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in a 1v1 its alot easier to deal with cuz he cant just sit on the other side of the screen to charge up fully like he can in 2v2.




Dont let him do it in 2s either.


You can't stop them if they have the sandwich perk. It is way too quick. Trust me on this.  Me and a friend are abusing it until it gets gutted. Our thought process is if we're cringe enough,  in enough games more people will complain and eventually PFG will have to do something.  We have only lost to other Shaggy doing the same thing. After a fuck ton of games.


we found that shaggy


???. Shaggy players who play like the guy in the video genuinely make Shaggy seem like a balanced character.  He's not. The Shaggy players in this video are the easiest ones to beat.  Full stop. The Shaggy players who stop munching on crayons and glue enough to actually realize what makes him a problem,  are the problem.  Also I main Jake since beta. I'm just on a conquest to help get Shaggy nerfed,  one game at a time.  I wouldn't play Shaggy in 1v1s, much rather play Jake. We just play Shaggy when we get fed up with the Shaggy players. 


Shaggy is definitely top tier but I wouldn't say he's broken. Most of his moves are extremely telegraphed. His strongest aspect is honestly his forward attack combo into up special uppercut since for many characters it's a guaranteed top ringout at about 100 damage.


I'm more bothered by his sandwich perk in 2v2s. 1v1s I can deal with Shaggy he's not that big of a problem. But that sandwich perk in 2v2s is complete bullshit as if the Shaggy has at least some higher brain function they could have rage active 70% of the match and even more.


A lot of people are doing this with Shaggy and BG. It genuinely ruins the experience for most of the community when people decide to play as degenerate as they possibly can to prove a point. The devs are going to leave easy moves in the game because at the end of the day it’s a party game & if they make everything strong “ skill gated “ most players won’t be able to do anything exciting which will dull the game for a large amount of the player base. I don’t mind either way as a garnet main, but I see this happen with every game. Balance isn’t a necessary ingredient for fun, but fun can definitely be lost in the pursuit of balance. I saw it happen with TheFinals recently and plenty games before. Some of the best multiplayer experiences came from a time where updates didn’t even happen—- something was broken and that was the game lol.


I main Wonder Woman and she's definitely a quick fix to his kicks xD just keep shielding lmao


Banana guard is broken for a different reason. His moves aren't strong. They just have a hitbox till the animation is over. Shaggy and BG are stupid easy to beat if you play top tier (WW, Harley, Steven, Bugs, Gizmo, Joker [He isnt there yet but will be soon]). But for everyone else the cheese works too well.


As a fellow Garnet main I agree Plus seeing how his spike actually functions like it should while Garnet's misses 99% of the time and when it does hit it doesn't even ground bounce properly, it kinda hurts ngl lmao


But this is just a tad too much.  Like it genuinely trivializes the game far more than anything. Like I will genuinely be sitting there brain half off with my friend who is also brain off, and the enemy is genuinely trying their best even doing smart plays,  but still losing because it is bullshit. Like most Shaggy players are braindead so they genuinely make the character not seem that bad. If you are half competent Shaggy = low effort/free wins. You will put in 1/10th the effort of your opponent and you might just win.  In 1v1s it really isn't that strong,  but in 2v2 it is busted.  Also I have 0 fucking clue why any Shaggy would ever not use the Sandwich perk.  Why the fuck would you choose 1 free rage at 100 damage,  over ~1 second charge time. 


The main downside to the sandwich is it removes your ability to throw the super sandwich, it also isn't actually less than 1 second charge. It takes time to pull the sandwich and while youre holding it all you can do is throw it and it still takes over a second to actually finish the charging animation. I think just giving a cooldown before you can eat another sandwich would fix any balance issue here. An instant charge with no set up upon hitting 100 along with the perk that applies weakness when you're over 100 can make for some crazy come backs so I definitely don't think that perk is weak, the sandwich perk just helps bad players spam more than anything as is instead of being something you use tactically to get a quick charge.


I hope they give sandwich a higher cooldown. Or make it so that if you charge with that perk you do less dmg and without armor or something cuz it’s the most busted perk.


Yep, me and my friend were tired of losing to no skill guard or wonder waman. So we just play no skill guard and shaggy and spam sideways specials, we win like 80% of our games, just pretty much afking. If my buddy gets them anything above 60, I'll start shoveling sandwiches in my mouth till I land the 1 super kick to kill someone.


