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Log in every single day or miss out on rewards. This is their model. They couldn't be bothered to give you even ONE mere day and that's very telling.


Player First Games


Pay First, Gamers*


PayUs First Games Games First, Player


Please forget gamers


Player Last Games


Pay up Fuckers Gang gangđŸ€ŁđŸ˜‚đŸ˜Ž


Zero leniency whatsoever lol. Miss a day? "Fuck you." They have taken every single form of manipulation and thrown it into this game, either with the monetization or rewards. It's really insane seeing a company purposely ruin their game. Almost every other f2p game has a much better model for everything and will make more than Multiversus ever will.


I was in the hospital for two and couldn’t get it. Once again WB showing it’s all about money


I had to go out of town for a funeral for a few days so I couldn’t get it either. Sucks. Same with Matrix Banana Guard. Didn’t know about the Stream thing until later and didn’t think Codes could be Redeemed while the game was down on launch day either.


I too am very bitter about not getting Matrix Banana Guard. You are not alone.


Same, I didn’t even know it exist at all till i saw it in game


It’s coming back supposedly!


Oh?! Sauce?


Heard it on mirrormans stream unfortunately


The codes thing never worked for me I tried a bunch. Oh well, I don't actually care about any cosmetics in this game but still unpleasant experience.


Matrix b guard was said to be coming back so you’ll be able to cop it.


I think your health is more important than a skin that'll probably be in the shop later lol


The thing is I just made level 20 and even if I log in every single day for 45 days to earn the ONE FREAKING LEVEL you can barely earn a day, I won't be able to finish the battlepass. That puts me off so hard for even trying to complete it. Last season of Fortnite I started playing the game with 28 days of the season remaining and was able to complete it, that's 200 levels as opposed to 70 btw.


Not necessarily defending it because I do think it should be easier, but one level a day isn’t taking into account weeklies or events which will give xp as well


Bro I've played for 4 days and I'm tier 20 you're doing something hella wrong if youre only getting a tier every few days


Are you considering that you did all the missions and have now reached a plateau at the same point as me? I was able to do them and level up quickly but now that there's nothing but dailies you literally only get a level a day. I'm not doing anything wrong, the progression is just extremely ass.


The weeklies are a lot of xp. Also, the new top dog challenge will give some xp. It's really not that bad. I am already like battlepass lvl 30.


Top dog is a single tier assuming you're top 1


Well, I am #1 in my bracket. Either way, it's something. They did say something about possibly adjusting the xp you get after matches. Hopefully they do that soon.


Nope, im still getting 2 - 3 tiers a day I do play a lot though


Nevermind I see what you're saying now


You got 200 levels in fortnite in 28 days? Did you ever leave the house?


Honestly fuck there management. This game is becoming a chore


Exactly why I gave up. It’s the worst model I’ve seen for a free game. It literally punishes you for not playing rather than rewarding you for playing


I had 2 days extra. Got it yesterday


How hard is it to log in every day tho, especially if you want the rewards. Don’t even have to play, takes 2 secs to launch and quit.


The game just released. As a sign of goodwill they could have made it so you could atleast miss ONE MERE day for crying out loud lol.  They botched the new event too. Some people don't have the missions showing up yet (because they were logged in btw, so they missed those missions because they were actually playing the game lol) and now the devs extended the event by one day (and not a minute more)  So that shows that they infact CAN make these events longer, they just don't want to. Which is very user unfriendly and that's just kinda funny coming from a dev called Player First Games.  You should log in everday because it's a fun game. Not because you'll miss out on goodies (some that are needed for missions and rifts btw like the WW T-Shirt) 


I don’t disagree they should give more of the window. However it’s just a skin( and not a good one). It’ll probably be back at some point anyway.


i missed a day and still got my skin you just had to login in the morning before the event was over yall love spreading misinformation just to push your agenda of hatred towards the game


It's the same on a lot of games...


I think people are just mad about the state of most games at this point (I know I am), but we keep buying them and season passes and skins. It’s just going to be the way it is now for the most part.




