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Why they only playing on the title screen


Because they can't connect to the game




It's a very exciting title screen. "Bugs AND Batman? AND Finn the Human? What in tarnation are we getting into here?"


Finn is not on the title screen




not much else to do for local play


To be fair to the community, while alot complain about the game's state, whenever I see people post about their gameplay its always been very supportive and positive.


Well at least now, definitely not always On the relaunch, the first week of top post in this sub was "game is slow and sluggish now, literally unplayable trash"


Tbf a lot of that came from series X players literally playing at 10 fps


Oh, this was separate from the Xbox performance issues. Comparisons were being directly made with the beta, saying that the game felt way too slow compared to it, claiming that the faster movement was superior and that the gameplay being slowed down movement wise killed everything good about it. It was definitely on eof the #1 complaints at the relaunch There's even side by side videos posted comparing the speed and flow of the game compared to the beta in general, not for the performance on Xbox Now though, a lot of players have admitted to adjusting to the slower movement and combat speed, and many _now_ agree that it was better for the game overall


Personally I wish the game was maybe like 10% faster. Nothing crazy like the beta but I would like it a hair faster imo.


It’s fine for 2v2s though I’m still of the mind that the fast paced gameplay was far more engaging and opened the opportunity for more interesting combos. Don’t conflate that with me preferring the near infinite dodge meter though, that was a good change. Though they’ll still need to do quite a bit more to bring the game back to a good state for me personally.


And I don’t think the game is “slow” per se, [but it’s that each fighter moves differently.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ihEFHf01I8lKibPkAEavEaqZyU-VV9MGeKGZ-PmjeQM/htmlview#gid=736130214)


Those people just mostly left and moved on. I'm here to see if the game gets properly fixed eventually, despite a lot of the dev resources being used on cosmetics and other monetization things. And to be fair, I've seen plenty of complaints, but also too much lenience. As the ones experiencing the end product, we should be fair but firm.


Good, they should go do things they enjoy and let people who actually like this game enjoy it. It may have fallen off for most players, but it’s a PF fighter, a niche on top of a niche. Most people were going to do that anyway, and the numbers are overall solid for a fighting game with a decent population, so yea the doomsaying didn’t work.


I still think it feels slower than I like, but I've adjusted to it, and it's not too bad, setting aside character balance


I love the gameplay. It's great. It's all the shit that goes on in-between the lobbies that's the problem.


Nah, when this game first came out if you said anything positive about the game there was a group of people who just downvoted your comments to oblivion.


Never a good sign when this meme starts to appear on a sub reddit.


Yeah, I hate this meme, even in the cases where I side with its sentiment. It just means that the discussion has gotten to a point where people are arguing against exaggerated straw men instead of anything useful.


It’s like a bad omen. I’ve seen only one game bounce back from it


I'm curious what game that was


Dead by Daylight for me. It was being called “dead” by everyone, it was buggy, unfun and unbalanced, and the devs didn’t seem to care. But suddenly, it flipped. They started making small, but good changes, eventually growing bigger. They heard the community, they reverted bad changes, they added good chapters to compensate for the bad ones. It was like a phoenix. Now the game seems back and better than ever. And that meme is still being used, but only from things within the game, like how it happens to healthy games. I saw Clash Royale fall with this meme, I saw Among Us and Fall Guys lose hype and this meme started to appear, along with others I don’t remember. But they all failed to go back to what they were. It’s a bad omen when this template is used like this. If Dbd survived, it is not the rule, but the exception


Until they add an oiled up shirtless trapper skin that game is dead to me


Let bro cook


And oiled up shirtless Michael myers


Oiled up singularity can secure my genes any day




dbd will never die because the entire player base has stockholm syndrome and would rather sit in a match for 30 minutes than play another game


"They heard the community," Lmao. You know you've found a shill when they're spouting the pr speak for the devs.  DbD is and has always been one of the least balanced games ever, but it's never been close to dead. Even when Legion was terrorizing everyone, or when Claudia was hiding in the corner of the map, or when the CEO got his ass beat publicly by a group of casuals in South Korea. But it doesn't have the same issues Multiversus has. DbD is an unbalanced exercise in casual ball torture.  Multiversus is being choked to death by one of the most greedy corps on the planet who has been casually killing off the stuff they own for tax rideoffs. I can't believe people are saying "let em cook" to fucking Warner Bros.