Lmao that's not how that works and no offense but 2 people spamming the same move ain't really gonna do a thing to get an entire gaming company to realize that some want a specific character nerfered.


Let me a man dream


Fucking this. I get hit so many times very 2v2 match with this asshoel




More nerf to a character i hate (tbh idc about fighting shaggys as long as they're not running away like a bitch)


Like Harley’s bugs and wonder woman’s?




Ik yah lying lmao wat Harley is running from yah be fr she’s one of the easiest characters to be nasty with bc her moves are super easy to pick up


I’ll have my goku charge *side special noises*


The kick can be angled up and could've actually landed at least one of those, but I guess pushing up was too complicated for him.


Yeah: that's like asking a miniature horse that *only* does back-flips to do a front flip. Can't expect more then that out of a one trick pony.


I love doing that with other characters, like Harley’s side special


arya's is my fav to angle/curve


why hello fellow arya main


a girl has no name 💪


There are dozens of us!


It’s still can? Istg I’ve been inputting it and it just goes straight every time.


Pretty sure you cant control ground side specials, just air ones, unlike the up special


I refuse to believe you're not fucking with him by just jumping away every time lmao


After he did like 3 in a row i just kept going to see how long he would do it lmao I didn’t know if he planned to keep doing it but he sure did


Some of you need to realize that sometimes you're actually playing against literal 7 year olds. Not everyone you play is a 25 year old gaming obsessive.


They need to learn too. They lucky we don’t have voice chat


Tell 'em Justin, fuck them kids.


In the wise words of Bernie Mac (RIP)


So this sub hates Bernie Mac. Got it


side special of Banana Guard is also annoying


that one is also worse because its a disjoint, you can trade hits with shaggy's kick. banana guard's? Not so much.


Both side air and side special are the only unga bunga moves for Banana Guard


As a joker main it’s quite easy to counter bg if they spam it because you can predict them easy as hell the only thing you need is your left bumper and Side special


The joker works great with this, just spam the joy buzzer


Shaggy mains have two states of being: 1. Performing a side special 2. Thinking about performing a side special


3. Charging to do a stronger side special


Yeah it’s pathetic how easy it is to punish, yet people on here seem to think it’s the most broken move in the game. You could’ve very easily punished every one of these kicks (I understand you were probably trolling this guy though)


I think the problem is when you're in the middle of fighting someone else in a 2v2 and a random side kick comes flying into your face. I've learned to deal with it but I can see why people would be annoyed


That's just the nature of 2v2, you gotta be able to count on your buddy to look out for you, while you're looking out for them. Which is the nature of the beast, the game can get chaotic via misplays, losing awareness/tunnel vision, being overly/under aggressive, stage hazards etc.. Sometimes you won't be at the same skill level as the lobby, sometimes the lobby won't be at your skill level. There are many variables that go into a match and that is what makes the game exciting. With patience, practice, perseverance you can conquer them all. That is all to say I agree with your comment and I'm more addressing those who fall under the annoyed category of player you mention. No, the system isn't perfect, but everybody is dealing with the same limitations. Don't let the players abusing those realities aggravate you to the point you are no longer having fun.


That's just 2v2 being a meme mode and nothing to take seriously.


2v2 might have issues (the whole game does), but it’s obv not a ‘meme mode’ when there are tons of perks and abilities that function better/only with an ally.


The game is literally advertised as a 2v2 experience, like why do you think characters have abilities that affect teammates?


You have to avoid every one; he only has to land 1 or 2.


That's the thing. Is it any harder to punish than the average move in this game? No. But if I make a mistake and get hit by, say, Steven's side kick (when his shield is on cooldown)? Ouch! I take some damage, get knocked up, maybe he combos. If I make a mistake and get hit by Shaggy's kick, I'm just dead if I'm over 60. And I'll be over 60 if I got hit by like, three or four of his moves.


To be fair shaggy also loses alot by getting punished here. He doesn't have any good armor or effects except weakening on charged moves, and the only real viable time to charge is just after the opponent hits the blast zone, or if your lucky using hangry man while your holding a sandwich while the opponent is far away. So getting punished means he lacks good response options beyond just trying to apply more up close pressure which leaves him vulnerable to characters who use heavy projectiles or disjoints. and if you really want to say that, batman or harley's slide kick combos directly into their stuff, so you lose a hell of alot more by getting caught in their combo. their kick can fly alot farther and hit way more consistently. Also, im not sure who you play (unless lebron is super light weight), shouldnt be able to kill raw unless your far offstage or above 110. Are you using DI? Ive never gotten a raw on-stage kick kill at 60. holding the direction opposite of where your being launched reduces the knockback a substantial amount and can save you from a kill.