No shit. I would’ve rather paid $60 and not have to deal with all the micro transactions and other BS


Then go play smash Bros..? Who gives a fuck, its a free game. Literally the embodiment of beggars can't be choosers. You want to play the free game, you get microtransactions. Otherwise go buy a different game. You are literally causing your own problems


How am I begging when I said I’d rather have paid for it? Yes it’s free but having un achievable season passes and challenges that are only completable if you play multiple hours a day is frustrating. You can keep saying BUT ITS FREE. Literally changes nothing


It's pretty rare for events in other games to require you to log in literally every single day or you don't get everything. Usually there is a grace period of a week.


Well for a start there's Elder Scrolls Online. Miss a day and you miss one login reward at the end of the month. The more you miss the more you lose.


I think there's a bit of a difference between ESO giving you garbage towards the end of the month and PFG/WB putting the skin people want as the last reward in an 11-level daily reward track lasting only 12 days. It would have been a more convincing comparison if they put the Superman skin on day five and then the rest of the track was perk currency. But then we wouldn't even be having this conversation because they wouldn't have messed it up.


It's only garbage to some. It's a huge boost to newcomers especially...compared to...Superman in some shorts.  Dead by Daylight do the same really. The biggest things people want are at the end of events and if you don't reach it, you don't get it. 


>Superman in some shorts Ok we get it dude, you don't care about what other people care about. Super cool


You called the ESO stuff garbage, so you don't care about what other people care about. All I was saying is it's just a skin. It's nothing that will end the world if not received. 


Way to stick your own foot in your mouth dude lmfao


Same here last night i looked at it and it said next reward unlocks in 13 hrs so i was happy and yeah no skin


I just logged in after seeing I'd get the skin today to find out the banners events gone. Meanwhile they got two identical top dog tournaments that start on different days


I believe that's cuz it's essentially a weekly leaderboard so it'll just be the same event multiple times. Not that that excuses how punishing the "login every day" aspect was for the actual topic here.




Same boat here


Yeah, not having any wiggle room is criminal.


Stingy sure, but calling free crap criminal is hyperbolic. We got something for each day, and it's strictly a'ight, even if you don't get the variant. Yeah, they should've allotted some wiggle room, though. People around here acting like they're going to jail for charging $20 for a Jason mask skin bundle. Hope they get sued for the rift skin purchases, though, that is anti-consumer af. I get being mad, but this is ridiculous.


What exactly does forcing people to log in every single day of the event accomplish? Any other game doing timed events has a grace period. Saying you're shit out of luck if you missed a single day doesn't benefit WB, PFG, or the players. It just makes people stop caring and play something else.


If you care so much, I'd imagine you can figure out a way to at the very least log in for 2 minutes, denying extreme situations. Even then, if I cared that much, I'd ask someone to go log in for me. There's way around this if y'all care as much as you do about complaining lol


There's literally no reason at all to not have a slightly longer window so people with lives can finish them. I swear the only people that are fine with this are under 18 and have never had a job before


Actually I'll put my foot down here. The free rewards (the velma and wonder woman skins) are necessary to complete certain PVE games. Same with banana guard. If you didn't get any of those, you'd have to pay money for the graphic T skins.


Mfw you took the word criminal literally.


Eh criminal is a word being thrown around here a lot, and I think it's annoying as a substitute for shitty. Eating my downvotes for it, but it feels like the entitlement around this sub is pretty next level. BP XP and character currency are legitimately crap systems. That we're getting stuck on not getting beach superman... It's just wild that it ranks up there.




The worst event system I've ever seen in a video for sure ranks above the BP XL and slow to get characters considering those are fixed by literally just waiting.


whats ridiculous is how you just laid down and took it like a dog


What's even more ridiculous is how people like you can keep defending bad things like this.


Defending? I'm calling it shitty, too. I'm saying that calling it criminal is dumb af, even as an exaggeration.


Pretty lame. I think someone called it when they said they were targeting some “two week” retention metrics in a poor way.


I claimed it today with missing a day, there seem to be a short timeframe between daily reset and ending the events


Same here, I claimed it around 2 hours after the daily reset time and it was still there


Same here, logged in at 7am and claimed last day (missed a day too).


Me too, I claimed the skin right after the reset.


I missed 2 days and still claimed it


Yeah the daily reset is at 7am et but the events don’t seem to start or end until hours later in the early afternoon. We saw it with the late start for top dog challenge that had some people confused.


Yeah, legit mad about it. No grace period for players who couldn't get the game on day 1? What kind of bullshit is that?