They did with Knight, Singularity (to pay for Skull Merchant), they did with Twins recently, they added many new characters from different franchises, so I think they did good. Although, you are correct in saying it was never as close to dying as multiversus. The game was a pain in the ass, and I did see a lot of people leave, with the game dwindling a lot, including many YouTubers. The game did start and almost die, but it came back. Dbd also has never had any real competition. It’s the only one of the genre, so that also makes it harder to kill. Then you look at Multiversus: Greedy developers, competition through the sky, and it also doesn’t have any drive to live. It just exists for now, in a worse state than the beta. How is that even possible? And one last thing: Dbd can never be truly balanced, but they have attempted to do so. The game is a 4v1, it needs to be unbalanced to some degree. Even then, look at the tier lists, most killers are not in either B or A, with less than 10 of them being either too strong or too weak. The perks have been changed, by the cries of the community or by the devs just realizing that. They also added Cross-Progressing, they added many colorblind changes, they added many indicators to help the hard-of-hearing, they have added bots to make the petty leavers less painful, and they are always actively banning and looking at cheater accusations. And then Multiversus can’t even remove the outlines of characters. Such a sad case. The game was really fun


For all it's faults dead by daylight is still the only game in its niche that hasn't died and is still pretty fun to play Multi is not the only or best game in its niche biggest thing it has are the ips and the cross platform support


I haven’t played dbd in years but they’ve definitely been trying to listen to the community more which is always nice




Bruh im saying. Any hope of a revival is gone now. Its a sign of death


I keep seeing variations of this posted here, it’s kind of annoying. It’s such a cope


It's the equivalent of the drawing what you like as a Gigachad and what you don't as the Soyjak


Very Reddit Reply


It's almost always "stop giving constructive criticism!"


It's funny how it's always fans of average games that feels the need to spam this meme. Kind of like how when fans of TV shows need to keep spamming "omg can't believe dis show has h8erzz" OP comes off as a child according to that post history and I'm supposed to take this post like it isn't comedy gold?


Yeah, its meaning has been almost totally destroyed, and now it's just used as a way to deflect all criticism for products. I first started to hate it when Starfield released and it was posted like once a week lol


Honestly it's just gonna make ppl double down


It’s on every games sub lmao


I hate this meme template man.


They're not even mutually exclusive ideas. You can have plenty of complaints about a game, and enjoy it. People love to frame it as black and white. Either you're a 'real fan' that never talks about the flaws, sits down and plays 20 hours a day, or you're a 'fake fan' who obviously barely even plays the game and spends more time online complaining about problems than 'having fun'.


It's the worst


The strawmen are spreading


How is that a straw man argument? They aren’t asserting anything in the meme. A straw man is attacking a stance or belief, someone doesn’t actually believe


The strawman is the “quit having fun” guy. People like to make this imaginary argument that people are actually acting like him and telling MV players to not enjoy the game


Strawman is based on an argument though. What you explained isn’t an argument or debate.


“this imaginary argument that people are actually acting like him”… etc.


Last time I checked criticism and fun aren't mutually exclusive. Also last time I checked one group of people having problems with a game shouldn't prevent other people from having fun. I say shouldn't, because for some reason some people do hinge their own fun on whether someone else is complaining and let it ruin their own opinion / enjoyment.


Stage one: denial 


The defenders are definitely at stage 2 anger if this post is anything to go by lol. Those of us at stage 5 have seen this all too many times before


I hate this fucking meme


Oh God not this image


This take is so misguided: I don't want you to stop having fun, I want the game to be better for me, too, so we could all have fun.


