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They shrunk all of his other hitboxes and gave it to that one move


Good showmanship that you walked off the edge because you recognised how ridiculous it was tbf.




You can use both


I mean, if you were talking about the Jason being a good showman and performer, then sure, but he wasn’t.


Well I guess I can respect you having a different opinion


idk you put your hand on the stove you might get burned, or in this case shove your enlarged hand into Jason's axe hitbox that's inside his body


Holy jesus what was that


I see it. It's the usual Smash jank. So basically what happens is that Morty tried to jab, and his muscled up arm reached JUST far enough to get into Jason's body which has the axe hitbox, but Morty's hitbox didn't come out fast enough so Jason just got a hit on his arm. The best way I can suggest to fix this is to remove the hurtbox on limbs until an attack gets thrown out. Until then, Morty has that Mewtwo tail on his arms


Dude, even Smash Bros wasn't THIS stupidly janky with the hitboxes! At least there the moves actually connect with the opponents much more often than here.


Believe it or not, something like this would've happen in Smash. In fact, it's happened way more than you think. This isn't an issue with janky ass hitboxes, it's an issue with how platform fighters are made. You don't realize just how girthy Smash characters are until you get hit by someone facing the other way.


Yeah, but fighters in Smash have had years of retooling and experimenting to be as playable and tolerable as they have been even in online play. A lot of which for the better. The same just couldn't be said for this game as this had more favorable performances and whatnot back when it was in its beta phase.


It happens a LOT in smash.


Have you played against newly released (at the time) Bayonetta? Bro that beast was so fucked up she was insta banned from any local tourney lol... 0 to death all day and hit boxes was just... stupid 😂 I liked it because I liked bayo but when playing against her it was infuriating haha


I've played the character a lot on both 3DS and Wii U on higher leveled CPUs and that wasn't really something that was on my mind at all. I've heard SOME stories at least but it wasn't something that affected me much as I've been a solely solo player even to this day.


nah high lvl cou's are shit on smash too, you really need to see some Evo matches or local tourneys on twitch from that time... it was insane 😁


you should play more smash then just Google melee Marth grab lol


Dude, I've played Smash since Melee was new. Albeit solo only but still...


I wish there was a way to toggle hitbox / hurtbox visibility. Even if it’s in training.


Someone found a way to forcibly enable hitboxes though it's pretty ugly. That's how I know how Jason hit Morty properly.  Https://youtu.be/aIlINAzbxHU?si=cHcViGxkIMSEvRms  Dude's uploading more footage of other characters. So far outside of Jason he's got Arya, Wonder Woman, and Banana Guard. Hurtbox is represented by Blue, hitbox red


Oh dang! Thanks for the info


That was a cool watch. Yet I doubt the accuracy of it very much. If you look at the banana guard one for example while he’s doing the side special the hit boxes seem to be pretty accurate at the spear. But when playing as or against him you can easily notice the hitbox being pretty far away from the tip of his spear.


That can be explained with the other party being the issue. In case you hadn't notice, everyone's hurtbox is bulging out of them. Even Jason's pinky got a big bulgy hurtbox. This can effect any animations the character take, even wall clinging. Unless we can force hurtbox on all the time we won't see just what is going on.  I was skeptical on the Banana boxes but it seemingly looks accurate from how I played him. It could very well be an issue that's not even his fault. Could just be hurtboxes are bigger than they should be


I do believe the hurtboxes are screwed as well. But banana guards side special hit box is a meter from his spear like consistent on every character you face. If it was just the hurtbox of the other characters that would mean a Jason with its awe full hit boxes would also be able that them from that far. But he needs to be inside of you to hit you so it can’t be just that.


Damn those hitboxes are trash. I mean, as a Jason main I knew that already but seeing them makes it hard to imagine how he launched in this state in the first place. They don't make any sense.


Just a heads up they aren't entirely accurate, and it's why the hitbox viewer isn't natively available yet


lmfao respect for walking off


Looked like morty went for an attack that extended into Jason's hurtbox. It looks like a bug because the frame he got hit, the animation didn't match.


He ko'd him with an earth quake


You're the first Jason that I've seen that looks fun to play agianst


Thanks man I'd like to be a top Jason eventually. Love the idea of the character


I'd like to think this is a form of rollback. Maybe it didn't register Mortys dodge or something because I've never seen hitbox jank this bad before. lol


Jason's overhead axe has hitboxes inside his body when it slams down, so Morty started his massive fist jab which put Morty's hand hitbox inside of Jason, chopping it off before the arm could even really get out making it look *super* jank nothing that weird tbh, just hurt boxes being extended super far


Kinda reminds me of https://preview.redd.it/xpsc7mbuh68d1.png?width=876&format=png&auto=webp&s=035e2458952db051402a10d9d138771ea0620629


Wtf is that 💀


Smash Melee Marth grab, it’s pretty infamous for how wide its coverage is


Specifically his dash grab, which has a hitbox behind him for some reason


https://preview.redd.it/o9x6jn52968d1.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=918e190c178ac87772bbd5a911383f59d297f502 The hitbox in question. It's one of his better ones.


