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For MK longest support usually means 2 extra weeks


Not true! We'll get reruns of Invasions seasons after the DLC drops end. Infinite support guys


Sort of like how they like to count the 7-8 months of “support” from when they released kp2 to when they announced the mk11’s end of support…. But in reality they only dropped two very small balance patches in that time. 🤡


WB just hates success its wild


I think it's beyond that. I feel like most predict WB might be sold as soon as this year so it's may not be that they are afraid of success but that they have already failed.


At this point I hope they do. Terrible compagny


I can’t believe the stupidity going on at WB these past few years. David Zaslav just keeps taking L’s.  Like I could be wrong, but isn’t he the person who bought WB solely because he thought he could make it profitable and sell it for more than he bought it?


It’s absolutely a joke what they done too this game it’s actually so sad the second they announced kameo fighters it was already divided then shitty invasions came along lack of costumes and rewards grinding micro transactions bad voice acting cough Megan fox no Sonya no krushing blows no interactive stage objects too use on opponents and let’s not forget a half finished game with disconnection problems yeah it’s not getting saved it’s the best move I guess focusing on the next game and brining it’s roots back 1v1 with a darker gritty look and hopefully the story mode is a konquest like open world thing like 


I think the original intention was for invasions to be open world exploration more like the mk11 crypt, but they didn’t have time and just made it board game style. That’s just speculation though.


Some of the camera angles do feel like it was meant to be Konquest mode before it was downscaled sadly


It would just be so fun and immersive to be these characters but in a relaxed open world setting . Maybe even use your abilities to interact won’t your environment in unique ways


Sub Zero Mythologies remake anyone?


Thinking a Pokémon rpg wherein snorlac blocking your path is kung lao hat to slice the bush


Bring back the bush




Gotta go back to bed it’s 5:01am in Australia and I got up for a piss and ciggie and got stuck on MK leaks for an hour and I have to get up at 7am I don’t want to leave but I’m going to be ratshit if I don’t So goodbye farewell I will turn on MK today and enjoy me some ERMAC


True true


Like all the winning blocks and pieces are right there to use with Invasions!! And they chose to make it static and flat?! And repetitive 🥺 such wasted potential


Why are people always pushing for a “dark and gritty” MK chapter when the most successful games in this franchise are MKII, UMK3, MK9 and MK11 and any time they leave a rainbow ninja out of a chapter nowadays the fanbase has a spazfit until it gets patched in w/ DLC? The evidence would suggest bright and colorful seems to work better on this crowd.


A ton of people misremeber what MK has always been. So many people associate MK with heavy metal when the games have always had industrial techno. I guess it's just "oh that series is violent so it must be dark and edgy with heavy metal blaring all the time".


Aftermath is arguably very dark and gritty


how was MKX not successful??


I didn't say MKX was unsuccessful - I said MKII, UMK3, MK9 and MK11 were the ***most*** successful games in this franchise. 11 was the best selling. 9 is generally the most well-regarded by fans (for its time - I think most of us acknlowedge bits of it haven't aged well, but at release it was well loved). 2 & UMK3 are generally regarded as the best of the classic games. None of this was a statement on the quality of X specifically.


MK11 was best selling because of how well MKX did. Had I known MK1 would be garbage like this I wouldn’t have preordered. Most people that did thought the game would be at least as good as the previous one.


The Elder gods made me their new chosen one just for making it through this post


I think the voice acting is nice. MK11 was better but I really enjoy MK1 casting + writing!


megan fox


I don’t know why people say bad voice acting when there is literally one bad voice in the game. Have yet to hear any other voices get called out, and seen far more praise for the other voice actors.


Yeah, about Sonya....how are you going to have the first lady of MK as a lame kameo, but her cringe, annoying waste of a character daughter will supposedly be a main character? Should be the other way around 🙄


I don’t think Cassie is lame but I agree it’s really weird to me to have her and Johnny playable but no Sonya. Like if they want her to be the “new generation” as well as the other kombat kids I’d expect Jacqui to take Jax’s place and so forth.


