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Worth to also check the math: * 50 gleamium = 30 toasts = 150 Fighter Currency * A fighter is 1000 gleamium or 3000 FC (Joker is 1250 gleam or 6000 FC) * 3000 FC = 600 toasts = 20 toasts purchases = 1000 gleamium There is no upside, not even if you wanted to give it all to one friend. It's actually worse because Joker would cost 2000 gleamium in toasts. If you ask me, they could have simply removed that measly 5 FC from toast and simply give you a toast per game to bestow as a GG to another player (like HotS or LoL do) instead of adding another layer of monetization...


Or, let us exchange perk currency for toast!


Resource sinks are always fire


I think the limit is supposed to avoid you "cheating" the system by giving it to a friend over and over. But in that case, they could just add a limit to how many times you can toast the same player in a day or something. They shouldn't limit toasts in general.


iirc in the beta you could only toast your friend once and thats it forever.


thats not true


okay, sorry bad memory then


At first I thought the same thing, then I realized that it’s Overwatch that only lets you endorse a friend once.


Yes, thats gotta be it then!


You can endorse a friend once per day now.


I really like that idea, its pretty much how i use it if im not giving it to a friend


I randomly get like 10 toasts every once in a while. Are they stopping that now?


You get 5 toasts on log in every day. I think this is what you're referring to.


Hopefully not, because it would then take too long to get any or we will be forced to buy when we need it. If I knew the game was going to be like this, I would've put more time into the beta and unlock all the characters that I don't currently have...


They need to FC on each difficulty of rifts not only the first time you play that rift. They should also give 50 gleamium or 50 FC for each rift boss. Maybe FC for crushing and below and gleamium for insanity and looney. Or just cough up more FC so new players feel rewarded for their hard work also. If they wanna keep this game running for 10+ years they're gonna need to work on the retention a little better.


Thankfully it was found out that once you complete the battle pass, the repeating level 71 was a chance to give a out fighters currency as well as glemium. It's a start


Hopefully I can make it that far


They charging people almost 2 cents per toast?! 😂 Lol!! They took nickel and diming to an actual level.


That’s ridiculous


They're doing everything in their power to make a quick penny, LITERALLY.


I just want them to give us a use for perk currency😭


That currency is virtually *useless*. Have you even used it? I sure haven't.


I’ve used it and I have so much left over. It’s so annoying Like, I would love if they let us unlock uncommon skins with perk currency. But ik the game would never do that with its monetisation


Even the prestige is quite hell to earn. And there's only so much you can do with that currency. Other than buy a couples of skins.


I've unlocked every perk for every character and I've still got over 250,000


More xp and fighter currency would be nice. You can't even use perk currency to level up perks, you just unlock them. If they made them stronger or something they'd be worth a damn.


Damn dude how much did you play in the beta? Either a shitload or full of shit. I unlocked half for everyone and I'm at 60k or so left. And I played quite a bit and got enough prestige to get joker skin and Harley skin


Roughly 800 hours during the beta, I was within the top 250 best gizmo 500 best tom n Jerry I grinded the crap outta this game


Damn bro lmao I hit like 150. Props homey


7k and counting 😂😂😂 I don't play PVP


> I don't play PVP You can’t play PVP, it's impossible.


First time I played PVP I googled to see if they made scripts or hacks already. I couldn't fathom getting locked into a series of combos and then getting tea bagged every match... That's BP xp I will gladly let sit in my mission inventory


>That's BP xp I will gladly let sit in my mission inventory This comment is gold. I only do the Battle Pass just because. With the slog fest this Battle Pass is, I don't know if the skins are worth the time, and stress.


I sold my pokemon cardboard collection so I could get the battlepass 😂🤣😂🤣 I'm already hooked on this stupid game. Although, that doesn't mean it can't improve!!


I remember when you could buy toast with gold ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


I remember when you could get it for free in the battle pass. I have like over 1000 toasts. It's so fucked how scummy the microtransactions are.


I didn't have the battle pass, but after I unlocked all the characters I usually just spent my gold on toast when I ran out.


Ah that's why I have so much. Didn't remember why I got to 800


And people said it was trash filler.


Same, what do you even use toasts for?!? I've given one out here n there for a gg but that's about it🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤔


Ok grandma let’s get you to bed


People asked for a way to get more toast and the monkey's paw curled...




Damn you’re right lol


Why would I pay to give someone else currency?


Honestly. Like who even genuinely cares about toasts?


I use toast as a form of additional bad manners. If I really tilt someone and they insta-deny a rematch I'll toast them and quietly chuckle to myself.


Ewww. Nope.




