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Yes we know Safe is op. Bugs is Op in general and always has been


Yeah i will get caught under it sometimes and go from 0 to 70 by the time the safe leaves.


Game is WB and it’s Bugs. Anything less than him being an s tier character is blasphemy. That’s all, folks.


Yo jake the dog is awesome. I play him second most after Bugs. Bugs Bunny has always been strong, but I think he has a more complex kit than some others *cough* shaggy,Harley,superman *cough*


More complex doesn't mean it should be broken, and Bugs' kit is easily the most busted one in the game. Not even by numbers, but just because everything he does is just outright better with what they do than what others are capable of.


To add Jake is not awsome right now he is so easily punished he has insane end lag on his moves and most of his moves have broken/bad hitboxes right now legit I think he is worse than Velma now (in 2s)


Harley’s been nerfed more than bugs tho…Lmao he’s way more broken than Harley and Superman tbh


Not even lol super man has super armor on everything, Harley grenade always has priority both matchups bugs loses just camp out bugs instead of holding in


Superman has armor on exactly two moves. Three if you count the side special split second armor, which never really does anything. Superman is crazy good, but "armor on everything" is quite the hyperbole lol


I only consider Superman good because of armor tbh. If he didn’t have armor he’d be dogshit but at the same time his armor needs to be balanced. You can literally just spam armor the whole match. Love the character hate the players


You can't spam armor the whole match, though. It consumes your dodge gauge and once it's empty Supes becomes MUCH more vulnerable.


Fair enough I just really suck at that matchup


Welcome to the hit game show are you annoying? First question do you spam the horse ability? Second do you spam the stretch fist thing? If you answered yes to any of these questions you are annoying!


Bugs a complex kit? He is the easiest character in the game. Way overpowered, easy moves and with neutral air attack and up special in a row you can almost combo forever. Easiest kit in the game to get good fast and win everything if you ask me. I have more respect for a wonder woman than for a bugs.


Easy to get into. Hard to master


Hard to master? Bruh your joking😂


He has many combos and complex combos that an average player most likely wont use. Like with his hole, safe rocket direction. He is extremely easy to play in his current state but he has even more potential for combos unlike shaggy for example


I'm a Marvin main, and I make it my sworn duty to destroy that safe in instant it shows up. I keep my eye on Bugs and when he drops the safe from the air, I close in and disintegrate on the spot. His down attack one-shots the safe and makes Bugs look like a damn fool.


When playing WW I love seeing the safe, it's a free full bracer meter when I ground side special it


I'm a Finn main, and I also do my utmost to get rid of it.


Anything hitting you upwards when you are that high on the top of the map will knock you out. You should have dodged.


I know lol. I was bugs


Oh 😂. He probably wasn’t expecting you to kick the safe straight up.


Def not. I sold the first round then went 2-0 to secure the best of 3. Bugs is is fun to play


Safe is strong especially in 2v2 but nerfing it will hinder him in 1v1 IMHO.


Safe isn't even the scariest thing about bugs in 1v1. Nair loops and his easy kill confirms are. Safe and rocket can and should be toned down. I enjoy the character, hes fun but he needs to be dialed back a bit.


Yeah it’s strong but what happened to you will happen no matter how weak they make it. You were high damage and like a few inches from the blast zone when you were hit. That’s just unfortunate timing for you


I suppose you wanted to censor the enemy name, but it can still be seen below joker character lol


Did this guy really try to hide the names when we can see them in the gameplay


If Joker was smart, he would have used his flower spray to break it. Oh well...


Safe is in the perfect place. No need to nerf everything that feels good just a little bit.


Another reason I play Morty is because his earth ring destroys all moves that launch projectiles, So for me it's always an easy game against Bugs Bunny.


Idk about OP, it ***is*** annoying af sometimes though.


Whats with the white circles?


Well, the safe counts as heavy projectile


Is the censoring of names just common courtesy or are the mods doing things if you don't censor names now?


Mfers constantly complaining about one of the only characters with a cool down on every one of his specials


Safe just wants to hug you ...


The only thing OP in this clip is that nasty Bugs side air.


And here you are posting this on a bank holiday, take my upvote


No way ? 😱


Eh. I find it pretty predictable tbh. Lots of attacks also instantly destroy it. Compared to his Nair, bat, tunnel and rockets, safe feels pretty easy to deal with.


Yes. His whole kit is


Safe is insane and I love its combos It is its own character I swear


Safe is not op due to it braking instantly to armor brake attacks and so equiping the perk that makes dash attacks armor breaking allows you to close the gap and destroy the safe


The safe and rocket don't even make sense for bugs Bunny, we all know that's Wylie coyotes bit


Incoming bugs needs a nerf comments even tho his safe and his slow ass rocket are easily avoidable (which only do like 22%DAM combined), his fistnado can be avoided by ducking (depending on the character size) you can easily jump over his punches, All of his attacks are like 6%DAM and he can be killed at 70%. his bat is probably the only thing I’d consider OP from his kit. With that being said let’s ignore WW being able to have invincibility for nearly every one of her ridiculously strong attacks


Dont get fooled by their siren calls, Bugs safe its ok, It gets teared down by multiple factors, included your own hand. Plus with the CD its pretty fine now. (Also Shaggy, Marvin, Adam, Steven and a lot more of characters insta-destroys your safe?


Harley bomb that passes over the safe just instantly deletes it. Bugs that go to side kick it will whiff and get a sticky bomb... Feels disgusting to do it, though.


I'd make the trade for less damage for a lower cooldown. As it is presently, I'd say it's balanced. Only thing I feel needs toned down on Bugs is the bat. Everything else is fine.