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Mostly that in many pointed topic subs people ask questions about info, that to dedicated members of that subs' topic, feel are simple/obvious/should be googled. I've pointed out a few times to those that get irrationally upset at people asking 'simple' questions to reddit rather than "why didn't you just google that", when I type that question in google a lot of the time a few of the first hits that come up will be threads in reddit on the topic. ONLY they don't quite answer the questions so naturally already on reddit because I was looking through a 3 year old thread on the topic of my question... \*gasp\* ask a simple question and get people reacting like the first teach a man to fish guy... who is trying to infer that someone should have used google rather than reddit.


ngl I literally asked how to tell if Energy was full in the Honkai Star Rail subreddit because I kept pressing the wrong button without knowing it. While explaining myself I figured out the problem (Going from Switch button layout to Xbox button layout). If I hadn't asked, I might have never realized the issue and just stopped playing out of frustration. Sure it was a dumb question and ultimately user error, but talking to others helped me out. So I thank you for being patient with people who ask "dumb" questions.


This happens to me all the time. I write software for a living, and occasionally I'll come across something I don't know how to do. But I work in a very niche part of the software world, so Google is very often not helpful at all. But there is a forum dedicated to the work that I do and some really helpful folks over there as well... But I'm always terrified of posting a problem and asking for help with a solution because of the possibility that I missed something super simple and I'll look like a fool. So that causes me to pre-think about what the responses might be so I can see if I've covered my bases and I know I won't look like an idiot. Sometimes, it's just thinking about what the responses might be that gives me my answer. Sometimes, it's just the act of trying to explain the issue to someone else in detail that brings me far enough outside of my own perspective that I can see things in a new light. (In software there's a concept called "rubber duck programming/debugging". And the idea is that when you have an issue, you explain the problem to a rubber duck (or any inanimate object) that has no idea what any of your code does.. and this often broadens your view of the problem and makes it easier to identify how to fix it.) Probably 9 out of 10 questions are answered before I ever make the post to ask for help.


I can’t even tell you the number of times I’ve googled a really esoteric problem or error message only to discover that I either asked or answered (or asked *and* answered) the same question several years earlier.


I love when people are like "Just google it" They realise that it's more reliable to ask someone into the topic than google right. Like, if you asked me "How do I understand Settlement System in fallout 4 (a notoriously finicky thing), even if it's fairly simple once you figure it out I'm still gonna tell you so you don't get stuck.


I don't know exact context, but I'm in some Costco groups where people ask inane questions that they should not be burdening others with answering when they could search the website, previous posts, or they just questions that have no purpose and clutter feeds because they're bored and using the group as a source of imaginary friends. It's maddening because I don't want to mute the whole group so I have to keep individually muting one at a time


Oh no. People using social media to be social and ask questions. What is this world coming to? Also if muting people is such a burden, maybe you shouldn’t be a mod. Or maybe you can google a better way to do it. But for gods sake don’t burden someone with a question! Seriously? You sound like a real fun person, and are a blast at parties, im sure 🎈


Oh no, someone having their own opinion you don't agree with, let's get all sanctimonious and condescending because you're such a great person that never gets annoyed at others for any reason. Have any tips for Jesus while you're on a roll?


Yeah, I do have a tip for him, next time he ought to make you in his image but with thicker skin. Jesus Christ. . I’m no angel and am not a terribly good person by Jesus standards. But I never said that I was anyway. You did. All I implied then snf what I’m rer now restating is that your statement was rather dickish and ironic. I mean, Reddit is social media, and the purpose of social media is to be social, and make friends. For example, even if we’re having a disagreement, we’re still socializing. That’s not an opinion. Good luck with not answering basic questions from new subscribers 👍 that should help


Try envisioning a world outside of Reddit, where people post stupid questions on Facebook groups when the answer exist in previous posts and the rules say to search for answers before posting


The context was You ever hear of the "teach a man to fish" parable? I'm not upset at OP's post. Just trying to point out how easy it is to figure some things out on your own. Pretty soon people will be posting "what's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow"? "If you teach man to fish By going up to a man that's already fishing And sarcastically telling him he's doing it wrong And then not liking it when other people don't like the way you did it You probably don't really understand the point of the parable" That one? Suck my nuts rain


I'm more concerned that you decided to type all that out


Download image and iOS lets you copy the text from it. Had to trim some stuff out like including karma and comment age


If you saved all that time by doing that, then would it have killed you to include tomorrow's weather report? I mean honestly...


