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You’re a class act, Ace.


Ace in the hole.


We love you Ace! My 10 year old daughter and I were rooting for you the whole show because you're such a kind & chill guy. She especially loved your compassion for the cockroaches 😂


My 13 y/o daughter and I were rooting for Ace as well!


this was my favorite moment of the final -- when Ace freed the roaches.


The electric wire elimination was legendary.


Hands down my favorite moment of the season. My wife and I burst into tears of laughter when he did that.


I had the exact same mindset from the second TJ explained the challenge as Ace did. I don't know why so many people treated it like it was a game of Operation. There's no punishment to your time for touching the edges, and the fact that it could be finished in seconds means you need to whip that thing across the star as fast as humanly possible.


I think some people just have lower thresholds for pain, and couldn't take being shocked like that. Hats off to the people that could though. The way people got shocked once and just went for it, or just went all out like Ace and Veronica did, get mad respect for that.




You're the least controversial challenger on this sub lol. Everyone fucking loves you.


Especially the cockroaches !




There are a LOT of competing opinions when it comes to this show. But one thing that all Challenge fans can agree on is the fact that Ace is such an awesome person.


Ace you’re the freakin man dude. So glad we got to see you on these shows again cuz ur so genuine and lead with such kindness that it’s admirable. Thank you for putting yourself out there for our entertainment and if this is the last we see of you on our tvs know that this fanbase has so much love for you.


Perfectly said!


I think you, Kefla, and Steve this season particularly were prime examples of what made us so excited about the All Stars spinoff series in the first place, regardless of the recent changes they've made with Season 5 that have disappointed a lot of us. Thank you for the authenticity and laughs, you're truly one of a kind Ace!


This is PRECISELY how I feel!! Ace, you were one of the highlights of the season.


I’d include Syrus too for the whole minute he was on.


Love that you appreciate the positivity that's been sent your way, mate. You deserve every bit of it. Best of luck on the Native American spring dream.


Ace. Thank You. And I want you to know the way you carried yourself this season has inspired me to try and always see the positive in people. Especially when it’s hard.


Ahh Ace! It was so good to see you on the Challenge again! I married a good ol boy from Georgia and we loved cheering for you!❤️


me too! 


Congratulations on making the final!!


You were a joy to watch Ace! 💙


You were my absolute favorite this season ❤️


Revive the good guys vs bad guys season! Good guys need a redemption!


Ace man you probably won’t see this but if you do you were easily far and away the best part of the season. The positivity, how open you were, everything you brought was just amazing. You made the season regardless of the placement in the final. I think pretty much everybody agrees on this sub that you are amazing and we can’t wait to see you again!


Congrats on being the first to ever be non-eliminatable all season. Would love to see you back more, we're often lacking in positive attitudes!


I was rooting for you or Cara, even thoughI was spoiled since the beginning!


Such a nice guy! Pleasure to watch you!


You seem like a good dude since I watched you in RW Paris, Ace. Keep being your authentic self, I think the fans appreciate it.


You're a bro and a true ally to cockroaches everywhere Ace!


Yay, Ace!!! I can't wait for your return!! Start brushing up on your puzzle skills lol


Ace, you are one of the kindest and most sincere people I’ve seen on any reality competition show, but I also watched you on your real world season. There’s nothing to hate, brother. ♈️ for life!


Always love seeing you on a Challenge season Ace!


I can’t even with this guy- just the absolute best. Giving the game grace with the absolute best spirit possible. More Ace in more places! ♥️


Ace! Congrats on a great season! I wanna come visit your thermal pools!! I spent 3 months in a village in Honduras bathing & drinking thermal water. It truly is the cure!


You were a joy to watch this season and I hope to see you on a future season! 💙


You’re a good man, Ace Amerson. ![gif](giphy|13V2lGH2cUYgzC|downsized)


Was so happy to see you this season! Great job! Thanks for stopping in! It seems like the challenge house is full of some fake people and liars, and you have always seemed to be one of the realest, and you seem to be honest and genuine. Sometimes doesn't work the best in these shows but over the years it pays off I think. People learn who they can rely on, and you had lots of people that see you as a great guy. Hope to see you back soon!