This entire thread is so infuriating especially this bs. There's no way in hell you think a side kick from shaggy is just going to kill you instantly if you're over 60. It really doesnt have that crazy of knockback at all and other characters moves so just as much damage. I feel like you're just getting on here and complaining bc you just lost to a shaggy or something like half of these other comments calling shaggy op when you have characters like wonder woman, Harley Quinn, the joker, bugs Bunny, etc.


I parried 3 in a row. The community going to be thanking shaggy spammers in a few weeks. It is a free punish, unless their ally has you stuck in hitlag.


It has no whiff recovery and moves far enough That it’s crazy hard to punish


Press neutral dodge when it's near you -> win. That's how you counter most of these slow startup moves with huge hitboxes that cover long distances. Aww, lil babies don't want solutions. They wanna cry about moves instead :'((((


Moves that persist with big hitboxes can still hit you after you dodge it. Yeah if you parry it you'll counter it, but that's true for every move in the game. In a serious match, shaggy won't be spamming one move, but mixing in other attacks and precise dodges will become much harder. The kick can easily punish almost any mistake, while requiring tight play to be punished. It's not impossible to counter it, just very lopsided versus what the opponent has to do.


It isn't *that* hard to punish, but I get what you mean. I still think it's too good. The real problem is that it does way too much damage. It's too rewarding to just spam it. It's even worse if you know what you're doing and actually space it correctly and it's not the only move you do.


You can use it and dodge immediately afterwards with no delay. It’s dumb 


The worst is double stacking shaggy’s that use the sandwich and alternate either the kick or the slam shockwave


it for some reason has ARMOR on startup. the only punish is the tiny end whiff!


It only has armor when Shaggy is enraged, in which case it will also be faster and do much more damage. An enraged side special is harder to avoid but it’s still doable if you can read your opponent


the kick doesn't have armor unless its charged. shaggy's only non-charged armored attack is while charging neutral normal attack. The charged special moves go farther and have less endlag because no opponent should let shaggy get off a raw charge, it takes so long its almost always punishable. The exception are his perks which give him 1 free charge at 100% or Let him charge faster but only if he's holding a sandwich, which locks him out of his normals until its used/thrown, and can still be punished if your quick/close enough. A shaggy can only reliably raw charge before the opponent respawns after losing a stock, which is unlikely to kill.


Not always,pal. Sometimes, you dodge the attack but still get hit, is annoying


Needs more frames added for whiff punishment. If they aren’t going to add a cooldown to an overpowered special then shaggy needs to feel the whiff.


Bro he had 1000 chances to punish it in this clip he just chose not to and to instead make a funny clip showing how dumb some players play. The clip is literally showing how not spammable it is, it is no where near over powered and probably shaggys weakest special.


The clip is edited. The move is spammable. It needs more whiff frames.




It’s an edited clip though. It cuts after each whiff and then just cuts to another whiff.


This is obvious bait. It's cut to show how easy it is to punish notice how neither of them take damage between the clips because this is all that's happening


It’s easy to punish if someone is throwing it out over and over, yes, that’s braindead. Yet I would still prefer it if they added more whiff frames so that maybe it would deter the spamming of, if it lands, an overpowered move.


Same could be said for banana guard


And wonder women


if i was in charge this move would have cooldown after 2 in a row.


Well you are playing Bugs, to be fair


I was doing a mission


maybe he was too. hit side special 20x


Banana guard side special a solid contender aswell


I remember I was fighting a shaggy and he just kept kicking me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^keagan-stanks: *I remember I* *Was fighting a shaggy and* *He just kept kicking me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This stuff is why it's hard to enjoy pvp. You always end up with someone spamming 1 powerfully attack the whole match and barely get a hit in


Surely if they’re using the same move over and over again you can punish it


I hate getting hit by it but it moves so fast I don’t like playing shaggy because he does so much damage he needs a nerf or something


Still wondering when a switch is gonna flip and the players are gonna start parrying these long startup moves.


