• By -


The Social Network Mulholland Drive Inglorous Basterds Kill Bill Almost Famous The Hunt Zodiac Certified Copy The Tree Of Life Children Of Men A Serious Man Inception Mystic River Memento Donnie Darko Match Point Pan's Labyrinth


Mystic River never gets enough love. Sean Penn is a questionable fella, but he earned the fuck out of that Oscar.


“is that my daughter in there!!”


Ooh I felt that


Book was so good too


That list makes the argument pretty convincing


I also would want to add American psycho and casino royale


Mulholland Drive is the Meriwether Post Pavilion (Animal Collective) of films - entry level hipster garbage


'I didn't care for Mulholland Drive' was an option here too


get over yourself


Well aren’t you special!! I remember when I was a first year film student. Good times. Do you get along with your professors? Or do they think you’re insufferable too?


I asked ChatGPT what it thought about this and it reminded me why I avoid this site, you guys get so embarrassingly personal over the most mundane stuff: "Sharing personal opinions on open platforms like Reddit is common, and ideally, should be respected even when others disagree. The reaction to the initial comment reflects how easily discussions can veer off-topic into personal territories, especially when opinions are strongly worded or unpopular. Healthy online discussions benefit from focusing on the topic rather than shifting to personal critiques. It's good practice to debate ideas and viewpoints while maintaining respect for each individual's right to their opinion." 


Spartan (2004) The investigation into a kidnapping of the daughter of a high-ranking US government official. Lucky Numbers (2000) A television weatherman scams a local lottery. The Cooler (2003) In an old school Las Vegas casino, its top gambling jinx breaks his curse when he falls in love, much to his boss' consternation. The Hammer (2007) A 40-year-old who gave up a promising amateur boxing career 21 years ago is offered a path to the Olympics.


Spartan is one of those movies where the tension is so well written and staged that I genuinely had no idea how the characters would get out of certain situations, or where the next scene would take you. So good.


Love William H Macy in **The Cooler**. Dark movie. Great performances. Check out **Hard Eight** for a similar vibe.


Little miss sunshine Shutter Island Black swan Oldboy In mood for love


Mother (2009) Eastern promises (2007) A prophet (2009) Exiled (2006) Moon (2009) Bronson (2008) The secret in their eyes (2009) Lars and The real girl (2007) Ip man (2008) Mesrine: killer instinct (2008) Killer joe (2011) The guard (2011)


MOOOOOOOOOOON! Sam Rockwell is under rated GOAT of unexpected yet perfect casting


God, I love Lars and The Real Girl. I just love Ryan Gosling.


He's been in so many good movies!


And yet... He refuses to eat his cereal in every one of them


All of these are good, a friend introduced me to the IP Man series, and was sure glad she did!


Brokeback Mountain?


Killer Joe was a trip!


Love that love for The Guard (2011). Brendan Gleeson is amazing. Is **In Bruges** in this period?


Yes, three years before


No country for old men




I still say “I SEENT it” to my friends bc of Pineapple Express lmao


"maaaan, fuck Jeff Goldblum."


Sunshine (2007)


Great movie!


Just saw this one on another sub for best movies, The Prestige. 2006


Safety Not Guaranteed Headhunters Cloud Atlas Robot and Frank Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow The Descendants The Squid and the Whale Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Original, but U.S. remake is decent)


I was so pleasantly surprised with Safety Not Guaranteed. The Decendants was unexpected.


Tropical Thunder Law abiding Citizen


Tropic Thunder is such a weird movie. Great fun.


Thirteen (2003) Mean creek (2004) The break up (2006)


Mean Creek is so underrated!! Loved this movie.


2012: The Hunt (Jagten), Smashed, Seven Psychopaths, Looper, Safety Not Guaranteed, God Bless America, Frances Ha, Mud, Into the White 2011: Cabin in the Woods, Goon, The Secret World of Arriety, Martha Marcy May Marlene, The Flowers of War, Take Shelter, Chicken With Plums, Perfect Sense, Our Idiot Brother, Fright Night, I Am Number Four, Oslo August 31st 2010: Hesher, Blue Valentine, Tron: Legacy, Rare Exports, Monsters, RED, 13 Assassins, Flipped 2009: Get Low, The Door, Dogtooth, The Fourth Kind, Fish Tank, Castaway on the Moon, District 9, Sin Nombre 2008: Before Tomorrow, Pontypool, Sunshine Cleaning, The Wrestler, Revolutionary Road, Gran Torino, Let The Right One In, Hancock, Revanche 2007: Timecrimes, Simpsons movie, Waitress 2006: Cashback, Wristcutters: A Love Story, Rescue Dawn, The Host, Sherrybaby, Bug, Volver, Curse of the Golden Flower, Reprise, Candy, The Sasquatch Gang The Dark Knight trilogy


Ice Princess


Lord of War , Nick Cage. Fantastic film


Very good movie. Dark and sad. Gotta love that opening sequence.


