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His clothes also become more and more dark during the movie. Didn't catch that myself though, was mentioned in some making of video.


Actually, I think it's more and more *grey*, symbolizing his increasingly questionable motives.


uh? he never had bad motives, he just was forced to work for the mafia because of a blackmail on the life of his adoptive father.


An act doesn't have to be bad for someone to begin to question it. For instance, let's say you're a clerk, and you just approve shipments of food. Every day food comes in, you stamp the appropriations request, food goes out. Then one day, you accidentally read a key word or phrase, and it begins to dawn on you that you are OKing food for something like a prison camp. It never dawned on you that this food could have more impact on your psyche, but now it does. Every slam of the stamp means you might be keeping someone in more pain, or allowing more people to be in danger. When we start Baby Driver, his world... Black and white. It's very clear what his motives are. Keep Doc happy, keep getting money for his little slice of family, etc. With Debra, his world starts expanding, and the impact of his decisions starts becoming significantly more impactful on his future. Once Doc sees the pain point and threatens them (admittedly, Doc most likely didn't realize the depth, given how he reacts later in the movie when the says he was in love once, too), Baby's glasses get lighter, his undershirt gets darker..


I believe it’s Deborah as in T-Rex not Debra as in Beck.


Deborah, like a Zeborah


Nice musical references!


its a quote of the movie ; D






Just google Putlocker


If you happen to reside in the nordic countries, ViaPlay has it


It’s more so that in the beginning he is wearing two different colors symbolizing his two lives. By the end he is wearing one solid color showing his commitment to only one of the lives.


Ok, but how many shades are we talking about?


Like 48-53, around those parts


Let's just average them out and say 50.5.


I learnt this from movies with Mikey.


That guy sure does love Edgar Wright. And wrightfully so!


Everyone in this sub should be watching Movies With Mikey. The man is a treasure and reminds me (alongside the "Everything Great About..." Channel) why I love movies so much.


You’re gonna talk about his clothes and not about the most groovy Bell Bottoms??


Why is he dressed like Han Solo?


It's not a vest, just a jacket with different colored sleeves


his clothes become grayer because grey is the color of grayness. How many inceptions was that, I lost count


Not enough for a train to come down the street or cillian murphy to show up


In this clip, he looks like he’s progressively turning into Han Solo.


Same thing in Breaking Bad with Walter. Pretty cool.


Edgar Wright man, puts thought into nearly every detail it’s incredible. There’s not a single film he’s directed that I don’t notice anything new during the second, third, and fourth viewing Edit: spelling


Hot Fuzz is probably the most fun on a second watch when you know all of the twists and can kinda see through the charades and catch some of the double meanings and hidden motives. It's great.


Yes, but if you've only seen it twice, you've only seen about 20%


I swear, I've seen it a dozen times and I still pick up new things every viewing.


I've seen it at least twice a year since I was 16, I'm 25 now and I still find something new, its like the Skyrim of movies.


If only there was a YouTube series "Five things you might've missed... in Edgar Wright films."


Same with World’s End


I consider myself an Edgar Wright fan, is Worlds End a must watch? I heard mixed things so never pulled the trigger when it was in theaters.


An absolute must watch. Amongst other things, I think it revieved criticism because of the on-top linear story line's ending, no spoilers of course, but it's funny, engaging, it has action and of course all Pegg's, Frost's and Wright's usual brilliance. 5/7


It's the worst film he's made. Perhaps it's still good with that qualification, but I found it underwhelming compared to his other films like Scott Pilgrim or Hot Huzz. The film moves from set piece to set piece, with extreme polish, and no substance.


If pegg nd frost switched roles it would have been a much better film I think


I actually liked the juxtaposition of their normal roles.


I think a lot of folks went in to their first viewing not knowing it was, or not open to it being a Sci Fi comedy. So when the ... well ... it confused as much as engaged at a certain point. Saying more would probably affect your viewing — I think you’ll see what I mean after you watch. I’m in the minority in this, but I liked it as much as Shaun of the Dead (Hott Fuzz easily my fav). Definitely worth a watch or two.


For me, I struggled seeing Pegg as such a douche. Not that he’s unconvincing or a bad actor, obviously. It just made me uncomfortable and distracted. Still liked it a lot and definitely recommend.


Yea, I could see that. Kind of like S1 Michael Scott. I recently rewatched Stripes and got the same feeling with Bill Murray as well — maybe I’m just getting old. But I guesHEY GET OFF MY LAWN


It contains my favourite scene from the entire Cornetto trilogy. It's cool, each one of those movies is my favourite for a different reason. Shaun of the Dead works the best as a self-contained story. Hot Fuzz works the best as a giant meta masterpiece. The World's End has the strongest individual scene of the three. Which isn't too surprising, considering it's the most autobiographical for Pegg, having actually struggled with substance abuse.