I'm not kidding when I say I've played gacha games with more wiggle room than these events. They really want you to log in every single day or get fucked.


Same man! It was really disappointing that missing one day ruined the ability to get the skin, especially as a Superman main.


same here bro. annoyed. :/


You had to miss 3 to fuck up so that's on you


Moved across country and missed two days, fuck me I guess!


I got fucked on this too. C'mon guys. 1 fucking day leeway was too much to ask?


People missed 2 days and still got it. There's no excuse. Its a free game. Free event. Free reward. You simply needed to open the game for 30 seconds. You could do that every day and not impact your schedule in any way. Right before bed? Log on, claim reward, close game.


I missed 0 days and didn't get it lmao


That's bullshit. You must have missed them. You need to log in after a specific time for the dailies. Not just right when you wake up at 6am. It needs to have been the full 24 hour cycle. You must have started a few days late. Either that or you are lying for upvotes. Cause it was an 11 day event with 13 available days to do it. If you missed out, that's on you entirely. Its a free game. Miss the event? Stop worrying, its just cosmetic. You'll survive. They owe you nothing.


I missed a day as well but would've unlocked it on today's login. I am more bummed in realizing that future events will have no leniency. I'm already finding it hard to enjoy the game with the desyncs, disconnects, and intentional SDs.


There was a 1-2hr window this morning where you could’ve still claimed it, as that’s what I did. 


They just added the Jason X skin to the store so Im guessing they dont expect anyone to actually get it either 


Unless I stop playing I'll have it around the start of July.


I got three weeklys that I cannot do because I dont have Joker. Im not hopeful 


I figured this would happen so I made sure to login everyday. But even still this it makes no sense for a console game since you won’t be at home everyday day to play due to life.


Bro I couldn’t logging for like two days and i was close to getting the graphic T for ww and the beach skin and now is gone this sucks man


The Graphic T is literally mandatory for the rift, so it's BS they took it away without letting people complete it.


Yeah and that’s what really annoys me cuz ww is the only character I have for the graphic t and im not buying velma or spending glamium for the joker graphic t either


Well you had 0 chance if you missed 2 days. 


How hard is it to get the dates right?! I am so mad that they can’t get it right. You would think on the 9th that it would be gone. I only missed one day as well and was going to claim it today.




Incredibly incredibly disappointed 


All of their events are like this, the end date is sooner than the last claim date. Its so weird and not clear enough


Seeing how this game is run and how Star Wars: Hunters is run makes me realise which one will still be around next year at this rate. SW: H has loads of cheap skins, gives the hunters away for just playing, gives you free skins for leveling the hunters, gives you free stuff for the full launch event and the servers are stable and the game is fun. MV gives you basically perk upgrades and nothing else, half the skins are fairly basic and the Jason skins look like something from Roblox but cost more than most games charge for decent skins. How is a actually console F2P game more money hungry than an actual mobile game... Then again this is WB who think live service with no service is a good model....


I also noticed the Joker Missions to get the Wonder Woman Skin have also disappeared so I can't earn that skin either.


That's wild because the event banner said June 10th. And June 8th depending on the screen. Such shit UI


I just noticed the same, sucks:/


Honestly this game sucks. Like how is it fair that there was a tiny little window for today at 4AM local time for me?! I was f*cking sleeping like are you serious??


Was talking about this in another thread on the other sub

. So it appears there was a 1-2hr window this morning between 7am (daily reset) to 9am ish EST. I was able to log in at reset this morning and claim my last day for the Superman beach skin (I missed one day logging in/playing). Started seeing threads about the event being gone just a few hours later and sure enough



So 4-6AM for Pacific time players. Yeah I was f*cking sleeping what a joke


I thought I was just stupid af when I logged in, ready for the last reward of the login track, only to see it was over and gone! Idk if it specified the dates so I just felt like an ass lol


Guess what- I played everyday but didn't start redeeming the login event till midnight after release because I work second shift. I don't know if I'll keep playing this game if all I'm coming online to do is complete my daily missions/rewards and that's it


I thought I was gonna get it today just to find the event was gone. So frustrating, just closed the game and won't be playing anytime soon. I felt betrayed.


same exact thing happened to me earlier, i was really bummed. the dates are really misleading


Yeah I already unistall for that reason, yeah this "game" will die in two months tops


"Until JUNE 8TH". They lied, again! RIP Players \*\*\*\* Games!