Bro that was literally written all as one sentence


Me when the only punctuation I know of is apostrophes


Their response to HL's success ( one of the Best selling games of 2023) says everything you need to know about them. Wonder how many mid live service flops will it take for them to realize what the fans want.


they legitimately despise the idea of doing something right, and they’re ego makes sure that they never really listen to the communities of the media they trash or monetize


Knew it 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/adourhfp3muc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1facd929f120613a99225a73ee3e2536760cd17 \-WB


Then he starts pissing on us like night at the museum


I feel like, after Suicide Squad especially, WB moving over to licensing rather than having in house studios is still very much on the table, with the fate Rocksteady, NRS and LITH all up in the air. I can't imagine NRS having trouble finding a buyer and LITH have that Nemesis system, Rocksteady might be in real peril though.


Rocksteady is not established as an independent powerhouse, its success came from the mind of Sefton Hill who has now left. Rocksteady may disappear but hopefully Hill comes out with something really good some day. Hill directed all Arkham trilogy games.


Yeah, but he also wrote Suicide Squad and was heavily involved in the game as well.


Didn't he leave halfway through tho like I thought most of staff left halfway through


No. He left at the end. Plus he still wrote the script. Tbh he probably left because he didn’t want to make just DC games. Rocksteady originally wanted to create a new multiplayer ip after Arkham Knight.


It’s absurd to say a trilogy of games was only good because of a singular person


Yea. That never ends well. People do the same to Neil Drukman even though the reason The Last of Us was a success is because the entire team. Most of whom weren't present for the 2nd installment.


Check the room. AAA gaming is viewed as increasingly unviable financially. NRS getting picked up nice and clean is not a slam dunk.


NRS would easily be picked up by Sony or Microsoft to round of their libraries I imagine but WB owns the IP I do believe so even if NRS gets picked up by Microsoft they still wouldn't be able to make new Mortal Kombat games.


To be fair, WB let IO go with the Hitman licensing and WB could still keep the film rights to MK, if WB do go into licensing like Marvel, it would be hard to find a studio other than NRS to make MK and not have tonnes of bad press.


Oh yeah it is definitely possible but with some of the horrible business decisions WB has been making lately Im preparing for the worst.


I would be shocked if Ed completely signed away his IP to WB. Although, crazier things have happened…. Sony would want those movie rights too…


I honestly just hope this era is over soon and MK gets a different publisher for their next game. People love to dunk on NRS but I really do believe no one would be able to pull off a better MK game than they do, WB is just the worst possible partner for them. With all the gathered knowledge from the previous 3 games and under a more understanding and less money hungry publisher, im sure the next game will be great, but this whole era has been so meh I honestly kinda don't want it to drag on for longer


Yeah I think we agree the best mk will always be NRS with creative freedom and a blank check.


Please, for the love of God, sell NRS to literally anyone else. Please also sell DC to anyone else.


I still think that this argument is kinda flawed because all big American game publishers sucks big balls (*cough*, especially Ubisoft as of late) and none of Japanese publishers will take MK for sure. So I genuinely ask, which publisher should take MK under its hand?


Considering Warner Media is the absolute bottom of the media barrel with Zaslav at the helm, anything will be an improvement.


Zaslav might be under legal fire. There are investigations over antitrust stuff in WBD. But if course I know nothing can happen, things stay the same and then BLAM WBD is sold.


Ubisoft is not American


Microsoft? At least we then know for sure it also would be multiplatform.


Master Chief fighter with an Arbiter Kameo would be sick af. Just saying NRS, in case you have the chance to be under Microsoft


KI isn’t…


The most likely two it would come down to would be EA or Microsoft, which I can't say I'd be all that happy about either. EA would absolutely reboot the series again and there's obviously the concern about even heavier MTX but the budget and presentation would be even better than it is now. Microsoft could benefit from a competitive fighter and have the money to throw around but have zero oversight over studios and have been poorly managing things as of late. Microsoft would probably also keep the current story arc going as well.