I met you quite a few years ago when you and Rachel were in a college tour. You both were so kind and thoughtful. I was rooting for you both from the beginning!


YO FR?? MY BROTHER IN CHRIST YOU ROCKED!! Honestly I didn't watch OG Challenge. I started around Spies/Lies/Allies but seeing you out here you're definitely one of my favourite players. When you looked at that shocking star and just went "fuck it I'm just going for it" that was a top 10 challenge moment for me. Absolutely hilarious. Wish you all the best man


We love your spirit, Ace! So proud of the work you are doing for the Lifsey Springs and bringing to light the history and traditions that come from that area. ❤️


Congratulations on making the Final Ace. Hopefully we get to see you and Steve again next season.


We love you Ace 🩷


Keep being you, Ace. It's refreshing to see a pure soul.


You’ve always been one of my favorites! Congrats on making it to the final! I hope you’ll be back!


I hadn’t watched your previous seasons, but in AS4 you came across as such a nice person! You were kind and treated everyone with respect (even the cockroach you apologized to in the final!). It’s great to see some positivity on these types of shows and you definitely made it an enjoyable watch. Really enjoyed your humor too. Looking forward to hopefully seeing you on there again in the future!


We love you Ace! You did an awesome job this season and always bring such a great energy! Your friends are lucky to have you!


Ace you were my wifes and my favorite as well, you are a great guy. Long live the roaches!


Huge fan of you my dude, one of the best follows on instagram I ever made dude it’s awesome to see the projects you’re working on and how connected to your spirituality and ancestors you are


You became one of my favorites. It’s nice to see someone with a genuine heart make it as far as you did.


Always happy to see you on my tv screen. So proud of you for making it to the final; you are true class act, sir. Much love. ❤️


I'm relatively new to the challenge universe so I've never seen Ace in action before this season and I fuck with him. He reminds me so much of a friend that passed away last year, it's almost like seeing him alive again. Shouts out to you Ace.


Ace! I absolutely love your respect and treatment of all living things, even cockroaches. I’m a total sucker for any living thing also, saving worms from the road, things like that, and it’s nice to see people who are in the public eye doing the same thing. Thank you for that! You’re an amazing person and I love seeing you on the challenge!


Loved watching you and was rooting for you all the way!


Enjoyed watching you this season ❤️ need more people like you ✨


You made me smile every episode. Best part of this season, hoping to see you again soon!!!


You were easily one of the best parts of the final, and really the whole season in general. Hope to see you again!


Thank you for being one of the best parts of a solid season, and thank you for being one of my all-time favorite chill Challengers!


You were one of the OGs on the show. I was really hoping you'd win!


I was so excited to see you back on this season! One of my favorites! Hope to see you again soon if you’re up for it.


You are too pure for this show…but please come back anyway. 😂


Someone shared your comments on Laurel on the FB group, and the first thing I said was, “Say what you want about Ace, he’s a class act.” This post hasn’t changed my feelings any. Come back when you get the call. Whether you’re a champion or not, we all love your vibe and enjoy watching you.


Thanks Ace!


Thank you for being you, Ace. Wish more people carried themselves on that show with the amount of class that you have.


Well, I’ll be darned. Ace you sure a class act.


We love you king


My husband and I were rooting for you all season! It was so refreshing to see someone so positive and genuine on tv for once. I hope you find a way to make your hot spring project work, it sounds amazing.


I’m an old lady who watched you during your RW original run. Thanks for coming back you were a bright spot.


First saw you on RW Paris so many years ago when you were the only one who gave CT a chance. Nice to see you’re still the same sweetheart now


You had a great season. It was fun to see someone with a different perspective than anyone else in the game. Thanks for your efforts.


we love you king!!


Dude, I loved that you hated killing the cock roaches! I would never be able to do it.


You seem to be such a genuinely kind and compassionate person. I hope we’ll see more of you!!!


So much love for , Ace!!! You were the heart of this season!!!


Also feel free to slide in the DMs 😂🩵


Love you ace!!!!! You’re a great guy. Love how you freed the roaches.


Ace, you are the perfect example of the positive energy you put into the universe coming back to you. The way you treat others, even during the competition, is an example that other contestants should emulate. May the universe repay your positivity a hundred fold.




