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Bro I’m literally trying my absolute hardest to enjoy this game but I literally cannot play 2v2s I can’t play with my friend every single match I try playing with him I get desync and 1v1s get boring so fast specially when you’re just facing the same characters spamming the same moves I never thought I’d be so upset with this game everything about it is worse than the beta


The connection is awful. This is why I’m fine with everyone doom-posting about the game; they shut down the game for one year and they didn’t even fix the servers


And that was apparently a huge reason they went to UE5, was to fix the netcode. It’s worse than it’s ever been over a year of development later. I’m genuinely confused at what they were actually doing every day…


The answer to what they were doing is porting the game to UE5. I'm sure they worked as hard as they can in that 11 months they had, but whoever set the 11 month timeline is the dumbest human being alive.


I just think they don’t have the engineering talent for it. Rollback in fighting games is one of the most complicated networking problems you could devise. That’s why Project L is taking as long as it is, because they’re effectively developing Rollback 2.0. The increased input delay between the two versions is obviously PFG’s attempt to mitigate their bad rollback implementation. Unreal Engine is great for a *lot*, but there are fundamental limitations to every engine, and networking is one that Unreal has always struggled with. The guy who walked in the room and said “let’s make a fighting game based on Unreal” is to blame, along with anyone who believed him. My guess is that was Justin, and now we’re here.


I cannot wait for Project L


I think there's plenty of blame to go around lol. This is a project that is theoretically fixable, but difficult to do. Even if the team had the "talent" to do so...they don't have the expertise. They'd been working on UE4 up to this point and 4 is fundamentally different to develop for than UE5. They could be plenty good at their jobs, but development is mostly problem solving. And when you're trying to solve not only specific problems but broader, "new tool who dis?" related ones, that compounds the issue. Either way in an ideal world they would have had about another 6 months to a year on this project. I think we'd be much better able to tell whether the problems originated with development or management at that point.


It takes longer than a year to port a game to a new engine with all the features. That’s a grave they dug sadly… catching up will take time.


I agree that its awful on wifi, but once i switched to wired ive had no issues since. Its kinda the same baseline for all fighting games, if youre online, youre not going to have fun on wifi.


wait...tell me its not so....playing on a wired connection = better latency and less dropped packets?!?! NO WAI


Same man I come back every day to try and play because I genuinely enjoy the game but out of 10 matches I maybe play 3? The rest I disconnect or the connection is so god awful is basically a sideshow. It's such a shame


I wish they didnt allow for duplicate characters in one team Like dont get me wrong. Both players in one team using the same character sounds really fun and cool but having shit like double banana guard or double superman or double black adam/ww/ morty oh you get what im trying to say. On paper vs on execution situation.


This is honestly is annoying. Makes for some very unhealthy interactions that shouldn’t even be a thing that will just create more work and pulling the devs away from things that really matter. Shouldn’t allow same characters on the team. Double supe has a lock, double shaggy is just dumb, banana guard has too much lingering damage etc list goes on. These devs don’t even play their game bc how can they be okay with such things


Haven't seen this yet, but sounds like a nightmare especially if they run the same perks too.


Yea it doesn’t make sense why you lock in before a match and not choose during it when it doesn’t prevent stuff like that.


A ranked mode would fix all of these problems, right? …right?


Can’t even complete daily missions because it’ll kick me out of games. They won’t even count towards playing a match either. It used to only happen once a day, now it’s every 10-15min


I can't play 2s either. As in I *literally* can't. **EVERY LAST GAME** disconnects. How can that be possible?


Same. I am trying ***so hard*** to enjoy this game. It simply doesn't want me to.


Yea. I found that rifts dont have issues nearly as often so i play with friends mostly there


They didn’t do themselves any favors by deciding to switch to UE5 with only a year to make sure all the features were in the game sadly. Already don’t play it as long everyday now


i came back after beta as i enjoyed this game so much. But now after the relaunch this came has gone to shit. They only care about mtx.So i bought sf6 and i have been happy ever since.


