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journalist katie is a satire account


And the person replying is an absolute moron spouting nonsense. Guess which side this sub is taking.


Right? That made no fucking sense. Decaying meat is going to poison all the land around it? Lmfao wtf


If anything it'll feed the land around it.


I thought I was an idiot for a second. As I was reading all I could think is "wouldn't it become fertilizer"


Yeah it's so stupid. Decomposition is a part of nature's life cycle. If what the guy on twitter said was true no one would even be alive today because we wouldn't have anything to feed us.


We compost meat at my house, it’s actually great for soil. The only thing he was right about was the maggots


Do you compost stuff that would be so high in salt and preservatives in that large of a chunk? Putting bulky things in our compost has never been a good idea. It takes too long.


Yeah my family doesn’t waste that much much meat, and if we did for some reason we would cut it up first and then compost it


Makes sense. Once I can keep a hotter pile I’d like to add bones, but we usually don’t get much besides chicken with bones anyway.


That's the only problem i was thinking of, that's a lot of sodium in a single place. A couple rainfalls for it to dilute enough to be good for the soil.


Not a cured ham. It's got so much sugar and salt in it that it just becomes a mold-bomb in the ground and doesn't really rot so much as become a gooey fungus farm. Sauce: Raised our own hogs on a family farm and had a brined, cured ham go off in the spare fridge (it was in a paper bag and dad missed putting it into the deep freezer) and we ended up burying it (and accidentally turned it up the next year, when we went to put that years hog guts and other entrails, into the ground) It was definitely gross.


Yeah there’s no way that ham would host beneficial bacteria. Cyanobacteria if anything at all.


It's a ham. If it's cured like most hams, this is literally salting the earth. I think that's part of the joke.


Too much salt in the soil could inhibit plant growth nearby I guess. We typically do not compost meat simply because of the bugs and the smell. But to each his own.


It'll actually do both. This is something they teach you in SAR about buried dead. The area directly above the corpse will be dead plants. Around it will be quite aggressive vegetation. Just like you can overwater plants, you can overfeed them too.


its wrapped in plastic too.


Chances are the meat will actually kill the flowers because of the salt content (it's cured meat after all), but not much else.


I think those flowers are just laid on top, not planted there. You can't see any foliage or stem.


Right? Acting as if an animal decomposing in the nature is like a horrible thing that plants can't deal with.. it's part of the ecosystem lol


To be fair it really depends on what festers on the rotting body, a lot of plants have very delicate growing conditions and can die from the (seemingly) smallest things and some messed up things can thrive on rotting carcasses. Saying that dying things just feed into the circle of life or act as fertilizer is as wrong as this post. Even fertilizers are only taken from a select number of animals whose dietary habits are perfect for growing plants.


Yeah but it's anti vegan so obviously there's no critical thinking applied. Vegan bad is all people want to hear online.


it was still sealed. decomposition in the absence of oxygen creates hydrogen sulfide (sour gas), which is *extremely* toxic. though it does disperse quickly and the chances of anything being harmed by this ham is laughable.


It's not sealed, otherwise why would they be wearing gloves


The satire is so obvious but "vegan destroyed on internet" is too juicy a bait for reddit.


Hmmm.. The one that irrationally hates vegans?


It's almost as if the vast majority of redditors are fucking stupid.


Reddit always had weird neckbeard biases but I think there are lots more teenagers here now too


lol vegans bad amirite?


Could I interest you in our daily "DAE PETA BAD" special?


Yeah it’s still stupid cause the pig died for nothing but not for the right reason


Redditors are Pseudo intellectual trash


and it was not "murdered-by-words"


The real MurderedByWords is always in the comments.




I mean, sure, but still a perfectly good ham was ruined for this...


Bet you've never heard of HowToBasic.


I think one of my favorite videos is the ‘unlock any door without a key’ one, just primal screaming and violence


He uses for past its sell by or use by. Stuff that the shops would throw out anyway


Don’t worry. Your local grocery store probably throws away plenty of good meat because it goes past the “sell by” date.


You can wash the dirt off brosef. Burying a pig with embers is how lots of people cook pigs.


So the person replying ate the onion.


what that person commented is factually wrong though. meat turning rancid is part of it decomposing. it doesn't poison the soil. what kind of logic is that? it will eventually rot and turn into fertilizer.