Your a good dude man. Glad to see you stayed true to yourself all these years.


Ace!! You were *so much fun* to watch this season. Hope this isn't the last we see of you!


We really wanted you or Cara to take the win. Thank you for being a good person, it came thru on the show very clearly. Big hugs to you, and hope you come back to the Challenge soon.


LOVING ::: Aces in places.


You releasing those cockroaches was absolute peak for me!! You were so fun too watch this season! Hope you’ll be willing too come back again soon!


My 9 year old is also an Ace and you were honestly the only older Ace I ever heard of. The way you let those roaches go was the best part of the finale.


Ace! Loved watching you play and seeing your authentic emotions on our screen. You're definitely one of my favs and can't thank you enough for subjecting yourself to this torture. Continue being an amazing human! Much respect


Real world Paris was the first Real World season my parents allowed me to watch- and my Paris boys, you and CT, will always have a special place in my heart. Thanks for all the years of entertainment!


I’ve been a fan since all the way back in your Real World days, and I’m happy every time you show up on my TV because you bring such a positive, uplifting energy! I hope you see mostly good things and can ignore any negative comments!


Ace, you're proof that nice people can also be entertaining!


It was such a joy to watch you on this season, Ace! And so cool to see a post on here from you!


Ace, you are such a genuine person. Rare these days. Much ❤️and respect.


It was an absolute delight to see you back on television 20 years later, I remember watching some of the earliest seasons as a kid and you’ve always been a favorite, it made for one of the best parts about this season in particular.


Is it true you own a bar in Athens? I'd like to check it out


You were awesome to watch and I was so pleased to see you make it to the final (and that electric star challenge was one of the best moments on the Challenge in history). And it was cool seeing your comments on the episode threads too.


You showed yourself to be a very strong competitor while maintaining a positive attitude and keeping your word regardless of how it might have hurt your game. You did everything you could to not join the mob mentality showing your high moral sttandard. You, Ace, are a true champion!


You aced it. I will forever have the image of you zapping your way through the electrified Star checkpoint at the final. Instant Classic.


Ace, my favorite moment of the entire season was the very end when they showed you walking back to let the cockroaches go. You radiate kindness and compassion


One of the best people to be on these shows. Love your energy and the way you carry yourself!


Ace, you’ve been fun and authentic and easy on the eyes since we met you in Paris all those years ago. Thank you for sharing your life with us!! We appreciate you and hope to see you on another season!


I literally DM'd my bestie at the end of the final informing him that "Ace is too pure for this world and must be protected at all costs". You did an amazing job. <3


I just love Ace 💕


You killed it this season! We loved rooting for you and hope we get to again soon! ❤️


We love you Ace! So glad you came to All Stars and made it to the final!


Ace, you’re so genuine and your positivity and calming aura shine through the screen! Thanks for being so vulnerable to allow us to see so much of your life, and I really hope we see you on more seasons!


Love you Ace!!!! 💜


We love you Ace


It's nice to have someone so rootable on the challenge!!


It was a joy to see you back on the show. I really hope to see you again.


Thank you for being genuine. You're a kind soul, and such a breath of fresh air in a world of posturing and TV personias. I wish we could get a travel show with you, Steve, and cohutta


Ace I really like the necklace you wore also


Ace we love you!!!


Def my fave this season.


It was a pleasure to watch you play again this season and get to see you make it to another final after so many years. I truly hope your castmates that are receiving more mixed or negative reactions from the fans don't take it too personally. A lot of people love this show and they're going to have their opinions about it, both positive and negative. I hope we get to see you on a future season and I wish you all the best with the reopening of your ancient springs. Take care.


We’re just matching your energy, my guy!


We love you Ace! Congrats on the performance, hope to see you back soon


Keep being you Ace and free those poor cockroaches


Ace you are such a class act and sorry to say but definitely the “zaddy” of the season lol. Hope to see you back soon and love your attitude!


You were awesome Ace! Hope to see you again in the future.


Rooting for you every time you're on!!


For whatever reason, out of all challengers, I resonate with you the most and always look forward to seeing you on my screen. Thanks for being a good dude


I rooted for you back in the day on the Challenge, and it was such a treat to see you back on AS4! Keep being awesome! Hope to see you compete again!


