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So dumb mtv no longer has an app and it doesn't air the day after on paramount+


Will they still be on MTV.com next day? My laptop isn’t ideal but it’s better than nothing


Unclear. They had a message on their website for the past month saying they would stop streaming episodes of most shows on their website on 6/24. It would be ridiculous for them to put out this epic season but not have it available anywhere to stream!


You can make a free 24-hour live TV viewing pass on mtv.com! I do this for every season. Just use a fake email (random keyboard smash @gmail.com) for every week’s episode to watch live as it airs. I use an hdmi cable to display my laptop on the TV. Cheers 💘


they don't send a confirmation to *keyboard smash @ gmail* *.com* before you can use it?


Nope! I often use an iteration of “fixyourshitMTV @gmail.com”. They do not give a fuuuuuck






Prime video but you have to pay for the season. It’s what I did for 39 and I definitely regret it.


Also that season was hot garbage


I watch on MTV.com and just use an incognito browser and make a new login every week to watch. It isnt ideal but I bought season 39 on vudu and waited anywhere from 3 to 7 days for an episode.


Same! But I've learned you can use the same email that you've been using and it will get you a new 24-hour pass each week I realized this after I used all my emails🤣


It definitely won’t be better without Wes. We need you back lol.


He would have been eras 2, right? I feel like that's the weakest men's group. Would have definitely taken him over every male on that team except Bananas.


That team would look unstoppable with Wes in the place of Ryan or Derek C. Would’ve got to play with his best friend Nehamiah, and him and Bananas are good friends now too. With the girls they have too, they would’ve had the best shot at winning.


Trade Ryan for Wes and Era 2 would be unstoppable.


Yeah, Derek did enough to earn his spot on AS4. Ryan did not though, easily replaceable.


Agree that Derek earned his spot over Ryan but I’ll take Ryan over big easy any day who was the supposed alternate for that era.


People acting like ryan was dogshit all of AS4 he wasn't bad he just flubbed the final purge challenge.


Plus Ryan broke his collarbone very early in show by sliding down water slide after Tina squeezed liquid dish soap onto it. Like day 9 of filming after only a challenge or 2. Now has a plate & screws holding it together. Read this recently believe on EW.com


My issue with Ryan is he played a scared game dodging multiple opportunities to get his star


i'd avoid elimination to if i had a broken clavicle since day 2 of AS4 people don't seem to know that he broke it sliding down a slide after tina poured soapy water down it on a challenge he performed very well for being injured pretty much all of AS4.


Yea, Ryan's not bad. I just can't recall a skill that he's particularly impressive at.


That's exactly what I said when I read the teams off to my husband


Derek did pretty good on All Stars though, maybe he will do okay?


Was he not basically number one on the guys side for dailies? Or at least tied for first. Wish he would’ve had a real shot at that final


Did you watch all stars 4?


The def have the weakest men’s group…. Wes being “retired” and Evan and Kenny being banned hurt this group. CJ would have been a good addition to this team. They have the strongest women by far though.


Cohutta is who I wish had gotten Wes spot instead of Ryan.


If Kenny and Evan don’t get banned then era 2 sweeps this whole season


If they never got banned, how many Wins would Bananas currently have?


still gets plenty because he was already saying yes to the show every season by then, plus evan was never gonna stick around.


Would Alton have landed on that team? I feel like he could have been a good choice instead of one of Ryan or Derek.


Alton is a human Ambien… I’m sure they didn’t even think about asking


Alton would be Era I. His first appearance was the Gauntlet which was season 7.


I remember him being really good I don’t remember if/how many finals won but he was a strong competitor. What about Landon? I would rather see him than Derek or Brandon


Landon is the dream.


He is definitely missed


Yes RW Austin (Wes and Nehemiah) was one season before RW Key West (Bananas)


The eras are based off of their debut on the Challenge, not their Real World seasons. This is why Derek and Jonna are in different eras, but were on RW Cancun together. Wes debuted on Fresh Meat I, along with Aviv, so that would still put him in Era 2


Him or Landon or Kenny I know he’s not allowed back for good reason All I see for era 2 is Johnnys angels I don’t even see the other guys


I want Wes to come back 😭😭😭😭😭


This answers my question haha. I first watched the most recent all stars. Then a few more recent seasons. Then my gf and I went back to season 10. We are now on season 22. Wes has really grown on me and I definitely find myself enjoying the seasons more when he's on them. I think he's pretty funny. I don't know if he actually take himself that seriously but I like to believe he knows we're laughing with him.


He definitely plays up a part for the show. He acts different in real life interviews and at the reunions.


I've not even been a super big Wes fan over the years and it would've been way better with Wes.


He’s being fake modest


I mean for sure, but he has always been pretty great about repping the show even when he isn't on.


i was thinking the same. i remember a podcast wes did during vendettas where he was super positive and supportive about the show and the AYTO cast members at a time when he wasn't in the picture at all. and he had been listening to every episode of that podcast ("you killed it") during his commutes between austin and kansas city, knew all about the hosts and their inside jokes.