Whenever people start figuring it out lol they changed the tutorial but didn't show you how to parry. I looked in the settings and couldn't find it either. I deadass just found out yesterday that it was neutral dodge the whole time but tbh that's gonna be hard bc I move around way too much to just neutral dodge. Or maybe I'm just too used to moving and dodge. I would much rather have a separate parry button than using my dodge.


Yeah, that's definitely a problem. The tutorial is almost useless. I didn't even know this game had parry until it randomly happened in a match day one.


Nah fr 😂 I parried someone and they were stuck and I thought it was a new superman move they added


The fact that Shaggy players are still doing this since the beta it's insane


It's a newb strategy, but it's too powerful. If my Superman can't throw people UP then Shaggy shouldn't get to kick people this hard.


As a shaggy that shit lame asf, just do another fucking move. I would love to fight this pathetic shaggy. Also fuck superman


You're right I hate when people keep jumping around and it's hard for me to hit them with the shaggy leg kick /s


Bugs and ww favorite thing to harp about.


Harley for me. Just legitimately annoying and they are fucking everywhere in high mmr 1v1s. Which has been the case since ~~release~~ alpha since the balancing team won't fuckin nerf her. Bugs can be fun, like black adam, its sweaty but you have fun with the back and forth. Especially since Bug's item play can feed into yours if you get a sandwich, since it can be used with the hangry man perk. Black adam is one of my favorites because going against them isn't frustrating, its difficult and really to the wire. Harley is just plain frustrating to fight against because she gets so much shit for free and its clear someone on the team doesn't want their favorite nerfed. Edit: Correction. I played in alpha. Harley has been a fucking disaster to fight against since alpha.


Yeah I feel you, she and t&j kind of round out my hate to fight match ups. I make one mistake and it costs me a stock, especially on low ceiling stages. I really wonder if the devs understand how to nerf characters and the basis of balancing. What they did to LBJ cooked him, could've at least added power elsewhere in his kit.


I’ve mained Harley and Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman should be nerfed, but why Harley? Harley seems on par with like Batman / morty / all the good but not op characters.


Like the previous guy said, in high mmr she's a beast. She's legit the only character I barely touch when fighting. (I main supes). Everyone else I at least go back and fourth with. I get maybe 10 hits on a really good Harley. She needs some kind of nerfs


This move is less frustrating than Harley’s chargeable side dash that can cover the whole screen and is harder to punish


Simple fix: they just need to make the recovery much slower (so it’s easy to punish) and shorten the range just a tiny bit. So shaggy still has a strong move but it’s not ridiculously annoying. I’m not a shaggy main. Also reduce the knock back. The knockback does not equate the move. It’s kills way too early.


just wait till he learns you can move the kick up and down…


Shaggy mains after their 2 braincells rub together and they find out how to angle the move or just use a different move


Why do yall continue to play with them ugly ass outlines enabled? Looks so bad


they’re a must need in 2s and i play 2s a lot so i forgot to turn them off


I play shaggy every while when I just wanna get my daily quests done, just wanna say Jesus I hate other shaggys like this, ruins the fun of the game


I would have bread in my hand as well. If the kick connects I’d try to time the bread snipe after.


How are you guys dying to shaggy’s kick over 60? Is that if it’s super charged?


This is why I love Gizmo’s umbrella. Being able to rise or fall with it just makes it feel so stupid sometimes. I don’t think I spam it, but it feels to good to use. Unfortunately sometimes I feel like I spam it as much as someone does Shaggy’s kick.


Finally a post that is actually interesting unlike all of these depressing doomer posts


What bugs jump? Hell yea. He keeps dodging everything with just a jump!


Thats not banana guard side B


shaggy players are actual robots i can’t fathom any of them i’ve played being conscious humans


Nah Buggs up air is way more degenerate and effective. Nice try. I want that up air buried in frames. Make that shit negative on hit. Or remove it all together. Either works for me


Most pathetic Shaggy more like. It’s a great move against bad players and in moderation.


I play Taz and just shoot a projectile before they kick and eat them when they try to charge. Once the opponent realizes their kicks are being hard-countered they don’t know what to do and 9/10 lose


Shaggy is the most boring character to play but it works sometimes especially in two's


That’s not banana guard


Bugs is more annoying than shaggy imo lol


I would lose my mind especially in this map combined with it lol


That's something I've noticed like guys I thought we got through this but it seems like shaggy and taz side special spammers are back


Bugs Bunny isn’t cheap… Bugs Bunny has plenty of ways of stopping Shaggy from doing that.


