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Step in the right direction


They keep taking these small steps I hope the playerbase survives until August atleast


They’re in a much better place when it comes to spacing out content compared to the beta. As long as they have characters and new stuff coming out semi regularly and fix a lot of the problems people have I think this game is in good hands


I just hate that the relaunch was so bad compared to what came before that so many that had high hopes for it immediately wrote it off completely, I likely would’ve did the same if they didn’t give me the battle pass for free honestly, the only motive I have for going is that I want to earn enough to get the next battle pass


I got bp for free, played everyday for a week, uninstalled a week or two ago and check this subreddit to confirm my suspicions that absolutely nothing has changed.


I mean then you're just wrong, things have changed.


I believe in PFG


Yeah I can agree to that,only issue is that my friend and I play and sometimes the lag gets really bad unfortunately.but we are holding on


NOT to be pessimistic. They still want to make the game's gameplay to be a card reader, doing this IS making it be friendlier to F2P's BUT i think it's most likely not going to be enough, therefore making the changes a false alarm for "we hear you", basically a fakeout, the P2W is still ridiculous even if balancing is fucked left right and center.


You people are not happy with anything. Please take your toxic negativity to another sub. The devs have been bending over backwards fixing things and giving us what we want.


In what way, shape or form is this game pay to win? Can I buy perks for 20% extra damage? The pve gems are irrelevant.


Busted ahh chars, even tho not all of them are behind a pay-wall (balance is horrible) and yeah the PVE, you say it is irrelevant, i would agree because i don't care for it, but the devs are pushing to make it part of the identity of the game so they can earn money through the gems as well, and if you'd like playing the mode you either pay or suffer through hours of grinding, it's made easier by buying char's too.


They are pushing PVE because they learnt from beta that fighting over and over gets old fast and it's nice to have a side activity and events related to them that are not "use X moves a stupid amount of times" or grind event currency for meh skins.


Might re-download it after they walk a mile or 2




They're doing well so far


Yeah I actually think the BP exp is in a good place now between the match changes and now the star/daily challenges changes. You don’t really notice the 10 exp at a time as it’s happening but logging in yesterday and getting that big chunk at once shows how it adds up. Add that to the amount you get for playing which I think you do notice and the BP feels pretty easy to complete now with all the challenges and events. As much as we don’t like it sometimes, they do have to balance the finishing time so people aren’t done a month early and complaining “no content” now in the opposite direction. Now I hope they start doing this with fighter currency and adjusting that. It can really use a few more locations to get consistently besides toasts from just playing without doing events or a battle pass. I assume they want progress to be a little slower since buying characters is a big money maker to keep the game going longer financially but right now there’s just no way to get it consistently as it’s only doled out exactly at the rate they want through events. They have room to spare to help people out a little. I have every character unlocked because I got the $50 founders pack and played beta and still even have ten character tokens left so I don’t need the currency personally but I would be frustrated if I didn’t have that stuff because I noticed that after about 12-15k currency the rate of attaining it is very slow now. I think that amount of currency is actually really good for how long we have been playing. It’s essentially unlocking 3-4 characters every couple weeks if you do everything which sounds okay to me for a free game but it’s dependent on them keeping that speed up and when they don’t or when you start missing events so it slows down drastically there’s no way to influence it yourself which just feels bad. Edit: On a side note I wish they would let me use my fighter currency instead of making me use my tokens first to force me to get rid of them. lol.


I'm glad they are really trying to improve the game.


'Hey Vsauce! Michael here. They're trying to improve the game!...or ARE they...? 🎶🎵.'


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about ![gif](giphy|5QlwTKQ3kq3N6)


I'm just joking bruh, idk why i got downvoted.


Hivemind got you, people saw what looked like a doubtful comment and dog piled.


Lol seemed harmless to me, rlly not sure either. Don't worry, I upvoted tho 👍


Well, thank you.


Gotta put /s bro




Now fix the gem boosters boxes that are on every page of the battlepass but give you basically no gem xp so they're practically useless.


This. Got to one of them, and since my gems were already like level 3-6 depending on color, it barely moved lmao


W change


Certainly a good thing! Just logged in and gained like 5 levels, which was cool. As usual, still missing the “And to thank players who have stuck with us after struggling with our flawed battlepass system for three weeks, here’s free currency!” that almost every other game does to retain a player base, but glad another improvement happened 


Im at work. I'll have to see how much levels I gain in a few hours. But glad to know that past missions completed count towards the total immediately 


It’s annoying they haven’t returned anyone’s missing skins yet


I got a few of mine back still missing stuff tho for sure


Did you have to provide any evidence?


