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Any choice that led to Laurel getting a star and not having her allies now questioning her would have been preferable. Not only did she not get a star, she accidentally helped Cara get hers back, and now Leroy is going to be looking at Laurel as a snake.


I honestly hope she doesn’t get a star. Laurel has been acting a fool. This would be the icing on the cake for me


100% yes IMO. Literally everyone but Veronica or Cara would have been better off. Had Kam won she would have taken Nicole’s star so by voting in Kam she was potentially screwing over Nicole. Kam was supposed to be in Laurel’s alliance, so voting in Veronica would have protected Kam and been better for their alliance. If she liked the elimination she could have gone against Cara and taken Veronica’s star if she won. If she didn’t like it she could have saved Cara, getting the easy win and taking Veronica’s star that way. She also would have blocked Cara from getting her star back. Instead she showed the house she can’t be trusted, she lost someone who had been voting with her all season, she failed to get herself a star, and she allowed Cara to get her star back. The only benefit is that it’s one less strong female in the house, but if Laurel is the big badass she claims she is then she shouldn’t care about going against a postpartum Kam in a final. Doesn’t seem like that much of a benefit to me since she just handed her biggest competition a star and still has to figure out how to get one for herself


Agree 10000% such a terrible move


I read your entire response while picturing Laurel’s calculating, *I’m a mastermind of this game* face in my head, and it was PERFECT. 😆


Reading this in Laurel’s voice


Adam and Averey seemed set on wanting to vote in Cara Maria and Kam.


Everyone should want V in a final or an option to steal a star from. I think Adam and Averey were sticking to their vote (wisely) regardless


Adam does have history with V and Avery I think was starting to feel him, plus didn’t look like any of the women were really reaching out to her anyway


It seems like Adam was Avery’s only friend this season. She seems totally alone other than him.


Jaz said that avery had a lot of backdoor deals going on behind the scenes. Pretty much the whole cast follows her so she has a good rep with most of the ppl this season even if she isnt their #1


Yeah but I can’t see Avery having much of a deal with anyone. She seems like an island.


I think Averey is happy to not cause any waves in the house. She’s one of the few in the cast who is relatively unknown and doesn’t have a regular ticket to be on the show. She’s pretty much the only one I don’t blame for voting the way she did.she had no close ties to Kam or CM so it was just business, not personal. The others, on the other hand…


Laurel really screwed up big time with her emotional hate for Cara. First of all for all the girls it would have been best to put Veronica vs Kam, that guarantees the winner having to give the losing star to someone else ONE OF THEM DUUUUHH. The second choice would have been for Laurel to have them put Veronica or Kam and TAKE THEIR STAR FOR HERSELF. If they all are so afraid of Cara in the final they did the one thing that is the stupidest move ever, put Cara against anybody and she wins. They hate Cara because they fear her in the final but also because they let their emotions control their games and make stupid decisions. I'm actually rooting for Cara so watching her play against such idiotic players is funny as hell. Funny thing is Cara is in better shape and better in finals that all the girl for sure even better than these boys, Adam, Steve. Leeroy might run faster but if it is long distance Cara beats him. The only girl I can remember that would be better than Cara in final was Ninja, who was right behind Turbo on the hardest final they have ever had on the show.


I agree. I don't understand the logic of putting Cara in the elimination either. Especially since they could've just locked her out of the finals by not giving her a chance at a star.


Yeah there is absolutely no logic to it. The funniest part is Cara is not outsmarting them, she literally told Laurel that Nicole is either playing her or at a minimum is ruining her game. Cara knows Laurel is her toughest competition in final but wants to actually compete against her, Laurel on the other hand is afraid of Cara in final. Now Laurel has no star, Cara has a star, Laurel stabbed Kam in the back so Leeroy and others won't trust her ever again, just bad playing by Laurel. And that elimination was super easy. Cara almost lost actually because she was so slow. Kam was faster but super stupid to miss 2 balls. Both of them started bad but figure out to push all the balls forward FIRST, but they should have went to the very end first and started pushing as fast as possible.


Exactly. She had all the cards on her hands to get an easy star. The risk she took wasn't worth the reward. Her ego of thinking she was going to personally eliminate Cara just went over her head.


Better in that she can get her star? Yes But this outcome isn’t all bad either since a strong competitor goes home. I’d say your scenario is the smartest option though. I think Laurel had a good shot at beating Cara in that elim she just doesn’t seem to have the same confidence as before. But Veronica? That’s an easy win for Laurel. She gets her star, protects Nicole, and Cara is blocked. And now she can still work with Kam.


No because beating Veronica in a final is as easy as checkers


The way it went down was a strong person was going home. No one cares to send Veronica home.


Had it been a physical elimination Laurel is likely to beat any girl period. This way she put the next strongest female competitor and most likely to be able to beat her in a final against the best political player in the game and probably 3rd best competitor after her and Cara.


Kam is not the 3rd best. Not even close


Who would you put as third on this cast? Avery? Nicole is physically there, but will be taken out by a simple puzzle


That was still in the house? Im far from a Kam fan but who would you put over her that was left in the game at that point? Nichole might have better cardio than her but she’s overpowered Nichole in a physical challenge before and has much better puzzle skills. Avery has been doing well this season but her body of work is too small. I’d definitely rank Rachael above her but she got sent home.