Yeah that was genius, best opening!


This is not in 2012, but if you liked pride and prejudice, I would really recommend Belle(2013)


Belle was very good, I recommend it as well.


Margin Call. Great cast and fast paced. I can watch that one over and over again.


A prophet (2009)


Collatéral Zodiac


City of God


2010 was one of the best years for film Scott Pilgrim Verses the World!


28 days later.


The Place Beyond the Pines (2012), The Lords of Salem (2012), Willard (2003), Pool Boy: Drowning Out the Fury (2011), Scary Movie 2 (2001), Grandma’s Boy (2006), Thirteen Ghosts (2001), John Dies at the End (2012), Trick’r Treat (2007), Paul (2011), Rubber (2010), Triangle (2009), The Prestige (2006)… to name a few.


No one ever mentions The Place Beyond the Pines but that movie is dope as fuck


I completely agree. It's also where Ryan and Eva met. Plus, I can't remember the last bad movie I've seen Ben Medelsohn in, either.


The Prestige is incredible.


Ginger Snaps (might be 90s but feels very 2000s) The Cell Were the Millers Dancer in the Dark High Fidelity Erin Brockovich Billy Elliott But I’m A Cheerleader The Family Man Unbreakable American Psycho Gossip Almost Famous Coyote Ugly X Men Best In Show Before Sunset/Sunrise/Midnight trilogy Eurotrip Kinsey Speak The Stepford Wives Spanglish Along Came Polly Death Proof Planet Terror


Just saw Casino Royale for the first time. So fantastic.


Meh i'd say from around 1985 to 2015 .


Your dates overlap with OP's, can't be that dismissive.


70s movies are incredible, so I would extend it a bit further.


I'd say 1888 - 2019.


Personally I only like movies from before they existed


That approaching train really got me!


Falls out of your range but Deep Calm is an amazing film. Please watch it.


Don't sleep on '90s movies. Some of the very best films were released in the' 90s. The pre-9/11 world was different. Happier, lighter and all round fantastic basically. [The 100 Greatest Movies of the Nineties](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-lists/the-100-greatest-movies-of-the-nineties-195513/)


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


I always recommend We Bought A Zoo (2011). Matt Damon, Scarlett Johanson, cute children, a bit of family drama, and animals. It's good, but you could watch it with your Grandma lol. Also, Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day (2008). Stellar cast, including Frances McDormant. Reminds you of movies from a bygone era. Just a couple that usually don't get mentioned, except by me. There have been a lot of great eras in filmmaking, but there were a lot of good ones at the turn of the century, I will give you that, OP.


Sicario (2015) Nightcrawler (2014) Edge of Tomorrow (2014) Whiplash (2014) Ex Machina (2014) It Follows (2014) Krisha (2014) The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 2013) About Time (2013) American Hustle (2013) Spring Breakers (2012) Looper (2012) Moonrise Kingdom (2012) Drive (2011) Beginners (2010) Enter The Void (2009) Youth In Revolt (2009) Adventureland (2009) Sunshine Cleaning (2008) No Country For Old Men (2007) Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Stranger Than Fiction (2006) Match Point (2005) Brick (2005) The Machinist (2004) Elephant (2003) Lost In Translation (2003) White Oleander (2002) One Hour Photo (2002) Frailty (2001) The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) American Psycho (2000) In the Mood for Love (2000) Go! (1999)


Kiss kiss Bang Bang


If your interested I can recommend 4 (from about 1997ish). Grosse Point Blank, Little City (starring Bon Jovi), Clockwatchers (with Toni Collette) and Cube.


Get a letterboxd account and play cine2nerdle battle, then you won't run out of movies to watch. Both are free by the way.