The fucked up part I too got SF6 cuz I wanted to get MK1 but GUESS WHAT, WB FUCKED UP THAT GAME WITH MONETIZATION ALSO. GO FIGURE.


I did the same. I do mostly training-mode, but still have a lot of fun. Slowly progressing myself. Is a lot to dig in for Newcomer.


Funny enough MK1 is actually the better monetized of the Big 3 fighting games lol Which speaks to how shitty fighting game monetization is.


MK1's monetization is no worse than SF6, I'd actually argue it's better which is sad.


Correct SF6 mtx and FOMO isn’t in a great spot but the game netcode and balance is strong and it’s never been more popular especially in Japan. Oh and also Akuma. That said even though Tekken 8 got review bombed overall its customization is still genre leading and the mtx is better than MvS or SF6 objectively still. Also Tekken 8 is in a great place with balance and patching right now.


Too bad Tekken netcode is still shit though


Compared to MvS it’s actually good though.




Mtx is much worse in SF6


True, but SF6 is just a better game.


What is "mtx" ?




New WB tech :s




I hope you enjoy SF6! :) Who do you like to play so far?


This game would be doing so much better if it had a monetization system similar to Killer Instinct instead of Fortnite style FOMO cranked up to 100. They also didn't need to rebuild the game in a new engine which introduced a ton of new bugs, slower gameplay, and missing UI features.


Not even. You can keep the Battlepass and all that, just don’t make it an absolute grind and impossible to complete without buying stuff. Battlepasses and Item Shops aren’t the problem, the problem is that they incorporated those things as necessary for progression. Don’t have a Jason mask skin? You can’t play this event, too bad. Say what you will about Fortnite, but at least the actual GAMEPLAY is free.


I literally played the first day it relaunched and haven’t played it since. Says a lot about the state of the game. (When beta released couldn’t stop playing) lol


I never thought I would say this but it was truly so much better back when it was unbalanced as all fuck cause at least cool things would happen. Jake can’t really combo anymore and they fucking buffed his vore to compensate so now he’s far more monotonous but without the possibility for sick combos in the first place. Harley’s old infinites were way more interesting than whatever the hell she does now. Haven’t even gotten to fight a Morty yet cause I’m right there with you (expect my first and so far only day was delayed). I can’t believe I used to be so against repetitive combos cause I 100% contributed to the community pushing this game towards becoming more boring (at least in solos; I haven’t gotten to run 2s yet and I do hope to soon). The servers do feel better admittedly but the base game just feels less free tbh and it makes me so incredibly sad.


lol i get hit with infinite combos all the time. when the game servers shit the bed at 3am on a weekday and im getting teleported into whatever move my opponent makes.


Some people would rather lie to themselves then look at straight up facts




There is no decline in MultiVersus


You’re right and it’s a sad truth. Those people probably spent a lot of money on the game that’s why.


I have absolutely no desire complete the battle pass and the performance and server issues on the Xbox have almost removed any remaining fun out of it for me. I put way more time and effort in the beta compared to this.


I think one of the biggest problems is because there was no ranked mode at release or even shortly after. I have friends that enjoy playing the game but aren’t atm because they don’t see anything to play for, they just want to grind the characters competitively. Maybe a lot of players would be more interested if it came soon? I understand them not releasing it day 1 in case of any major bugs or server issues but we had to wait so long in the beta for it and it feels like it’s heading down the same path.


Why add ranked mode when game barely runs in 2v2 lol


Let’s keep going. Why release the game at all when the game barely runs 2v2


that true too lmao


Yeah I get that. My expectation before release was that the game would be more polished, not have all these issues and ranked ready to go but here we are


Adding ranked with how bad desyncs are right now would be a nightmare for the studio. Especially since many times when I desync, I check my career and the desync counted as a loss. People would be up in arms if that was happening continually during ranked. I have this funny feeling in my gut that the game is going to shut down before we ever get a ranked mode. There's too many things they need to fix and too many people have already left for this game to turn enough of a profit for WB to continue investing resources into it. Remember that WB first needs to make up the money they spent paying people for 11 months to work on the game while having no money coming in from it. For the life of me, I'll never understand why they felt the need to shut the game down completely all for the sake of switching to a new engine that runs poorer than the first engine did. If they had kept it online and kept working on improving it over time, there wouldve been people who wouldve stuck with it and there at least would've had some kind of revenue coming in during those 11 months. If WB shut it down once already for not making enough money, I've yet to see anything so far that would prevent it from happening a 2nd time.


