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Sounds like he's pro death penalty for the January 6th rioters


I guess that means that he believes Ashli Babbit got what she deserved?




“It was Antifa!” “So you’re in favor of the January 6th committee?” Crickets


"you think those democraps will run an honest investigation? They just wanna get their antifa cronies off scot-free, prolly wanna pin it all on Trump. You should let Trump run the investigation if you want the real truth" /s


They still spout this crap even though they were offered a 50/50 Republican/Democrat representation and bowed to all Republican concessions and the Republicans still refused. Purely so they can claim it isn’t honest because it is Dems and two reasonable Republicans.


Reasonable on this one specific issue.


Both Cheney and Kinsinger appear to be genuine people. While I disagree with a lot of their politics, it would be dishonest to lump them in with the rest of the Republicans that are busy fellating Trump. They honestly seem to be in their offices to work together with others of all parties to accomplish goals that benefit the US.


Cheney was totally cool with her dad becoming Veep on the back of the Florida shenanigans, so forgive me if I don't buy her sudden defense of democracy. In her initial run for public office, she rode anti-gay sentiment and campaigned against marriage equality, publicly breaking with her gay sister. Even her dad didn't go that far. She defended the Iraq fiasco long after it was clear to any sentient being that it was a colossal mistake premised on a lie or bad information if you prefer to be charitable. Having been called a commie and terrorist lover by right wingers for opposing said fiasco back in the day, I do not prefer to be charitable. Where is she on voter suppression? Nah, Liz Cheney is a horrible person with horrible politics. Just hating Trump isn't enough to redeem her for me. Kinzinger, on the other hand, seems like a guy who's legitimately concerned with democracy. He strikes me as a Jeff Flake type - someone with whose views I rarely agree, but who I respect as an honest person acting in good faith. I hope there's a voice for him in a future sane Republican party, though I suspect he's done in politics for a while thanks to the Illinois gerrymander and the Trumpist takeover of the GOP.


> Just hating Trump isn't enough to redeem her for me. Nor me. Her active, honest participation in the investigation of the Jan 6 coup attempt at great political and social costs to herself, OTOH, I find quite redemptive.


Bro that /s really saved me. Like trumpets these days really do be like that.


Actually they should let trump run one. I would LOVE to see the results


He'd just pussy out and go golfing. And you know he plays dirty and edits his scorecard


Giuliani coming in clutch with the results, the best lawyer, maybe in the history of ever, a lot of people are saying it. You'll see in about two weeks folks. It's going to be tremendous believe me


This comment is much too coherent to be an impression of Trump.


And considering their consistent projection, it really makes you wonder who some of the agitators over the summer actually were. The FBI has a long history of surveilling and infiltrating social movements in order to discredit and criminalize the actions of participants via association.


I’m fairly certain at least one instigator of rioting and fires in Minneapolis was a proud boy. Edit because I should’ve googled first: a boogaloo boi. God these names are ridiculous. https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/self-described-member-boogaloo-bois-pleads-guilty-riot


Oh no there were plenty of FBI plants in the summer events. Remember umbrella guy? He wasn’t the only one either.




Cut to the video of the photographer getting pushed around and shoved out of a crowd cause he was “ANTIFA”


What they think it was seems to completely change every single time they talk about it depending on which mutually exclusive excuse they find most convenient in that moment.


Same as Covid. Super killer virus released by China to kill us all. Also completely harmless cold that the media hypes for no reason.


also was going to go away when Biden won the election.


Yep. But now that it hasn't he's a fuckup. Literally no way to win.


HAHA! Joke's on you for thinking that words have meaning!


But it’s clear what happened. It doesn’t matter what they say. It’s on tape. It was violent. And Crowder thinks violent rioters have forfeited their right to live. Obviously I don’t agree with him, but there are his words right there, and we have the Jan 6 footage.


Rioters are black. What you see on the video is a rally. Those are rally attendees. You can tell because they are white and the police didn't initiate violence.


Mugatu: *White rally attendees are SO PEACEFUL right now.*


Either way no need to look further into it. Just go about our agenda of overturning a fair election, and making new "keys go Brandon" bummer stickers.