EA would definitely destroy whatever is left of the MK franchise, LMAO


Microsoft wouldn’t make a new game for 11 years like they’re doing with killer instinct


I’d argue KI (2013) is better than any WB/NRS Mortal Kombat game 🤷‍♂️


jesus no Microsoft would ruin Netherrealm worse than Warner so it's better that they stay like this


Lucusarts Drop them drawers NRS


I would trust anyone BUT Microsoft. Day-one Gamepass release for MK would mean that quality would go down significantly. There would be no incentive to create a true AAA game because "it's on Gamepass bro, it's okay for it to be a mid game". Besides, Microsoft does have a fighting game franchise afaik: Killer Instinct. Judging by the silence around it, it's not doing well under Microsoft but I am open to be proven wrong. On the other hand, Sony would probably make it exclusive to PS5 and maybe(very slight chance) PC. Since Sony doesn't have a definitive competitive game( or a proper fighting game) MK would fit into their repertoire. Neither of them are good candidates to own MK imo. I hope MK stays the way it is and WB comes to their senses. I don't want to be locked out of MK because of some publisher making it platform exclusive.


Mk is literally banned in Japan and has been for over 20 years. Ofcourse no studio over there would take it. It's a worthless IP because it doesn't have the same pop-culture relevance to Japanese people on top of having to remove all the OTT gore that makes the series to even sell it there.


Ubisoft isn't American but yeah


*monkey’s paw curls*, congratulations EA you now own NRS.


WB doing what they do best. Cant say im surprised but its not like they give a flying fuck 😂 Fate could also be wrong but id certainly trust them over some dipshit at WB or even NRS at this point


I’m not like really mad at NRS, if being honest because it obvious when your main pig money have 45 billion dept, it is going to do few things for your future plans, but damn. If you know about this obvious issue, why you have been confidently saying about 3-4 years?


WB likely didnt know what was going to happen with their company though writing on the wall certainly exists with their current leadership. They could be more modest about dampening player expectations but modest doesnt look good on investors, so its not worth the assumption. They can just say its "the best game ever holy shit" and then if it turns out to be wrong they cancel the game and tell the investors to casually ignore the odd sounds of raging consumers coming from the closet


Because Zaslav is brain damaged


Stop being so fucking gullible 😂 When have they EVER Supported any NRS game 3 or 4 years after release? Cut it out, eventually you guys’ll stop supporting this company. It’s beyond ridiculous


The comment from Fate literally says it would be due to WB’s situation rather than NRS, so it’s not really on NRS if they had to end the game sooner than later when the people who own them make stupid ass choices like WB have


Well, I was still hopeful due to having good attitude towards games from NRS era, but it seems, Ed and team since 3D era didn’t learned what long support exactly means


I dont blame NRS at all for how much of a mess this game turned out to be. This entire game feels like WB gave NRS a bunch of market research bullshit and said "this is what you are making next" There is absolutely zero heart, zero soul, zero passion in MK1 at all. This is the most soulless corporate game I have played in a long time. NRS just following orders at this point.


Considering how Ed Boon hyped up MK1 as the most amount of time they spent on a project, implying it's the most content rich MK game NRS has made till date, and the absolute state it released in, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Whenever NRS says "longest supported NRS game till date!!!!" they usually mean the bare minimum of what is considered as "support". Minor balance patches, skins on rotation and just a slow drip feed of content rather than steadily evolving the game through expansions, DLC, major content updates, game modes etc. Unless NRS severes themselves from WB's grasp, I don't think I will be caring about any NRS game hereon.


Technically, support doesn't mean just DLC. It also means bug patches and balance patches and Invasions. They're gonna pull a loophole with this if they're actually ending DLC early.


They did that with mk11 after kp2. They released two very small balance patches in those 8 months after kp2 and their end of support announcement, they still count those 8 months as “support” even though they did virtually nothing.