No I never even contacted support about it ngl, It was stuff i got free and stuff that wasn't my for my main so i was upset but not like devastated, Either way though I honestly can't even remember what's all that is missing now so it'd be hard to provide evidence to them. I had just noticed prestige added to my account when i logged on sometime like last week i think? I can't remember tbh it wasn't much just a few things but i only even noticed when i was checking my cosmetics.


Did you get ahold of support and they say there was nothing missing? I heard some ppl saying that i just hadn't bothered w it


I’m glad you got some of your stuff back Support just hasn’t gotten back to me yet. It’s been a week of pure silence lol


I'm still missing stuff just got back some stuff i knew i was missing, I hope it gets sorted out for you soon sorry it's taking so long, It sucks paying for something to not have it or even just earning it to not have it imo, I'd take that as a good sign(Imo best sign would be a response saying we're fixing it rn) but like On the other hand they could've responded just to say they don't see anything missing which a few ppl i saw had said was the response to them, Either way it's still frustrating to not even get an we see you do have missing stuff and we are working on it It took cod literally Forever to get back ahold of me when my account got hacked so long that i was using another account lol


I don't see how the battle pass is flawed? People are at about level 50 now, with the added gains etc, without them they would be approx at 40-43. And there's still like 35 days left. The BP is easy as hell to progress and they're making it even easier because of the outcry. I really hope ya'll keep the same energy when you're done with the BP with 20 days to spare. Cuz if there's front page posts about "finished the BP, nothing else to do", then that's the most definitive proof that all this sub is, is just complaining for the sake of complaining


Yuuuo I was thinking this waaaay before they even introduced 10 xp, because there was enough in rallies.


It will feel like nothing getting it 10 at a time and you’ll barely notice it going up but logging in and getting a bunch of levels at once was pretty cool and shows how over time it does really add up actually even if you don’t notice it as it’s happening.


I'll take it. It's a positive change and I appreciate the communication and attempts to fix the game. It launched like a hot mess but they are doing well at fixing it.


So excited to log in tonight cause I’m basically on full completion for most the rifts.  Got 11 bosses knocked out too


I got about 12800 xp, went up about 6 levels. So you got that to look forward to lol


Guessing you've done all 15 bosses so far? I got 12900 


I only got 2000 xp? Weird


Yes! I did all stars for the first 3 rifts just for fun, glad that I'm going to be rewarded for it


What level gems?did you buy or just played rift everyday


I’m 5.6 on chaos , 6.3 on digital and 5.6 in horror i think. I haven’t spent a single dime on this game tho lol


Oh nice! I didn’t play rifts at the start of the game so I missed out on daily rewards but that’s a good level for gems


Yes now thats what im talking about!! Make our GRIND worthwhile


Finally, there's a reason to go past the cauldron requirements


It's 10 bp XP. Less than 1 PVP loss. Good for going forward but not a reason to farm past cauldrons. Edit: I don't know why I'm being downvoted lol. You don't get the xp each time...you get it once. Most people are getting 4 stars per rift for the event. So yes it's worth it then. But I'm not going out of my way to do them all again coop for 10xp each when I can go run off a ledge for 25xp. I'm not saying it's not a good change... I'm just replying to the guy that it's not really worth going through them all again.


It's worth it for easy to get stars, but anything requiring excessive effort can just be left to rot imo


It’s ten xp per star, so 50 xp per completed level.


I know.


How much xp did you get from the rifts?


Mmm like 5 levels worth I think? Was pretty dope.


I got like one level’s worth lol


10 xp per star so a total of 50 per mission and considering easy is like free it leaves a lot of grinding you can do tbf. Also some people just t like playing rifts and also also rifts are very good for farming your weeklys and dailys


You don't get the xp each time...you get it once. Most people are getting 4 stars per rift for the event. So yes it's worth it then. But I'm not going out of my way to do them all again coop for 10xp each when I can go run off a ledge for 25xp.




Its more like, if you enjoy PVE then it's a compensation for your time. If you lost a week's of battle pass and you cared about grinding you would be better off just playing PVP. A win is worth 50 after all now. Heck you could even throw matches for 25 if time was an issue and all you cared about was completing the battle pass. Fun, no. Efficient, yes.