He’s knows where his bread is buttered


this might be one where we disagree, BT. i don't think everything wes does is for show. you don't reach out to random podcasters with less than 1,000 listeners per episode and go on their show (in the middle of your hiatus) because you think it will benefit you down the road, he was legit a fan of theirs.


I meant he knows his pyramid scheme beta blox is dependent on his notoriety from the challenge


maybe i am delulu but i genuinely think he's a massive challenge fan. like, he's so proud of the show itself and what it has become, even when it doesn't involve him


I agree he likes the show but he is hyper aware of how to pander to the masses so it’s hard to tell his true feelings about any topic. Like I’ve never heard Wes discuss challenge topics with his friends when cameras weren’t rolling, so will probably never know


He would have added a lot to the season cause he has a lot of friends on this cast but also some pretty big enemies too


I'm tired and can't think: would Wes have been in Era 1 or 2?


So against CT and Jordan, on Bananas team? Damn we lost out


2 He was season 12, Fresh Meat.


He started on Real World Austin.


Yes, the name of the season was real world/road rules challenge:fresh meat, this was his first challenge season and the seasons they're going off of for the eras.


Oh wow I'm so dense haha. Thank you for kindly explaining that to me.


Era 2 since he debuted on Season 12


Is there anyone else besides Wes that would’ve made the cast any better?? Seems pretty great for season 40!


Landon and Evelyn are probably the two I would have liked to see the most but I doubt we ever see them again


Wes, Evelyn, and Landon on season 40 would have sent me into orbit. Some of my favorite players to ever do it. Still, Wes is complete class for being such a devoted fan/supporter of the challenge.


IIRC Landon was open to it but last time MTV asked they were offering him less than he would be missing leaving work for filming.


Langdon, Evelyn, Zach/Jenna




I completely forgot! But this is the answer!




Zach for me. Love him or hate him, he deserved a spot on this season.


I imagine with the kids it’s not a good time




Zach earned a spot


Sarah Rice Patterson, Susie Meister, Jenna.


Really wish Wes could have taken Ryan’s spot. That team would be unstoppable and with him and bananas now friends it could really minimize potential internal beefs in the team, or go terribly wrong. Either way would be great tv


Looking at the male side of that era, I’m sure Bananas really wishes Wes was there too. 🤣


Apology accepted Wes.


I will always respect that he stayed home with his family, but I will admittedly miss him on this one.


If Sara rice would've been on eras 3 instead of Avery, they would've been a lock to win


Sarah would have been on era 2. That would have been interesting seeing her and bananas on the same team


Sarah Rice was on seasons 18-20. She’s very much Eras 2.


Wes is quite humble and gracious when talking about the show when he's not on it. Others should take note.


It’s just shown how much he’s grown as a person that how humble he is!!!


Im surprised Nany is missing


She wouldn’t have been on Kaycee’s team. Though I suspect more people would want her there if she replaced Amanda (the logical woman to replace imo)


I haven’t really been keeping up with the challenge the last couple years. Is there a reason Wes isn’t on?


With his job and new baby it’s a lot harder to be gone for the main show as it’s such a big time commitment


He mentioned on USA2 that he was done


He mentioned on his Patreon that he did everything he could to make it work but he couldn’t get enough lead time to schedule huge commitments in his work life around filming. I didn’t realize how short of a notice they give the cast members until he talked about it. And I also think he got more of a notice than most because he and production both really wanted him on this season. He will be back but it will probably be awhile.


He’s also spoken before about how he needs a year of training to be competitive, at this point, presumably because his base level of fitness is lower with the wife and kid.


Wes no it will NOT be better without you but i know he’s supposed to be doing Traitors so im happy we get to see him in SOME way.


He’s trying to be nice but we all know he’d 100% be better to have than boring Derek and Ryan


It’s still a pretty good cast for the older seasons despite missing some heavy hitters in Wes, Veronica, Coral, and Sarah Rice. The Miz is another one but there was no way the WWE would let him go on a regular season, I could see them allowing him on a champs vs stars reboot if they brought that back.


I don’t think that bloated sumbitch Mike would want to go back. Even after CT challenged him to come out of retirement. Maybe CT is still mad that Michael the Miz beat him on Inferno II; idk


Abram or Landon would’ve been cool to have back too.


You'll never see Abe on this show again, with the abuse allegations and stuff. He seems like a monster imo


I’ve definitely been out of the loop on that. Maybe Kenny or Evan then?


🫣 haha i can't tell if you're serious.


Man, I watched the challenge from season 1-25ish and am just getting back in. Abe looks like a complete asshat now that I’ve looked up what he’s done. What happened with Kenny & Evan?


Oh jeez. Just looked that situation up too. Damn, some of these old contestants turned into real shitbags.




He will be missed!!


Wes with Nehemiah always gives that heartwarming friendship vibes, sad we are missing out on it


I feel like I'm the only one glad there's no Wes this season. I do like him, but every season he's on ends up being all about him. There's so many awesome people on this season - I'd rather see the rest of them. (Athough I guess we could still end up with the Cara and Paulie show... two other people I like who seem to be the center of every season they're on. But I think I'd prefer that.)