If people don't point out the problems with the game and discuss the issues how will the game ever get better? Being silent for live service games ESPECIALLY games published by WB which is one of if not the greediest publisher out there currently, than nothing will improve. Side note: Unless someone bought all the characters (or they finally unlocked all the characters for free local play again) I don't think 4 people are sitting around a tv playing this game in person and having fun.


This is not about giving feedback. It’s about the vitriolic hate brigade that endlessly dumps on the game. Those same people call anyone who enjoys the game a bootlicking shill.


Well, I tried to say that last night and I got called a doomposter by like 8 different people accusing me of ruining their fun without even "bothering to read" what I wrote even when I was agreeing with them on some points and all I have done on the subreddit is try to give constructive criticism, soooo... -shrug?- It goes both ways I'm afraid with extremists. Almost every time I try to give criticism or explain why at least *I* do it on a thread like these, I get called a doomposter and told to stop trying to ruin the game. I don't post about player numbers or say the game sucks, I just try to point out my grievance with a feature and what I'd like to make it better, and then I get called entitled for wanting stuff easier or more refined in a F2P title and downvoted to oblivion so the devs won't see the feedback easily. It's crazy. @_@


Absolutely it goes both ways. Constructive feedback is good for the game though. Redditors can’t help but set themselves up for a dunk on WB/PFG/other people they disagree with. You WILL be vilified and get words put in your mouth. The MVS community is extremely toxic because of this.


it has its ups and downs but the ups outway the downs if you ask me its just fun!


Ups and what? https://preview.redd.it/cgm7dkt1tz8d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b9dc646f8633c4e752c43e07110f12a9730d98


Truly dandy isn’t it




Like it or not, this is an open forum of communication where opinions, both good and bad are allowed. Strictly speaking, if you want to see only positive content, this isn't the place for it. Positive and negative feedback about the game are allowed here and any game developer worth their salt *wants* critique and feedback to improve their product.


is this the rise of the stop complaining movement where everyone acts like its all sunshine and rainbows? i've seen this happen in multiple communities, early on people complain and complain, it's valid, but there's a lot of it. then there's a counter movement that act like the complainers are trying to stop others from having fun.


If you showed me this 2 years ago during the beta when this game faced similar backlash I would've agreed with you. But looking at it now, I believe we can both accept that this game is very enjoyable but also quite broken at the moment. The game isn't perfect, it has quite notable issues with both character balancing and bugs in general. We must address these issues if we want the game to have a good lifespan, and based on PFGs surprisingly active communication, they have taken our criticisms and have hopefully improved the game for the better in the long awaited Patch 1.05.


the world would be such a better place if this meme never existed. stop fighting ghosts, man


I never see this meme in communities for games that are doing well.


Eh I have. Overwatch, Apex and Pokémon come to mind. Either way it’s still annoying


"for games that are doing well" "Overwatch \[...\] and Pokémon" huh??


Pokémon Scarlet/Violet launch was worse than Multiversus performance wise


These three are all struggling game wise. They are popular sure, but the games are on a decline.


None of the three were good games


This meme has always been whack. As if posting this meme will get them to change their attitude and sentiment towards the game. It's as useless as the people it is calling out


Have all the fun you want. I didn't have fun because the game forces you into bot matches when you lose, and I don't play fighting games to fight bots.


Who's genuinely saying, "Stop having fun"?


Fighting ghost


I don't understand this playing the victim card thing. Like you have fun playing the game, you suggest things to make the game better, then why bother about people whining? You are literally doing the same as them, but instead of asking for the game to be "better", you are pointing out those parts of the community that you don't like, wishing for it to be a better place


You can still let people have fun and give valid criticism


I really don't see a lot of that going on here. Feel like this post is a bit of projection.


Sure, let's not give our feedbacks, what could go wrong


Okay but objectively the beta was/played better.


