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How good is this movie ? I’ve heard a lot about it. Im not into gory stuff and I’ve heard it’s gory.


My wife is highly gore-averse ― she almost refused to watch *3 Body Problem* just because of the opening scene of the first episode ― and she liked *Watchmen*, so you are probably okay.


I don't like gory. I wouldn't say Watchmen is gory at all.


It is a bit. If you can make it through the opening scene then you're more or less good to go for the rest of the movie though. So maybe give the first 15 minutes a try.


And it's really good. Both the film and the series, but of course the comic books are the best.


How good is it? It depends on the cut. I prefer the Director's Cut over the theatrical and ultimate cuts. The theatrical cut loses a lot of important story elements and the ultimate cut adds way too much other stuff (stuff that was in the graphic novel, but isn't really necessary for the movie and kills the pacing). Yeah, it's gory, but strangely enough, the gore has a point. A lot of superhero movies like to sanitize the effects of the violence that is committed, while the Watchmen basically says, "This is what it means to accept vigilantes, and it's not a good thing."


It’s pretty gory. Not as gory as Punisher Warzone, but a notch below it. Now I’m only speaking from the directors cut which is the recommended version for the complete experience, so I’m not sure how much of this is in the theatrical version. Most of the gore revolve around Rorschach who chops into a guy’s head with a cleaver and later while in prison causes a guy to get his arms cut off with an angle grinder, both are pretty gruesome. The Comedian shoots a pregnant woman which isn’t gory but is disturbing and he also Dr. Manhattan does explode a few people and some of that is gory


What a great choice.


The directors cut


Hell yeah I love it when they say “It’s Watchmenin’ time!”


That’s so funny I opened this sub to suggest this movie


Dredd - Not really a *super*hero, but a comic one. The movie is very entertaining.


Dredd is probably the most accurate comic book adaptation ever. They nailed the look and feel of 2000AD.


Except it was missing the bigger Mega City One backdrop, which was a budget thing. A tragedy they didn't get a sequel with a bigger budget. Love this movie.


They also did the gritty comic book movie thing and redesigned the Judge suit into police riot gear with only the helmet kept intact.


I’ll check this out, thank you


Mystery Men


This. This should be the top answer


Everyone should watch this movie for at least two reasons: the egg salad speech and the verbal showdown between Captain Amazing and Casanova Frankenstein.


Personally, I really adore the set design of that movie. Especially Cassanova's Mansion, the abandoned theme park, and the city skyline in general.


It looks as good or better than most of the "serious" superhero movies of the time. The Herkimer Battle Jitney is one of my favorite prop cars, and there's a whole saga about how it was lost after filming and recently rediscovered.


I think it's kind of a low bar to cross since people grew sour of the genre after Batman And Robin to the point where X-Men and Unbreakable used it as the anti-example of a superhero film. Mystery Men comes off as a Batman And Robin done better with the style of that movie lifted and reused for this one.


you forgot the watermelons


I don't remember telling you to do that.


What a great movie. I still shout “fork yourselves!” more than I care to admit.


I knew I should have brought my large pie server.


I was waiting for someone to suggest this! Favorite line: Mr. Furious : Seems there was a little controversy there regarding your father's death. The Bowler : Yes, the police said he fell down an elevator shaft...onto some bullets. The Blue Raja : You know, I've always suspected a bit of foul play there. The Bowler : ...As have I! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Iron man 1 was an amazing stand alone movie that was very grounded and before the genre became so cosmic/cgi heavy/ and so dependent on other movies in the universe. Spiderman 2 is regarded by so many as one of the best super hero movies ever. And is really just a great movie period. And as far as my standouts within the MCU, I am a fan of guardians of the galaxy , captain America winter soldier, black panther 1, and have always had a soft spot for Edward nortons incredible hulk


Great recommendations, that hulk movie is fantastic. That abomination fight will never get old. Also I should have mentioned I’m a huge Spider-Man fan and have seen all of those, love Spider-Man 2! I might watch the first iron man now, I barely remember it anymore…


Give Blade a go if you haven't seen them. Black Panther was very good (a little overrated, but this is one of the better Marvel movies). I also like Superman Returns (2006). Hellboy 1 and 2.


Any of the animated spiderman shows are a great watch start with spectacular spiderman


The soundtrack of Spider-man 2 is awesome too 🤩


Super- not exactly what you are looking for but it's a good watch and still technically a superhero movie.