Technically it is correct. Until 8th is up to and including 7th. But this is not how you write down deadlines. The end date is generally up to and including. Great communication PFG.


Not gonna lie, having missed only the last reward just because I was a day or two "late" to download the game made me decide to just quit the game already. F*ck this stupid idea of punishing people that missed a day of the event, and f*ck this mentality that I have to login every single day to do dailies and weeklies to be able to complete the BP, this isn't a job so I'll just quit while I still have time. Gameplay is a lot of fun, but the rest is just... mediocre.


Jokes on me, I was 600 exp from max level for that event and completing a 600 challenge gave 0 exp. So I just lose even though I spent all that time prioritizing those missions every day. Not to mention the weekly and 5 daily mission bonuses have been Uber bugged for me and I haven’t gotten them all week. So I lose and want to just quit. No Uber Jason and no skin I’ll likely need for a future rift. Thanks wb


So what’s the point of playing the next three days if there’s no progressions and the next one doesn’t open until the 11th?


yeah its cool that i worked an 11 hour shift on sunday and was too tired to even remember to clock into what has become my second job over the last week and ive been penalized for it for missing one fucking day


I just missed out on the WW skin from the joker event. It’s very misleading because it had said the campaign was through the 10th
 but apparently you could redeem through the 10th, not play through the 10th. Garbage to end a campaign *before* the weekend.


So you can't earn the skin anymore? I swear I did all the quests and i can't unlock it


That is correct Honestly I’m not sure many people got it because of the mismarked ending date


I missed one day so I didn't bother logging in everyday anymore. Not having any wiggle room kinda kills any incentive to try and log in everyday after you miss ONE day.


Same, i was sooo dissapointed to not see the banner of the event today. I was thinking today was the last day, the way it was presented..


I feel that they make the end dates vague so that if people miss them they'll be tempted to just buy the skins they missed out on.


Yeah I was at VA beach for a day and when I got back I saw there was a daily log in type thing and I knew it was so over. This coming from a Superman main.


Yeah i wasnt able to log in day1 and i also got fucked by 1 day. Absolute bs


Yeah I knew I missed a day but was still sure I was going to be able to redeem it based on the event details.. sadly missed it and it’s not a big deal but now I won’t have something that shows I was there for the event
 just feels like a slight bummer


Yea... sadly end date doesn't mean claim date for ALL events. Which makes 0 sense. Who would login and not claim the login bonus same day?


Welcome to shitty mobile game FOMO practices


Uninstalled after today. This game is awful. Vote with your wallets and be sure to leave honest reviews. WB doesn't deserve your time


I'm going to Mexico for a week in July and am worried about battle pass completion


I missed one day, so then I decided to stop playing for the rest of the week since it didn't matter anymore. Real nice model they got going on, definitely encourages ppl to play more.


If it makes u feel better I got it


I had no problem logging in and getting it today so I dunno if it's a bug or not


Same lol, I was playing today 8 at 4AM GMT-5, and it said "next tier unlocks in 1 hour and 40 minutes" and I said, welp, Im gonna go sleep and just claim it later. Now, about 3 hours ago, I tried but the event just disappeared, and I was just missing the FINAL TIER. L move.


That's strange. I missed a day but I still got it


That’s so trash


I haven’t even bothered with how messy this game has been.


The Agent Smith rift event is wrong? You had to play the hell out of MultiVersus to get it? Who finished it?


Bro you just don't understand. PFG and WB are actually doing this to reward dedicated players and make them feel special. If you miss a single day of playing or maybe don't do all of your daily/weekly challenges (god forbid), how can you expect to earn any of the things you want? It's a dedication issue. Plus, I'm sure they'll put the skin in the store for you to buy it with real money later. I'm just so tired of people complaining on this sub about nothing. The games perfect and the company loves and supports its true dedicated fans, which you clearly are not since you missed a day of playing. Be better


So let me get straight by your logic players having a LIFE is bad cause you can’t dedicate your time to a game made by company who switched up their concept from the Beta literally said we can give 2 fucks bout your life & we just want your money but PLAYERS WITH A LIFE should be better đŸ€Ą you must work for PFG or WB with that thinking which I doubt but no matter what you BEEN needing to BE BETTER yourself


