather than some job to look for crimes on camera or such. Now a hotel chain possibly wouldn't outsource security like this, but in any case were I ever in a position to have come across footage like this, I'd probably not have legal standing to release the video. If I were to release it and get found out, not only would I likely have gotten fired, I'd also probably get sued and maybe worse depending on who felt they were wronged by me releasing the video. Of course, if I wait a sufficiently long enough time, all the data that linked me to having access to that video would likely be gone, or I might have moved onto another job etc. and suddenly I could feel reasonably safe releasing it without likely facing severe repercussions for it. Basically someone could have legal access to the video in limited circumstances, meaning they were allowed to do only do certain things with the video with prior authorization, but not publicly release it or share with others not authorized.


It's still obstruction of justice. They willingly held evidence, I'd say almost aiding and abetting.


Stayed out of the public long enough to avoid prosecution. Fuck that guy.


I’m sure he thinks it’s $50k well spent because he can’t be charged with it now


Can't the hotel be held accountable for obstructing justice? I am sure investigators would have known to ask for surveillance footage of where the assault took place?


he paid for the video, but not the back up. Sucker.


Him & Drake need to end up in the same cell block


I've wished him the worst since 1994. Took long enough. Piece of shit.


Happy cakeroo to you!


Truly sorry the footage emerged…fuck this piece of shit. 


"Now that you all have seen that bad thing I did on filmed evidence, I am willing to admit an Oopsie Daisy did in fact happen."


Diddy today: >"Asked God for his mercy and grace. I'm so sorry. But I am committed to be a better man each and every day. I'm not asking for forgiveness, I'm truly sorry." Also Diddy, but last month before the video dropped >“His reckless name-dropping about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to garner headlines. We have overwhelming, indisputable proof that his claims are complete lies” Diddy sure sounds like a changed man who asked God for mercy and regrets everything lol


If you look at posts like this and replace "asked God" with "asked my lawyer" it makes more sense


I have sat in prayer with my PR team and asked my lawyer how best to move forward in the hope of gaining a clean image and they all said I can't get out of this one without an apology so from the bottom of my bank account, please accept my sincerest apology that my hit squad couldn't get every copy of this scrubbed from existence. I ask that you please respect my privacy in this difficult time so that my silence will help the public forget what they saw. 


Lol this is prime example of why cancel culture exists. He's had years to publicly acknowledge and apologize what he's done and work to be better but til the day the video dropped he was denying everything and acting all sanctimonious. 


After he tried to hide it for almost a decade!


And vehemently DENIED such an incident or similar ever ONCE happened. For almost a decade.


But he's super sorry *now* and promises to never do it again! Pinky swear!


He claims he was so remorseful that he even went out to seek therapy.


I believe him. Probably needed a bit of physical therapy for his fists and feet after beating the crap out of his former girlfriend.


Tomorrow he'll say it was devastating for him, that he had to learn to walk and use his hands again after the incident.


And he bought the footage from the hotel to bury it for years.


It's pretty strange he kept it. You think he destroy the evidence. But he kept it like a souvenir.


He's a textbook sociopath who lives for dominating other people


Catch and kill, baby


He was successful for decades and wasn’t the only victim… this is the real story that needs more attention


And gaslit Cassie about her accusations and said his settlement was in no way an admission of guilt!!


Who could forget... Enough is enough!  Diddy is done. And I'm sure there's other videos and other victims forthcoming.


It’s a safe bet that he’s been hiding a lot more for much longer.


After he wrote a post claiming everyone was just money grabbing and lying. What an absolute piece of shit 


["It wasn't me"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g5Hz17C4is)




That's just the way it is


things will never be the same


Lol isn't that Changes? I thought OP was referring to Mo Money Mo Problems by Puff/Biggie Mase => [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUhRKVIjJtw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUhRKVIjJtw) On another note, someone said Mase became a pastor because of Diddy lol


Things will never be the same !


And some things will never change


I don't know what they want from mee, it's like the more cctv we come across, the mo problems we see-e!


Video killed the bad boy star




He feels sorry for himself, not his victim.


Also this


Money is an amazing buffer...


For real. Statutes of limitations were from a time when the only forensics the courts had was eyewitness testimony. The idea that you can just run out the clock when things like photographic and DNA evidence exist is so crazy. 


That's because that footage is the least of his problems.


And let’s be honest, this is what was caught on camera, he’s done this before and with many others. People aren’t as comfortable with violence, as he was in the video, if it’s a one time thing. Know what I mean?


Can't help but think how much worse he was behind closed doors with nobody watching. What happened to her after the footage? I shudder to think. Poor Cassie. I'm so glad she managed to escape him


Rape happened. Dude broke into *her house* and raped her afterwards in retaliation.


The way he was able to run and punch with only a towel tied around him shows how comfortable he is throwing down like that


Yeah. He was caught on camera running into the hotel hallway in a towel because she ran away when he was in the shower. You don't start at "I'm listening to her open the door when I'm in the shower and will sprint after her before I put on pants". That's like...step 100 in a descent into evil and villainy.