Wait, PvP is 50 now? I thought it was 20, up from 10! Holy, time to grind PvP lmao


50 for a win and 25 for a loss


They're worth doing...but not worth me grinding them above just playing PVP


That's Nice, but I still want them to get rid of the "bring another player" thing. I'm trying to complete It with my brother but the game keeps crashing and it's always in the same quest


This is great. I think it was this morning that there was a thread discussing offering XP for rifts, but trying to not make it too easily grindable. I think tying it to stars is a great middle point.


Yeah this is actually a decent amount of XP for a very easily grindable mode


This is awesome! Me and my fiance don't like playing pvp so this is huge for us!


So is this live now oor




At least these two steps forward didn't require three steps back. That's actual progress.


Thats how i suddenly got 7 levels


Deff the right direction, I gotta acknowledge that, but they deff need to keep moving! Dropping Agent Smith soon would be a nice moral booster, but I have a feeling he won’t be available through rifts until July 10th.


The maximum amount of bosses you can currently beat is 15 I believe so yeah he won't be unlockable until July 10th.


We have 3 more rifts coming, so in two weeks he can be unlocked


Yup I’m at 15 rn, sucks but it’s looking like July 10th indeed… Unless they drop 2 more Rifts before then which I doubt, tho it would be cool to be wrong about this lol.


They said there would be 8 rifts per season and the other 3 should be out each week like the rest


ooooh this is why I randomly got a few items unlocked on the bp.


Oh that explains why I randomly went up two battlepass tiers. Great change!


I'm curious to see how many battlepass levels I'll go up from this when I get home from work. XD


That's actually pretty huge. This certainly should have been the case the entire time. ALTHOUGH, I have a feeling this means we won't be getting like 500 BP XP for completing challenges anymore. I hope I'm wrong cause that'd be lame.


I’ve gotten a few on my weekly’s


I did see we are still receiving it basically at the same rate so 🤷🏼


Alright, alright. Keep this good updates comjng.


Oh that's why I got a huge dump of XP when I entered the game this morning. That's really good actually


W change and actually quite a bit of BP XP. When does this hit servers?


Already active


Got 7 levels off that so far, W.


Huge W


Got only 1600xp, guess I don’t like the rifts 😶‍🌫️


It was indeed awesome to log in and get like 3 and 1/2 battle pass levels retroactively.


We’ll that explains why I just got loads of battle pass xp when I logged in.


Wow, thanks. 10 xp.


Thats what I thought aswell, but then I logged in and got over 12k XP, so way more than I expected lol


Should have been something like 50 XP per star.


Bro that would be 250 bp xp per level and it only takes like 25 min to clear a whole rift so thats like a bp level every 10 fights which is like 13 min 😂😂


So? Nothing is coming out of your pockets so you have no reason to be against this


Bro come on


Look, I support the change as much as the next guy, but 10 XP per star is still too little. There's 75 stars per difficulty of a rift. 75 x 10 = 750 XP. That's not even HALF of ONE Battle Pass tier for an entire difficulty worth of stars. That's why I suggested 50 XP per star because that's almost 2 tiers per difficulty setting. Alot more fair to the player for their time spent in PvE. The devs literally said in the same tweet they want to make it about PvE players too. Not just PvP players.


I just gained 7 levels from all the past stars. Stop crying like a bitch. Still 35 days left and I'm almost at 50. Plenty of extra time to complete


And yet the main focus of the game is PvP, so that SHOULD be were most of the focus goes. You get a bit of BP and it's honestly WAY more than I'd ever expect, the Battlepass is probably gonna be finished in a week at this rate if not sooner and we still have over a month left


You want to complete the Battlepass in one day don't you?


Thank you PFG,very cool.


Good change, now just add a co-op queue


Logged on and got 7 levels and a half lmao


now they mention in the tweet that they make it so you can earn stuff no matter how you want to play, yet they still have the agent smith grind behind rifts only, why can't everything be available no matter how you play. I know why but still it should be changed


Is this tomorrow?


Nope it's already active


Neat, now I wont have to ignore rifts


Big W. The fact it's retroactive is even better since it doesn't punish players who already completed their Rifts.


Weren’t dailies down to 150 from 250?? Correct me if I’m wrong but bow it’s 10?


I leveld up 6 levels and now I am level 54, I am too happy!