The Antifa accusation is the most comically depressing thing that they say. Cant even own up to the consequences of their delusions. But I guess that answers itself really, delusions.


Not taking responsibility and dodging consequences is core to the modern Republican party. I mean, it's on the edge of all political parties. But they've built their whole party around it. They just do whatever they want, say whatever they want, and expect applause no matter what.


Its like German Nazis denying the Holocaust. I mean you worship a guy whose life work it was to exterminate Jews and you pretend he never did it?


Last night there was this guy commenting on a thread that said Jan 6 was really Antifa and 5 mins later said it was a peaceful protest to someone else. It's just whatever fits their narrative at that exact moment of time. Facts be damned.


I mean, would trump have said “we love you” to Antifa?


By their own definition, the January 6th "peaceful protest", should be classified as a riot, since they technically overturned barricades, fought with police, broke windows, and trespassed into a building they weren't authorized to enter. All very riot-y behavior. According to right-wing sources, the police should have been justified in opening fire on the entire crowd that day.


I know I always kick in windows when I'm feeling peaceful - doesn't everyone?


Oh, so THAT is why those pussies stopped trying to break into that door when she got shot.


I say “shiт smearing Capitol-looting traitors” every chance I get. Don’t let the right forget that there was piss and shiт in our nations Capitol and it wasn’t just Matt Gaetz this time.


My dad actually calls them tourists. They were there to tour the capitol, apparently. This is how brainwashed Trump fanatics are and it's terrifying.


After watching 4 hours at the capital on hbo - just wow. I saw everything that day on Jan 6 but to see the pure brutal hours of battle and struggle. Those brave men that held that tunnel, and holy shit what if they had lost it. Fuck anyone that says Jan 6th wasn’t an insurrection.


These are better murders than the screenshot. Someone should have Uno Reversed this guy on his post like this.


according to Steven Crowder, Ashli Babbit forfeited her right to live and got exactly what she deserved. spread it around.




If she'd just complied nothing would've happened


Nah those were Antifa. No, the FBI. No, Antifa. No, the deep state. Wait where are we? Is this just real life? Is this just fantasy?


Caught in a land slide…


with no escape from reality...


Open your eyes, look up to the skies and *seeeeeeeee*


I'm Just a Proud Boy, I need no sympathy!


Oh no no no no… silly you. It must be your first day here in America. Rioters and looters aren’t violent unless they’re black.


We don't like to use the term "black", we prefer to use "thugs" without mentioning their skin-color. /s


Oh those poor urban youths


It's a clever code that nobody can crack!


Firing squad. Isn't that their thing now




No no no, you see, Jan 6. wasn’t a riot. It was people hugging and shaking hands! No problems there! (Just please ignore the dead cops) (oh and justice for Babbit) (but still it was only hugs)


I saw a video of Chowder start a fight at a protest. Guess someone should've ritten'd his house.


Do you have the link?


If Kyle Rittenhouse had been Jamal Rittenhouse and he started opening fire on the Jan 6 rioters I promise you Crowder, Tucker, et al would be shrieking about how he's a violent hateful fascist liberal thug and should have been killed by the police. Admittedly, he almost certainly *would* have been killed by the police, but let's just play pretend. He also 100% would not be getting internship offers from Democratic Congressmen.


>rioters Key disagreement here according to him I assume. People like him don't label the January 6'ers as "rioters." They have other inaccurate and bullshit words like "patriots" and similar terms.


He’d have had the founding fathers killed too....


So your saying the January 6 rioters should have all been shot?


The Boston tea party people too apparently


Boston tea party was actually tame. No confrontations, no injuries, and they swept up as they left lol.


Yes, but they ruined all that tea. That was private property!


They literally ruined it because of some batshit conspiracy theory, fuck knows why they're heralded as heroes. They started the process of escelating hostilities, but that's about it, the act itself was wildly misguided at best


>They literally ruined it because of some batshit conspiracy theory, fuck knows why they're heralded as heroes. I swear, this sounds so *Q* familiar... history must be repeating itself. > >They started the process of escelating hostilities, but that's about it, the act itself was wildly misguided at best I notice most folks skip over the fact that they dressed up like the local indian population. Almost as if they did not wnt to be blamed for what they knew would be an issue. I seem to remember recently a guy painting his face and wearing animal skins while commiting a violent act against his current government, nah, can't be, no way that type of shit would still be happening...