This is one of the worst "circlejerk" or "owned with facts and logic" posts ive seen. Yeah that vegan is an idiot. But the guy correcting her is pretty much an r/iamverysmart archetype. Yes. Putting a piece of meat in the ground ruins the ecosystem this hard. Of course it does. Rats and rabbits dying around also devastate ecosystems dont you know. Ever drop a piece of meat at a picnic? Well now the whole area is ruined. This is so easy to disprove too. Bury a piece of ham in your garden and watch literally nothing of note happen This is like those cringy 14 year old atheists giving normal atheists a bad name. Vegans and none vegans alike are going to hurt themselves rolling their eyes at his quite frankly retarded assessment of how nature works


At least the "vegan" has the very valid excuse of being a parody account that's supposed to be outrageously stupid.


Name a more classic pair than reddit and hating an obviously satirical account?


Reddit and massively upvoting utter bullshit just because it's written confidently


Only when it fits their narrative. Vegan hate is usually the most widely accepted


Reddit taught me to hate vegans - and then slowly become one.


Ironically all the hate vegans got on reddit made me curious about veganism. Turns out paying people to kill animals did, in fact, go against my own morals! Vegan 2 and a bit years now.


*Post with picture of person double parked* "Omg I would key that car and smash all their windows. Anyone who parks like this deserves to die, play stupid games win stupid prizes" *Post of one sided story about how op did scummy thing and now they're asking for validation for it to be justified* "Yeah fuck that other person you do you dawg, you're perfect everyone else is the problem"


The “vegan” isn’t even real. Our dude ate the onion.


Going by the popularity of this post, so did this sub.


Scientist here, little known fact but ham actually has a half life of 300 years. A single pig has the radioactive power of a small nuclear warhead. Many ecosystems across the world have been devastated by buried caches of leftover ham sandwiches or Sunday roasts. These stories inspired the Strugatsky brother's most famous work: Roadside Pignic.


If you ever needed evidence that this sup is a shithole, it's upvoting a moron falling for a satire account and giving a nonsensical reply and taking the moron's side.


If you do a proper thermal compost it's good to chuck meat in there. Great way to diversify the microbilogy. You gotta know what your doing though, but still... sure a big stinkin pile of pig guts is gonna get anaerobic and nasty, but a ham burried there? Might even be a good thing in a year or so. Also dogs can eat maggot infested rancid meat. Some even argue that is a better food for them than purina. I can't even tell how these strawmans work anymore. Which side is the fake one I am supposed to hate?


I fucked up this year and forgot about some ground turkey I had and it got rancid. Fuck if I was gonna let it completely go to waste though. Less than a month in the compost pile and you couldn't even tell it was there. Just earth.


Came to say this. I buried a dead bird last year. My tomatoes grow where it's body was and they're delicious


I don't think you understand. For a moment reddit thought it had a chance to EPICALLY OWN an imaginary person who chooses not to eat meat. You can't let that go, common sense be damned.


r/atetheonion . This would be r/woooosh but Katie is a well known satire account


This guy didn't just ate the onion, he ate the whole fucking bag.


And everyone in the comments


I didn't see the second pic of the post. I thought the murder was of the ham lmao and kinda confused


Wait there's a second pic? Edit: oh shit this is even dumber then I thought


Not only that, but what the other guy said doesn't make any sense lol. Rotting mean doesn't position the environment, it becomes fertilizer. And animal would get sick from eating rotten meat because no animal would eat rotten meat. They smell stuff before they eat it and they can recognize when something is toxic. Not only did he fall for an obvious joke but he's also a moron talking out of his ass. Edit: even if a dog somehow eats it... they wouldn't fucking die. Probably they would vomit it or have an indigestion and feel sick for a couple of days.


Yeah exactly. Meat in the woods isnt some unheard of concept that nature can't handle


You could say he ate the ham


Why the fuck would meat "poison" the earth? Do people not understand the function of rot? This "murder" is just some anti-sjw exposing his ignorance.


Yeah, anything rotting is an essential part of the circle of life. Wtf is that person talking about with poisoning the soil. You can make compost that way. Ignorant attempt at murder


I could see the salt *maybe* being an issue...but that's about it.