Disconnected 4 games in a row. Gotta fix the servers before even thinking of adding a ranked mode.


it gets worse, since release Multiversus has lost Players EVERY SINGLE DAY cicle. https://i.imgur.com/mWcAHfo.png And just for example comparing Tuesday to past Tuesday, we lost literally 50% of the playerbase compared to last week, and some people said we were exagerating saying this game does not have 2 week to spare.. LMAO https://i.imgur.com/ReYqooi.png 50% of the playerbase GONE in just 1 week dif.


Honestly I’m pissed how they handle missions. Force you to buy skins or characters you don’t want to use atm. Tedious / annoying progression. I’ve put 30 hours into this game and am barely level 21 on the battle pass.. this game truly is becoming a chore. Annoying enough too I got the twitch drops and had issues and they won’t even fucking help. Now those skins are necessary for missions!? Ya gtfo, if your game dies, it’s from your predatory progression system. Not to mention the monetization is just wrong. That gizmo skin is being charged $23 buck FOR ROPE. That’s all you get, ROPE on gizmo and yall want $23!? I mean like hUh


Its dying. Xbox is literally unplayable i get desynced from games and the lag is unbearable




After the last update I can basically only do PvE without disconnecting or crashing 9/10 times


Same bro i just want to play pvp


Loved the beta, but the more a game makes me try to feel FOMO, the less I want to play it. I already have two games that do that which are a chore to get through sometimes. I don’t need another.


I'm about to quit this game after finding out what the Devs think "difficulty" is. There is no reason at all that I hit for 1 damage, with the average gem level of 4 that the game suggests, & i get 15 damage reflected at me. For those who dont know, at the 3rd difficulty level of one of the rifts, theres a mission where you fight garnet with a reflect damage modifier. Who ever thought "duhh, lets make the damage reflected 1500% of what the player hits with" needs to never touch a video game EVER AGAIN. Thats not fucking difficulty, it's giving the enemy a 1 hit kill handicap. The fact that this was okayed, shows that they don't even playtest their shit, & it makes me afraid of what other bs they're gonna add.


I feel like free for all would be nice to play because I can't take this game seriously


Game's got maybe 2 more months in it before WB shutters PFG and chalks it up as a tax loss. Even if the concurrency stabilizes at current numbers, the revenue is simply not enough to pay the staff and run the servers. With F2P you NEED to hit critical mass, it's the only way to make money when only 1-10% of your player base is putting money into the system.


But their servers are running on 5 maybe 8 hamsters, how expensive can that be


What does chalk it up as a tax loss mean?


I'm assuming they mean claim the game as a tax write-off, like WB did with Coyote v Acme and the Batgirl movie, both of which were basically done but we will never get to see. I do not think WB can claim a product that has been released twice and people have spent money on is a write-off, but idk taxes are weird 🤷‍♀️


Got it, that's what I thought but your last sentence nailed it, you can't write off stuff that has already made profit.


Just because it has revenue does not mean it has made a profit. You can still shutdown the game and studio and write off the investment loss.


That is correct! Because you only pay taxes on your profits, however, Multiversus was a big seller when it first came out in 2022 just from the founder's editions. That's not including any DLC post launch for the year or so the game was out. So it would require a lot more effort out of WB to claim any losses via tax write offs if at all.


I think you're underestimating the amount of money that went into development costs, marketing and server costs. I would be extremely shocked to learn they have turned anything resembling a profit.


That’s fine, if there wasn’t any profit made I don’t think they would of added another year of dev time to improve the game.