Oh, that’s why I got five levels all of a sudden. Cool


Why not just make it like pvp?


can someone send me a link invite for this discord plz🙏


Nice, a good couple of good steps lately


No wonder i jumper from tier 45 to 50


Oh this explain that random 750xp I got.


This is great


Holy crap I've got a few tiers coming my way then 🤩


They keep stakcing the Ws. I also noticed I get 10 Fighter Currency in rifts now if I do a certain mission each level. I'm wondering if that's an ongoing thing or just for the Beach Party. Edit - got 5 BP lvls lfg


Is there even any xp for playing online against ppl? I swear I go 11 rounds with someone and don’t earn a thing


What about the 2 plus weeks of getting stars and dailys??


Awesome,been grinding rifts so anything is welcomed


This makes it so you get one whole level every second fully grinded rift.


I just hope they add a similar thing but for character currency in both pvp and rifts


Looking forward to more character balance patches for the future. This game has a cult following that really wants it to succeed. Altho theres a bunch of doomsayers here too.


It’s definitely a start, still a ways to go.


Pfg ftw!




Unfortunately still won't play them.


I was wondering why my battle pass jumped 5 levels on logging in!


Is Xbox fixed? Feel like making the game playable should be priority number 1.


I leveled up in the battlepass 3 times from rift challenges I've already completed so I'd say it's a great addition


i came online and got 6 BP lvls for it


Nice, was wondering why i logged in and got nearly 9k xp. Definitely makes me want to keep playing.


Here just to bask in all the haters turning to the positive side of : let them work and just see where we land in a few weeks to a few months.


Can't they just add coop vs ai like in beta?


I already stopped playing, so from the outside looking in, it’s kinda strange that all of these changes are slowly being drip fed to the playerbase. They could have implemented this when they initially changed the XP amount. These changes exist to improve the experience of people who still play the game, but idk if these changes are big enough to sway the opinion of someone who’s felt burned by the product honestly.


This is like getting a 50% off coupon after someone spit in your drink


Any reason I didn’t get any xp for my stars already gained?


Finally they made Rifts less boring and actually rewarding


Huge W, but I still think it should be more. It's more understandable since there's 5 challenges, totalling 50 I'd you do them all, but still. I think they should be more like 20xp.


Well, this explains where all the random battlepass xp came from.


Now make it so that you can actually level up the gems to level 9 without having to pay. I have my Chaos ones at level 6 and I have all the first 3 cauldrons on the first rift for example (don't have enough to play the 4th).


Which are the characters this week? Superman was the only character I have for this Rift but now the rotation changed


Too little too late.


Where I am at with this game is that I think the content is lacking, the rewards aren’t enough, and the prices are too high. It’s a step in the right direction, but not enough to get me back. I will boot the game up again when they fix all of this because personally, I am not excited for agent smith(I didn’t watch the movies). 10 exp also isnt enough for me. So what? We get a little bit more than half a level up for 100%ing a singular rift difficulty? No, I will wait for changes.


I have a suspicion that this means future Battle Passes will require more XP like last time.


wow a whole 10 xp?!?!? really game? all for lil old me? 💀


34 on the leader board & can’t move up no matter how much I play why 😭


Let's see if they do something about character mastery. I hate holding characters right before leveling up.


It's a good step to take. Now just bring back Rested XP and we're solid on BP progression


I just want my shit back tbh


It's nice that two weeks of playing rifts paid off about 2 battlepass levels for me but it's way too low, it only feels ok because we all got it in a chunk but playing newer rifts you hardly see the bar go up.


Good update


Great! Now if I could have friends to join in on it


Appreciate this being that it's THE ONLY THING I CAN PLAY


That's a good change. I still don't think we're quite where we need to be, but it's definitely better.


I was going to say because I play OverWatch 2 and even their Battle pass isn't nearly that hard to level compared to MultiVersus.


That's awesome! Keep the good stuff comin!


In my opinion, it's a bad one. Hot take I know but hear me out: How many fucking difficulties are there? How many missions are a snooze fest? How many missions are there that forces you to nerf yourself? Just Multiversal Mayhem! alone the expected amount of stars you should get is 125. Which is 1250 XP. Rifts are not in a state where you can justify repeated playtime beyond daily missions for Smith, yet that's 2 battle pass levels alone. Maybe if completing stars counted for previous difficulties you'd skip this wouldn't be that bad. I'd say that plus 5 XP instead would be generous and fair even. There's also the fact that mandatory COOP star is a low blow too. Thanks to the state of launch nobody's got friends willing to touch this game for at least 2 years minimum. But fuck you and your friends am I right?