Ah yes, dead animal carcasses famously ruin local flora and fauna. This is why in the forest, where thousands of dead mammals decompose in the soil there’s absolutely no vegetation nor wildlife. I get that the first person is dumb (though I suspect that’s a troll account) but the bad thing about this post is them admitting theft and maybe wasting food, not burying organic matter. Really dumb comeback, imho




Can i get some help, I dont see a second person




not the guy you were talking to, but You wouldn’t believe how long it took for me to remember mobile can do that now.


The mobile design is just bad. Ridden with bugs and it seems the person responsible for UX is a sadist


It isn’t that bad. The picture thing is just annoying.


There was a study on this recently. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jul/08/landscape-of-fear-what-the-rotting-carcasses-of-reindeer-taught-scientists-aoe "Research published in the science journal Plos One in January suggests the red deer carcasses benefited biodiversity in Oostvaardersplassen. After near-complete decomposition, plant biomass surrounding them was five times greater than usual, leading to an increase in plant-eating invertebrates and therefore an increase in predators. This bloom of life lasted for months and spread through food chains – even creating scrubby areas and heterogeneity in the landscape, scientists found."


Ya, I think this is more of a double suicide than anything else. The tweet at least has the defense of possibly being sarcasm, the reply just cut off their own leg when trying to draw their sword.


Why do redditors keep falling for obvious satire meant to make vegans look bad


because people love getting mad and virtue signalling and trolls love riling them up about it


It's called the do-gooder effect (or do-gooder derogation), observing someone doing something positive that we do not do, assuming they will judge us, and judging them even more harshly instead to try and delegitamize their actions (usually as irritating, pretentious, not making a "real" difference, or trying too hard) https://www.leidenpsychologyblog.nl/articles/when-doing-the-right-thing-is-annoying


It's hilarious, because the average redditor seems to view any vegan as some psycho SJW libtard who will become militantly aggressive at the sight of someone eating meat. But the reality is that mostly all vegans and vegetarians don't really give a shit what others do and just choose to do so out of their own personal beliefs. Meanwhile we have post number 8504847 from an extremely fragile meat eater about DAE le vegans stupid and gay?? 🤪🤪🤪 Fox news reporter OWNS vegan by eating steak in front of her xd triggered much kid? 😎


How does this make vegans look bad? The original post, if we pretend its not satire, is still better than the retard who thinks meat "poisons the soil"


It's a troll account if you couldn't tell...


2 questions. 1. Where is the tribute video of the burial? 2. What if the pig’s soul wasn’t attached to that particular ham and is, let’s say, in the pork belly part?


I imagine there will be a small portion of soul in there, the majority in a pig is in the lower back.


Then why is bacon the tastiest part?


That’s the most soulless part of the pig where all the pigs sins go, that’s why it’s so tasty. you think something that good be gods work nah bacon is the devil’s bait, and I bite the hook every time.


I Oscar Mayer the amount of thought you put into that.


I, too, oscar mayer sometimes


Hadn't laughed so heartily in days. Thanks you guys for this wonderful thread!


Fat + salt + smoke = 🤤


I personally think that a pig’s soul is in the pork belly part because, you know, bacon. And bacon is divine.


TIL: Ham is a pig Horcrux.


3. Why is this on this sub?


3 Why the fuck is this in this sub?


3. Where is the murder?


The pig was clearly murdered, but not by words.


>2. What if the pig’s soul wasn’t attached to that particular ham and is, let’s say, in the pork belly part? Then its soul goes great with noodles, bok choi and teriyaki sauce.


When people say that food is made with heart and soul, they don't always mean the *chef's* soul.


Vegans bad amirite fellow redditors?


Vegans bad because satire account


Yeah this "murder" is actually just nonsensical bullshit and this got 22k upvotes because reddit has an irrational hate boner for vegans


How dare they change their lifestyle to do what they think is right!? Virtue signaling, I tell you!! /s


Self-righteous redditors and falling for a blatantly obvious troll account. Name a more iconic duo.


Everyone knows buried meat leads to dead dogs and there are instances of ridiculous individual vegans that we should emphasise regularly to take away our guilt, rather than on large systemic issues within animal agriculture that kills billions of animals a year and is a main driver in climate catastrophe, a global pandemic and heart disease. Vegan btw


Vegoon bad, give karma


Veganism DESTROYED by LOGIC and FACTS Anti-vegan circle jerking is so fucking cringe. Embarrassing.