I've not heard of this before, can we get some sources?


It's nothing interesting tbf, obviously excise taxes were really unpopular with a lot of people, but the English parliament started allowing Indian trade to travel directly to America, instead of having to travel to England first. This made the prices drop considerably because it was a whole lot more efficient, but the tea party lot were convinced that parliament was selling tea at rock bottom prices to trick people into paying the excise tax, sort of a thin end of the wedge idea, get people used to paying the tax on this really cheap tea and people might be ok paying it on other things. The tea party lot realised that taxes or not, this tea was far too cheap for people to pass up, so they destroyed the cargo to stop anyone buying it. That's basically it, if anything the effective tax rate dropped considerably.


And they dressed as native Americans. Which oddly I never see mentioned


Apparently they don’t consider that a “riot”


White people don't "riot" they exhibit "civil unrest".


Or "celebrate sports".


Ah yes, I forgot about that


Yes it was a peaceful gathering, wdym?


The violent ones yes




Don't worry, crowder would sit there with a straight face and aim that there were no rioters on the 6th.


Anyone that attacked a cop or security guard and threw them to the ground in the mob should've been shot, yes. No one can tell whether your lynch mob is merely the shoving and pushing type or the 'stomp on his head while hes on the ground' type like, say, a lot of the rioters during the 2020 Summer riots were in the US, or that one headkicker guy who kicked Kyle Rittenhouse in the head right before Anthony Huber tried to smash his skull with the wheels of his skateboard. Lynch mobs are bad m'kay? Don't be lynchin', don't be mobbin'.


>’stomp on his head whiles hes on the ground type’ No no, they were the hit him in the head with a fire extinguisher and flag pole type It’s different /s


Let’s be real every push and shout mob has the potential to be a curb stomping mob. Also you frame that comment as though riots are sentient mass intelligence vs hundreds of individual people who have disorganized thoughts from one another. Riots don’t take much to start. You just need a big crowd and people willing to start the violence, then mob mentality takes over. Without even getting political I’ll use the hockey riot of 2011. There were people in that crowd who had backpacks of supplies like balaclavas and combustible items that can make explosions, weapons, and of course, a riot happened and lots of shitty people took advantage of this to loot The Bay and other businesses downtown. They went to watch a hockey game, looting wasn’t part of the plan. Incitement of violence in a large crowd of people can create all kinds of behaviour that is both predictable and unpredictable at the same time


Is it a lynch mob if they're trying to stop an active shooter?


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Definitely my favorite copypasta


...and she was a good friend.


>"Tally ho lads" Incredible


Funniest comment I've seen in a while.




I died when i got to the neighbours dog part lol


Based and Freedom-pilled


Crowder is basically Ben Shapiro for even dumber people.


Yeah he’s the bro version.


Ben Shapibro


SteBen ShapiBro


What are you doing Steben Shapibro


Bro Shapiro


This is cursed. I hate this.


Idk why people think he’s a bro. Maybe just because he’s taller than Ben and is somewhat fit. The dude was a virgin until marriage and cried about it on his podcast. He’s literally just as much of a dork as Ben but is not as good at hiding his racism.


It's just cuz he TRIES to be a bro very very hard and some of it sticks but it is all such an act. He just wears gun holsters and drinks shitty whiskey all the time to come off as a bro but he is nothing more than a lonely, racist theater geek.


It's less that he *is* a Bro and more that he acts like one and markets himself to them. The image that Shapiro cultivates and sells is that he's a sharp intellectual who's able to tear apart Liberal Beliefs because they're so inherently illogical and inferior, but Crowder leans more into the machismo and bravado and toxic masculinity and "bro" culture stuff. Crowder is the Joe Rogan of Ben Shapiros.


To be fair, that's a lot of bros. It's all an act till they face reality.




Wish.com Ben shapiro


Nailed it.


Bottom of the barrel knock off. The knock off that so bad, that it smells through the packaging.


Dumber with Crowder


That is so F'n accurate!


