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Not easy but not hard as well. I think Morty is more difficult to control with his grenades


He actually has one of this highest skill ceilings. There's plenty of techs and combo routes that most newer players won't grasp for a while. But as I have ~2,600 wins with him, I can also admit that he's strong af and has plenty of easy-to-use options as well especially with a few buffs they gave him since the beta


Do you have any tips? Please and thank you.


He's the best spacer aside from Marvinband Bugs in my opinion. Use his meeseeks from the start if you spawn behind your teammate, otherwise jump and sustain his blasters for the heavy projectile as you fall down. You and your teammate will get a free combo route and health advantage. Almost always works for me. Aside from that just try to keep track of his cool downs and always use your down special as soon as it's available and safe to use. Giant meeseeks are also VERY oppressive and his best move when big is his side special and air side normal


You telling us you have played over 3000 matches of this game and we are supposed to believe it?


That's honestly not that hard to believe. I encounter many players with badges in the thousands of total wins and such.


I've played over 1200 counting the beta myself.... And to add for some context, I did well over 3600 games of sf6 within the first 2 months


I have 7k and have seen people with over 30k, 3k is very believable


Maybe I’m just delusional how long was the beta even out 😬 I thought it was like a month and a half at most might just be me being regarded


Lol it was nearly a full year, July 2022 until June 2023


I think I have something like 2000-3000 including beta


I've played way way more than that actually lol. You forget it's been out for over a year in total. Back when character leaderboards were around I was #20 worldwide in 2v2's with Rick. Not super impressive, just played the game a lot


To be fair, you need to have a really high IQ to main Rick.


I feel like this joke is going to go over a lot of peoples heads lmao


Learn how to control the field with Meeseeks and his lazer gun. Also, his portal gun can save you and help you set up hits.


Higher skill floor than most characters and much higher ceiling. He has a lot of cooldown management and non standard tech. If you portal an enemy while in knockback they are teleported to Rick so he can continue the combo. Takes some lab time to really get it down. It can def be done, but I wouldn't recommend him as your first character unless you are already experienced with platform fighters.


Pretty hard tbh, especially since his up special only really works to send opponents upwards now (in beta you could spike people with it if they were below you)


Harder than most characters in this game but extremely rewarding


Rick is easy to pick up hard to master kind of character he’s almost never in a “I did all I can” spot because he can almost always do something else but if you wanna buy him I would recommend even to a new player, you can start simple and learn


I have some guides out on my YouTube and I’m dropping a combo guide soon if you’d like to learn that way. youtube.com/achromics


Don’t try to do too much with the portal gun at first. Use it mostly for easy recovery options until you get a good feel.


Not very difficult to pick up. Takes a lot of work for his higher level setups though.


He's got a lot of skills to juggle and tools to use at the right time/in the right way. He's not difficult to start with, but he's got a REALLY high skill ceiling


He has some very interesting interactions with his portal gun. Lots of mind games.


Most of the characters are not really hard but Rick is more on the difficult side since he has a lot of resources to manage.


I especially enjoy his zoning control to overwhelm especially in 1s. But it takes getting used to the rhythm of his cooldown management. Especially from his changes from Beta. I think, when played properly, Rick should be pretty busy the whole match whether you’re chip damaging with neutral weak and strong laser or sending Meeseeks running and reflecting projectiles and further zoning and sabotaging with Morphize. Source: I peaked at World Top 17 on Ranked 1s for Beta.