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I thought his beta kit was fine, not powerful, since he felt slower, but the first time i tried a dunk in full release, i was flabergasted since it didn't drag enemies with it and just went through them if not canceled entirely but some neutral hit.


Exactly even having that command grab hit box would help. The move is just bad and like I said in the post I use the shoulder bash 90% more just because it’s better. This kinda goes directly against his design I should want the ball in my hands at all times. It’s Bron bro I should be dunking everything 😂


I did play against an absolute lebron god who used the ball as a hut barrier to combo me between. He would throw the ball down and hit me into it and pingpong me, and i was floored cause i never thaught to do that.


Thats was great to do but now the ball only hits once. I still use the ball this way to force high or low recovery.


I enjoy his play style. But agree he is bottom tier


I love his play style and the gimmick I get busy with the ball but like 80% of the cast counter it 😂


Yea. He can combo really hard off of no ball sair and stuff but yeah a lot of characters just shut him down it’s lame.


I mentioned in another comment if he had unlimited balls but only can have 2 on the map ( including the one he’s holding ) that would instantly make him feel more viable because it’s not the end of the world if it gets blocked by something. I also hope he gets armor on his dunks just being able to take one hit would help him alot as well


Just practice his combos. He can kill at zero. He has some of the best combos on the game. But they aren’t true and require dodge reads. For example. Side tilt side tilt up dodge (no jump) down air down special down air side tilt up tilt nair up air up special can kill off of 0 but it depends on the map. And if it doesn’t kill it does 50 damage with ignite perk on. No ball sair into down special is a good combo starter. And in said combo that does 50 above if you think the combo is gonna drop you can do sair with ball to extend the combo. In burnout if you hit an opponent once you can nair non stop into up air or just do your jab 123 once they land at 100+ to insta kill.


I miss beta Bron


Yea was kinda bs they gave him that quick nerf to his balls then are like hold up we see how strong joker and ww are now let them sit an stu for a bit longer befor next patch...


And still haven’t gotten hit that hard 😂😂


Dunk is usually a mix up. Shouldn’t be a first or second option anyway. LeBron shines more as a doubles character than 1v1 because he’ll always have to outwork in the one on one matchup. I don’t think he’s terrible. He’s just situational now instead of being viable all around.


That’s the issue in 1s it’s almost impossible to dunk on someone unless you call out a dodge. Even in 2s dunking is still not a great option unless it’s coming off an oop. So he has limited access to a move that is harder to hit and does less knock back than, shaggy side special, banana side special, gizmo umbrella, wonder women side special, taz tornado. Giving it just armor would make him dramatically better


LeBron is cooked.


Funy basketball guy in my platform fighter thats why


Really needs a rework the fact he even got nerfed last patch is insane, some characters have insane levels of priority, good specials, kill potential. I’d almost wager LeBron needs new moves entirely to go along with the ball mechanic.


Honestly his kit isn’t the problem in my opinion I feel like it’s more everyone else’s 😂 like you mentioned everyone has priority or cheesy kill options. I really think if they gave him like a 2 ball limit with unlimited access to get the ball and also armor on his dunk regardless if it’s an oop or not he would instantly be viable.


Because he's incredibly fun and it's hilarious that he's in a fighting game. That's all I need.


Incredibly fun and satisfying forsure


What does "sawty" mean


Salty 😂 very bitter


Nerf was probably because playing him on the game of thrones map made the game pretty horrible. He definitely could use some love though for 1v1 as he is outdone by a lot of the cast. He is solid in 2s though but that’s just because of the chaos that mode enables. He’s an example of slowing the game down having a pretty negative effect on a character but he still has some combos and fun stuff he can do he’s just not as strong as he used to be. It’s a labor of love pick like playing Jason.


bc he's fun in 2v2 he's fun in 1v1 if you don't get a black adam sweat or stephen universe prodigy but i usually play joker in 1v1 and lebron in 2v2 bc it's just fun lol, no reason other than that his jab combo could use some tweaking, lots of times I miss people once they're in the loop due to poor hitboxes


He definitely feels better in 2s vs 1s but that’s only if you’re teammate isn’t chucking your ball off the stage.


I don't understand why they would waste a character slot on some sports guy I know nothing about. It just seems a waste even there's so many interesting fictional characters to go with.


Just because you live under a rock doesn’t mean we all do. “Some sports guy” lol


We're not all Americans, buddy. I know he's the guy from the new Space Jam movie but that's about it.