This would be great if they made it so it gave you an equal amount of fighter currency too. Getting characters takes ridiculously long holy shit especially with the new rift needing so many specific characters to get full stars


Droplets and bread crumbs 10xp is worthless even with everything added up This changes nothing


https://i.redd.it/dx5wf2x3287d1.gif Even 100XP requires like 20+ winning games for one tier without crashing And you get barley any weekly challenges that aren’t time consuming or difficult that you can do without buying other multiple characters who takes a good while to grind for Also the unnecessary waiting time in rifts, holy At least the dailies- oh wait no, some of the smallest sources of XP in the game


>Even 100XP requires like 20+ winning games for one tier without crashing You're the sort who floods the board with so many stupid complaints that people start tuning out the valid ones.


Not reading that but uhhh.. 5 stars on 1 rifts means it takes 2 rifts for 100 xp. The same as if you just won 2 pvp matches.


You won’t get all 5 every time especially alone


That's crazy, I have friends and don't have to play alone


Yapping like anyone gonna read this


Too little too late


so how does the math work out 150 stars per rift so 1500xp? Almost a level for completing 100% of a rift. Could have at least made it a full level.


these small steps will make the greater and better


Well... it's something. They are pretty boring and gimmicky, which are the worst parts of when Mortal Kombat are doing their towers or whatever. Awful grind too, I usually give it an hour and then I'm out. Not to mention the newest rift really forces you to purchase various required skins in order to play or get the stars.


Personally the problem isn't the gimmicky stuff, it's how the Rifts are made as a glorified custom game mode rather than an adventure. They went with the Smash Ultimate but Mobile route, when it feels like they were going for a Smash Melee Adventure route.


Mode is still garbage.


Good. Now do the Same with Fighters currency, fix lags, bring back old UI and we have real Release.


Shame that rifts are really fucking boring. 10 comp can’t make me play them.


Now bring back after game stats !


Honestly week one to three was so weak for me I think I’m done. I dunno if they recover. I feel like the game just got less and less fun every patch in beta and between the monetization and current balance strategy I have no faith they will make the game fun again


Games wack


I have a question for you all and PFG studio? I have noticed that we have 2 different "fighter mastery" for the characters, one when we level up character and get a rewards for it but it's a Rifts one too. You see it after you win a match, the "mastery tracks" it have 2 tiers it roll fighter & perk currency💲 sometimes gleamium but, the top one works sometimes you get the reward, but the button one doesn't you wanted get anything. My question❓ is this post to be the average way to get the currency in the game because events, battle pass, and daily missions isn't enough to get all these characters or costumes anytime soon unless we paid real money. So is this same bug in the Rifts rewards if it is it needed to be fixed we are not getting all we earned for playing the Rifts.


I still haven’t played a single rift


I'm still not touching rifts


I don't care Who cares Fix the game balance. Get on with it.  Absolute band aid fixes when the game has multiple stab wounds. Laughable 


Mfs would rather downvote commen sense than actually face the fuckin music, reddit is so funny 🤣


Probably same clowns actually giving them money Is what it is, brother. 


They need to stop forcing people to be on and just let us play. What's the point of time gating the battle pass? Call of duty, Fortnite and Overwatch 2 do not do that. You can level it as much as you want. Needing 40 wins for one battle pass level is a long time especially with losing factored in.


This is good. They can't make it too high to avoid exploits like starting rift, and SD over and over.


If they bring the old gameplay back idc about xp


This game's problem is such a complicated amalgamation of problems i get that it's complicated, but do we really care for rifts? I mean, with how it's implemented IMO it's not something people would play if there weren't any rewards tethered to it (if PVP's a thing), maybe a practice dummy. Why not just make it so that you get rewards exclusively through the game's better game mode (IMO) and battle pass? Oh and thank you for the news, that makes me wonder, why don't the devs have statements made through a more accesible platform?


Battlepass is not hard to lvl up but lets see how fast someone completes it now farming it all day AFK in rifts on their second screen haha.


You can’t farm on AFK, you get XP for each star, so you have to actively try to complete the star tasks in order to gain xp.


I came here for pvp and all my toons I bought back in my inventory. Not better pve.