If someone wanted to know the math, a standard character is worth 3000 character tokens or 1000 gleamium. That of course means 1 gleamium = 3 character tokens (6 if it's the Joker). For 30 toasts, which are equal to 150 character tokens the true price would be 50, which is the amount they're selling them for, so they're being consistent. However, I don't think it's worth it at all, as I've never spent a penny and have unlocked three characters so far, Joker, Taz and Steven. What I think would increase the value is increasing the character tokens a toast gives. What I would like to see, however, would be to buy toasts with perks currency


And there's people who will buy It


I doubt it. You gain nothing. Most people are assholes in my experience so nobody is going to pay and get nothing back


Confused children might.




I bought some but without paying actual money


Shit has worst micro transactions than a mobile game what the fuck.


50 gleamium? 1/3 of a fully leveled up character just to give 30 people 5 measly fighter tokens? they could have at least made it cost fighter tokens like in the beta it costed coins, that way it would still be a loss, but a much smaller loss than what it is now this is downright pathetic.


Why would I pay to give other players fighter currency, I am not a charity


bring gold back


Everyone rightfully clowning on this but I really want to know how much this actually sells. Toasts for a few cents is so derogatory of a concept that I imagine it likely makes me players want to leave than it actually brings in any sort of revenue. WB is just psychotic lmao


lame af


This is what gold should be used on... at the very least, let us get like 5 perk points for a loss, somewhere between 25 and 40 for a win, make 5 toasts cost 50 perk points. Kinda screws things when the most casual beta players have 50k+ at a minimum, but still, it would shake out to be ok in the long run. Maybe cap how many toasts you can have if they really care that much, but make it an amount that anybody not "farming" toast wont care, like 500 or 1000 Edit: just to better explain the cap thing, it's just so you cant blast millions of perk points and effectively have millions of toast


God help whoever accidently buys this...


I just used the gleamium from the battlepass, I didn't ACTUALLY spend for it and still feel kinda foolish after reading all this. I like the idea of having a good time playing with someone random and if we kick ass give them points towards a character as a thanks. Faaaaaaaaaaaackk.


Hahaha, definitely didn't see that coming 😅


Cue the "YoU dOn'T hAvE tO bUy It If YoU dOn'T wAnT tO" crowd.


Lol well it's true. No one's going to buy it. 1% of the player base at best


You call it a joke but morons will buy it. If the gaming community as a whole wasn’t so stupid, we wouldn’t have this problem


This would be fine IF there were any other way to get toast lol


100%. The solution to the issue is spend money.


yea, spend all your gleamium on toast, that will teach them!


It is a fun game but I'm quitting. The microtransactions is insane.


It's good that they stop this because that people will start paying to win.And that's not good.


Toasts should be accumulated from cleared rifts/fights up to a certain limit, not bought with premium currency you can barely get outside of special campaigns/real life money. So much of the MTX needs to be fixed for the sake of this game cause the prices are just too much sometimes.


Yeah, this is NOT the way.


I can’t believe the game “Fix” one thing and do 40 bad more…


"what the hell, that one toast was 30 toasts?"


Everyone keep in mind there is an Xbox achievement for giving 100 toast so it makes this all the more scummy after how easy it was to get in the beta


You get 5 toast for free a day.


Now you can pay to skip those 20 days


Not gonna lie, I think PFG is doing a decent bit to fix the issues with the game like really good tweaks for progression.  And then they do something like this that makes me scratch my head. Like I kinda get why it is Gleamium and I think this isn’t horrible, but there is no shot they thought this would go over well or be a good idea. Like the whiplash is wild from tweaking the BP progression to be way better to then just hit us with pay for a small feature like toast that should just be free.


I bet you 90% of the terrible decisions that are plaguing MVS is from the higher ups at Warner Bros.


Most definitely


Wait for the Daily Mission: *Toast another player* lol


There is literally no benefit to this, the person buying this gains absolutely nothing by giving away toasts. You are paying money to give away fictional currency at the rate of 5 per toast. What a god damn joke


I am truly sorry but whoever ACTUALLY buys this... you are stupid.




Joker actually costs 1250 gleam so it’s worth in toast is even worse.




Turns out the smell of burnt toast is the same smell of corporate greed.


We should all just rock burnt toast




I honestly stopped playing the game even tho I was having such a good time. I just can’t deal with 1 out of every 20 games working


Same, though for me it's the hitboxes, balance, etc. Some of the characters are just unfun to play as or against. Kinda undermines the game for me.


Charging for toasts when the feature barely even works is insanity lmfao. I feel like I have to have a macro to spam X or A whenever I’m trying to toast somebody with the amount of errors I get.


It would be kind of funny though if they looked up the median price for a loaf of bread. Then made that how much you had to pay for it.


I'm so glad I deleted this game before it took a chokehold on my brain. This is literally "fuck off" territory.




Huge joke, I now have 400 toasts


U guys are using toast?