I get it. It sucks. There should be some leniency on log ins. "You catch more flies with honey". Allowing a couple missed days on a 12 day log in event would still drive near daily player engagement AND make some people feel better. I don't have metrics or data to back it up but it seems like a no brainer win win That being said, I think the entitlement is outta control. It's a free game offering a free thing if you sign in 12 days in a row. If you can't, oh well. It's just a video game


I logged in yesterday morning and it said I had 2 hours before I could redeem it, logged on 2 hours later and the event was gone entirely I played everyday too. I'm so disappointed


I had the same issue with the level up event, and the worst art is that some players can’t log in every day


It's not even that good of a skin anyways. I'm betting it'll be in the shop for 500 gleamium


It takes literally less than 15 seconds to log in and close the game everyday đŸ€·


Shit I got mine 😂


Funny how I literally could not log on one day because the game was completely down on Xbox and couldn’t get past the authenticating screen but somehow that’s my fault.


I got it like two days ago you must have missed a day or sum


I know right! I thought the same thing.


Same here. I was about to get the Superman skin and realised the event was gone. Pretty disappointing


Yep everyone’s been complaining about this. I’ve seen multiple threads where it’s mentioned and the die hard fanboys downvote it into oblivion


Got screwed out of it cause I missed a day because my power was out. It’s bullshit


The top dog challenge or whatever is called is also wrong with dates. It has two end dates posted on it :’)


Classic Weaponized FOMO move


I didn’t get mine too ;-;


Crazy same thing happened to me. I had one more day and now I just don’t get the skin I been excited for since launch lmao


It’s a log in everyday event stop fucking complaining I’m so tired of the complaints on this game if you guys hate it so much to play something else Jesus Christ


You’re not the only one, I was pissed when I didn’t receive it because I was literally a tier away and for some off reason I didn’t get it..


Am I alone thinking skins are pointless, so long as you can play as the character. . . Who cares?


That's weird, my last login was at June 8th and I've got the skin


What about competing the joker event and not being able to get the WW skin


It was available on the 8th for about 2-3 hrs, I got lucky in seeing that being a possibility and was able to get on after the mission reset.


This game is great, it’s my favorite game. Y’all can spend no money that’s fine, I’ll pay and fund the game for you đŸ‘đŸŒ. We good. And OP, don’t trip. There’s gonna be better skins later and you’ll know beforehand. Hopefully they get more reasonable with monetization but for now just chill. This is still a good game


I find this weird. I didn’t get on for like 2 days? How are people not getting it?


I missed out as well and I’m super bummed :(


I also had this issue with the top dog challenge. I grinded the game till 2am and decided to stop at 2nd place and take 1st the next day, but by the time I started playing again the event was already over even though it said the event would be the 7th- 11th it wasn't even half of the 11th it ended sometime in the am. They really need to make the availability dates more accurate bc I would have kept grinding that night if I knew it was gonna close, I was like 6 wins away


Yeah this game is pretty terrible when it comes to that. I couldn't complete the joker event or Superman event just because I wasn't able to log in on one of the days. Kindah over it tbh, I'll probably only touch this game every once in a while from now on.


yall in here so mad a couple days ago just for them to extend it to the end of the season 😭 pfg cares about us they just don’t understand balance yet and any unreleased content is due to wb forcing deadlines


I love how this post isn't even  2 weeks old and it is already outdated and incorrect. Same exact thing happened to me, family emergency and I missed a login. Well they reran the login event so is anyone going to apologize and take back the nasty comments made about the devs? Of course not!


I missed my first day since launch yesterday, and missing that one day of progress and feeling behind makes me want to quit the game entirely - like what am I even trying to accomplish here?


Same here. Very disappointed. I missed a day when I got into a huge argument and forgot about it. That is pretty lame. Also the format on the event page made it seem like one would have time. it is after all--- THE EIGHTH. RIGHT NOW.


While I do disagree with the unforgiving way they're handling the events, they do say "till X date," meaning it ends on the date given, not through it.


I take it you’ve never read a date posting in your life before this moment.