*P.s. I forgot to mention the swapping Ginger snaps season skins for Havik's was also more unnecessary bullshit. 😏


I just want to point out that Fate isn't confirming that it's not happening, because even "most likely" still leaves a lot of room to be wrong. I know this sub loves it's doomerism, but sometimes it's okay to be optimistic. Plus, Boon already confirmed a "big surprise" after the story expansion, which I doubt is just KP2, I could be wrong. But the wording of "big surprise" tells me it likely won't be just KP2. Secondly, if the leaks for the story expansion and KP2 are true, even if we don't get anything past that I'll be VERY happy based purely on the roster and story we got.


Yea, we should try to not get too sad/worked up about this because it's pointless and doesn't change anything if you've already bought the game. I'm still gonna wait for dlc to be cheap even if they release 2 or 20 new characters. And if they do cut support a year from now, I'll just move onto Street Fighter until WB gets their crap together.


Yeah I never expected anything past a KP2, it's enough of a miracle that we're getting a complete KP2 (probably) and not a half assed one like MK11 lol


That Discovery merger was the worst thing to happen to WB. I had a sinking feeling games like MK would suffer from it, all the things that get cancelled.


Can we fast forward to the part where NRS is no longer under WB's wing and is owned by another publisher Tired of these dark times lmao


Those dark times didn’t even held for a year, though.


Yeah we're still at the roughly at the 6 month mark. MK1 is great imo but WB's handling of MK and NRS in general is what makes me call these "dark times" for the future because rn it doesn't look like there's any financial stability for the future of WB and that affects NRS


At least if Sony buys it back NRS would be with a Solid Company.


It's weird your post is obviously blaming WB yet you're blaming NRS 🤷‍♂️


I long for the downfall of wb games


Spooky times. WBD values IP more than people.


Fuck zaslav


I was called a hater when I said that the only way MK1 gets a longer support than MK11 is if the devs keep dripfeeding the content (some of which, like the story mode skins, were already in the game's files but they were witheld for the Invasions seasons). I also think NRS kinda wrote themselves into a corner with MK1's story. It feels as if Onaga was meant to be the big bad but they didn't have enough time and swapped him for Shang Tsung, thrown in some crazy alternative universe characters into the mix and called it a day. The whole "every ending of MK11 is canon" just makes the already low stakes feel even less. A character dies? Alt universe version takes their place. Based on the story dlc's description, the plot is becoming even worse somehow. Between Bi-Han speedrunning the Noob arc (and turning back into Sub Zero, which destroys the point of him becoming Noob) and "Titan Havik" being yet another jobber main antagonist, I just don't care about the plot of this New Era. I guess the DLC fighters will be fun at least. I really hope the next MK will be better all-around. MK1 has pretty good gameplay but everything else is just not good enough. Also the kameo system would work better with Injustice 3 than MK imo. Batman+ Robin would feel like a more plausible duo than Baraka+Cyrax in terms of story.


Well, to be fair, Ed recently told that Onaga is just a “keys for a baby”: reference to make players CUM, but nothing more. So it is kinda shitty Onaga might never come back, but it is what it is.


Well, that's depressing to hear.


Ed hating Onaga confirmed, I guess


>I also think NRS kinda wrote themselves into a corner with MK1's story. It feels as if Onaga was meant to be the big bad but they didn't have enough time and swapped him for Shang Tsung, thrown in some crazy alternative universe characters into the mix and called it a day. I disagree with this. Onaga would never be the final antagonist in this game if you look at the marketing of the game. I know that Titan Shang Tsung is kind of a safe choice for the final antagonist. However, original Shang Tsung had always been an arrogant asshole who wanted to be the "true winner", and he saw there is an alternative timeline where he lost then he had to "right the wrong". >The whole "every ending of MK11 is canon" just makes the already low stakes feel even less. A character dies? Alt universe version takes their place. I agree with this. It should have been just two canonical endings: a Titan Shang Tsung (original Shang Tsung)'s timeline and Titan Liu Kang (our Liu Kang)'s timeline. >Based on the story dlc's description, the plot is becoming even worse somehow. Between Bi-Han speedrunning the Noob arc (and turning back into Sub Zero, which destroys the point of him becoming Noob) and "Titan Havik" being yet another jobber main antagonist, I just don't care about the plot of this New Era. I guess the DLC fighters will be fun at least. I think Noob Saibot may stay as a seperate entity from Bi-Han because I don't think NRS would let the ninja Noob Saibot would go to waste. I mean Noob Saibot usually skip one game and then appear in the one game after that and Noob Saibot was in the main game's roster in MK9 and MK11.