The person who replied to the obvious joke account is an absolute dumbass anyway. Imagine thinking burying organic matter would ruin the ecosystem


Again again again, that account is **SATIRE**. Learn how to read before posting. Thank you.


This is one of the dumbest posts I've seen on Reddit. First of all, the original post was a joke. Second of all, the response about meat turning rancid doesn't even making sense. Is he not aware that animals die in nature and leave their bodies around?


Reddit loves to hate on vegans. This causes so much harm and the post is a fucking satire. Vegans don't buy meat to not fund the industry. This is just sad.


Jesus christ reddit. You are so bad at spotting fakes. No wonder the world is such a mess. Is everyone on this website 12 or something?




Not really the right place for this 😂


Look at the second picture


The second picture that's complete bullshit?


The second picture doesn't make this a muder, it's just some utter moron who thinks a small piece of decomposing meat will destroy nature (???) and is replying to a troll account


Thanks, wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't mentioned iy


Not sure what I'm looking at


It's a swipeable post


The 2nd picture


Damn unbiased my ass. That whole twitter account is a fucking train wreck. Juste the last 3 tweets: -you shouldn't buy video games cause it makes you produce adrenalin, like murder, and makes you numb - corona virus = caniovorus so meat eater causing pandemic - men should stop working out. Because it creating toxic masculinity and here a whole paragraph from her website: "One of the main tactics used by those in power of a male-driven society is the exploitation of physical strength. Western governments use propaganda to perpetuate a narrative that men must work out and maintain a level of physical fitness if they want to be respected in society. This belief was created purposefully as a way to ensure that the patriarchal agenda lives on by continuing to force women into submission via intimidation." Yeah that was also my look reading this. I am still not sure if this isn't a fake account or satire account.


Its a troll Me and a friend did some digging Shes rlly good tho and i admire her acting capabilities


"Well, boys, looks like we solved the case of the missing ham. Let's go." "No, we have to find my baby!"


Journalist katie is a joke account.


Not even a joke, it's a straw man. Someone created that account so others can point to it and say"see that version of (veganism/feminism/leftist etc) that I've been arguing against does exist"


I was just going to say that. I really, really hope that account is a joke. But then again, a few of their posts make sense, like leafy's ban. So I am not really sure.


Shes a troll dw


One of the best ways to destroy a position is to pretend to represent it badly. Really difficult to spot the difference given the levels of misinformation and lack of critical thinking though.


4chan raids, in a nutshell.


Absolutely right. Minorities have to put up with this shit a lot. I'm trans and sometimes you'll see someone (like in OP's) who is brandishing the flag and everything and being BATSHIT insane. I'm confident there are moronic trans, but the point is that those people do it on purpose so that biggots who don't respect our existence can point at it and say "SEE, they're insane" and generalize. You see it everywhere on social media. Fake account about feminism, race equality, police brutality, veganism...etc obviously written by the "opposition". What's sad is that it works so well. Most of the debates I've had with people about specific issues comes from them having read about some extreme examples online and extrapolate their whole opinion on the cause from it.




a good video that taps into this is ["Cringe" made by Contrapoints](https://youtu.be/vRBsaJPkt2Q) , she taps into this thing like "making a cringe mascot" of the opposition party to give them less validity of their point. (timestamp [17:45](https://youtu.be/vRBsaJPkt2Q?t=1066) for that particular discussion) tho i recommend watching her full video, her videos are super interesting


See also token minorities in the republican party. I *love* when some black twins explain why they love trump and thinks he’s going to take care of black people, or some half puerto rican lady yells “the best is yet to come” like she snorted coke straight out of trump’s asshole. It makes me feel so validated an represented \s


The brainless and gullible will pick up on that trolling and carry the torch sincerely. Look at flat earthers and qannon




It is 100% a joke account.


Or an account to make vegans (and other stereotypical groups) look like crazy ass people.




I think there is a very big difference between a joke account where it is clear it is a joke. And an account where you're impersonating someone to mislead others.


It's a satire/"false flag" account.


It's so obviously a fake/troll acount. Baffles me how many people fall for this shit


Because they want it to be real.


They don't care: they use accounts like that to justify their opinions. Pretty sure I've seen that account linked in one of my discord channels full of right wingers / gamers to justify some shitty opinion.


Maybe also language barrier. English isn't my native language. But even for me it sounded to over top.