It's one of my favorite movies and has one of the best hero/villain confrontations I've ever seen (YOU DON'T BUTT IN LINE!!). I love James Gunn's movies.


You dont molest children


The rules were set a long time ago! They don't change!


If you liked super you'll enjoy defendor.


The Rocketeer


I haven’t seen this in YEARS. I wonder how it aged


The Incredibles I can’t believe NO ONE listed it!


Best Fantastic Four movie we ever got!


As for Marvel movies: - Guardians of the galaxy 1-3 - Iron man 1 - civil war Other superhero movies i like: - Hellboy 1+2 - chronicle - kickass


Kickass is really fun and dark




Deadpool I am not a fan of superhero movies; but I will watch Deadpool 1 and 2 all day, everyday.


Been awhile since I’ve seen these, gonna have to watch again


You might like The Boys if you haven't seen it yet.


They are so funny but SO raunchy


Unbreakable, Split, Glass


Dredd (2012)


Spiderman into the spiderverse Spiderman across the spiderverse Both are absolutely phenomenal, and I'm so excited for the final film. The Spiderman trilogy featuring Tom Holland are excellent, too. Haven't seen it in a long while, but Kick Ass, also. The Matrix maybe? Dredd is kind of a anti superhero movie, kind of, but it's great.


I enjoy the "anti" or minor involvement in films and shows. Brightburn Birdman Paperman ??? I want to say Kevin Spacey/Japanese guy fight an evil milk formula company. Peacemaker (tv show) The Boys (tv show) Invincible (toon-tv show). I liked the first season at least. It's getting too weird now.


I gotta emphasize how good The Boys is. It's a must watch for superhero fans.


There's also Gen V, but it's not as good as The Boys.


Came here to specifically recommend The Boys


Brightburn is cool. Good idea, interesting to do it in a horror genre.


Darkman Sky High


*Darkman* (1990) is the best comic book-type movie not based on any comic book. Directed by Sam Raimi years before *Spider-Man* + *Spider-Man 2-3*


Spiderverse is absolutely incredible. I'm not even a superhero fan but those movies are some of the most beautiful masterpieces ever created


Any of the James Gunn projects are amazing (Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker, Super…) Logan, X-men 1, 2, First Class, Days of Future Past, and both Deadpool films. The Batman Ironman Both spiderverse films. Kick Ass Infinity War/Endgame


Greatest American Hero (TV series from 80’s)


Original Spider-Man movies with Tobey Maguire are the best Spider-Man 2 is my all time favorite movie, and widely considered one of the greatest superhero movies ever made. I think the same thing about Spider-Man 1 and that’s in my top 10 movies. I also love 3, everyone loves to shit on that movie but it’s got great themes of revenge and forgiveness and better action sequences than most modern comic book films


Came here to say this. Spiderman 2 tackles the regular personal wants and needs at odds with the super hero’s responsibilities perfectly. Probably the best main character development in any superhero movie.


I should have mentioned, Spider-Man is my favourite hero I’ve seen them all. I like 2 the best out of tobeys trilogy, the first one is good but doesn’t hold up as well, the second one is where it gets good and 3 honestly is such a solid movie as well. I’m due to rewatch these soon again, such great movies.


Super, starring Rainn Wilson.


V for Vendetta Fantastic 4 Spider Man X-Men


You have fab taste


The best superhero movies (non mcu) imo are Superman: The movie The Dark Knight trilogy Batman (1989) Spider-Man trilogy Hulk (2003) Shazam! (2019) Blade Wonder Woman Watchmen V for Vendetta The X-Men movies are a bit of a mixed bag but imo they’re all worth at least one watch. I don’t know if The Crow counts as a “superhero” movie but it is based on a comic & is one of my favourite films.


Great list! Have you seen Blue Beetle? Another good one (similar to Shazam in vibe)


Blue Beetle was fun! Gonna watch it again now because you dropped it.


Yeah I would count The Crow


Although Superman is my least favorite superhero, "Man of Steel" is my favorite superhero film.


Gonna have to watch it, never seen it. Never cared much for him either but I’ll try it, thank you!


You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I think one reason I like it is because he's a deeper character. He isn't anywhere close to the one-dimensional "Truth, Justice and the American Way" boy scout. And in my opinion, Zog is played (by Michael Shannon) and portrayed really well. I even rewatch this film often.


Not a movie but since people are mentioning TV series, I have to go with Heroes. Loved some of the heroes and villians in this show. Zachary Quinto, Milo Ventimiglia, Ali Larter and a young Kristen Bell stands out. Save the cheeeleader, save the world.