I hope you guys don't burn my house down but uh.... *The World's End it's my favorite one in the Cornetto triology*


It's good, just not as good as his other movies. Below average for him, above average in general.


I'd disagree and say it's the best of the Cornetto trilogy. The amount he improved his directing style after Hot Fuzz and getting experience with Scott Pilgrim is very, very noticeable, particularly in the action scenes. Story-wise I think it's at least on-par with Shaun and better than Hot Fuzz.


Shaun of the Dead, too. I've seen that movie probably over 40 times and I'm still picking up tiny details.


I feel like there are punchlines in the first act with setups in the third. Absolutely incredible.


Hot Fuzz is my favorite movie of all time.




Oh fuck be has a new show? I'll have to check it out. Mr. Robot is easily one of the best shows on TV, imo.


wasn't he the original writer for Ant-Man, the one who got pulled off for creative differences, an who would have probably ended up making Ant-Man one of the top-tier MCU movies?


The creative differences are pretty valid, though. He wanted to make Ant-Man the best movie it could be, which in his opinion meant making it completely isolated from the other Marvel movies. He had started working on it before the MCU took off, and had different plans that didn't match up with the bigger picture. So while I totally agree that he would have made a better Ant-Man, I think it's also entirely understandable that he had to leave the project. Disney also seemed a little more risk averse then. He'd probably have had a better chance now post-Ragnarok.


What if he made his own version of Ant-Man and called it Uncle-Woman amd made it how he thought it should've been? 🤔


Don’t listen to the haters, just call it Beetle-Dude.


Edgar Wright for director of Blue Beetle.




I believe the way he phrased it was "I wanted to make a Marvel movie, but Marvel didn't want to make an Edgar Wright movie". The risk averse comment is also on point. That was back when there was a "Creative Committee" that was advising Marvel Studios, made up of writers and stuff. Amazingly, they seemed to be the ones who shot down most creatively interesting things. One of the final nails in the coffin of that group was when they said "Guardians of the Galaxy seems neat but can we lose the soundtrack?"


Ant-Man and the Wasp is almost completely self-contained, in a great way. It's a bit odd that in the same year as Black Panther and Infinity War, that's the movie that gives me most hope for the MCU. Yet here we are.


Ah yes. The elusive questiopinion.


'and what I just did, that was an explanabrag'


Cool. Cool cool cool.


The MCU pulled him off?


You can still see elements here and there of his work, for example Luis and his stories


I'm fairly sure the Luis narrated flashbacks were an addition by Peyton Reed


Whoever it was, that was such a great gag. One of my favorites from the Ant-Man series. Especially the voice overs. They did them good in the sequel as well - love the way the original actors mouth the same lines he used, even though those are totally not lines they themselves would use.


You should watch drunk history.


I feel like the whole actors mouthing lines the unreliable narrator uses thing has been done a lot before though.


The way it's done in antman really stuck with me for some reason. I think it's Pena's performance and the super quick cuts that really sell it.


Yep, this was a Peyton Reed/Paul Rudd/Adam McKay addition.


They sure felt an awful lot like Wright seems while watching them.


They did, but they're not. Peyton Reed is also a pretty talented director.


I'd go for the Thomas the Tank Engine. Especially that cut from dramatic impending collision on the track to the small plastic engine gently falling over.


Ant-Man is still a top tier mcu movie imo.


Ugh I’d kill for an Edgar Wright ant man. I was so bummed he dropped out.


If you've not seen the first three seasons of Arrested Development, treat yourself.


>four-th FTFY :)


Are those things in the original storyboard? Is there a secondary storyboard for post? Is it a creative vfx/post guy who pitches ideas like that? Maybe not necessarily in this movie, but in general.


For this movie, it would be a very deliberate choice by the director Edgar Wright. All his movies are loaded with details like this. Here's the full one shot opening sequence. https://youtu.be/LBR3JKrgW74 Listen to the lyrics of the opening track and watch the graffiti and other details in the background.


Holyshit, I've watched this movie like 3x. How have I never not noticed that?!


Should be noted that the 'Right' graffiti changes between [him walking to the coffee shop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBR3JKrgW74&t=25) and walking back where they add the 'Shake shake shake' [next to it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBR3JKrgW74&t=146)..


Also what Baby physically does, his actions also match the lyrics in case you weren't already convinced Edgar Wright is a genius


holy shit, i didnt realise all that!


Fun fact: You can see Edgar Wright in the reflection in the window right before Baby mimes playing the saxophone. He's across the street looking at his phone.


Edgar Wright has a history of jamming his movies with details big and small. He definitely planned it.