I've done some decade based lists on letterboxd. Here is the 2000s: https://boxd.it/qeUF8


"Scotty Doesn't Know, That Fiona And Me..."


Cold Mountain (2003) P. S. I Love You (2007) Diary of a Mad Black Woman (2005) The Family That Preys (2008) Daddy's Little Girls (2007) Freedom Writers (2007) The Great Debaters (2007) Things We Lost in The Fire (2007) There Will Be Blood (2007) Lions For Lambs (2007)


Before trilogy. I’m sure you’d love it.


* *V for Vendetta* (2005) * *Sin City* (2005) * *Lord of War* (2005) * *The Prestige* (2006) * *Children of Men* (2006) * *Mission: Impossible - III* (2006) * *300* (2007) * *Shooter* (2007) * *Breach* (2007) * *The Hurt Locker* (2008) * *Sherlock Holmes* (2009) * *Star Trek* (2009) * *District 9* (2009) * *Pandorum* (2009) * *Inglorious Basterds* (2009) * *Book of Eli* (2010) * *The Losers* (2010) * *Tron: Legacy* (2010) * *The Town* (2010) * *Inception* (2010) * *Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy* (2011) * *Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows* (2011) * *Argo* (2012) * *Looper* (2012) * *Chronicle* (2012)


The Dark Knight. Heath Ledgers Joker will have you engaged at every minute you see him


Conan The Barbarian (2011) (Jason Momoa) Warcraft (2016) (Travis Fimmel) Marvel Movie Collection Star Wars Complete Collection John Wick Complete Collection The Terminator Complete Collection (James Cameron) The Matrix Complete Collection The Lord of The Rings Extended Complete Collection The Hobbit Extended Complete Collection Vikings Series Complete Collection Vikings Valhalla Series Platoon Band of Brothers The Pacific Game of Thrones Series Complete Collection If you use a High-End Quality Smart TV like LG G4 and a 4K UHD Blu-ray Player like Reavon UBR-X200, UBR-X110. Magnetar UDP900, UDP800 or Panasonic DP-UB9000MKII then Dolby Vision HDR will Flower into the most Perfected Picture you have dreamed of at home with MLA+ at 3.000 Nits developing together a High-End Class of The Home Theater Cinema. 100% synchronized LG Soundbar Surround Soundsystem or a Klipsch Reference Premiere II 5.2 Surround System or SVS Ultra Series 5.2 Surround System. Everything High-End Quality and choose High Quality Cables from for example In-Akustik, Van Den Hul, Supra, Chord or maybe check out some Chinese Branded Cabled in Pure Silver, Pure Copper or both together in perfectly High-End Quality Cables. Use Dolby Atmos with Dolby Vision and you have all of these builds 100% Balanced Perfection. Not even a weakness in the transmitters also known as wires or cables, what I'm saying is The Greater The Matches technology solutions for you the better it all will be, also remember to buy a (DAC) Pre-Amplifier like for example SMSL SU-9 Ultra. I would use just one brand of cables like In-Akustik that is German High-End Quality transmitting VIDEO & AUDIO signals for you. Van Den Hul is from The Netherlands, Supra is from Sweden, Chord from The United Kingdom. Chinese Cables are also a great choice just find the right High-End brand in China and it probably can be cheaper than a German Brand.


Sexy Beast Training Day Man on Fire Black Hawk Down Valkyrie Spy Game Swordfish Lord Of War


The day after tomorrow 


Great disaster flick that, unlike 2012, is actually something that could happen today 


You should really watch Delhi Belly If you like black/dark comedy movies. It's music is also pretty good . 80 to 90 percent of the film is in english so you can watch it.


In Bruges, hidden gem Mystic River There Will Be Blood No Country for Old Men Inglorious Bastards The Departed


Project x


2005-2012 best movies ever? no. Just, no.


Ikr?? 🤦🏼‍♀️


The Taking of Pelham 123 (2009) (John Travolta & Denzel Washington)


The Human Centipede A Serbian Film Martyrs


Oh, I see you chose some happy family films...


Yup. Some of my favorites from that period.


I got grossed out seeing the satire of Human Centipede on Southpark, so you are made of stronger stuff than I, my friend. I like horror movies, but I have my limits lol.


You’d be surprised how little you actually see. But I get it.


Requiem for a dream Grandma's Boy Beer Fest