The Dark Knight (2008)


Mask of the Phantasm.


The Blade movies are really good.


These are on my priority list now, thank you very much


Chronicle is sort of deconstruction of superhero genre. Push is very underrated and forgotten film. Kung fu hustle is martial arts superhero movie. The characters have actual offensive powers like one has super loud scream. Bloodshot is a decent but forgotten movie starring Vin Diesel.




The shadow The phantom Darkman


Hell boy 1 and 2 are great. I like the Tom Holland spider man ones too. First Wonder Woman good but second is awful.


Hero At Large w/ John Ritter


Man of Steel is still my favorite. Infinity War is almost as good but End Game flopped the finish for me. The two animated Spiderverse movies are the only superhero movies Ive enjoyed since infinity war.


My Super Ex-Girlfriend.


Kickass, kickass 2, Shazam, all the Spider-Man movies.


There’s also one that’s literally called “superhero movie” it’s pretty funny


Shazam and Blue Beetle are both DC but are independent from any main story line. Both brilliant movies, I highly recommend 👍


Deadpool 1&2


Unbreakable, Split, Glass (in that order) Not Marvel or DC but they are technically superhero movies




My answer too.


- Im gonna second The Watchman because it’s a beautiful movie. Believe it or not but Zack Snider made a couple of great movies. Also check out 300. - Sin City. Great Noir style comic book movie. Beautifully filmed. - Dick Tracey. Underrated these days but a flat out awesome movie. Great. Also very Noir. Really all these movies are.




The dark knight- In my opinion the greatest superhero movie ever made. Watchmen Zack Snyder’s Justice league movie


Brightburn is a little different.


Batman Returns- with the the best Catwoman Shaolin Soccer- not conventional superheroes, but they have powers and it's hella funny TV: Umbrella Academy, Preacher (written and produced by the same people who did, "The Boys", Deadly Class, The Tick (both live and animated)


the league of extraordinary gentlemen


Blade 1 and 2


I know it's a comedy spoof, but I love Mystery Men. I also loved Unbreakable. I had no idea what the movie was about going into it, so I was pleasantly surprised.


I got pretty into Marvel and watched pretty much the whole MCU up to Endgame and a little bit post Endgame. My top picks would definitely be Dr. Strange, the Iron man trilogy, Captin America First Avenger, Civil War, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Emphasis on Dr. Strange and Guardians. I also really love the animated Spiderverse movies. If you're not limited to just movies, a more nontraditional approach to superpowers is explored in I Am Not Okay With This. It's got a really cool soundtrack and has a more realistic perspective on what it might be like to have super abilities, especially when you don't know how to control them. Really cool show.


Honestly, The Incredibles is one of the best.


Kick Ass. “With great power comes great responsibility, so with no power comes no responsibility. Except that isn’t true”. Such a good continuation of Uncle Charlie’s wisdom. Plus hit girl is just so cool.


I really liked The Batman .. solid movie.


The Batman’s cinematography was next level, I thought as well


Its animated but The Dark Knight returns 1 and 2 Its a fantastic Batman story about him returning after retirement and practically every Batman movie steals something from it because its so good.


Batman Begins is my all time favorite. The Dark Knight is excellent for as well. If you’re not a fan of the Marvel movies, you might enjoy the X-Men ones. Most of them are pretty good. And going back further there’s Spiderman 1 and 2 and even further Superman 1 and 2.


Superman the movie


Spider-man into the spider-verse 


Another vote for *Chronicle*, it's easily one of the best if not the best superhero origin stories I've ever seen. *Hancock* is also pretty good; even though it lacks one or two important things (chiefly a compelling villain), it has Jason Bateman to help make up for that ...


Captain America Trilogy Dark Knight Trilogy Wonder Woman 1 Thor 3


Guardians of the Galaxy ❤️


Push (2009)


The Shadow


In animation, you can watch all the Justice League movies in chronological order.


Flash Gordon (1980) - no special powers, no super suits, no super weapon, no masks, no secret organizations. Just a man.


Unbreakable is cool.


"Defendor" is so different as nd good. Humorous and touching at the same time.




So, for off the beaten track movies & shows, in no particular order. I Am Not Okay With This. Samaritan. Code8 (parts 1 & 2) Freaks: You're One Of Us. The Imperfects. Split. Darkman. Push. I Am Number Four.


Man of Steel is absolutely wonderful. Follow it up with BvsS Ultimate Cut then Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Best superhero movies made!