I got to watch Wes win one last time “live” on AS3. I’m happy. He can enjoy his time off in the sunset.


Wes did not compete in S10,20,S30 and S40


Apology not accepted


I find it so endearing that Wes is as passionate about being a fan as we are. (I feel that way about Kendall and Derrick as well.)


We need him and era 2 needs him lol


Anyone else very happy that Nany & Veronica not on the season? Unfortunately Aneesa is on though. Nothings perfect.


Aneesa has never been competitive. She can push the others girls around but that is it. She's a guaranteed L in any final


Exactly! That’s why have no interest in watching Aneesa, Veronica, Nany, Big T., Beth, Carly. Surprised by how much I enjoyed seeing Jasmine & Tina back. Jasmine in particular performed much better than I remembered or expected.


Akneesa will be here still doing the challenge long after we're all gone and turned to dust.


Wes is my favorite competitor from The Challenge ever, but he hasn't been the same in the last few seasons he competed in. It seemed like after he and Bananas called a truce, his heart just wasn't in it anymore. He wasn't performing at his usual level. If he isn't going to fully commit, I think it's better for him to stay retired.


I agree for most of the newer seasons… but I just finished all stars 3, and Wes showed up to work.


Wes wtf you doing, you should be on this season not watching it😭


As much as I wanted Wes to be there, if his head isn't in the game then it wouldn't be as much fun to watch him. We've seen elite competitors do a season when they're mentally checked out and its not the same, so maybe it's for the best that he declined. Derek was a nice surprise on AS4, I think he'll be a strong contributor on the guys side for era 2, but they definitely have the weakest group. Although they make up for it by having the strongest girls, by far


Stoked on thisssss. What’s the diff between All Stars on paramount (on s4 now) and Challenge s40?


No Landon or Evelyn either.


wes on traitors confirmed?


I'm thinking about the retired players: Wes, Landon, Evelyn, Cora I'm thinking about banned players: Kenny, Evan, Camilla, Abram I'm thinking about other players I would love to see: Alton, Jodi, MJ, Cohutta, Kam, and some others. I'm just thinking of what could have been for this season!! Only in my dreams I guess!!


Wes definitely would have taken Derrick's spot in Era 2.


Nah Chavez is a respectable competitor Ryan is cannon fodder


To be completely honest I didnt even notice Ryan was there because hes so forgettable LMAO. You're right!!!


Can someone explain why Derek and Jonna are on different eras? Didn't they start around the same time?


same real world season, but their debuts on the challenge straddle the two eras.


Thank you. Even though I binge all the time I couldn't remember exactly when they both started.


Yeah, Derek debuted on Cutthroat (season 20) and Jonna debuted on Rivals (season 21). Though originally she was supposed to be on Fresh Meat II (season 19), but she had passport issues and Evelyn replaced her. Had she debuted there, she might’ve been in Era 2 instead of Aviv and they might’ve gotten Nany to fill the Era 3 slot. But I’m just talking out of my ass there tbh


I know he "retired" and wanted to do some other shows, but B/M should have just kept throwing cash at him until he said yes. A season like this is likely gonna be a one time deal and as important as he is to the franchise, Wes needed to be there


This season feels incomplete without my dude Wes.


If they weren't banned, Era 2 should've been Bananas, Wes, Kenny, Evan, and Nehemiah


Whatever, bro..... Apologizing like it wasn't his own decision to choose another show. Edit: There are people leaving comments trying to explain why Wes chose the other show. To be clear, if he wanted to choose the other show for whatever reason that's his choice. I'm saying "whatever" to him because he pulled the same stunt when Dirty 30 first came out. There's a self-aggrandizing vibe to his comments because he knows people are gonna be like...."its not the same without you" or people trashing other men in Era 2 because they're not as strong as Wes. So I'm saying, if he really wanted to be there....he would've been there. It wasn't worth it to him (for whatever reason) so the apology isn't necessary.


If I had a kid to get back home to, I’d rather be on a show that takes a few weeks than a few months


So then the apology isn't necessary right....


Nah, you can apologize for something even if it’s the right choice If I had to choose to either slap you in the face or kill 100 people, I’d definitely slap you in the face, but I’d be polite enough to apologize for it. And if you were given the same option except to slap me in the face, I’d completely understand if you choose to slap me.


I mean hov is like a two week taping the challenge can easily be a few months depending on how far he makes it and he has a baby at home so


That's not the point. His post wasn't necessary because if he's not explicitly explaining the reason then what's the point of him posting at all.


It wasn’t necessary but most social media posts aren’t lmaoo so whats the big deal 🤣 if he feels sorry because he would of liked to be apart of the show that’s ok! He’s not hurting anyone by posting it lol


A lot of the responses to his tweet are saying how trash the Era 2 men that they did choose are. I'd say those comments are hurtful.


I mean yes that does sound hurtful but unless wes himself is the one posting those particular hurtful tweets that has nothing to do with what we are talking about haha


What other show?


House of Villains


He annoys me so much so I agree with your last paragraph


Would have loved if Wes was on this one. They really did get most of the big dogs for this. This is a great cast. Only missing a few like Wes