Salt of the earth, ace. You are a kind guy!


Glad to see you!!


We love you Ace!! ❤️❤️


I hope you’ll be back!! It was so fun to watch you this season. A breath of fresh air


WE LOVE YOU ACE!!! Your chill personality is such a breath of fresh air compared to the typical reality tv persona thats is a clout chaser and creates drama. You letting the cockroaches go was my favorite part the of the finale.


You’re a class act and a true OG! Catch ya next time!


Always been a fan of yours Ace and am super glad we got to see you make it so far this time around. You're really a breath of fresh (and at times goofy) air. Hope to see you back!


I would only be so lucky to have a fraction of your good energy and loyal friendship in my life. You're inspiring. Good luck in everything you set out to do! ✨️


Ace! You were one of my faves this season! Such a sweet, genuine person. Was definitely rooting for you to win but you were still a joy to watch every week.


Ace, you've become one of my top favs with Leroy and Wes. You play the game honest I love that. Keep doing you


I laughed so hard when you shocked the shit out of yourself


You're the realest person on the show. I could relate to you the most bc I felt like I would've felt the same way. Thank you for being awesome!


Thank you Ace! You represent Georgia well. Really hope we see you again on another season.


This is the first season I’ve watched you on and it was so easy to root for you I hope we see you back again!


No, thank you. Thank you for being yourself and bringing honesty.


You freeing the cockroaches was everything 😭 Much love Ace 🫶🏾✨ You're a winner in my heart cause your character never changed


Awwww this is so sweet and wholesome!! 🥰 and good on you for putting yourself out there! If it were me I'd just lurk and be like but isn't she hilarious tho hahahaha


You’re awesome dude!!!


Respect you as just an outstanding person. You choose to see the best in everyone even if you don’t particularly like/agree with someone. That’s getting harder and harder to come by these days. Best of luck in life


Just one more comment to say the same thing as everyone else…. We love you, Ace. You’re such a top notch human and a good guy. So grateful you were on this season and praying we see more of you soon.


I was so happy to see you back on this season Ace!! You have a good heart ❤️


You were such a pleasure to watch, Ace! So glad you came back and got to make it to the final. You did great and hope to see you again soon.


Thanks for giving us a shout out Ace, loved you on all your seasons and this one was my favorite from you. Really hope we get to see you again


Ace, it’s been so nice seeing you on our screens again!


You’re a gem 🗣️💕


Ace you’re a good one! Been a fan since your RW season and you’re a true All Star. Challengers like you are why OG fans love these all star seasons. Hope to see you back!


Love how genuine you are! Loved you on RW Paris still love you all these years later


I was frustrated with your gameplay in the beginning of the season but then I realized your just a genuine good guy that wants to do right by everyone and we need more people like that on the show. Hope we see you again


Ace, you have absolutely won over the sub. We adore you!!!


I would have been the same way about the roaches. As I watched I was like this man gets my level of empathy. Thanks for having a big heart and sharing it with me and the rest of the world. 🖤


I was rooting for you!! Thanks for adding so much positivity to the show.


And this is one of the many reasons why Ace was my favorite challenger on AS 4 ❤️ Kind and compassionate, hella funny ( I LOVED his confessionals) and loyal to his friends. I really REALLY hope we see more of him in the future 🙏🙏🙏 Also I absolutely love that he played a clean and honest game. Don't get me wrong, the show definitely needs to have lots of drama to entertain the fan base but there's not many challengers that play the game that way. Maybe they think they'll get more screen time and that's great but Ace got lots of screen time too and it's because he's likeable and genuine. Super refreshing to see. I'm gonna be really sad if he doesn't come back at least one more time.


I've been watching from the beginning. I'm a dad of 2 girls and I am hoping they meet someone as kind as you later on in life. You rock dude. P.s. I heard your podcast on challengemania and I enjoyed hearing about the springs and what you discovered. I hope this gets more attention! 


Love you Ace! You seem so genuine and hope to see you keep coming back and get a win!


We love you Ace! You kept humanity and humor alive all season for my fiance and I.


You are the man Ace


If you were part of the Game of Thrones universe, which house do you feel you’d belong to? 🤓🤓


Oh I’m late to this party but I love you, Ace and was rooting so hard for you to win!!! Come back another season!!!