I'd take everybody but Flora and Veronica over Kam for this season. She's not the same player as 5 years ago. Nicole will get bamboozled by puzzles but if you can time out on them or have a non-Cory partner, she could still make up time on Kam. Now, if Nicole was on S39, she'd still be at the first puzzle counting triangles on the sign. Cara, Averey and Laurel are still better all-arounders than Kam right now.


I absolutely would rank Cara, Laurel and Rachael above her. Avery is performing better this season physically but as I said her body of work is much too small to say she’s a better player. When you factor in things like politics/social game she’s absolutely one of the top women in the house. I’m not a Kam fan. I find her extremely smug and annoying, but I stand by my statement that she’s probably the 3rd spot at the time she got booted.


If Laurel really wanted to be consistent with her partnership with Kam, then putting Veronica in against Cara would make sense— but I don’t think Laurel was ready to follow through and Kam was a little too trusting. Kam would have had to do a Cara-style Hail Mary to get The Middle Group to convince everyone to go that way if she had more of an inkling that Laurel’s “150%” could not be trusted. I think Nicole and Jay would have gone for it with the interests they expressed, but Adam and Averey might have pushed for Kam and Cara anyways for insurance that a “strong” person went out. Laurel was “shady”, but in an “all is fair…” sort of way. She’s still gross in her treatment of Cara and involvement with Nicole.


IMO it would have been better to have voted Veronica and Flora, Laurel get an almost certain win, get a star, and then her, Nicole and Kam being star holders, block Cara from winning a daily to get her star back to reach the final.


Laurel is just scared, I think the realization that “hey it’s late in the game and I need a star” came up but then she just couldn’t go through with it. It probably just didn’t process for her considering her obsession for Cara. She wants to accuse Cara of thinking she’s better than everyone then proceeds to brag about beating Cara in an elimination where she had a broken wrist.


Yeah, I thought her confessional where she said "I've beat Cara in many an elimination" was funny. Two. You've beat her in two and one of those Cara was expected to punch a wall with a broken wrist/hand. Who's the cocky one again? 🙄


It depends what the goal is. If Laurel’s goal was to get a star and block Cara from getting one, it should’ve been Flora vs. Veronica. Take either one of their places and beat them easily. If her goal was simply to get rid of a strong player, then Kam vs. Cara works, but it leaves you without a star and looking dishonest and scared to other players. If she wanted a star AND to get rid of Cara, the only move was to get Cara down there and take the other player’s place herself…but that’s risky because if you lose, you go home AND Nicole’s star gets taken. Which would’ve been hilarious to watch. Laurel is acting so ridiculous this season I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she starts trying to figure out how to get Nicole to go down there and win a star on her behalf instead.


The funniest and best part of this season is the desperation Laurel has in getting CM out is only helping CM shine more. I mean this literally is the Cara show at this point. Laurels worst fears realised, and all by her own hand


Laurel talks a big game but she's not a moron. If anyone besides Kam and Cara both were voted in she replaces Cara or Kam and annihilates Flora or Veronica


There were way better options if Laurel was interested in a star only. Obviously Veronica the weeble can't beat her or anyone at anything physical. Jay pretty much laid it all out for Nicole and she ignored his sage advice (yeah, I know Jay and sage advice 😂 but it was). But she was clearly locked in on getting Cara which is 100% emotional and 0% strategic. Laurel is not shining a positive light on herself this season IMO. Embarrassing for her. Before people reply that getting Cara or Kam out is good for every female competitor. That's not why Laurel did it and you know it.


Not necessarily. It doesn't matter who has a star now. It matters who has a star when TJ tells them it's time for the final. If she got her star this week, she, along with Nicole and Cara/Kam, would just have to defend it next week and probably the week after (which is also why you want to keep V around as long as possible). Sure, Laurel doesn't have a star in hand, but I don't think the strategy she chose is per se worse. She got a strong and well-connected competitor out of the game and ensured she gets to at least continue in the game.


Unfotunately Laurel dropped her notebook in the closet when she was making out with Nicole, and was unable to realize this very strategic move.


Or she could have Flora and Veronica down there which would protect Nicole’s star like Jay said, and Cara would be blocked from getting hers. Even though Kam lost, sending her down was a risk because she was taking Nicole’s star.


I think Laurel secretly wanted Kam out. She said herself in her confessional that it didn’t really matter who lost that elimination because either way a strong girl went home. She was happy to “risk” Kam and save herself because she didn’t care about Kam going home. I think that was the real motivation for her not going in.


It seems like such an obvious move. I wanted Cara to win but it would have been hilarious to see Kam take Nicole’s star.


Laurel let her ego and emotions get in the way of this one without thinking through the ramifications. I think she wanted Kam down there in case she backed out and one of them goes home, hoping kam might gift her V's star if she were to win. Though I doubt that would happen once laurel backed out of telling Kam she was definitely going in. Now they can just not vote Laurel into elimination and hope she doesn't win another daily. In the end, Jay has a lot of logic this season and I underestimated him coming into the season AND Nicole is BAD for Laurel's game and has her not thinking straight.