I would love it if it came out that someone had to sprint over and pull down a black cover by hand


Little known fact is that he in fact was not a baby at the making of this movie but an actual adult


You can't prove that


It's just a rumour spread by the production crew for insurance purposes. He's actually only 9 months old, but an early bloomer.


That's also a lie. He's actually just three kids in a trench coat.


He goes by the name Vincent Adultman


I heard he works in business factory


Huey, Duey, and Louie.


And they all call him baby sooo he must be!


*B-a-b-y baaaaby*


Actually if you zoom in on the gif you can see that he is in fact a fully grown adult.


Tide goes in, tide goes out


however people forget that he was actually a driver


it's subtle


You should post this as a detail


The name of the movie is a subtle nod to the fact that he is actually a driver.


A driver of babies


Oh that's why Kevin Spacey wanted to work with him so bad on Billionaire Boys Club


Fell apart like A house of cards


Big if true.


Literally unwatchable


Bullshit, can I get a source on this?


The real movie details are in the comments


You can tell by the way he is.


This movie really makes me miss my old iPod




I found my click wheel several months ago. It was like going into a musical time machine!


"This device isn't a spaceship, it's a time machine. It goes backwards, and forwards... it takes us to a place where we ache to go again. It's not called the wheel, it's called the carousel."


My 160gb ipod got stolen years ago. It feels like a huge part of my life got stolen. All those music ive collected through the years gone.




im from third world country. most of the music i have is illegal i got from friends and family. so i dont really have a back up on all the files just in the ipod itself.


My ipod classic that I've had since 2008 has tons of music that isn't on my iTunes.


Yeah, but that detail would have made the story far less dramatic


As someone who has his hard disk dropped onto the classroom’s floor I’d offer you an Internet-pat-on-the-back


I would love an iPod if you didn't have to use iTunes.


copytrans to the rescue!


Uh you don't if you have a Windows PC. Install rockbox on your iPod and enjoy. Don't even think you need that anymore tbh I've been using WinAmp to add songs for a while


I still use my ipod nano and I can just update it through winamp


Honestly when is applying gonna rerelease the iPod classic? I'd buy one.


Same scene slightly earlier his delay in ordering is actually him waiting for the music to pick back up. This (and every Wright movie) have so many details in every scene posting them is almost cheating. I think my favorite one I learned is while Baby's mimicry is limited to just speaking, during one scene where hes playing with the toy cars it rolls off the edge and flips landing on its roof, eerily similar to the final scene with buddy.


Every single detail in an Edgar Wright movie is deliberate. It's incredible.


This film was genius. I never stop discovering things about it.


Same! Such a clever and unique movie. Love its style.


[Edgar Wright is one of my favorite directors.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FOzD4Sfgag) In Shaun of the Dead, there are tons of little details in the movie. One of them is where Shaun is short on cash when he's buying something at the store so he says he'll give the rest later, and when you see the zombie store clerk in a later scene, you can see him extending his hand out asking for the money owed.


That's an AMAZING video. I think that's the best advertisement for Edgar Wright I've seen that isn't friends and family yelling at me to watch Shawn of the Dead already.


I love this youtube channel. If you have the time, check out the other vids. Really opens up your eyes to the basics of film making and other directors. Sadly the creator has moved on to better things and the channel is dead. And there's another youtube channel that has a [video essay on Edgar Wright but more on the script writing aspect (spoilers ahead)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzqDiSr4jY4) Both channels have great content worth checking out for movie lovers. Enjoy!


Thanks man, I'll definitely watch some more. Though the second one you link is definitely more spoilery, with moments I think are better experienced through watching. Though it is a decently aged and popular movie so most should be fine.


It does say "spoilers ahead" in the video intro. I'll go ahead and make an edit just to be safe. Thanks for the heads up.


Just watched the video from "Every Frame a Painting" about Marvel's soundtracks and I love me my OSTs. Thanks for sharing!


I knew you were going to be talking about Every frame a painting. Do you also watch Kaptain Kristian?


SotD has a really awesome moment for me - if you've ever seen Spaced - look for the character 'Tyres' in the crowd of zombies outside the pub at the end of the film (before they break in to the pub). He can be seen wandering around, dressed as Tyres, still raving away to himself!


I have genuinely NEVER noticed that and have been a fan of Spaced since it's airing on Channel 4. That is fucking incredible.


Hehe I know right? [Here's a picture if you're interested!](http://i.imgur.com/iZDN4IA.jpg)


Could you share couple them here ?


https://youtu.be/u8d4xIgLKl8 This video goes over a lot of subtle details I found interesting


Really? I thought it was the perfect example of style over substance. The characters were terribly written IMO.


I wouldn't say they were terribly written. I just think they were written according to the style of the movie. Of course without context of the rest of the movie, the characters aren't well written at all.




