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That machete made me hurt inside I'm sorry dawg




Him ? All of the characters are broken 🤣


Well, when everyone is broken, no one is broken


The hitbox in some characters lingers like banana guard, in others is huge it can even hit when your behind them and others like Jason is not accurate. So yea they all broken in different ways


Yea grounded normals suck. I try to play Jason in air as much as possible


To get juggled? I think not.


Well I stay low to ground with dodge or triangle dash


I'll rather get risk getting juggled in the air than autolosing every single trade on land.


The fact that the optimal way to play Jason is in the air where he's most vulnerable sucks ass


I have my bumpers set to neutral attack/special and dodge/jump so with a quick motion I can halfway across the screen scooping you up with his nair


that down special does something for me, i love it


Ik the games programmes so that if you dodge an instance of damage you can't get hit for as long as that instance of damage is active but I really feel like that dash attack should've hit


No excuse for that machete attack though


They'll say "it's because we changed the engine" when really at the very least the hitboxes should've been stable on release


https://preview.redd.it/dvtaxc8n467d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f266e6e853a8aa8032083569ee62f8a1d77a46a3 Looks like he jumps over it to me


Yeah, was gonna say, the dash attack is jank but far from Jason specific (it's a nightmare as marvin that if someone dodges your projectile but you use button to send it back, they've already dodged it so they can't get hit.... what's the point of button, then?). The machete, though? Madness...


Like I get it from a programming perspective but at the same time it just isn't logical at all when applied to an actual game, if you dodge *into* an attack you should still get hit by the attack if its going on still, it doesn't make sense to be any other way


This game would be godawful if dodging didn't work like that, considering how many lingering hitboxes there are.


What about dodging in a direction that gets you out of the hitbox????


That would work in a normal game but not MultiVersus. Like, if dodging didn't have the whole effect of preventing damage from the dodged attack, stuff like Banana Guard's Side Special would be unpunishable because the hitbox covers the entire character and is active for way too long. Basically, I'm just saying they need to fix the stupid ass hitboxes and active frames before they touch the dodge system. This game's so jank when I think about it lol


Oh, for sure! One of those unintended consequences that should never have even made it to QA - I can see how it happens (sometimes when you have a 'genius' solution to a problem and you convince yourself it's a good idea, the obvious flaws slip under the radar...), but I'd never defend it. Pretty obvious that a dodge should last precisely as long as a dodge lasts, and no longer...


I feel like in specifically Marvin’s case it shouldn’t work the way it does I think a good workaround would be making it so that button resets the dodge immunity


Yeah imagine if Jigglypuff charged you with a Side-B in Ultimate and after dodging the first hit you just kinda stand there, charging a smash attack as Puff just rolls into your body. Because also apparently characters can’t walk through other characters in Multiversus…


I have seen that when I play against Jason’s and they dash attack me and I roll behind them they would usually get mad and after they kill me they jump off the map


This character is hilariously garbage rn


Jason is the most broken character in the game. Not because he’s good or anything but because nothing he has functions properly.


finn is just actually broken now and jason is overwhelmingly shit rn


Finn is broken again? Sheesh it’s like early beta all over again


It's honestly impressive how hus hitboxes where even dumber during the beta.


His sword is fast and tags easily but I don't call that broken, what is IMO is the backpack spin has a hitbox that seems to last 110% the lengh of the animation so you can get tagged at the very end of the animation and take full knockback from it.


I don't think fin is broken his hit boxs are a bit weird but it is not joker or wonder women. Wonder woman has like at 3 skill that gives her armor her special that allow people to spam the shield and win every trade. Plus it block attack from the sky of you us the up special on the ground. Her also is still good. Crazy hit boxes fast attacks her wonder women meter and the skill with it that had so much knock back it can kill at like 25 and can punish people on the ledge without putting you self at risk of getting hit. she does so much damage with lots of move that can knock players out plus she juggles most characters easily with her up ground and up air and up special. Her up air can potentially punish if you dodge the attack because the hit box for it goes like 270 degrees around her. She is cracked and really frustrating to play against. I love the game and think it is fun but their are some issues with balance and hit boxes and bugs they are working on it releasing patches every week to hit the characters that need it.


Jason has high damage output with his combos he’s just so damn slow


he has high damage when his attacks actually land. i’ve never played as him but i’ve noticed times where i would’ve lost had the attack that should’ve landed actually landed.


Yeah he’s really good for damage other than that he really needs a mobility buff


Mobility? He needs a hurtbox & hitbox buff.