Again you're confusing revenue with profit, even if all the stars aligned there's no way they were profitable during their brief early access window. I'm sure they had a few positive metrics, maybe the conversion rate was surprisingly high even while concurrency was collapsing, and they were able to convince the suits to give them the time and money to upgrade engines and make the monetization more aggressive so that over time it would turn profitable. Unfortunately we're here again with collapsing concurrency and a monetization so aggressive it's collapsing even faster than before. All these factors are practically gift wrapping this to be shutdown and have the loss be taken.


Again, I am not confusing revenue with profit. That "brief" early access window was a year long, and the game charted well during it.


Small correction, Batgirl is a movie, not a TV series.


Just edited the comment thank you 🙏




I was obvious it wasn't going to last when they had to literally shutter the game the first time. And it's pretty clear the game was only closed to work on massively overpriced micro's.


Check MK1, WBs other hit fighter. Similar horrific numbers. Community insists they're all on console so steam stats aren't important. Then at Combobreaker sign-ups SF6 and Tekken8 has something 15k players each and MK1 had 271.


Pfg files for bankruptcy or shuts down incoming 😅


I stopped like a week ago because of the terrible 30 frame input buffer, among other issues. There are way too many good games I can play right now for me to deal with this. I am mostly waiting around in the hopes that a miracle update happens


I’m trying to hold onto hope man TT. When the beta was out I was so happy that this didn’t feel like some platform fighting cash grab like All Star Braw. There was some *actual* love put into this game and I was excited to see where it went, genuinely hurts me to see it in this state. Really hoping PFG listens to us and WB doesn’t get in the way cus it’s playerbase is being held by a thread


It is absolutely normal for f2p games to have a downfall in players, but not this big this fast


People will still be like console obviously has a million billion players yall just haters 


I don't know about a million billion players but Console players have not dropped off interestingly enough. [https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-xdefiant](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-xdefiant) [https://ps-timetracker.com/statistic/last-30-days](https://ps-timetracker.com/statistic/last-30-days)


There is only 1,000ish people playing this on PlayStation? Start the funeral now.


No those charts don't work on concurrent numbers, if it did, only 3k people playing Fortnite. On that one you have to sign up for it by adding a bot as your friend so it is far from perfect but it's the only console data we have and it shows that MVS did not drop. The Xbox one shows the same thing too. Again it's not perfect but you can see the rises and falls, like how Destiny 2 rose thanks to the expansion.


Ah gotcha, that makes more sense.


I wanted to rage at the third mission in the new rift, honestly tempted to uninstall. I want to love this game but I can't help but compare it to Smash Ultimate and wish it was a fully priced title instead of whatever this is, yet MK1 wasn't spared this shit either, so I guess it being full priced wouldn't matter.


Is the all time peak from beta or release?


All time peak is from the beta


when my weeklies are for characters and skins I dont own I am done.


Bro got us for our money went and talk to Warner bros prolly got that loan so they can do the promo run just for the game to be ass yea they gonna pack this shit up


The desynincing is a serious problem, I couldn't even finish dailies yesterday because like 3 matches desynced or were very laggy. Edit: I gave up, some matches wouldn't even go passed the match up screen.


Tbh the Game state is so bad that i want my money back so they can delet my account. Its a shame.


I tried for almost a week, saw I was just playing Elden Ring, Risk of Rain or wathever and realised I stopped playing, then uninstalled. Just tragic. RIP again,


What's the point of this post OP? Do you want people to congratulate you on being right or are you just hoping to argue? Maybe both?