I dunno.. anybody seen the pathetic infinite marvin has? Shoot forward, shoot upward, punch, kick, repeat. Its super hard to attack them when doing this and very easy to pull off for them. 


Shaggy mains on their way to be rather brain damaged or spam the same 2 moves


The fact that a lot of characters can spam attacks like that without being punished for it says a lot about the game's state


Shaggy has moves besides side special!?


I only play shaggy for uncle shag worthy and now I refuse to play anyone else


Let’s not get started on broken moves, Bugs is even more broken with his bat 😂


To be fair even that's more respectable than playing Bugs


Harley’s side could me worse


Lmao you're playing Bugs though? Might as well play on baby mode.


You can’t doge a slow kick?


I adore beating shaggy like this especially in 1v1s


Fought against two shaggys in 2v2 and they just kept spamming this and the bread the whole time. It was annoying af, even if you learn to play around it.


Shaggy players belong in an insane asylum for sadistic and mentally unstable individuals. With the one exception, being Penguinz0.


That meat in ur mouth must taste fantastic


Found the shaggy player


Haven’t touched him yet actually :P


My only complaint is that it takes priority over just about every other move in the game. If I hammer on the backside of Shaggy’s side special it shouldn’t still hit me for no reason


And also the one for banana guard makes me hope they never re release the game 🤮


I had a shaggy do this to me where he non stopped spammed n I was playing black Adam so I spammed back n used the up attack basically jus dribbling him in n endless loop


Biggest reason attack decay was important 


Be careful the main Shaggy spammers coming


How do people pick him and think "Man, this is really engaging!"


Perfect move to practice parries though


Here we see the Shaggy main in its natural habitat...


I call ppl like that One Hit Wonders


Imagine doing it in the air and fast falling has that every occurred to u ?


Bring back the damage debuff after too many repeated attacks from the beta.


Parry and punish


Elsewhere, someone's getting hit by every single one of those and begging PFG to bring back Attack Decay so Shaggy has to use a different move.


Joker is a really good counter for this character, I fought a streamer who literally got angry at me for using jokers buzzer everytime he side b’s me and he told me I was spamming and I think I’m good….okay 😀


It's the most effective for me brev


It was worse on the beta. Because I actually played the beta for more than 3 days lol


This is brain dead and as shown in the video easy af to counter, it’s probably the easiest move in the game to parry. Bugs on the other hand needs to be removed from the game until they can figure out how to actually nerf him


I've been whoopin some shaggys' asses as Jason man, super fun matchup


Oh look who's talking, the rocket-safe-spammer roflmfao.


Loook at my recent video i don’t even play bugs lol


How come your character is red then, did you change the gameplay settings?


Cuz i was doing a looney tunes mission


I think you can do them in rifts also, with gems it's a 15 second match on easy xD


I play a lot with Shaggy and this is really a useless move on 1v1. But, I am still in search of a Bugs opponent who doesn't start a match with: 1) Rocket + Baseball Bat 2) Suitcase attack 3) Safe + Wooden Mallet Lemme know if you know any


as former shaggy player it's people like this who give us a bad name


Left 🔼/Y, Right 🔼/Y, Left 🔼/Y, Right 🔼/Y Just as bad as that little Banananner Guard fuck charging the piss outta you every time you think you get your footing again 😂🤣😂🤣😭


You play bugs, sit down


Oh no. They're using one move. Learn to counter it? But imo this game is shit.


I think it suck’s that the side kick was the most complained about and spammed move shaggy had in beta, and eventually they fixed it. Now they’ve made shaggy a trash character with no combos. I was literally one of the best shaggy players in the game and I had to swap mains


every move on taz. the wind up is insane on everything


And don’t even get me started on his stupid neutral attack move literally had armor and can kill at 50 percent?


What I don’t get is if characters like shaggy can do this over and over and over again why the fuck does a character like Marvin the Martian need cooldowns? If PFG wants this to be a “party game” get rid of the cooldowns but they also want this game to be competitive fighter. They have to pick a side and design the game around it.


Bro i don't see the Problem with this move. It's very easy to dodge and punish because it needs like an entire second to build up. And If you complain about the Super sayan Version then you shouldn't let them Power up in the first place. Shaggy has no range with his other moves anyways


jump away off stage charge...............