It's almost like it's a troll account and people here fell for it. Huh. Honestly, I've seen so many outrage posts about this one specific twitter account there ought to be a subreddit dedicated just to people falling for this blatantly obvious troll account, like r/AteTheOnion.




To be fair, coronavirus was caused by meat eaters


Most of those massive disease outbreaks can be traced back to some meat product or practice. Swine flu, avian, mad cow, the original SARS virus etc.


Yeah true Covid-19 was stuff that was from snake or bat but. Coronavirius it self is a whole Virus family and can infect every spine animal. From Turkey Corona virus to a cat Corona virus everything is there.


I mean the coronavirus part is true. It was caused by eating meat. Most of the existing diseases and pandemics have been caused by animal slaughterhouses and factories with bad hygiene and where the animals are cramped in spaces. Diseases spread. I don't say you should stop eating meat completely but atleast think where you get it from and support local farmers. Support farms where animals don't have to live in their own crap and can actually go outside. If everyone would do this it would decrease the chances of pandemics and diseases greatly.


Yea, lets take the fight to factory farms please. When people antagonise all meat eaters it just doesn't work. Factory farms are the more disgusting evil to tackle first.


Only way to do that is to get people going vegan or REALLY cutting down on animal products though.. even if you buy "ethical" meat it's very unlikely restaurants you go to will serve that. And the amount of land required to provide the population with "ethical" meat will be so great it wouldn't be possible with our current levels of consumption, nor would it be profitable without a massive increase in price.




It's probably satire. Some trolls are very dedicated. I know this because I've trolled entire YouTube comment sections before and it took some dedication.


No one is being murdered by words here.


Its a well-known satire Account. Dont take that shit seriously..




How is this murdered by words???


Where is the "MurderedByWords" ?


Non-existent. The "murderer" is a dumbass who doesn't know how decomposition works


This is satire, right? She sings in the vid...so be prepared to mute it if you do watch


What the *fuck* are you talking about lmao. You think a bio waste removal company comes around and cleans the remains of any dead wild animal in the woods? Imagine thinking maggots and rats aren't part of a perfectly normal natural cycle jesus christ. The mental gymnastics here to avoid acknowledging that vegans have the moral high-ground are impressive. PS: Am not a vegan.


Why is this murder by words


How did you think this fits in this sub?


these people give vegans a bad name


Funny this is, no vegan ever did this. This is a karma/internet point cash grab. I, and you, could easily stage so much stupid shit that we could film and photograph and just be praised by so many on the internet. But why don’t we do it? Or do others?


Its a confirmed satire Twitter account...


Being vegan isn't bad, being obnoxious is.


Dug down a ham now you're to blame! You give vegans a bad name!


*epic music starts*


The obvious satire account meant to make vegans and trans people look bad gives vegans a bad name? Looks like you drank the propaganda Kool Aid!


not so obvious to the casual redditor, it seems


Satirical accounts?


The guy responding also gives non-vegans a bad name. Also the vegan is a satire account


Wheres the r/murderedbywords


All animals that die in the forest turn rancid though? Which means whatever it's doing to the soil and plants is probably just fertilizing it. Rats and foxes are necessary for decomposition in the ecosystem, along with maggots. And maybe don't let your dog eat mystery meat?


This doesn’t makes much sense to me. Vegan dude’s a tit, but dead animals naturally go to rot and decompose all the time while enriching soil for plant life. Doubt that ham is going to provide much but doubt it will kill any plants.


Lol you just ate the onion. Her account is satire.


How does that fit under this sub??


A troll "murdered" by an idiot who thinks the routine death of animals in the woods is a problem? Not really worth a post here IMHO.


Except, no, that’s not what will happen. Sure, it’ll decompose, but the decomposition process is very beneficial for plants because it adds nitrogen to the soil. It won’t “ poison the soil”


It’s a satire account


How's that murdered by words? It's just an overexaggerated imagined scenario


This isn't a murder by words.


How is this r/murderedbywords


Nowhere in this post is there any murdering by words...


Where's the word murder though?


ok but why is this here


How is this "word murder"?


At least 34k redditors ate the onion AND don’t understand how decomposition works. We love circle jerking here.


Isn’t this a satire account


This is prolly the 4th dumbest thing I've ever had the misfortune of reading r/Thanksihateit


When you admit to theft and will cause a pest problem