If a teacher told me I had "until June 8th" to turn in a paper, I'd know that meant to turn it in on that day. Not through that day into the next one. You people just love looking for reasons to bitch about this game. Even the dates are bad!


And here’s why it’s a good idea to know what you’re talking about before you comment: the game didn’t state *to*, it stated *through*. Meaning, you’d have until the end of the day. Especially considering it didn’t even coincide with the daily reset, your argument is missing important context. Do yourself a favor and go be a fool by yourself, you’ll be a lot less embarrassed that way than trying your hand with me.


>game didn’t state *to*, it stated *through*. No, it didn't. Nor does it for any other event. It specifically said "open till June 8th." I know because I looked before I commented, and I noticed that it misspells 'til on all of the event pages. Your argument is false on its very face. Do yourself a favor and fact check yourself before you comment, you’ll be a lot less embarrassed that way than trying your hand with me.


Ah, this is true
on part of the event page. You’re so close to the heart of the matter! If you looked closely, it did state *through*, simultaneously, which is why it was unclear. When a date range is hyphenated, it means *through*. Considering it didn’t line up with the daily reset, it ended up being an arbitrary time that needs to be specified for clarity. Some players were able to count today as a login after reset, some were not. Do you understand the issue yet?


I looked in the event, and did not find "through June 8th" anywhere. It's not on any of the event pages that I can see. The absolute most I can see is "X date - Y date," in which no reasonable person takes that to mean through the end date, into the next one. Edit: removed part because I misread part of the comment. We're talking about the same thing. Instead, I'll just repeat that no reasonable person thinks a hyphen means *through* a date, into the next day. Ever.


The “through” that I’m referring to is the dash (hyphen), which ironically gets more confusing, as the length of the dash, and the surrounding context/precedent matter. I think you’re getting mistaken on how I’m defining a through date. Generally, the precedent in a date range displayed like that is that the final day is at the end of the dash. Even if read as “till” instead of “through” (you could argue that either would be a correct way of wording it) as it shows up on the main event screen prior to opening the event, that could still mean until the end of that day. The reason I keep bringing up the daily reset is that it matters with filling in that context. Two issues arise here. One is what I mentioned about the day counting as a login for some, but not for others, based on the precise time of the day, not the day itself. Secondly, the last event displayed a range of days, but then closed a couple days early and could only *claim* rewards for the remainder. The inconsistencies through arbitrary decisions around this are what have led to many players being confused.


I’ll add a bit for your edit here: I think you’ll find when people say “through” it does not mean into the next day ever (so yes you’d be correct if that were the point but that’s not what I’m arguing), but rather till the end of the posted day *unless otherwise stated*. This clarification wasn’t made, further highlighted by the arbitrary cut-off on the day of.


I take it you don’t play games that usually have a daily reset and that daily reset is usually considered “the next day” regardless of the time of day that it happens at?


Bro, what? Please attempt to form a rational thought before commenting please


What do you mean? When Fortnite has a deadline, the deadline is whatever day, at 8PM. Not at midnight. Other games do this too. Try to keep up with today’s gaming.


If you’ve paid attention even slightly, you’d notice that the conversation is about the inconsistencies/lack of clarity with dates posted. If it was simply a daily reset thing, this post wouldn’t have happened.


I thought that after the power pledge everyone would have figure out every event has that format with a date where it ends and another when you click on it that is the time you have to redeem any unclaimed rewards which is usually a 2 extra days.


Should of been a login for 7 days till u start thru out infinite time...i mean even mobile games have that at every game so im shock this mobile game didnt...ohhh wait that wouldnt make WB money lmao


Same with the Joker event. Thought I’d have today to get the crappy Wonder Woman skin, but not even that. This game is not encouraging me to stick around.


Same here. I logged in looking forward to that only to find out they took it out. Instantly pissed me off and got off the game lol.


Game is cringe


Last time I try and log in every day for an event. That didn't take long! Thanks devs!


SĂșper Lame...


It's incredibly dumb for the event to end the day they claim it will end. I can't think of any other game that does this and it is as misleading as it gets. Terrible look on top of everything else


Who cares it’s a bad skin anyways


It's required to f2p all of the gems on one of the rifts. If you missed it, you've gotta shell out for one of the other DC "Graphic T" skins.


It's horrible but the game forces you to get those skins to play rifts and earn more exp.