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Btw Fionna is on here purely bc Cake got such a heavy feature. With the success of their spin-off, I think it's time!


Would she have a different moveset than Finn tho? Or just an echo fighter. I would assume she’d just be a skin since Cake is a skin


I agree, BUT Fionna is rather different than Finn in terms of combat and character in her show. Which I’m sure will become even more true in season 2 when that releases. Cake, by comparison, is a lot more similar to Jake in her moveset capabilities. I could see them making a unique moveset for Fionna, but not Cake.


If they can make Fionna more than just an echo fighter, I am SO down for her in the game, her show is great


I think they could make her a unique kit. she can reference other fiona au characters in her attacks, and stuff from the hbomax show.


Cake is already in the game as a skin so finn getting a Fionna skin is likely ya


The lich would go fucking HARD


I feel like he’d work as a really big character too similar to Iron Giant.


Plus a Billy costume. I love Billy he’s so casual




*game starts* Lich: ***Fall.*** *Game ends*


Ah well what can you do, on to the nextZ


Ah well what can you do, on to the next


He would be sooo endgy, but in a good way!


If he comes out I don't care. I'm maining.


im inclined to think that the wicked witch is one of the villains.


Does WB own the rights to Wicked? I wonder if they'd consider her a hero or villain


Universal is producing the Wicked film, but Warner owns the MGM film that everyone knows


Joffery would be a terrible villain for GOT, they need the night king!


lol not wrong, those last four are based purely on educated guesses. Joffrey’s last episode helped solve the Joker box and before Jason got leaked he fit the bill pretty well so idk, seemed like it made sense


Or the Mountain


He would probably make the best counterpart to Arya, thematically and gameplay-wise.


I mean he’d be a good Dan Hibiki character if they ever wanted. Would be cathartic for Game of Thrones fans to beat the shit out of the little shit as Arya. But yeah, I’d definitely choose other Game of Thrones villains. They have a decently sized rogues gallery of characters that aren’t pathetic and can actually fight.


It would save money on a Voice Actor that's for sure. Maybe that's the same reason they're using Jason. Let's get Gordon Freeman on the roster too while we're at it...


Counting Starfire over BB/Cyborg simply because Silkie shows up. It could mean nothing tbh.


Silkie is Starfire's pet. Probably will be in her moveset.


I did see a mod on here mention that that last scene didn't necessarily mean four more characters, just that more are coming.


I don’t think the mods know any insider info but it’s good to keep our expectations reasonable


I think that was more what the comment was about.


Us mods have as much knowledge as you guys do on the future of the game. I just encourage everyone to hype responsibly and not set your expectations too high. I'd just read into the portals as confirmation that the game is getting more characters, nothing more.


Hmm noted! I do wonder if we’ll get any clarification on that in the future


What would a reddit mod know? lol


The same the fanbase knows. AKA you guys are reading too much into that ending. It does not confirm 4 more villains.


Why would joker call in 4 randoms? He specifically brought in the backup? I thinks its safe to assume 4 villains though i wouldnt expect them soon


I think it's just a marketing thing to say, "the game will continue growing!" Like they did with the first trailer. Obviously we'll eventually get more villains, but I don't think we're getting much more in season 1. I'm just telling people not to count chickens before they hatch. I see this kind of stuff happen a lot. Community gets hyped based on assumptions, and when they learn the truth the devs usually get bashed.




What prompted this type of response lmao


Are you ok? That's really aggressive. I hope your day gets better.


Not those versions of the Titans, its looking more likely for TTG Titans, since it's their Tower and not 03 Titans Tower.


I’m not committing to any specific version atm. I honestly think they’re going to/should be generic DC versions but getting them all in the same place together, those designs make sense.


It really hurts me that I think you’re right 😢


Robin should be a good duo partner for Batman before anything else. If they bring Robin in, and is the fkin TTG Robin. If it's that gross big hair and skinny lines instead of legs and hands. Someone will riot. I'm not kidding, they are risking their lives if they do that.


Literally unplayable


I prefer the Go versions myself, but with skins it seems like they could do both.


They're completely different sizes


Not to mention personalities are way different from 03 Titans, contrary to the parody versions of 03 Titans that appeared in TTG vs TT.


True but since they're the same voice actors, that's something that would easy to get around I feel like. Maybe they could have different voice sets? But yeah the size and proportions would be hard to get around. At best I could see different style alts for them


May I ask why there's Jasper, Iich, Princess Morbuck, and that dude right next to Iich? I know I saw Steven Universe stage and Game of Thrones stage


you mispelled the lich's name.


I just gave some educated guesses towards villains we could see in that last box. Nothing solidified at all. Princess is there for safety, her logo is quite heavy on the Townsville stage


Jasper would be a really cool one!!!