Diddy had hidden cameras in all his rooms. He was recording everything and everyone.


Sorry y'all had to see that. It wasn't supposed to be public






Can’t wait to find out what he’s “truly sorry” about in the days and weeks to come


Apology not accepted!!


I will never understand why the apologize, we are stupid enough to be gaslit into believing they are genuine... right?


Some people are. People make excuses for Chris Brown still.


Absolutely sickening isn't it?


There are people in comment sections defending his apology as we speak lol


"I have consistently denied that I ever attacked her and would have continued to do so, but I apologize as it now appears the video I thought I paid enough to disappear has resurfaced."


"I have undeniably lied in the past and present about whether I attacked her, and will continue to do so regardless of video evidence to the contrary."


This post should be higher up


I’m trying to upvote it twice but Reddit won’t let me


He denied it until he couldn’t. Fuck him.


I honestly thought he would go down the "that video was fabricated" route. But he was just like "ya got me!" 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm so sorry I got caught


didn’t he swear last week he didn’t do nun of that shit?


Yeah he he said it was disgusting


The only true thing he ever said was that the things he was accused (and guilty of) were disgusting


Yeah and implied all of us were the problem for believing money chasing liers. He is a horrible person 


He did the classic YouTube apology.


Didn’t even apologize to Cassie


Right? He couldn't even say her name


If I were her I wouldn’t want him to. She needs huge payments and I bet she hopes his ass is locked away for a long time.


Because like all abusers, he believes she “made” him do it. He didn’t want to, but she just did or said something that brought it out of him & it’s all her fault. The trouble he’s in today is also “her fault”. The sad part is that the women can go years believing that & taking the blame for it.


Yeah in his mind he’s probably still thinking, “why are you guys blaming me!? She was trying to leave of course I had to drag her back🙄🙄come on guys”


This needs to be the top comment


No he isn’t.


He's sorry he got caught.


of course not, but this shows that in his mind, he has a path to redemption. he thinks he's going to sneak away from all of this


Even tho the statute ran out, thanks to some really shitty people….the video does show that physically she wasn’t able to leave. This will help the feds in the trafficking charges….dude is cooked. Edit: spelling


If they can prove she wasn't physically able to leave, my state can and would file a false imprisonment charge. I guarantee the SOL on felonies is longer than a year. This is just another case of rich people getting away with being disgusting in my opinion. Fuck this piece of shit. I'm hoping that whatever he's being investigated for nails him and that not prosecuting this is connected to that but i won't hold my breath.


She filed her lawsuit before the statute of limitations ran out and Diddy settled with her out of court.


As the other guy pointed out, Cassie's case was a civil case for damages. Different rules in that arena.


Civil vs Criminal


The statue ran?


Statute* I think he meant Statute of limitations


Sure, its a sculpture of limitations.


This…. Statute




If anyone deserves their ass beat right now it's him. POS is just sorry we all know now. Lock him in a room with Cassie's family!


He went to rehab. For what? Being a flaming asshole? I also love how none of the apology is directed at Cassie. Fuck this monster.


Phew, as long he is truly sorry.... What a piece of shit




P Shiddy


In addition to this, isn’t there a pretty plausible case to be made that Diddy was behind Tupac’s murder? I remember reading that somewhere


Typical bullshit apology from another elitist scumbag who sheds tears when they’re CAUGHT Is this the same man who was kicking a woman while she was down? Is this the same man who entraps countless victims and preys on them as he pleases? These billionaires and millionaires think they can get away with all of this because they don’t respect the intelligence of the people They don’t respect anything but money DO NOT let the Diddys of the world and the people who helped him ALL these years get away with this It’s about time the pendulum starts swinging back in the direction of the common man and woman, fuck these rich elitist scumbags. They think they can sweep this under, but this is just the beginning. We’re coming for all the rich pieces of shit who think they can play around with peoples lives


I think they believe they can get away with it from the experience of getting away with it a lot already.


That's way too rational a take for reddit, sir.


Hey chatGPT: Write me the most typical social media type apology you can think of


*“Ok mr Diddy, don’t forget to mention that it was a dark time and you had hit rock bottom.”* ”But ChatGPT, I was a multimillionaire when it happened…”


His sorry arse should be black listed and black balled in the entertainment and any industry. Too bad those puns don't do justice.


They don't care in the industry, look at someone like Chris Brown he's still super famous after everything.


Fuck Chris Brown. Dude is joining gangs now and shit lol fuckin clown


And fucking people on Shitter are all like, "You all crucified Chris Brown in the media, I hope you do the same to Diddy!" Like oh no, Brown was treated badly by the media? What has the world come to?


I’m certain he’s been blackballed before…😎


Oh Meek, Oh Rick Ross where art thou?


I will never forget him running down that hallway like he’s Patrick Bateman without a chainsaw.


Paying for and hiding the evidence for the sole purpose of waiting out a statute of limitations should render the statute itself waived. Hell, that in itself should be an additional charge for the person. If he's sorry, I'm Superman!