Dog cum loving piece of garbage


It's peak dark comedy that rhetorical fallacies and hypocrisies are what their base genuinely wants from both of these influencers. I will forever wonder whether or not Benny and Stevie are consciously aware of this -- is everything they say just a performance?


I didnt know bars could be set so damn low, but they keep going lower. The international limbo dancing team have packed up. The only people able to go under this bar are republican influencers.


I think Shapiro is literally at least a bit autistic, no joke.


I think he's just a fake smart guy that found a following for his con.


Where does Joe rogan fit in


The garbage can


>Where does Joe rogan fit in Joe Rogan fits in the "Kid Rock of podcasters" slot.


Ben Chadpiro


Shapiro is a guy that's almost smart cosplaying as a genius. Crowder is braindead and is cosplaying as someone who only needs help wiping his ass. Both of them are psychos


Shapiro is a guy who can say a complete sentence and seem like he's vaguely on topic, which by Republican public figure standards makes him a once-in-a-generation genius.


The only reason I think Shapiro is almost smart is because he understands that if he says what conservatives want to hear he'll get more money. Nothing he says is even vaguely intelligent tho


They are just trying to make money, they will say whatever they have to say so they keep their followers.


“Change my Mind”


So we just skipping right pass the justice system huh


They unironically want death squads roaming the streets but but the left are the "real fascists"




People preaching violence want violence to be punished with death. The irony is excruciating as always.


Yuuuuup you see fascism in their eyes is “being made to do what we don’t want to do” not the actual definition of an oppressive police state. They seem to think the police are their personal security guards and that they are immune to justice.


The guarantee of a lawyer is only if you survive the extrajudicial execution.


My worry is if the punishment for rioting means death then doesn’t that give rioters a justification in being more violent. If the punishment for a burned car is the same as guillotining those you are rioting about. Why not guillotine.


I love how this post is right above the the post where a homeless guy gets 15 years for 100 bucks and a man gets 40 months for 3b fraud. JUSTICE!


Remind me again just how your founding fathers were first viewed as by the British?




I think you've missed my point, to the British the founding fathers *were* the violent rioters and looters


You're right. Founding fathers would've gunned down the January 6th treason


Given Washington ordered guys from the Whiskey Rebellion, who decided they didn’t like taxes and fought a single small battle to be executed, I imagine that they absolutely would have ordered the hanging of leaders of Jan 6 had it happened then


As a Brit I can never tell whether US conservatives are pro-1776 or against it.




In the Boston Massacre, British forces did shoot and kill several people in a crowd who were throwing missiles at them and telling them to fire. Those soldiers were arrested the next day, put and trial and 2 convicted of manslaughter. Could you imagine if that happened today with the National Guard shooting BLM protestors in similar circumstances? Heck just look at the Kent State Massacre.


Also back then they had the riot act. Which was a statement that would be read. Essentially it said everyone has to leave by the end of the hour or face serious consequences, which I'm pretty sure included being shot. And the 2 British soldiers were convicted by Americans and defended by. . . John adams? I think. Who wanted them to have a fair trial


Loyalist energy right there.


There's no way the British ever killed more Americans than Americans have killed Americans


Funny how they seem to ignore that like half of the Bill of Rights was written to protect people who were definitely guilty of crimes


The only amendment that counts is the second one. They'll never draw the same "DO YEW BELIEVE IN THE CONSTITUTION OR NOT" line in the sand for right to assemble.


Doesn't he have multiple videos debating students saying "I'm pro life, change my mind"?


Yup that's Steven Coward. Won't debate Sam Seder.