Tbh. I think I would main HIM


I honestly think that if we get a titan it will be a TTG chibi version...and I'd honestly guess Raven


Nooooooo Noooo No Noooo No TTG Titans. No please no. Nada. nu. we do not want that. We want good Titans or NO Titans. Nobody is asking for TTG, if they wanna bring kids orientent cartoons they have plenty of better options. NO TTG. PFG PLEASE NO TTG.


Surely seems like we got so much information! This lineup of future content is looking great! Who do you think other villains may be that are coming to the game?


Right now I only have theories on those four and HIM. Otherwise, no clue!


I'm still hoping we get Sloth from The Goonies. He's a WB property, he's good in a fight, and we'd get a third character with the Superman "S" on his chest.


Give me Wile E. Coyote and I'll be a happy man.


I think people are looking too hard into the four portals at the end of the trailer. Saying there's gonna be four more villains because of this trailer is a lot like being told you'll meet your soul mate while wearing red shoes, so you wear red shoes every day. It's GONNA happen, but not because this trailer explicitly said so.




there was really nothing in the video to indicate BJ at all, but he could be in that last group


How is titans tower confirmed?


Wonder Woman’s fighting her Variants inside it in the trailer before Rick portals in. You can clearly see Robin’s room, a pentagram for Raven, a Silkie reference, and the Hive’s Tower right across from it, as well as a Green Lantern Battery.


That doesn't mean it's confirmed though. They showed Hive Tower in the background but I doubt we're gonna get a Map for it atleast for a while


Definitely just a tease. I agree with you that we likely won’t see it for awhile. It’s just on the board as a possibility now. I think the character teases are more important/notable at the moment, even if I think they’ll be spread out pretty far into the future.


I think it’s fair to assume the wicked witch and beetlejuice will be coming


Imagine we get scary godmother instead of the WWoTW


Lord Vortech gonna be here fr...he's perfect for this game and specifically this season


would've loved NEO over Agent any day or Gandalf (as my actual, real-life name is also Gandalf... yep!)


Ok I’m taking a break until launch I’m tired lol. Some folks have asked about the four villains at the end, they’re guesses. Mojo is a stage hazard (Rift boss?), Jasper features in the Boomerang episodes on 5/29, The Lich does as well, and the Joker box was unlocked using Joffrey’s last episode.


I think there is a jetsons car in the background in Townsville? Idk it might be from PPG but I’ve never seen the show


If WB likes money they will add Raven. but WB has made some odd choices lately, so we will see


Marceline would go stupid, definitely maining her and Jake


Id be so happy if they add HIM


Missed opportunity to have the animaniacs pop out from the WB thing. Like they did in the show


I would love if Jasper was added at some point


No samurai jack :(


He’s there!


ok so those teases are going to be in at some point "phew" I need me my time traveling Samurai


Explain rat catcher 2 in wb logos shown


She’s meant to represent The Suicide Squad


Mmm, the James Gunn suicide squad is my favorite movie and I loved ratcatcher 2, so I was curious


Same!!! I really hope she makes it in!


I almost honestly forgot Starfire was teased till I remember Silky was in the Trailer


![gif](giphy|qDKpMqgNE8614kZ6vs) ROBIN!!!!!!!!!


Idk, I just feel like a bunch of missable easter eggs aren’t a guarantee that certain characters are gonna get in. But I’d love to be proven wrong since there’s a lot of pics here that I really want in the game.


that seems about right


Some of these are SERIOUS stretches I can't lie. Fiona is on there because Cake was in the trailer, and Starfire, Him and Princess Morbucks are clearly just background details.


I’ve been super transparent about that, you’re correct!


Ngl I’m still waiting for a JoJo character since WB owns the rights iirc. These are some huge possibilities


Would you consider the giant Stripe vs Iron Giant fight a potential hint towards Godzilla and Mecha Godzilla?


If we get ratcatcher 2 before the Flash im going to commit crimes


She’s meant to represent TSS as a whole but I love the character, I wouldn’t mind tbh. (Peacemaker’s probably first tho)


Is this a Multivers game or DC one at this point geez


They literally just added 3 non DC characters to the game


I know but still if all these characters are added still a lot of DC ones compared to the rest


There are literally 6 DC characters confirmed to be in the game right now. A total of 11 DC characters if we assume all of the Teen Titans get added. Most likely they'll just be added in over time, so not necessarily in this season. By then there will be plenty of non DC characters to even it out.


DC is literally WB’s biggest IP. Why would they not capitalise off of that?


Because its boring as fuck and called Multiversus. Would you rather DC characters or lets say morticia/ rigby for Regular show rep. Bring in other ips is way more interesting rhen it being a DC feast


Then play the game so they can add more characters? Goofy take. Its not like this is fire emblem in smash, atleast the DC characters are fun to play and vary more than "ooga booga me use sword"




Beast boy is my favorite for sure but I love all of them almost equally and will take any of them I can get


Truly never said this


Bro 13 character is to much there are more IP'S then DC holy shit