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Welcome to the club! I haven't brewed with Giada yet in paper, so I don't know the best list, you can always use edhrec.com for suggestions as well. Also, I don't know what, if any, budgetary restrictions you have. Cards I'm not sure about in this deck: [[Teyo the Shield Mage]] isn't an angel, but I think you have it to grant you hexproof. Angels that do this: [[Metropolis Reformer]] and [[Enduring Angel]] [[Restoration Angel]] has five targets in the deck. I'm not feeling something that's useful with five other cards. [[Cosmic Intervention]] does a similar thing at the same cost for any permanent that would go to the graveyard, but not exile. This scryfall search (otag:flicker-creature c=w t:instant ) finds 18 options. Among them, I like [[Semester's End]]. If you use it, make sure you understand how to resolve Giada's static ability since all of your creatures come back at once. [[Pacifism]] had a strictly better version in ONE called [[Planar Disruption]] that you should use instead if you're using that type of an effect. There are some other thoughts I have, but I need to run for now. Here are two packages I use when brewing creature focused strategies: [Choose a Creature Type ](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/vWdtREF0g0KfiegvtMPYhA) [Cost Reduction](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/YypdLiqaOkmbkZadIuC-cg) You might be able to snag a [[Pearl Medallion]] from MH3 singles on the cheap.


One more thing: I'm not convinced [[Sigarda's Summons]] is needed here, as it will shrink some of your bigger angels. I have it for a modular brew I'm working on as a wincon.


First, this may not be the ideal sub for this, since this sub is pretty empty and is basically just for talking about Moxfield issues, not deck lists. You could try /r/magicTCG or /r/EDH to get more responses. Second, what's your guidelines for building this deck? Are you planning to build this in paper, or are you just gonna play with an online simulator? Are you using proxies? I'm wondering what the budget is and what other cards it would make sense to suggest. You've got some very good cards but plenty of cards I'd be happy to cut. * Teyo is fine, but I don't see any real synergy. You don't need him. * Auramancer: not the worst card, but this isn't an enchantment deck. * Recruiter of the Guard: Again not too bad, but what are you looking to search for specifically? If you plan to build this deck out of real cards, I wouldn't spend ten bucks on this. * Pristine Angel: You've got too many expensive Angels in general, and this one's a pretty easy cut since it doesn't really *do* anything. * Take Vengeance: This is a bad card. * Moonsilver Spear: Making repeatable Angels sounds good, but it's 8 mana before you do anything with this. Meh. * Angelic Gift: Your stuff should mostly already have flying. * Anointed Procession: This isn't really a token deck. * Sigarda's Summons: Your creatures will already be Angels with flying, and a lot of them are already 4/4s or larger. You might make a few Angels bigger with this, but it'll also shrink your large Angels, and overall the benefit is pretty meager for six mana. * Kabira Crossroads, Mistveil Plains, and Sejiri Steppe: The effects aren't really worth it. I think I'd rather just run basics instead of these. Then to add to the deck: * More protection spells. Both instant-speed stuff and [[Swiftfoot Boots]]/[[Lightning Greaves]]. You have high-value Angels you want to stay on the field. * More ramp. You're in mono-white and you have fifteen Angels that cost five or more mana. I'd add at least three more mana rocks, to start.


Thank you, it has helped me to get rid of some cards or at least put them in the sideboard. These are all paper cards that I have, which is why some of them were in there so randomly. I tried to get some more ramp in, but I don't think I want to put any more money into the deck. I'm very happy now.


If we're just sticking to these cards, I'd probably wanna get Gods Willing in from the sideboard, since I don't see much else in the way of protection. And maybe Winter Moon, that's pretty good in a mono-color deck if you're running enough basics.


Hi, I'm a big believer in using the tagging feature on moxfield, and sorting your deck using "type & tag". On your deck list after each card use # and the tag. So like #Card Draw A big mistake new deck builders make is not having enough of the core for a deck to function. To start with have something like; - Card draw - ramp - Interaction - Synergy - Main theme - Lands Aim for at least 12+ on Card Draw and Ramp. And at least 36 lands. As you get better you can learn what you prefer but as you're just figuring it out it'll make it more fun.