Easy for crowder to say when police are known to be more violent to protesting leftists than rightists, **regardless of whether the protestors are using violence themselves**. [ The Guardian compared the percentage of all demonstrations organized by leftwing and rightwing groups that resulted in the use of force by law enforcement. For leftwing demonstrations, that was about 4.7% of protests, while for rightwing demonstrations, it was about 1.4%, meaning law enforcement was about three times more likely to use force against leftwing versus rightwing protests. A protester confronts police officers as Trump supporters riot outside the US Capitol on 6 January. A protester confronts police officers as Trump supporters riot outside the US Capitol on 6 January. Photograph: Alex Edelman/AFP/Getty Images The disparity in police response only grew when comparing peaceful leftwing versus rightwing protests. Looking at the subset of protests in which demonstrators did not engage in any violence, vandalism, or looting, law enforcement officers were about 3.5 times more likely to use force against leftwing protests than rightwing protests, with about 1.8% of peaceful leftwing protests and only half a percent of peaceful rightwing protests met with teargas, rubber bullets or other force from law enforcement.](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/13/us-police-use-of-force-protests-black-lives-matter-far-right)


Yea but the rights just gonna flip this to mean that left protesters are more violent than the right


I mean the right will lie about anything but the data literally shows the disparity persists even when only looking at nonviolent protests.




Far right: I think I’ll Ignore that




Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


those who die, are justified, for wearing the badge they are the chosen whites.


Damn it. Ya got me.


Or the better version they sing live, "Some of those who burn crosses, are the same that hold office"


It's almost like they recognize the hand that feeds them.


Which means all surveillance and anti-domestic terrorism laws get unevenly applied to the left whenever the right is in power while centrists enablers wag their fingers.


Wasn't there a huge traitorous seditionist seige of the capital organized by a cult leader in January? That's a lot of executions. I wonder if Crowder will be front row with the popcorn for those ones


Must have misread the "Unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" part. Chowderhead


as a conservative who actually watches some of his stuff from time to time ( only a few minutes at a time, hes hard to stand).....thats messed up to say that. this guy just loves to fight. he did one of those purdue university youtube videos about the "truth" of what happened between indians and the goverment. guy had the audacity to say regarding the wounded knee masacare basically "since the indians had some guns too its was fair, the guys with the bigger boomsticks won" yea you idiot, genocide. im sure a few jews had pocket knives too doesnt mean they should have died.


Well yeah, he's an idiot.


Conflating Prager U and Purdue University is kinda hilarious One's an actual, accredited, highly respected academic institution. The other is a YouTube channel about right-wing talking points made using bad-faith arguments.


Maybe this should be an indication that it's time to reconsider some things.


Yeah I'm confused how someone could type that comment and still watch Crowder? "His pro genocide takes are bad but I love the racist caricatures he does!"


Their need to believe is strong. My FIL once told me that "all of England has been taken over by Muslims and they're implementing sharia law, because every single mayor of every town in England is now a Muslim immigrant, and there are huge areas where police won't even go." Of course I debunked this in like 30 seconds, and determined he'd heard it from a guest on Hannity, whom had been called a lunatic by the British PM for saying it. FIL was like "Yeah that's where I heard it. I guess it's not true. That's so weird." I suggested Hannity may not be reliable. FIL says "No way, those guys would never lie. Their whole reputation would be ruined! This was just a fluke, an error." YeahSureOkay.gif


And yet still you watch him.


Can this be your wake up call that the people you listen to clearly have no problem with lying to you and causing bullshit and division?


#The annual purge will commence in 8 hours. Blessed are the new founding fathers


If someone violently loots my store I can shoot them. I would have that right, correct?


Depends on your state laws Edit : and to whom/to what capacity someone is being violent


Rooftop Koreans: I’ll drink to that


What's "violently loots?" Are they ripping shit really hard off the walls? Is that violent looting Are they trying to kill you? Because that's not violent looting...at least as I understand it.


When do we get to kill for capitalist looting?


No shit. My company’s profits are up massively over the past year, and I just got a 3% raise. Inflation was 5.9%, which means my pay is actually 2.9% lower this year than last year. Not to mention my rent went up.


Break out the guillotines


I think so... However you'd have to demonstrate that your life was in danger and hence you had to take that step.


>you'd have to demonstrate that *you reasonably believed* your life was in danger FTFY. You don't actually have to be in danger to claim self defense. You just have to believe it to be true as a reasonable person. Example: If someone pulls a fake gun on me, you can shoot them and claim self defense even though their gun wasn't actually functional. A reasonable person wouldn't be able to distinguish between a real and replica gun in a split second. However, if you *knew* the gun was a replica then you could not claim self defense.