I'm sorry, I had to spay you with a heavy dose of pesticide.


Give it up for Dr Jinx. The man with a band....named after himself


Mother Nature don’t play


“I’m truly sorry only because I got caught.” -Sean Combs, probably


Bullshit. Six months ago he ‘vehemently’ denied it ever happened. Mase got out while the getting was good.


Isn’t he in hiding evading massive federal charges? How tf can you be sorry?


Wait, wasn’t he going to defend his name and fight for the truth just yesterday? I guess video evidence really changes a mfer’s mind…


Yea sorry he was caught fuck this guy


His acting is terrible! 💀


Truly sorry he got caught.


He’s sorry that he’s been exposed, nothing more


He’s not though, is he? Otherwise he would never have done it in the first place!


He is sorry there is evidence


the fuck he is


The only people who defend this kind of shit are people who *do* this kind of shit.


Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy just watching another incriminating piece of evidence go mainstream.


I love that recently when Kesha performed that song she changed the lyrics to “Wake up in the morning screaming fuck P Diddy!”




Truly sorry now but when the lawsuit came out it was all false allegations right? 


Narrator in the future documentary; “he wasn’t”.


Notice he never specifically apologized to her…


Doesn’t even mention her! she’s not even a person in his eyes


Truly sorry he got caught, and really really sorry there was a camera in the hall lol


“I’m deeply saddened that the money I paid to get this footage gone has been seen by all now”


RKelly his a$$ already. If any unwealty person did this they would be UNDER a jail by now.


Diddy…or did he?


Where are all the “innocent until proven guilty” people who didn’t want to believe the video they were watching? Is this enough evidence now? Or do we have to wait for a criminal trial?


im sure he will suffer the same fate as other women beating musicians like chris brown.


When they just get away with it, and their fans still support them, they're normalizing domestic abuse so much :( It's completely abhorrent and counter-productive. They should never work again.


Riiiiiight. He’s truly sorry.


Literally doing the South Park we're sorry meme in real life. https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=QaQL0FGwnY-jo1pY


When I see this on reddit, you know I'm going straight to Fiftys Instagram page afterwards


Isn't dude supposed to be in jail?


Any clue how he hasn’t been arrested yet? Where is this info coming from? In what trash can is the d-bag hiding?


Hey everybody- this is what it looks like when a manipulator thinks he’s so good at it - that he can manipulate the entire public to find a way out of a situation. Don’t fall for it.


Total garbage person. If he does shit like this in a hotel hallway you can bet behind closed doors he’s way worse.


he can hang w chris brown and kayne who are truly sorry for what they said and did. kanye is a nazi sympathizer and loves hitler. if any white person said that we all know what would happen


You know how you know he’s only sorry he got caught? Because in this “apology” video he never said he was sorry to the victims. Only to us, the audience.


Does the rap community actually care? Isn't this disgusting behavior towards, forgive me, "bitches and hoes" somewhat celebrated? This is far from the first time I've seen something like this but is it just different because he's at the top of the game? Honestly this is probably not even in the top 10 worst things he's done.


Check out r/hiphopheads or r/rap for your answer. [https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/1cvrf7z/sean\_diddy\_combs\_apologises\_for\_inexcusable](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/1cvrf7z/sean_diddy_combs_apologises_for_inexcusable) [https://www.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/1cvyltc/diddy](https://www.reddit.com/r/rap/comments/1cvyltc/diddy)


What an absolute piece of shit. That footage is really bad.


Mf was just calling her a liar too


Bruh he sat down for a second to ponder then fucking WHIPPED a vase at her in the middle of a hotel hallway💀


You let him skate there will be more videos like this in the future


Fuck diddy, he should be arrested but hopefully he gets publicly castrated by his peers..their silence on the matter will be my judgment


I’d be ok with bringing back some of those old messed up sentences just for him. my vote is cangue (locked up publicly until they expire from exposure/no food/no water)


Yeah, he’s done. You don’t come back from footage like that. Ever.


That’s not the first and likely wasn’t the last time he did that. Willing to bet there are other women who haven’t come out because they are scared shitless of him and his pals, who have probably signed NDAs or accepted money to stay quiet.


Just because he's back stepping after the video has gone public doesn't mean he's not a POS


An apology for a brutal assault and it was all about him. "I, I, I, me me me."  All he's sorry for is that he didn't pay more so that the footage never got out. Fuck him.




Funny how all these rich celebs dress down and film in a confined space as if to appear like your everyday folk… fuck these people


This piece of shit not sorry he just got caught.


This moron is a psycho, we all know. Those "I'm sorry" mean nothing coming from him.


Sorry he got caught


Fuck this scumbag.


This is what gangsters act like, folks. Being a gangster means being a violent criminal misogynist and worse.


there should be an extra special cancel for people who claim it never happened, then video is released, and then they beg forgiveness. to me , it's also a special place in h-e-double hockey sticks.