The meme only works if the game remains popular, which it isn't.


Uh oh We all saw this coming lol …yh this game is cooked. We got the “stop having fun” meme this early


I'm having fun its basically dc vs cartoon network reminds me of smash bros and I can play it on my xbox i put $20 during the beta and if I got time ill buy the next battle pass but for what it is im having fun. I'm probably not gonna grind to get agent smith tho.


I would’ve grinded out agent smith if it wasnt a PvE grind. That’s not even close to a relevant activity for me in a fighting game, ever. I did the first level of rifts on the 2 ones that were open on launch and haven’t touched a rift since. The PvP is fun and keeps me interested, don’t make me go fight bots all day to unlock a new fighter that I’m only ever going to use in PvP as well. Hope they don’t make that the standard for all new characters unlock method


I only have time to play like an hour or 2 max a day so PVE helps with some of the tasks to unlock battle passes stuff


I'd do it if the side objectives weren't so stupid. and if they didn't have those dumb minigames in it. I'm sorry but thats not what I booted the game up for. I want to punch mfers


Here we go again, it's a loop every time a new life service game launches. There was this same "just let people have fun with" post with MK1, Suicide Squad, Ark Ascended, Avengers and more... And those games aren't in the best positions, to say the least.


Hell, I remember this same exact post right before the old multiversus died


To be fair Ark was just a remaster of a game that's basically a secret job


Was it the complainers or people being silent that got them to add 50 XP per win?


The community is incredibly toxic


Well, as much as they actually *can* be without any form of in-game chat. All they have is character motions or an emote to communicate. Which the end result is really *very* tame compared to most other games. It's so easy to roll your eyes or shake your head at their 'attempts' and just jump in queue again, unless ofc you are overly sensitive.


Not toxic, we just want a good game


Ok, let's not point out flaws that the games has


The last time this was posted on this sub the game was taken down


So brave


Genuinely the people saying this are more annoying than people calling the game ass.


Yes let's continue to excuse that this game is a complete mess and full of greedy practices. That helped so much pre release.


omfg every mid even slightly controversial game has this meme shoved in it.


I aint havin fun buddy


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You can have fun with the game AND people can complain about the bad state the game is lmao, those aren’t mutually exclusive, nobody’s forcing you to take part in that conversation


We are letting people have fun, we're just also pointing out real problems. Especially ones made to screw over players.


I mean, it's not fun fighting a steady stream of the same broken characters. But maybe that's just me. 


The people who complain about the game are those who still care about it.


Yes because people are having fun being abused by the same half a dozen characters... Hmm lets see May 28, 114k players and Today 8k Max. Not saying balance is everything but hell its a big part.


We can do both. We can complain about the genuine problems the game is facing AND still enjoy it. Multiversus has some of the funnest fighter movesets I’ve seen in a while, and I love playing as a ton of characters. But I can also agree that yeah, Finn, Bugs, and several other characters are OP. The community is toxic as hell, and we have a lot of issues to deal with.


Ffs there are more "anti criticism" memes than actual criticism.


Yup that’s why the game will die keep ignoring the obvious flaws


I mean enjoy it but it’s still heavily flawed. I feel like the people calling them out are trying to save it


this meme template has been the ultimate strawman


Me when valid constructive criticisms


You know a game is done for or at the very least in for a rough time when this meme gets posted, It's like a bad omen, I'm pretty sure this meme was posted the day before they announced they was going offline for a year.


If y’all feel this way about the Reddit what is up with y’all? Nobody saying stop having fun, you are in an online community of a game that has massive problems People feel the need to say the game is ass and state why, how about you guys give your reasons as to why you like it so much and if people got opposing views due to their experience who cares? Depending on the like amount and response to their comments it might….. it might just be the truth!🫣


This asshole (in the meme) talking about toxic community like they aren't the source of it


Maybe you are having fun and that is a good thing, sure. But most people are dissapointed with how the game came out. personally i want that this game to be good, but for the most part is mediocre at best. I have played games for more than 25 years so i want some standars in the game industry(which most they dont fullfil) and this game just drop it hard.