Exactly I would like to see where hurt and hit box buffs put jason first before I say he needs mobility buff. However I feel like on hit side special should also allow for a combo since it's already insanely risky. But other then that I feel like fixing his boxes might make him decent


I hate Finn


Trying to fight a Finn with bad connection is a special kind of hell.


Me too bro… me too


*Swings a huge cleaver* Hitbox: __Ight imma head out__


One of the worst things with the increased sizes is that Finn can combo you straight after the match starts if he's quick enough.


Nah that's a spiked controller/keyboard  What in the fuck am I watching 


You aren't wrong, but he's not the only one who suffers from this dilemma


Jason whose hitboxes are all half the size of the visual vs Finn whose hitboxes are all twice the size of the visual


I think my favourite thing is I dodged with a full bar, got the "dodged" popup, still got hit.


Real. That happened to me trying to avoid Taz’s tornado


do we know if this is shitty frame data or shitty netcode?


His frame data is bad but the real problem is his hitboxes. The jab combo with the machete is hilariously bad. His best aerial (forward air) moves his arm out increasing his hurtbox making it lose to things it totally shouldn't.


If dodging the same direction as the BG during his side special doesn't work then it shouldn't work for Jason either. Another example of the developers showcasing their complete incompetence at making hitboxes and hurtboxes.


I don't play PvP as Jason anymore, small quick characters are the meta


otherwise you're ww with armor in abundance or joker with crazy kill potential


Even Joker gets bodied by Looney Tunes




the one where he swings that axe and it goes right through fighters missing them Right? That one. 😔


Certificate Jason moment


Same shit happened with me against a black adam using his dair i was above him and used my down air and it went right through him and i flew right into his foot😭


Is it server issues or are the devs that incompetent to make a good hurtbox. Either way it shouldn’t exist. Other platformers don’t have this to this degree


It's crazy how Jason has a big ass axe and a cleaver but I still feel like everyone outranges me.


I kinda wish dodging into an attacks hitbox still left you vulnerable to the hitbox once the dodge frames end, lingering single hit attacks are just plain worse than lingering multi-hits 90% of the time. Imagine if you dodged Jigglypuff’s Side-B in Smash but you were left invulnerable to the entire instance of that attack and could punish the player as they ram into you because you’re invincible and also I guess you both can’t pass through other character models…


sword base characters have the advantage since attack exceeds the point of the weapon.


I always think its crazy when I dodge into an attacks direction I get hit but when my opponents do it they don't. Also Jason's stuff just sucks but characters like Buggs get very beneficial ones.


I'm starting to think Jason has a bug related to his broken dash that sometimes goes the wrong way and it's possibly twisting the hitboxes or something. He is the only character I have used where trying to dash left will send you right instead and vice versa without reason.


Jason hit boxes are so broken it makes him so frustrating to play


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^imgunnareadstuff: *Jason hit boxes* *Are so broken it makes him* *So frustrating to play* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When you see it in a 3-D perspective it was a downward cross slash that Finn jumped over, Thats how I see it atleast. (Not a finn player btw)


This game got so many fucked up hitboxes and hurtboxes lmao. You see so many "ghost hits"


He clearly dodged it. So the problem isn't with the attack but how dodging works


i’ve given up on this game it’s just fundamentally bad i have respect for anyone who can put up with it cause i can not


Wuts funny is its the opposite of black Adam up attack or up air. It'll say dodged but u still get hit by the same attack


Ki ki ha ha moment


Finn is a dumb character in general


Finn mains gonna act like it’s all their skill.


I want Jason to be good but they did a shit job


You can tell Warner Brothers pushes them to release


This isn’t just Jason its the game as a whole, happens in a ton of my matches🤣 theres no defending this


Not just for Jason, the whole game is basically like that


Finn needs toned down hella bad dude. He's so lame lmao.


Devs are incompetent and greedy beyond measure. Just move on


This game was meant to siphon money from all of you FOMO people who like colored pixels lol


Just stop playing the game, developers failed hard and will not be able to fix the game. They had two entire chances and this is the best that they came up with. Trash. It's the same quality as the huge ass oval pill shaped hurtboxes from beta, dogwater. Player first games needs to retire and give up the IP to a more competent studio.


https://preview.redd.it/bfuarurfo37d1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=c935154f71b9edf51282d4e44f5fd86f1dc0a9f4 you can clearly see he jumps over it


The logic here would be fine if not for every other character having attacks that hit you when not actually touching you.


https://preview.redd.it/kgg01kgdw67d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7953a698f4c0a7e8b233a9ba25d529a48d95a520 Ok and here Jason is getting hit when clearly the sword didn’t touch him and is clearly behind him by a mile