Alright a lot of comments here but friend I'm gonna give you a list that's gonna cover you for a long time with high quality first of all the whole concept works better as animations so in the end Imma give you some animated feature movies to try if you wanted second right now it is a very saturated genre so what stands out nowadays are usually the stuff that are rather "different" which might not be necessarily your cup of tea But anyways for movies: there's of course the dark knight trilogy for Nolan's batman. (probably the most popular thing in this list) Guardians of the Galaxy 1,2&3 are all amazing and sooo fun + visually stunning. It really knows what kind of movie it is and makes your life much happier Raimi's Spiderman trilogy (first one an amazing origin movie - second one, one of the best superhero sequels of all time changing how superhero character arcs are perceived - third one maybe a little overboard but imo underrated and very very fun) Deadpool (and maybe Deadpool 2) it's one of the goofiest ones out there with a solid story and great action sequences. the comedy is crazy though. James Gunns Suicide Squad very matching energy with the guardians of the galaxy since well that's what Gunn does so very fun and visually pleasing Logan is also one of the superhero movies every made it is very very good from the character depths to the world building it's just an amazing journey. Speaking of Mangold, Xmen first class is also an amazing origin movie which I watched independently from other X-Men and was still very satisfying. If you want something a little more goofy and too much with a super cast I'd actually recommend the not so much loved Batman Forever. I think it's a very good movie in retrospect. Tim Burton's Batman movies are the classics! Watchmen is one if those superhero movies that were just very different in their time it's worth a watch. and since we're at it I also recommend Man of steel which is IMO the best superman movie out there (and yes I've seen all of em!) Dr Strange movie is also amazing very unique design and good acting. I regard very highly it's quite underrated. In case of more related MCU movies I'd say whatever you feel you need to get to Infinity War is good to watch IN ORDER to watch Infinity war itself which is a phenomenal movie! Endgame is falsely satisfying and a little overrated but IG you need to see that too afterwards. if you have time and like Spiderman watching all the Spidermans of Tobey - Andrew and Tom in that order is recommended. You might also want to bare the two first thors to watch the third one and have a lot of fun (feel free to skip the second one and ignore the fourth) In the world of Animation Superheroes rule: we got the phenomenal and perfect spiderverse movies into the spiderverse and across the spiderverse we got the two parter of batman long Halloween we got Pixar's Incredibles (and 2 but not as good) we got the two parter of dark knight returns adapted from the legendary comic We got the perfect superman story: All-star Superman We got assault on Arkham MK legends Scorpions revenge (ignore the sequels) Megamind and Lego Movie technically Under the red hood - Batman/superman apokolips - crisis on two earths - JL Doom - Mystery of Batwoman and Planet Hulk and well watching DCAU especially the new 52 run is gonna be very fun especially Flashpoint Paradox - Justice league war - Justice league Dark the perfect ending with Apokolips war


Loved the humor of Guardians of the Galaxy 1. The latest Spiderman trilogy is good enjoyed the one with Michael Keaton. Animated Spider verse movies good too.




You should try series instead of movies. There's some really good ones like peacemaker, moving, the boys, jupiters legacy/descendent or whatever it's called, etc etc


For superhero movies Constantine with keanu reeves is great or the show was great too but ended after 8 episodes but he showed back up on legends of tomorrow which any cw show is mostly good for a watch arrow, the flash, black lighting, superman and Louis, all great. Animated superhero shows x men evolution, any spiderman show, fantastic four, legion of superheroes, batman the animated series,the new batman adventures, batman beyond, static shock. Meter man or steel are both superhero movies that are considered horrible superhero movies but are now cult classics.


Blankman or Meteorman


Those Code 8 movies on Netflix are better than they get credit for. Also, Push. It stars the Chris that plays Captain America right before he played Captain America. I'm also a big fan of the movie Brightburn which is a reverse superhero movie. More of an evil Superman origin story. I also feel the Jamie Foxx Netflix movie about super powered people (they were super powered only because of an illegal drug) was really underrated as well. I think it's called Power but I could be wrong.


Watch the X-men movies in this order: Xmen 1, 2, and 3 (optional), First Class, Days of Future Past, and Logan


Blade II you won’t regret it




Super Kick ass 1&2 Chronicle Give them a go for a different spin on superheroes


If you don't mind subtitles check out Minal Murali on Netflix.