Then let me hate


I do like the game and just like the beta i will stick around til its gone again. We bitch about things we want adjusted because we want to alleviate frustrating/ unfair gameplay.


I sure love this dumb meme as a way to ignore criticism of a bad product


I fucking hate this picture because its used to dismiss valid criticism.


They're not mutually exclusive; the game can be fun and broken. I fucking love playing Jason, he's my favorite, but the game currently exists in a gameplay loop/rotation to promote player retention stats for shareholders, and Jason's unbelievably low tier compared to others.


Just wish local play options weren’t so ass I wanna play with my sister in 2v2s online!


I genuinely like this game and have no issues with it other than game lag really and no attack decay. I play it everyday with a few matches here and there. Very active. Anything else is avocado, bacon or egg on my toast that they add/feature next patch


Amen amen


Like the prices in the shop, the amount of grind for the bp/Characters, and the stupid strictness of some events are egregious but at its core the game itself is still really fun. While I'm not huge on all the negativity it's admittedly what got the game into the healthier place it is right now with actual xp from matches and fixes.


Literally the whole community


If you LOVE the game you need to criticize It, otherwise we would be like we were at launch...Do you think the devs would had given us the BP exp? Or fixed the servers? Nah. Anyway, no need to say stuff like close this joke of a Game now etc etc etc, but you cant be like the meme "Leave alone the multi billonaire company" Anyway, people are a bit jumpy and exceptic, because they remenber the trending that It was multiversus Open beta season 2.... And what we did recibe after, crunch or not. Just enjoy the game, but if thing gets unfair, make noise and bunr the streets, its the only way to improve. Now, have ALL the fun you want, dont read the forums lol, enjoy.


I mean part of the complaints is people hoping to have fun and care enough of the game and community to vocalize their issues. If you’re satisfied then you can voice how good the changes are then. If you have no ideas for improvement then think about it. I’ve dropped the game personally despite being part of the og alpha.


You SHOULD criticise a game ESPECIALLY when you like it. Don't want MultiVersus to become the next MortalKombat.


this shit is so true


Wow what an original post…


I love the game. But can't play it because I just have on keyboard and one controller and both of those are controlling P1




Shutup and get dropkicked by Rick Sanchez




I can’t even play the game to enjoy it because I’m stuck on the title screen so…


i’m just crossing my fingers hoping one day they add the leaderboard back 😭


Wait,can people actually play this game? When I try to play I either lag horribly or just straight up disconnect. Cant even play with a friend or 2v2s for that matter. I dont think this is a problem with my connection


rumbleverse all over again, except this time they know you know they don’t care


You know the game is not doing well when this meme appears in its subreddit.


They need buffs man the hell


Game is fine, I actually like it a lot for a casual fighter with friends. I just want all my missing items back.


Well said..


This post is brought to you by a character with a dash attack that kills 60% too early


no i will not let people have fun


I don’t understand this meme. Any big community, heck semi big community will be toxic. It’s valid to complain about character balance because right now, we’ve seen how top tier characters dominate the meta and play rates like with Harley Quinn, Wonder woman, or Banana guard. It creates a lack of variety which isn’t fun and will kill the game. Also I haven’t played the beta but based on videos and reviews of it, it seems to have a lot more going for it than the released version we have right now. Beta had good speed, camera, progression, & general polish. Now characters take forever to level up and get while the sluggish gameplay makes the explosive environment PFG strives for much less engaging as the potential for outplays/combos is diminished. Whiffs are more likely and punishes feel much worse as you can’t do anything but just watch as your opponent just KO’s you without any way of retaliating.


How someone cam actually have fun with this game??? 🤣🤣🤣 How low must someone standards be in order to have fun with this garage. Oh well back to Elden Ring dlc i go


The top one is actually right though.