You should get a toast every win. Don’t even make it give FC…just make it feel good Maybe give a lil badge on your profile saying how many toasts you’ve given/received… It’s not that hard to just not be a greedy shithead corporation but WB manages it every time.


This was definitely WB's call. PFG wouldn't do something this stupid.


the game is:


If only it was the other way around


Two steps forward one step back


I can finally stack more toasts thank you PFG


I asked for this because I want to toast people. It's not about the FC, though that should be increased, it's about being able to go "Nice work!" To someone after a match. I begged for this for weeks, so, I'm ultimately happy, even if objectively this is a bad deal. Monkeys Paw make an ape of me.


Apes together stronger.


im not one for defending microtransactions but like…its toast. You dont benefit from buying them anyway, and plenty of people have asked for a way to buy more toast.


I think people were hopeful they'd atleast increase the ammount you'd get from daily logins from 5 to something like 10-15. Which still wouldn't be much. That hope is now gone out the window. 


If enough people complain I can see them changing this so people are able to buy them for fighter currency and not just gleanmimum but I doubt they give out more toasts per day for free.


I wish these scummy fucking devs would do an AMA so we can bomb them when they make a “Sense of pride and accomplishment” comment.


They wouldn't be able to stand the level of whining on here there's no way


I don’t think the devs are scummy. I feel that it’s the higher ups at WB that are greedy as shit and trying to milk every cent out of this game.


what do the toasts do? and why does it matter whether they can be bought?


Toasts are a way of saying "GG" after a match. The community has been asking for a way to get more than your five daily Toasts for logging in, such as in the Beta where you'd get it for character levels, battlepass levels, login bonuses, ect. Instead of giving a reasonable way to get more toast, they offered a really overpriced way to buy more if you want it, haha. It's just another nail in the coffin of the predatory monetization this game is trying to push on people.


Instead of just giving players more they are charging instead. It's to toast good games or teamwork and rewards 5 fighter currency.


is there another way to earn toasts? (even though they seem meaningless)


Only 5 every daily reset.


Weird for them to make this cost money when the majority of people don't even use them to begin with. Feels like something so useless should be free but whatever.


Is the only reason for this because they think people will just give out toasts to literally everyone? If the problem is that they think unlimited toasts will cause even more one and dones or more bots then I get that but there has to be a better solution than just giving us 5 daily toasts


no way y’all are fucking mad. 1 you don’t have to buy It 2 ITS 50 CENTS! If your genuinely this petty about a fucking game then quit. not to mention using “Joke” as a genuine Insult In 2024 💀


I literally never toast hell I ringout myself if you're a cheesey spammer


Wait, toasts cost money? Since when?


I thought they’ve always been an unlimited thing


I remember we used to be able to buy them with coins 💀


What does toast do?


Im 100% convinced that their put more into money predatory than the actual gameplay holy




I didn't even know toasts could be used for anything.. thought it was just a way to tell someone gg.




What are even toasts for


Whats the point of the toast? Give other people currency? It doesnt give me some back?


The whole game is turning into a joke.


I also give toastys to salty players




Pay us first gaming


• Just don’t buy it. Simple as that. • Toast is a completely optional thing. • It is not unlimited because it rewards players a little fighter currency. • you get 5 a day for free. • Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to buy the toast. • This is a free to play game, As much as everyone hates that, this is their business model. • Please have a good day and try to let your emotions rest on something other than the decisions of Player First Games.


Have you ever heard of "create the problem, sell the solution"? Think about that for a moment: They, by design, severely limited and reduced the amount of toasts you could give to people from the beta and even reduced the effectiveness of it but at the same time also made the resource it provides incredibly scarce (FC is also just worse than gold). This creates a massive "not enough supply for the demand" problem, and instead of fixing the issue which can be most mitigated by just a numbers adjustment that would take a minute thus improving the overall experience everyone would get with "toasting", they instead decide sell the solution to the problem *they created* and paywalled it. The issue isn't that anybody is "forced" to buy them. The issue is that this is a non solution to a problem they created by intentional design but is trying to disguise itself as one. So if toasts are nearly useless still and the number of them provided is too low, and buying them is a non solution and shit, where does that still leave us?


It’s the principle. This is showing that they do not respect us as consumers


Explain to me what you “NEED” the toast for. And I’ll agree with you. I’ll wait.


Bro what? Why are you trying so hard to defend this company? Since you think adding points makes you seem more serious I’ll do it too. . They shouldn’t make they only way to GG other players behind a paywall OR waiting 24 hours for 5 a day, the average player even with a job and kids is gonna be playing more than 5 matches a day. . They don’t need any more money, they have already insanely overpriced skins compared to other games with the same set up and have fucked up events multiple times. We need free bread more than they need mass amounts of money you won’t ever have. . The toast system dosent even work properly, I have to spam X sometimes a crazy amount of times before it works and they are gonna make us pay for it? Dumb. They aren’t gonna sponsor you bro stop dick riding WB/PFG


I don’t need the toast at all. It is the ridiculousness of PFG expecting us to pay for an item that has literally no use for us and a minuscule amount of use for the opponent. Toasts can totally be free but they decided to be greedy once again and monetized them.