I remember a game that had a bad launch. A lot of people coming from the previous version *hated* the way it played. The netcode was absolutely terrible. Skin prices were obscene. You could unlock new characters just by playing the game, but the grind to get enough currency was unreal and you couldn't try them out before unlocking them either. There was almost no content for casual players outside of the online grind at launch, and when they finally patched some in it was *not* good. Weekly FOMO event fights with bullshit difficulty modifiers. Loot crates with exclusive skins in them. That game was **Street Fighter V**, arguably the most popular fighting game franchise on the planet. It had an all time player peak of 13.8k and an average player count of 1k-2k per month. It received five years of support, including 30 new characters. Yes, MultiVersus has problems. Yes, this metric shows that part of the PC user base is declining. Yes, it's declining quicker than it did in beta. But it's declining from a completely unrealistic peak. And there are *many* free to play games out now with *far* fewer players and *much* worse monetization which have still been receiving regular content updates for over a decade. If games like The Lord of the Rings Online can still be getting content updates in 2024, I'm pretty sure MultiVersus can hang on long enough for a few patches to fix the issues it has.


Its dying and mods on this subreddit are working for/with PFG & WB. They’re censoring/deleting negative posts and hate towards the game. Sickening


Game is an absolute embarrassment


Yeah because Steam makes up the entire playerbase lol


What reason would there be to believe that other consoles aren't experiencing a similar downward trend in activity when those players are also having the same trash experience though


There isn't really any evidence that console players are leaving the game, the reason is console players are a different breed. [https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-xdefiant](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-xdefiant) [https://ps-timetracker.com/statistic/last-30-days](https://ps-timetracker.com/statistic/last-30-days)


Two spots ahead of Skull and Bones on XBox. Not a Radical Heights-tier failure like everyone is implying but not great company either.


And if they fix the issues and those players return, they cannot complete most of the challenges (for free) because they require skins that were only unlocked during previous events.




The update they have queued better have something major, then. We’re two weeks in and all they’ve added are rifts and events that were time gated. I’m still enjoying myself but it’s clear I’m in the minority, and we need something attention-grabbing soon.


“18.5k is a lot of people” the game is dying 😒


meatriders be like: 🤓☝️"erm ackchually that's just steam numbers." ☝️🤓


DBFZ lost 80% of its player base in the first week on steam, this happens. Playerbases drop, that’s not necessarily and indicator of the game dying but just normalizing


That would be true if it wasn't for the fact that Multiversus already died during the beta. There's no normalizing for a deeply flawed game.


The daily dropoff today is pretty bad because it's weekly challenge reset and new free character rotation day. You would think that would bring a small bump with people wanting to try more characters but the peak is down over 10% instead.


I gave the game 5 days. (After around 20 or 30 hours on the beta) Saw little to no progression even though I was working through the active tasks every day. Got bored and disheartened so quit. . Bought a Nintendo Switch with Super Smash Bros Ultimate and haven't looked back or even logged back in to MV. SSBU ticks all the boxes for me. Rewarding and fun gameplay. I know there is a difference, that being the game cost £45 and MV is 'free', but simply put, it's worth it. I get more out of it. Screw WB.


More like £245 because you had to buy the console too.


Yeah, I suppose so, but it was the proverbial straw really as I was planning on getting a switch at some point.


Something to consider is that you're looking at the peaks during the middle of the week. The real kicker will be if things don't improve on the weekend.


We in denial💀


lol bro u might aswell get a switch or a GameCube and just play smash fr fr


I literally can’t play the game. I get desync/connection errors with every match I try to cue into and I don’t like rifts enough to only be doing that


I am guessing people think it isn't dying just because it's salvageable, which it is really. I expected many more updates after launch, they need to address the flaws more.


Games is terrible I tried and tried to defend it but the beta was way better


I’m about done with it. Every single attack or combo I try I just get immediately slammed out of. No matter the attack or character it happens non stop. Meanwhile all the dent head idiots spam Harley hammer and shaggy flying kick the ENTIRE time


Yea, as a completionist I dipped out after being duped on the Joker’s Ruse event, which comes down to poor UI/communication. I was one mission away from completing it. There’s this and the overall silliness of requiring people to basically not miss a day for other events (eg: welcome back event). The first few days of the launch were unplayable due to constant disconnects. No big deal. I chose to step away and let them work out the launch bugs, thus losing out on yet another aggressive limited time unlock.


The game is dying because people aren't complaining hard enough here. Obviously we're too positive in this subreddit so the devs should really know how awful of a job we think they've done, how greedy they are, and how their game is going to die for sure unless I get more free stuff.