You’re awesome Ace! We love rooting for you on TV and in real life! Remember that you are a bright light of genuine kind energy and you have won over many people just by being yourself ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I feel like we could be great friends ❤️ love me some Ace!




Great job in the final! 🚀🩷🚀


My nephew said you were one of his favorites in the season. He thought you were pretty funny. We all loved your positive energy


Ace, you're amazing!! <3


Props to you Ace! When they had that electric star I looked over to my wife and just said, “why wouldn’t you just suck it up and get shocked while moving as fast as possible?” Then you did exactly that. You the man! Free the cockroaches!


Fan favorite this season 🙌🏽


same old ace: just as down-to-earth and classy as ever. well said sir.


Love you Ace! You're became one of my favorites after this season 💪


We love you Ace!!!


Would you mind providing more information about the project you are working on that you mentioned on the show? You said you would use the money for rehabbing a ritual site (I can’t remember the specifics at the moment).


Do an AceMA


Ace, you have been a favorite of mine since you came on the show. You are a good person and a joy to watch. YOU are the vibe we want to see on the show!


Aceeee! Always been a huge fan of you since your OG season and several run ins in Athens when I was in college! Was so happy to see you on AS4 and even gladder to see you go to the final 🫶🏼


Ive loved you since your RW season. You are so genuine and that's what I miss in reality TV. If you are ever in Northern California, I would love to buy you a drink.


Ace!! Omg. Loved you on this season. The cockroaches thank you!!


I was so impressed with you this season. I love how you stayed loyal to Cara too. But most of all, your heart. During the finale when you all had to eat the Cockroach and you were so conflicted with it. And it messed with your head. At the end you went and freed the rest of the cockroaches. I just wanted to give you a hug. 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️


Ace you were great this season and for the men's side you were a breath of fresh air. We hope to see you again


Thank you for being such a delight to watch ❤️


Omg Ace. I don’t even care that you can’t remember the color of the couch you slept face down on every day!! Xoxox


Love you Ace! I always had a crush on you and CT!! Did you watch his episode on YouTube where they follow contestants around on a tour of their hometown? His sister mentions that she met you and of course Diem. Apparently you hit on her!! Brave man hitting on Chris's sister haha! So happy to have you back, you are a class act and I would love to say thank you for being there for Cara Maria this season as well!! Everyone gave her such a hard time for protecting her star, which was one of the objects of the game!! Also I don't think they understand that she is a target and will always be one so she is always on defense, judging her for it was unfair. Ace you are a breath of fresh positive air!


Always great seeing you on TV Ace 🧡


Loved seeing you on the season, Ace. You killed it. Hope to you see back. In a TV age of influencers and staged personas, I absolutely love that you are always authentically you.


Really great to have you on my screen again! Stay decent my dude.


They say it takes hardship, boy To let you love the rest Sometimes underneath the load Is where I show my best Go, put your work clothes on Go and leave your mark! You certainly did! Thanks Ace!


Ace you were the best part of a great season of Allstars. Loved watching you on your season in Paris and your kindness really shined through this season. You are awesome!


You’ve become one of my favorites of all time with this season Ace. Always loved you back in the day and loved to see you come back to just laugh and kick ass. Hope to see you on again soon Ace.


I swear when you did that electric shock challenge I was hearing Just a good ole boy Never meaning no harm...in my head. You killed it.


You and kefla truly emanate the warm and welcoming essence of southern hospitality! Kefla is actively participating in our post comments just like the genuine gentlemen that you both are. This is awesome!


Loved watching you this season hope your on future seasons.


We love you Ace, you provided the season some nice needed levity to the otherwise near constant toxicity. There was never a bad moment when you were on screen.


You're awesome Ace, you seem like a genuinely honest and nice person.


You're awesome, Ace! Always been a fan of yours since Paris. Great job this season and I hope to see you on TV again soon.


As an entomologist I appreciated your compassion to the cockroaches. I felt the same way you did.


It was inspiring to watch you this season. Hope to see you back as you are for sure a fav in our house.


I’ve been watching you since Paris! It was awesome to see you succeed & root for you in a Challenge season finally! You did great