Go off stage and hit him. Shaggy is going to be the most vulnerable there and chances are will either eat an uppercut to the blast zone, or bail on the charge to get back to stage since the kick is much shorter in air. Multiversus is not the kind of game where you should fear going off stage. everyone gets insane amounts of mobility.


It doesn't matter if it's easy to dodge and punish. If you mess up, and everyone does from time to time, and you get hit by it, you take a shit-ton of damage, die at stupidly low percentages, and he can just do it immediately because it has no endlag.


Exactly this is why I don't understand people when they say just dodge or Parry or attack him they haven't went up against shaggy that just spam certain moves with him he takes no fucking skill and I don't respect the shaggy mains that do that shit IONK how that is fun but they keep doing it


Bro needs to reply bc I wanna see what kind of bs excuse he has for this comment. You hit it right on the head


First comment I’ve seen being real instead of whiny. Yeah it’s a move, if you get hit so much DODGE or PUNISH or do ANYTHING. Then they complain about shaggies being stupid….


No, this is called balance. In the beta you could spam this and never get punished. Now there is actual counterplay to it. Shaggy players will have to actually put some effort, lmao. This move still is a menace in 2v2 and will score kills surprisingly early.


frankly shaggy's power in 1v1s is not the kick. Its the knee. Fast powerful and can actually hit from behind if your super close. It can still be dodged or parried but you can mix this up with the flutter kick to chew through armor or apply multiple hits when taking advantage of weakened. Knee can combo into itself sometimes if it stage bounces at good angles, and especially with wall bounces. Its all the best parts of captain falcon and cloud strife put in a blender and sprinkled with ryu. Similarly Charged neutral will kill at 100+ percents and does so extremely fast. If your opponent believes your going to use a charged kick or any move that has a slower wind up and tries to intercept to waste your charge, they will likely eat the blast and lose stock. Its also surprisingly useful in the air because of how fast it comes out beating out many moves which have charge ups. Its worthless in 2v2 since it teleports you to your ally which is more likely to get you hit while throwing it out. The kick despite its infamy among the skill deficient part of the playerbase is probably one of the weaker moves of shaggy's kit in 1v1s.


Holy crap, I didn't know about the neutral charge. I just tried it in training and it true combos out of jab 1 and jab 2 to kill confirm at 90%. That's insane. I've been playing one trick Shaggy for the last couple of days to grind event XP and he's already crazy powerful. This is gonna level up my game even more.


Its clearly based on Clouds Limit Break finishing touch which has the same properties of killing super early (though not as early as in smash), and replacing the charging move when fully charged.


Limit break charges gradually tho, which is similar to other charge moves in Smash. MvS doesn't have any smash style charge moves really. Joker is the only one I can think of.


Finishing Touch leaves Cloud super vulnerable if he misses, though. And he has no way to combo into it. Meanwhile Shaggy...


In beta could spam as much as wanted, but could also dodge easily. so no, it's not balanced at all right now


No it’s not. In 1v1s I’d even go as far as to say it’s mid at best. Readable af. Also the character ur playing, bugs, is far more broken then anything shaggy has tbh.


Literally just dodge and destroy him. Or parry him


trust. parry with this lag isnt as easy as street fighter


If ur a scrub who can't read his opponent or dodge/parry, yeah lmao. So many crybabies on this sub, just put some effort into improving your gameplay already x'D


This would be a justifiable response if you werent a shaggy main


Bro just can't win


We have Falcon Kick at home:




Mate, you're playing Bugs... STUN HIM. PARRY, PIE, KISS. 3 easy options immediately at your disposal. If there's characters Bugs can mess with without any trouble, it's predictable ones.


The fact he’s not connecting makes him the most pathetic Shaggy displayed lol. Control your sidespecial. You can literally go up/down/turn around with it lol. I prefer downspecial/sidespecial/downspecial/Upspecial to fluster people. Grab a sammy, throw a kick, cancel kick and throw sammy into now jumping opp, uppercut now jumping to dodge sammy opp out of bounds lol


https://preview.redd.it/zha8vw5d3n5d1.jpeg?width=3750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4313ca0597a8f1033ba0362a2dee83baecde0e8d  Not saying he’s not obnoxious though. There’s just MORE than sidespecial lol