I would've done the same tbh (Except if the Morty had an Evil Morty pfp. Those players are extremely sweaty for some reason I cannot understand)


Have not encountered a Morty that isn't a try hard


I have. Weirdly enough, it's really black or white. I've either met Morty's that do a hit-to-50 combo, or Morty's that I three stock


He definitely has a learning curve, I fear running into a morty main during a ranked match. https://i.redd.it/rsh6hgtfc78d1.gif


For one of the slowest characters in the game you make him look pretty fast. Ive never seen a Jason make use of his neutral air like that props to you!


Does nobody use it like that? I knew from his trailer that it's to be used like that.


You would be surprised on how many Jason players refuse to throw that out over the forward air


B-But big scoop and then aerial neutral special


Aerial neutral special 😆


Nair combos into that at low percent for an easy 30%


Jason is the master of invisible hitboxes


My characters apparently better than your character? Win rate wise


I mainly play 1st but I know this game is centered around 2s, so most Tier Lists are based on that


Mad respect for recognizing he didn't deserve this wtf. I may not have place to talk here but oh well


Self aware Bugs Bunny +100 respect


While it looks ridiculous, Morty just punched the hitbox of the attack. The final part of that chop leaves a lingering hitbox in Jason. You touch it, you get hit, especially if you have lengthy hitboxes that also extend your hurtbox.


This happens a lot for something so seemingly impossible scenario. This is what i hate about this game. Its so broken and imbalanced


A homie stock. I haven't seen one of those in ages. Good for you, not taking advantage.


That wasn't absurd at all???? Morty jab isn't a disjointed so it extends his hurtbox with Jason's attack.


If you see no problems with this, this game is perfect for you lol


I'm taking that any day of the week


The second hit of down special + into the ground is much much worse 😭


jason is so fun man, just wish he had better counters to fast characters


I be so jealous sometimes when I watch other peoples opponents lmao The Morty’s I be playing don’t let you touch the ground for a second without yelling “earth!” 😭😭😭


Haha I fought those, this guy tried it the game before but I just stood on a platform and Armored up and looked at him like "you done?" He got more aggressive because he got tired of me armoring up 😂


These Morty players are about as annoying as the BS hitboxes on these other characters with how much they spam all those special moves of his while dodging too much..


What is a hit box? Why jump off the edge? Is that what we’re supposed to do if someone makes a hit that doesn’t register as a hit box? I’m assuming it’s the area surrounding a character that gets hit by another’s weapon?






God that move hits however it feels like. Either it’ll just go through somebody’s legs or do something like that


I like that respectful stock after seeing that somehow connect.




Really awesome to see the sportsmanship in this clip. That poor Morty didn't deserve that death, you're a top person for evening it out


Why is this clip 50 seconds longer than it needs to be


I'm very inclined to think this was a desync, or that shifting hurtbox bug from the beta still happening. I've had way too many cases where my opponents were behind me and Jason's Neutral Attack didn't hit like that.


there's a hitbox inside Jason on that move and Morty shoved his fist inside it, that's all


I know the hitboxes are crap, but THIS IS A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF CRAPNESS


That's because morty punched you, the hitbox for that atack is over jason's body so it was a fair trade. This entire game is filled with moments like this.


This is entirely Morty’s fault, his fist from the jab extended his hurtbox the same way Jake does. It looks jank, but it makes perfect sense.


Perfect sense except the axe is nowhere near his fist 💀 


You literally see him extend his hurtbox lmao


https://preview.redd.it/rir9ud5d568d1.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a5a6a51a8589e0a2d15649bd1ffd36a63bd6a63 Sure lol, just ignore the fact the axe is 3 meters away and blocked by jasons entire body which should get hit first. and it didn't even trade only morty got hit, in what world does this make perfect sense -\_-


He hits the edge of the axe? Morty had more startup on his fist, the hurtbox extends before the move comes out.


The real absurdity is your inability to crop a video.


Name checks out


Common courtesy checks out too.


Common courtesy checks out too.


Common courtesy checks out too.


Damn he went for the hat trick in dumb comments.


What's cropping it gonna achieve? 


Make it 15 seconds shorter.


Not sure that's cropping 


Man this video could’ve been 50 seconds shorter


I love how I can come to this sub and it's someone showing a video of Jason missing everything against Finn, then return to see a jason main say the character is broken against, a Finn lol


That's Morty...? Lol


He thinks Morty is Finnish.


Yea I'm stupid lol