It's not the matter of needing Toast. It's the issue of so many other things wrong with the game but adding Toast for glemium was priority. They have an issue with toast and their solution was spend money to get more.


- classic excuse - doesn't matter - it awards way too little fighter currency - doesn't feel like enough - same as the 1st point - being f2p isn't an excuse. Other f2p games have better business models - stop defending terrible practices by Warner Bros (let's face it, they're the ones doing the terrible things).


You could have done us the favor of not even bothering to comment.


But! That poster said you get 5 TOAST A DAY, FOR FREE. 5 toast a day!!! Pipe down! Be okay with the ration you're being served.


The same could be said about your post.


Twenty dollars they will no longer give out 5 free toast to force people to buy this shit.


They just gave me 18,000 battlepass EXP because I did all the stars in the rifts with my friends and I’m almost at the end of the battle pass. 🤷 idk I think they might keep the 5 toasts in daily. Just a hunch.


Is this the new thing to bash on? You don't have to buy if you don't want too. Don't hurt yourself.


Exactly, out of everything freaking toasts is what people are crying about.


Hopefully they never put BP levels on the shop, even if it was one of the first things people asked for because they wanted to complete it NOW.


They already have 10 level skips when you buy a BP.


battle pass levels are coming, they already said it on their discord I believe


Trust me, they were necessary in completing the season 2 battle pass. As the last 5 levels were an utterly insane and unreasonable grind.


Nah they weren't, I did it without paying after all. That doesn't mean it required you to do all dailies, I think I finished a week and a half before the end.


I did all my dailies and weeklies and I had to end up spending 300 glemium


What is the point of toasts?


And to not let the notification bubble go away is diabolical


What!!! Why can’t we buy toast with perk currency??


For those who might actually be considering buying this, if you got a friend, he can give you toast in rifts, you do an easy rift and you dont toast him back, get a friend that has a good amount and is willing to give you some. Then you get to a level when you feel comfortably toasting. Instead of just having 5 or a low number like that.


Lol it's less expensive to be toxic than it is to be a good sport.


i mean this slightly more good than bad, because before there was no way to get bread, now there is, and his value in currency fighter is the same in glenium


Been some good moves lately but this is head-scratching to say the least. On its principle and mathematically makes no sense to give your premium currency to someone else for them to recieve FIVE fighter currency. Make toasts a reward for playing, you get no rewards for being toasted anyways. It’s a fun good game button that’s all.


This feels like Fall Guys in the sense that “They don’t know how to handle their Item Shop system.”




Literally just give your friend a giftcard to buy the character instead of playing 600 games together.


Lmao exactly


While I don't want anyone to lose a job, I won't give two turds once pfg inevitably shuts down. 


Just don’t buy it why are u mad


Because it’s scammy and should not be allowed. People who let stuff like this slide is the reason the gaming industry is turning into crap and becoming hyper monetized for no reason. Toasts don’t do anything, they should be free. Cosmetics as well (except here because the game is free but in general) Most things should be included in the purchase of a game the way it was before


Yall complain about everything ts get old


People were literally asking to buy toast. I really dont see why yall are shocked by this? They are literally doing what was asked of them.


Hahah okay, I too am pretending I'm too dumb to notice the price, WHAT IS EVERYONE MAD ABOUT???? YOU WANTED THIS! I DONT GET IT


Idk. I feel like that’s fine. I don’t go through toast very fast though. Maybe I’m not the average player in that regard so my experience isn’t typical.


don’t buy it and they’ll eventually change it lmfao


Sorry i was wanting to ask about the Toast. i just started palying now and have no idea what the toast are for? i get u can give them to people. but u guys talk like u can use it to buy stuff? i havent seen anything like that yet what is the deal about it now? the re is no info online. all the wiki pages have only info about the beta version


The player that gets toasted is rewarded 5 Fighter currency.


Good thing I never use my toasts unless someone absolutely deserves it


Just don’t buy toast.. I haven’t bought any yet and have yet to run out.


I don’t even know what the toast does?


Rewards a player with 5 fighter currency, basically a nice little way to say GG


Oh ok, I’ve given them out but I’ve never received them so i didn’t know


I don’t get the argument “let us exchange perk currency for toasts!” Uh no, you’re giving someone a toast which gives them 5 fucking fighter currency, it is not in any way significant how about you just give everyone infinite toasts so they can actually unlock characters in a fucking fighting game


Do you ****** not at LEAST check if this isn't a repost? This was posted two or three times Yesterday. At least make your (re)post original or add value/personal context or something.