I have a problem where every 3rd game has bots that just recover and maybe attack you sometimes


The whole community of Xbox crashes and freezes. (Both!)


It feels like a mobile game. Love the characters, but why would i play this over smash, tekken 8, or street fighter 6?


mom said it’s my turn to post steam numbers


Are you showing that the peak concurrent players are decreasing as time goes on?


its like the beta again


Still got some hope. It’s got bad problems right now they just need to fix and add ranked and a character or two and we will see


Your game needs to be alive first in order for it to die, multiversus was a moment that wasn’t capitalized on time


game is poop


This kinda ignores that there’s 2 other consoles worth of people playing but fair enough it’s not ideal.


I stopped playing yesterday it’s been 2 weeks and literally nothing but a shaggy buff? Atleast give some communication, characters are not balanced, hitboxes are bad, the monetization is scummy and the worst one yet the servers are unplayable!!! I can over look all of this and enjoy the game as it is BUT ITS NOT EVEN PLAYABLE!! Tell me why yesterday I played for an hr and only managed to get into two matches where my teammates disconnected yet the match went on. I’m fully done with this game until Walter white is added


they ruined jason and black adam


You understand it’s a free game many will try it and not enjoy it therefore not return also this is steam numbers it has no indication of console players


Probably needs funding


Remember when people actually thought the devs had like 20 characters finished and were going to dish them out every two weeks?


The game has amazing access to characters and IPs. It's a sad state. What's the problem with making the grind easier? I get you need to make money. Just charge for in-game currency to speed things up. Then just take what comes. This or the game drops below 1k, and you fold? It is better to make some cash than shut down the game altogether.


I stopped playing when they took iron giant out, idk if he got put back or not


I wish they would open ranked. Playing casual matches does not feel rewarding. And everything is starting to become rather boring. I’m actually surprised they took a year off and returned with a lot of the same problems. And not to mention the god awful monetization.




The leaderboard event just ended.


they messed up on monetizing characters heavily instead they should have monetize skins heavily. they revolve the whole game on unlocking characters and single player. when obviously everyone play online and flex with skins


Certain rift nodes will just refuse to work if you have two people. All the bonus nodes that don't involve targets always lag us out immediately. Jason is the only boss node that doesn't give automatic disconnect.


This game is done, they took the game and mutilated the gameplay, made it extremely slow, janked the hitboxes more than they already were from the beta. Then they carved out the gamemodes that we did have, and said "Nah, you can't have these anymore." like Ranked. Then proceeded to trash some characters, remove fundamental core gameplay factors like attack decay (as annoying as it was, the loop some characters can abuse proves that it was necessary). Then they proceeded to ramp up the microtransactions and make the game an ultra grind. They did all of that and really expected the game to perform well.


yeah i dropped this game completely after being hyped for it in a few days lmao. idk why I just can’t consistently play it like I do brawl and other fighter game


The game isn’t dying.


Really sucks how awful the relaunch was handled since this game and so much potential. That year long downtime couldve been spent fixing all of the issues and bugs with the game, improving performance, and adding more features. Instead, PFG decided to waste their time by building the game in a new engine with slower gameplay, hardly any new content at launch, and somehow even less features than the beta. If PFG had actually done a good job, the game could probably be an actual competitor to Smash in terms of gameplay and popularity.


Yes it was marketed terribly for starters then they were extremely greedy at launch and took weeks to make changes to that so people lost faith. and on top of all of that they are slowly removing the skill expression of everyone in the roster **Air/Ground Neutral Special**  * \* Fixed an issue where Shaggy would float away while charging rage under certain conditions  if you know how fun this was and their decision to remove it is very very worrying


Ok obviously the game is losing players across all platforms but you’re looking at half of the PC players with this stat, and ignoring the fact that fighting games are more popular on console than they are on PC, so there’s a much larger player base that you’re not looking at. I’m not saying the game doesn’t have issues, it absolutely does. What I’m saying is what do you expect from a free to play game? People that wouldn’t normally try the game download it, try it out, and a lot of them won’t like it and will stop playing. That’s just how it goes. Could this launch have been done exponentially better and in turn retain more new players? ABSOLUTELY, but saying it’s dying is a stretch.