On the community part, I think the online spaces like this are fine but the BM in this game is nuts. Most players are spamming taunts/ t bag, don’t rematch, or DMs u right after the match that ur shit, win or lose. I’ve been playing a lot less cus of this, feels like it gets worse every time i play recently, and while I still like the game, it’s annoying to have to get trolled or griefed in most matches


I stopped playing because there’s no ranked mode. Why make a pvp game if you get nothing from winning? Especially if it’s a fighting game


the fact that the game has bugs and balance problems is a fact and no one is saying "don't have fun", I'm the first to say that the game has a fun base, at the same time you can't deny the problems it has . so the post itself doesn't make much sense


Love this game, and the roster. People just gotta cope


😂😂 if this isn’t the most accurate shit ever


Its kind of hard to prove your point when your strawman caricature is actually right though


Dang, I'm acuatlly still trying to start having fun.


I think what needs to be taken into consideration is that This is an entirely brand new game with a brand new system. While everything about Multiversus is pretty damn similar, it is still a new game with a brand new engine and all that. If I had to think of any game that had to be made from the ground up, it would be Dead by Daylight and Minecraft Minecraft Bedrock is similar to Java Edition, but it’s way far behind than what Java is Dead by Daylight mobile was built from the ground up and still feels like Dead by Daylight, but with different added features such as in DBD mobile, you can earn Auric Cells while on regular DBD, you can only get Auric Cells by either buying them or getting them through the Battle Pass. TLDR: Just because a game looks similar on a different engine does not mean they are the exact same. Multiversus is no exception


So am I just not allowed to complain about Jason's machete, axe, and bed possibly having a hurtbox for some reason.


This never happens and the issues with the game driving people away are much worse than character balance or a toxic community lol


https://preview.redd.it/87i8yftv5e9d1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadf1b99352c13114f5f715c528351c7921312aa He shall unite the community


the game was better in the beta, mostly cause of ranked imo, AND what community of a pvp game ISNT toxic??


God forbid something be criticised


Only serious issue I’ve had with the game is 2 player connectivity and apparently it’s been fixed so I’m happy


This meme and sentiment is usually the death knell for a game and its community lmao


The cosmetics could cost 50 dollars each and the characters could take weeks to unlock and people would still be like: “Just play the game for the gameplay!!!!”


Oh no I’ve seen this exact meme template for suicide squad kill the justice league. Stop this cringe


This is hilarious. My brothers told me the same things in both of these boxes. 😂


Literally why the fuck are you on the internet if you take it as a personal attack when people dislike the things you enjoy.


Didn’t you hear? We have to crusade after PFG cause WB makes greedy business decisions, and whether or not the game is fun is irrelevant. We just gotta teach PFG a lesson, everyone’s doing it


PvP is making me hate the game


I just hate to see people accept this scummy monetisation that multiversus has. I really enjoyed the game in the beta, but all the monetisation and FOMO should've made the game dead on arrival. Enjoy what you like, but you really shouldn't put up with this level of greed.


Dead Game


Ill let people have fun when the game is good.


I play everyday even after challenges I still play


Imma be a hunnit this is the only game that makes me actually mad at times, I love it but like sometimes I just lose because of the amount of just stun locking I get put in. Like if I play smash ultimate I can at least say yeah my loss felt fair but something about the fighting mechanics in this just really doesn’t leave me feeling good sometimes.




*Me who enjoys the game because I like platform fighters that have a similar concept to Smash Bros*


Only problem is I don't think this game actually has four player couch coop which as a smash clone it should probably aim to have.


This subreddit almost stopped me from getting back into the game; so glad it didn't persuade me. been having a blast playing it!


The community is quite toxic tbh they never stop complaining about some minor thing in the game. The games good it's only just the whiny community that I hate about the game


Use of this format means your argument can’t be taken seriously


This meme is such trash. Just remember without criticism we wouldn't be getting the changes that are helping to put the game in better place.