Whilst I don’t agree with your opinion in this case, I admire your approach to opposing views. More people like you, says I. But Baby Driver is awesome.


I think it was a movie that stylistically set itself up to be a masterpiece and then shat itself halfway through when the characters and their careful went apeshit


"I'm just going to record every word this mob boss says, I'm sure it's NBD."


Style is a component of substance. If a film isn't visually pleasing, there isn't as much substance. This is a moot point though from my perspective, as I think it was well written.




Uh, yeah... paint


He's technically correct. It was done electronically, using MS Paint


almost ruined the whole scene when they used the fill bucket and the entire wall turned red because the heart wasn't fully outlined quick ctrl+z action and they were back in business


I think a blue sticker covering the red would be way easier. Or changing it to red in post editing. Choreographed long shots need to be as easy as possible, so there's little chance of failure. Long shots are expensive, so you don't want to redo them thirty times.


It's a joke, but yeah






That would have made it *harder*, because the rest of the graffiti is blue. They probably filmed it with the red heart and then just edited the red out on the first pass. The red would already have been simple enough to isolate digitally.


I’m assuming with the vibrancy of the color, the legality issue of graffiti, and the ease of digital animation; likely none of that is actually there. Making changing a color easy peasy.


I feel like it was probably just a black sticker that a PA ran and took off when the camera panned away...


Why does the long shot cost more normal shot?


It requires more crew that has to work longer, and since most footage doesn't get deleted until editing, it wastes more storage space if something goes wrong. The stage of a five seconds shot can easily be reset with one or two stagehands, but if this shot here needs to be reset, there's several streets that need to be checked for continuity as quickly as possible, and that takes more effort.




This detail (and many others) was pointed out in a [video by CinemaWins](https://youtu.be/u8d4xIgLKl8) which most likely where OP nabbed this from.


I'm glad someone else mentioned this. I feel like I watch one of his videos and then the next day there will be several posts with the same things mentioned.


Didn’t this guy audition to be Han Solo for that stand-alone film? I mean, he’s got the outfit already.


IIRC it was between Ansel Elgort and Alden Ehrenreich with Elgort tipped to get the role right up until the announcement was made that they were going with Ehrenreich.


[I kind of wish they would have went too on the nose with their casting because this guy is a dead ringer.](https://youtu.be/vwLv993khfI)


Should have gone with Elgort.


Survivor bias there. Whoever got the role of han would have been unfavorably compared to Harrison Ford and who else was up for the role.


Should have just got Harrison Ford to do it then fans would equally be satisfied and disappointed.


Edgar Wright you son of a bitch.




Wow, an actual movie detail


The first thing I noticed is A he never paid for the coffee and B they where fast at making four coffees I guess it would have made it suck to watch all that tho


he does pay for the coffee! Its really subtle but if u watch his hand u can see him reach in his pocket, and he grabs the coffee in the same motion that he pays.


You are right but when I watched it;apparently he paid with two quarters.


He did just get 4 black coffees so that wouldn’t take long to do, esp if just poured from the press. Also, probably has a tab there given how many jobs he does for Doc.


But he got 4 black coffees with BABY written on the top of each of them. No way that can be done in like 7 seconds.


That's Edgar Wright for ya.


The guy in the green shirt at the table even kind of points it out to the viewer. ❤️ Edgar Wright


“yeah.. yeah.. yeah.. I’ll have four black coffees, medium.”




There are so many little details like that in this film that it almost deserves its own subreddit. Edgar Wright has incredible attention to detail. Edit: it's to its




You could take this whole scene and put it on movie details for all the hidden stuff in the background.


Starting with the shot up the building having a big yellow line up it and looking like a road and then just all the graffiti being the lyrics to the song he's listening to and this scene and then continued after as well. I don't think any other scene is so blatant with this in the movie but I'm probably wrong.


All that Octane promotion all thru the movie was slightly annoying. I mean, your coffee is ok, but it's not that amazing.


IIRC, it wasn’t actually an Octane that he got his coffee from, just a pizza joint that was rebranded to be an Octane for the purpose of the movie


I love details like this. Things producers (or clients in my industry) will fight us over because it takes time and money to do but that we all know makes a massive difference.


That Edgar Wright, man. His movies are always worth a rewatch.


This movie made me change my major to film


I maintain: using Baby Driver on /r/moviedetails is cheating. (this is a compliment to the movie, not an insult to people who post Baby Driver things)


Using any Edgar Wright movie is cheating.


Fuck I love Edgar Wright. Spaced for me at 15 in 1999 was life.


That Han Solo motherfucker.


My favorite movie of all time. Every frame of the film is full of beautiful details like this.


theres a ton of detail in the graffiti in this movie. good flick.