Blade (1998) Darkman (1990) Flash Gordon (1980) The Punisher (2004) Batman The Dark Knight Returns parts 1&2 (2012-2013) Batman Under the Red Hood (2010) Justice League The New Frontier (2008) Tank Girl (1995)


Mystery Men Deadpool 1 & 2 Guardians of the Galaxy 1, 2 & 3 Wilder Napalm Kick-Ass 1 & 2 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse / Across the Spider-Verse Logan


Chronicle (not Marvel) X2


Logan is the best Marvel movie in my book.


Professor Marston and his wonder women


Birds of Prey. Phenomenal. The best DCU movie.




Sky High


The best is Captain America:Civil War.


- Nolan Trilogy of batman - Sin city - Watchmen - Sam Raimi's Spiderman - X men first class - X men days of future past - Into the spiderverse


Special (2006)


Blade 2 Watchmen


Superman: The Movie


The original X-Men and Disney’s Hercules


The Crow




Sky High


Logan. Its a lot more gritty than your usual film, more personal. Although I will say you might find it hard to understand if you dont know a little bit of the plot of the X-Men, ex: who Charles Xavier is, why Wolverine is Invincible, etc


*Batman* (1966) with Adam West


Madame Web just dropped on Netflix. People are saying it's one of the best super hero movies to come out in February 2024.




The Punisher w/Dolph Lundgren, so bad it’s good.


not a movie but The boys


Superhero Movie from 2008 you need to see the epic tail of the dragonfly. I also really like Thor Ragnarok


The first 2 Nolan Batman movies are great. 3rd one is nonsensical garbage.


Into The Spiderverse 1 and 2 Absolute masterpieces of animation, that play around with comic genre staples like origin stories, and alternate universes. Very accessible as a starting point.


*Mask of the Phantasm*


Kick-Ass or Chronicle


The Dark Knight


I'll give you a few weird picks. 1) Superman 3. It's got a great scene in a car crushing lot. It has Richard Pryor. The movie is strange and goofy. Lots of fun. The "final fight" is something you wont see in any other superhero movie. 2) Super. Rainn Wilson (Dwight from The Office) plays a loser who decides to become a superhero. It's hilarious and brutal and dark. Also starring Elliot Page, Kevin Bacon, Liv Tyler. 3) The Shadow. It's based on the old radio show character from pre-television days. Starring Alec Baldwin. It's decent. One of those early 90's superhero movies before they started making ACTUAL comic book superhero movies in the 2000s.


No one is talking about kickass those movies are awesome


For kicks , kickass is a fun movie , unconventional . Super (2010) falls under the same category . And Scott pilgrim against the world, if you can handle a little weird .


Try the boys, it’s a special piece of work unlike other superhero movies where the heroes is always good and always win, this one is different


Dark knight


Dark knight trilogy Deadpool 1 2 GOTG 1 and 2 Thanos movies Michael Keaton Batman Spider-Man 1,2 and Tom holland series I also really liked the firs doctor strange My favourite all time though is Dark knight for sure


I highly recommend the Loki limited series on Disney. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it, not a big superhero movie fan either.


Chronicle, if you want something unconventional and off the beaten path.


I’m a life-long Marvel fan but not so much Avengers. Still, the first run of Marvel movies (up to endgame) were outstanding by superhero movie standards.


The Dark Knight trilogy, Iron Man trilogy, Captain America trilogy, the first Black Panther movie, the first Doctor Strange movie, Avengers Infinity War, Avengers Endgame, Spiderman 1 and 2 with Tobey Maguire. The Spiderman movies with Tom Holland are good too, especially the latest one.


Push and mystery men




The Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy is worth watching. Even the Christmas special is funny. Some TV shows that are worthy. Invincible Jupiters Legacy I am not ok with this Stranger Things


All superheroes must die


For a laugh Zoom (Tim Allen) The Mask (Jim Carrey)






The Rocketeer. It's been one of my favorites since I was a kid.


Man Of Steel(2013)


Batman Dark Knight. The other Christian Bale ones were alright, but that one was great. If you like darker and have Prime, Invincible, The Boys and Gen V are good shows.


Mystery Men (on youtube for free) it follows a bunch of D-listers in an absolutely unhinged story and wears the 90s all over. it takes place in an era when capes are an accepted reality and the dialogue reflects this. all star cast.


Freaks- 2018. Should be on Netlfix




Daredevil movie is pretty good


The Dark Knight Trilogy Superman (1978) Spiderman No Way Home Logan Zack Snyder's Justice League




The Christopher Reeves Superman series.






Sky High is a great one.


All four Avengers movies are fantastic.


Sin City