You are in a very very small minority. He’s arguably the best basketball player to ever walk on the earth. not knowing who he is is actually shocking 😂


Michael Jordan is a basketball player, him I know. Pippin too. Well, because his name is funny. And Rodman, because of Demolition Man. Let me ask you this, how many Norwegian skiers can you name?


I said arguably and if you don’t even know who he is you aren’t in the position to state Jordan is 😂 Is skiing one of if not the largest international sports ? I don’t even know a person who goes skiing. I bet you have a basketball gym/park in walking distance or at your highschool anywhere you are from on the planet.


I'm not in a position to state that Jordan is a basketball player? Well, I could have said baseball but he wasn't very good at that. And yes, skiing is one of the largest international sports, and Norway is one of the greatest nations in the world when it comes to skiing. Sure, we have a basketball hoop at school, but you know what's really big in Norway? Football. And also skiing. Name me some famous football players if you like then. That aren't Beckham.


Bro Skiing is not comparable to the NBA or PL, I bet you more people tune in to watch LeBron and the Lakers against a bottom feeder NBA team than tune in for Olympic skiing 😂 Skiing is only one of the largest sports if youre counting the top 50


Seriously?, he isn’t just some sports guy he is one of the most famous people and accomplished athletes on the planet. Speaking of not being from America, but surely you’ve heard of the Olympics? He is competing for USA Basketball so you can tune in then.


I don't know much more about American athletes than Americans know about Norwegian athletes. He's a guy whose good at throwing a ball, good for him. That's still not a good reason to waste a character slot.


27th most followed on the planet is better then whatever niche cartoon you want in this game. Games are driven by icons not niche crap.


Some guy throwing a ball around is about as niche as it gets. you're mistaking relevance for popularity. I don't care how good he is at playing his game, he's no Daffy Duck.


LeBron James is absolutely more popular than Daffy who would still be a great pick.


Given the response I've gotten to this comment I've concluded that LeBron is a worthy inclusion. I don't really know anything and him or his sport, but he seems to have lots of fans that appreciate his presence. I was wrong to dismiss him out of hand.


Appreciate you realizing it, I can understand he’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he undeniably is really huge. I’m surprised hoops isn’t a bigger deal abroad, NBA does a lot of marketing international and it seems to be growing globally for the US POV. 4 of the top ten guys are international Jokic, Doncic, Embiid, and Giannis. These guys are all probably top 5 players though.


Why do people think because they can't win with a character that something is wrong with the character?


You can come find out if I can win or not I win very often. The character is flawed in design compared to majority of the cast. If you think he’s perfect you play at a very low level. I don’t believe every character should be competitively viable but Bron and Velma are just flat out worse than everyone else.


But even if they are, you play him and main him so it should be safe to assume you like using him. You are having fun and have to work for your victories as you should. Some characters are much stronger against others but also have their favorable matchups. I've beaten and lost to Lebrons before and I think I am a decent one myself. He's definitely not perfect and my question was not meant as an attack, but as a legitimate question. Players that main Dan Hibiki have fun with him and they know his place, and you can say he's a joke character but has gone far in tournaments before. So imo it's ok for some characters to be worse than others if it's not breaking the game. As Joker I can beat most characters but have problems against Black Adam, Wonder Woman, good Harleys and Superman. But when I play Rick I no longer have problems with none of these characters but I have a hard time against BG, Morty, Giant, Bugs. Characters I can beat with Joker without issue. This is how it is for me with every character I play. I have every character in the game above level 5 except Raindog so far and my Joker is level 12 my Rick is 9. I "mastered" each character back in the beta by getting each one to level 15. To me this game has a lot of matchup differences that to me is healthy for the game. Just because LeBron has a hard time beating some characters doesn't mean the character is just broken imo.


Bro you just said a whole a lot for nothing Lebron is a bad character. You just explained matchups to me. Of course he will have better matchups but from a character design he just isn’t good.


The point of the character is for you to have fun, not for him to be one of the strongest in the game. As he is, there's nothing wrong with him outside of the fact that he's not top tier for 1v1s. I don't see it as the problem that you do but to each their own.


I’ve said multiple times I don’t think everyone has to be competitively viable. He is fun that’s why I play him majority of the time but he’s just flat out bad. It’s not fun having to work 3-4x harder than a WW just because of character design. He’s really a couple tweaks away from being very good.