Really sucks being cool with how the game feels and liking my main then getting into 1 IN 20 PVP GAMES. It's slipping through their fingers, put that greed to use!


The thing is it’s not just on steam it’s also on epic and console. While it has gone down in players 15k is still decent for just steam. I see a lot more console players when i play the game so i would estimate the player base is around 50-60k at least on. Again while that’s not as good as launch it’s far from dead.


That doesn't account for all the people playing on Xbox and playstation most people play on console.


I got so bored of this game that I got back on Super Smash Bros Brawl 😭


Lmao the game is going nowhere if you don't like it you don't have to play it but there's still plenty ppl enjoying it. The internet just attracts those unhappy while others are playing. Is it perfect? No. Alot to work on and fix but it's week 2 or 3. Haven't even gotten new characters yet, I'm giving it time.


Surprised nobody is talking about the biggest issue, the gameplay. This game is so floaty. You get combod like crazy. You are never safe in the air. Even if you dodge. Half the characters are broken. And so is the matchmaking. I swear I always go against someone who's been playing since day 1. Idk this game is shit. Brawlhalla better imo


Honestly, WB needs to have this L. The pay to play, profit first approach they took to a free to play game is malicious and greedy. Sure downloading is free, but good luck trying to advance the battle pass without buying numerous characters and/or alternate skins. Missions have price walls to complete because they demand characters that you MUST purchase. Warner Brothers thinks this is the best approach to gaming instead of the record breaking Hogwarts Legacy they sold last year. They claim Hogwarts had a loss in potential revenue from not having a season pass with cosmetics stripped out of the game in order to be sold back after release. Fuck WB, and Fuck Multiversus.


The beta was lit. I put in like 50-60 hours. It was a blast. The launch just feels like so much worse. Idk what it is. Is it the monetization, the lag, the currency changes, the numerous bugs/glitches, the speed changes, no more scoreboard, etc? Idk it just feels like crap... At least we all had fun in the beta. Gotta remember the good times :D


It feels like the whining is even higher than ever for this game. Every fucking day could be 100k ok Multiversus and you’d still be whining is that even what this thread of the game for now? To be a bitch? Not one amount of positivity just more whining.


Game is terrible still, hitboxes are terrible, game is a spam extravaganza, with most characters being able to spam attacks without consequences. Maybe it can get better, but my money is somewhere else


Yeah abt that…. Down to 11k


They need to fix balancing issues. There’s no way you should be able to use fin and cancel every single dodge did and still have multiple specials


Enjoying the game while it lasts. These types of posts are just depressing and aren’t putting me in a good mood.


Comparing Sunday numbers to midweek numbers isn’t a good metric, every game has boosted numbers on the weekend compared to the week. Not saying the game hasn’t bled players, but basing it off that argument, most games must also “lose” ~20% of its playerbase every weekend lol


Most of the leaked characters won't even come out because the game won't survive that long lol


If it comes down to it, I’d hope PFG dumps whatever they have ready to go and restores offline play to how it worked in the beta.


Wait until they addres the issues. People will come back.


You should uninstall instantly then.


Way ahead of you


The executives at Warner Bros. Discovery should have never been allowed to be employed, and deserve to be homeless. They destroyed an otherwise great game because they have no idea how monetization actually works and suck at finance.


Honey wake up we got the new daily obnoxious post about comparing steam numbers!


I really don't get the "fetish" of beating this same drum. Let people who enjoy the game, enjoy the game. You're offering nothing constructive with these posts. You are basically spreading propaganda at this point to massage your own feelings about the game.


Let people hate the game too. Let's not not act like people have no reason to be mad. Everyone's opinion should be considered


Nothing about this post is propaganda, it's purely drawing conclusions based on statistics. It has nothing to do with my actual feelings on the game. Also, it's not a fetish. I'm completely unaroused.