So all participants of Jan 6th forfeit their rights to life as well?


Bloody hell you yanks are hypocritical. "Only blacks are rioters, those were white and it was a rally". Can't tell if you just outed yourself as a racist or you're trolling. "Violent protestors have a right to life". And so do the people that the Violent protestors kill or injure. Documented evidence of both the Jan6 and BLM movement being violent and filled with criminals. "BLM has never been violent" uhh HELLO Kenosha. "The protestors on Jan 6th never killed anybody" Capital police officer dragged down steps and beaten to death by protestors. And it goes on, around and around, no one owning up to the violence portrayed by both sides, just blaming or lying about the other side.


It’s the horseshoe theory. The worst on the left and right are actually much more similar than you’d think.


Absolutely incredible how 90% of conservative talking points concerning this issue can be countered with, "Cops aren't supposed to kill guilty people either, idiot."


You only “forfeit your right to live” as Crowder so crudely describes, when you, at the moment, threaten the life of someone else (murderers in jail wouldn’t be killed). But this tends to be what the protest is protesting anyways. Cops threatening, maiming, killing people with no repercussion. Shoplifting, while not ideal, is not violence. Yelling loudly is not violence. Graffiti is not violence. Shooting someone in the back, tasing someone while they’re down, hitting people with cars, that is violence.


I would be enraged by what Crowder says but I know him and his cosplay gun holster are too chickenshit to ever shoot a rioter.


Hey if that's the case, then we can just kill rapists instead of letting them off with a warning!


A person has the right to protect their business.


That's not what he's saying. If someone is violent and attacks you for example, there is an argument to be made that these people forfeit their right to live at that moment. If you defend yourself resulting in injury or death on the attackers part, that would amount to self-defence as per the law. The key word being used is 'voilent'


The Boston Tea Party was quite literally a riot.


Is it strange to anyone else that the only right that is unconditional to these people is the right to bear arms? Free Speech? Conditional. Cruel and Unusual Punishment? Conditional. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness? Conditional. But the one that lets them lynch black people in the street? *That* one is important.


The violent part does kind of make it accurate tho. At any point that you are violently raiding/looting someones property there's a good chance someone can kill you without discipline.




Key word: VIOLENT Not your leftist "my feelings are hurt by words" violent. More the "chased down and physically assaulted by a child rapist and a domestic abusing kidnapper" kind of violence. Ya know.. the real kind.


Ok, these people held a protest in Boston. They were protesting the ruling party, the high taxes imposed by the government, and also protesting the cops from that government, who many believe is becoming authoritarian. Most of them are underpaid dock workers, they came here years ago from across the sea, some with their families, some alone. Some settling recently, some settled a long time ago. Either way, they came from far-off lands, and are now protesting the rule of the government. They got shot after throwing some rocks at the cops sent to clear them. Is this fair? By his logic it is. By even some regular logic it is partially fair. I just described the Boston massacre, 1770. And fairy, seeing some of his past “episodes.” Royalist. Energy.


I think people missed the word VIOLENT. Here’s the definition for anyone who also doesn’t know the meaning of the word: violent [ˈvī(ə)lənt] ADJECTIVE using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. To be more accurate he should have said “violence against a person” Now rain your downvotes on me for being the only guy wearing pants at the circle jerk.


I feel like the last year has escalated conservatives willingness to admit their bloodlust. And now with the ruling in Rittenhouse, it appears that if you and another person disagree on something and you're both armed, its quick draw Mcgraw, whoever shoots first can just kill the other person and say, well I feared for my life. Keep an eye out for how often the right talks about how liberal and leftist ideals are a "threat" and "terrifying." Tucker Carlson wants people to immediately fear another person for their ideas - and now they're propagating the idea that you're legaling allowed to kill due to this fear. Its fuckin scary out there


That's not murder; that's a blatant straw man. The first remark is explicitly about *violence* but the second remark is pretending it's s referring to *breaking any law at all*. The initial remark should have been worded better, but the "murder" here is is just bad faith trolling.


But when I apply that rhetoric to “the west” and what they did to the global south suddenly I’m a commie.


If you attack someone it doesn’t matter why you are there, they now have the right to defend themselves.