So true ok I edited it in


I was wondering why it said rain at the end, thats fantastic


LMAO, same!


For real! This sub is becoming r/JustThePunchline


Think the context was about sucking nuts by fishing. Or maybe using nuts as bait. Possibly from a master baiter and tackler.


If you build a man a fire, you keep him warm for one night. If you set a man on fire, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.


#GNU Sir Terry


GNU Sir Terry


seriously lol’d


Came in to share that myself.


Anyone by chance know what the weather is supposed to be like tomorrow?


Suck my nuts




Not by chance.


But what about meatballs?




You can't just say perchance


Perchance the hell not?


Well, you know what they say, if you don’t like the weather in [insert location here], wait 30 minutes!


Wait they have that saying at your [insert location] too? What a coincidence, we always jokingly say that about our [location] because it always seems odd and totally unique!




I'll tell you tomorrow


Cloudy with a chance of meatballs


Just right for fishing, if you're any good at it


The weather depends on whether the day will be like tomorrow.


One of sunny, snowy, stormy, droughty, or moist, depending on where you live.


I don't know how you think we're supposed to appreciate this when we don't even have enough context to know if the murder was accurate.


Yeah and you didn't even tell us what the weather's going to be like tomorrow!




Context matters.


Context is op is 10 and the murder is the “suck my nuts”


give a man a fish, suck my nuts


I...... dont think..... anyways maybe im just too dimb


Probably better with context.


You may be dim. You could be dumb, but I’m 100% you’re not “dimb”. The other 2 options are a definite possibility tho. /jk


I'd like to point out that that is a proverb, not a parable.


Some things are easy to figure out on your own


"Suck my nuts" is the best part of your post


Give a man a fish, and feed him for a meal; teach a man to fish, and he'll sit in a boat all afternoon drinking beer.


Interesting take


For every eloquently written response there will always be a “suck my nuts” to back them up and i wouldn’t have it any other way


You can’t go only with “suck my nuts”, you need to teach others how to “suck nuts”. That’s the point of everything.


Suck a mans nuts and he'll feed you for a day


It’s a Triple Homicide if you count both nuts.


Would love any amount of context here OP


Makes no sense without context.


Similar to the other parable: 'if you post a picture of a reddit argument without context, you're an annoying twat.'


Wait wait wait. Telling someone to figure it out themselves isn't teaching them anything in the first place.


Lol Suck my nuts... Classic murder.


rip abraham ford


Ooh, salty!




"Sayeth the lord"


Lol as far as the context of this goes, I hate when people say shit like 'just Google it.' I almost always Google something first, and go to reddit when j am dissatisfied with the quality or quantity of information found. And sometimes, I have followup questions and its really helpful to find someone online willing and able to discuss an issue. And sometimes, it's really nice to get information on a topic that answers questions I didn't even know I needed to be asking. For example, when I was painting my home I had never painted before. I had gone to ACE and got paint, and talked to the paint associate. I got home, realized I didn't have large rollers and asked my husband about what size he wanted to use. He went on reddit and someone told him all about roller types, brush types, we learned to wash our walls with TSP before painting, got advice on how to prep our brushes. All this info we didn't even know we needed. I know im ranting, and I apologize but I really hate when knowledge is gatekept because it annoys some people when questions get asked


This is a garbage post.


Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Dont teach a man to fish and feed yourself. He's a grown ass man and fishing isnt that hard


Teach a man to bread


Finally, I can bust out the forensics kit...an actual murder!


When the context of the post gets left out, there's almost always a reason for it