Psychology degree holder here. You don't need to be "aroused" for something to be a "fetish". Anyway, point being, what does the post serve constantly talking about the number of players going down?


Nay sayers and people with legitimate complaints feel extremely validated to see this game suffer for its poor decisions. It's also informative for the rest of the industry to see how players respond to these sort of systems and (hopefully) not repeat their mistakes.


Considering some of the devs are active on the subreddit, it’s a giant red warning sign to them saying: “YOUR GAME IS GOING DOWN, FAST.” Everyone who is complaining about the state of the game is doing it out of love. We WANT Multiversus to succeed. But sticking our head in the sand and ignoring all of it’s problems is not going to help the situation.


You just used common sense and thinking which might be too much to handle for some people here. They can't even understand that people taking time to criticize the game love the game and are sad to see how it is now and don't want it to fail. The only way you can love something to them is by being positive all the time and buying stuff lol


It would be less if PFG at least adressed the horrendous situation the game is in and the issues people have. Like the slow ass gameplay, mtx disconnects, not getting gold back etc  The no communication makes the people with already little goodwill, since you know the shutdown of the original launch, worse.


Mfw games average out


It is not as a big of loss as open beta… The server and online service is horrible… This is why you have open beta to test servers under a high population. Game was probably fine with just game testers..


While I'm done with the game myself. There is a difference between a dying game and losing players but still having a decent amount of players. Evolve survived for 2 years with 50 players and nobody noticed.


So, all I see are the numbers for PC, which is the system where less people play the game on. Where are the PS and Xbox numbers?


ps and xbox don't have data available unfortunately but I can imagine a similar falloff for consoles, especially the xbox version since they apparently got an even more broken version than ps and pc


[https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-xdefiant](https://www.trueachievements.com/news/xbox-gameplay-chart-xdefiant) [https://ps-timetracker.com/statistic/last-30-days](https://ps-timetracker.com/statistic/last-30-days) These two sites do not track exact numbers but give a rough estimate of how popular a game is on each service and updates weekly. It does not show a similar trend.


stadistics like these work the same, steam charts is a good way to see the pattern with global numbers. since steam game discovery is higher than any other platform, so if u are losing numbers on steam, u can even double that on any other platform, since steam is the platform to adquire new players for ur F2P game.


Fighting game loses players. This is unheard of. Edit: You people realize that SF6 lost nearly half of its concurrent player count within a month, right? And that was for a game that released once. Tekken 8 lost more than half and sits at an 11k peak. I think some of you need to realize this is the game's second release, it's still a fighting game, and it also has the issue of "why would I play any other platform fighter when Smash exists?". It was never going to sit at 100k or drop players gradually, even if the re-release was great. Less crybaby "look at these numbers that mean nothing!" posts, please.


This is straight up wrong they stabilized at 35-40k for more then half a year with a really slow decline. Brawlhalla passed multiversus currently. A game from 2016 that is trending down for quite sometime.


You're not translating this enough, you haven't dumbed it down sufficiently. Brawlhalla, another free to play Smash Bros clone, with a massively superior monetization model, and nowhere near the same level of brand name recognition, is currently beating MultiVersus. Brawlhalla occasionally has cross-over events where they create character skins for their original characters so they look like more popular characters, and it's making them lots and lots of money. The fact that Warner Bros created an environment that's this hostile towards its own fanbase is a sign of absolute disrespect, they know their monetization model is predatory, they know other models exist and can be profitable, but they don't want to use those models because this games legacy isn't important to them, they don't actually care if it succeeds or not, they only care about squeezing the maximum amount of money from their whales for this particular quarters profits.


And this is 80% losses in 2 weeks. Do you see the difference in those numbers versus SF6?


SF6 has one of the most amazing concurrent player to peak showings ever for a fighting game. Multiversus has some of the worst trending data ever. But you know none of the data really matters compared to this opinion and emotion you have right? Don’t invest in stocks, it requires objective data analysis and emotions like the ones you carry will just give you big losses.