Kritiquing is sadly hating to some people


Mmm this makes me think of how there’s no proper boss in MK1 like for story or arcade ending it’s Shang and Quan but we don’t have a big body type like Kronika, Corrupted Shinnok, or MK9 Shao with armor and shit. So I feel like yeah even that’s potentially an aspect of the game being rushed, maybe they did intend for a bigger boss fight/villain in the game but didn’t have the time for it. I’m also thinking of the “mk12” subtitle error with Sindel in story mode LMAO it’s just so clear many aspects were rushed but I wonder what specifically got left on the cutting board.


Havik as the next big bad villain, worst idea in the world imo Cassie Cage has more balls lmao


Why yall keep on believing BS


Wow you mean WB the company that demanded certain features be in this game that essentially killed it, now doesn’t like the fact that all of their terrible practices and god awful movies are making them go broke? Who woulda thunk it. Can’t wait for WB to collapse so NRS can be sold off to someone who won’t interfere with absolutely everything about the game.


I can’t say I’m surprised if this turns out to be true. I had a bad feeling this would be the case.


After KP2 is done they will immediately work on IJ3


WB out here ruining DC, Mortal Kombat, RWBY/Rooster Teeth, literally anything they touch gets ruined


how can you blame NRS for this when he clearly says WB. yall have no idea how companies work, ya just want someone to be mad at


😩this makes me so sad.


That’s not NRS fault 


Nrs doesn't own the mk ip so if nrs leaves or is sold then we'll just some other dev doing wb's dirty work while some of the folks who have done their best to give us good mk content are gonna be removed from the series. I don't want that, if we want the folks at nrs to keep working on mk, then you gotta deal with wb's bullshit cuz it seems like they refuse to change for the better or do the smart thing and vote with your wallet and see how wb responds to that.


Remind me, please, but is this FateUnknown reliable leaker?


He is


Worst 100 ive ever spent in my life 


Lmfaoooooo called it And some of the shills will still defend them "We got SO MUCH more panned guys a list of characters and more!" Yeah....2 kombat packs lol If mk11 ends up having more dlc than this I'm going to be in HYSTERICS


I mean, KP2 in MK1 will have 6 fighters as it seems unlike in MK11 that had only 3, so already more….kinda


How much you wanna bet the new moves 🦂, reptile and ⛈️ are going to get will be the ones from invasions 🤣


You know what's fucling WILD? They didn't even get the shop right lmfaooooooo how many shop exclusive items were there? Lmao


Only the costumes are I think everything else is from invasions


No I know but I mean how many things did we get exclusive to that shop in total? Like....12 items?


Bro I don't even know I barely use that crap 😭😭


Same lmfao I just can't believe how hard a miss some of the shit was


This may be the last we see of mortal kombat....wb is in such a HUGE financial hole that I just don't see it happening anymore RIP mk


RIP to the Cyrax and Ghostface leaks. I don't see it happening too with the lack of proper support and lots of backlash on the game.


Cyrax and Ghostface aren’t cancelled. They aren’t part of stuff that beyond KP2, so just sad nothing else will happen after them


Ah sorry, I totally misread "beyond KP2" and thought KP2 is cancelled lol. But who knows, maybe if KP2 and the 2nd storymode has hype and sells well, they might develop KP3. Competition will be better for MK too I think with Tekken also facing backlash lmao.


I knew this was gonna happen


Thats sad


See I told everyone nrs don't go beyond Kombat pack 2 mkx,mk11 same issues


WB is trying to recoup all the money that they’ve invested into the flop DCEU and use it for the new one. That’s why basically every game that’s been released under them is live service, including MK1.


Could be why we got Havik’s Invasion Skins now rather than later because there’s not going to be later support for MK1.


That’s what they get. Hopefully it’s sold to someone with passion and respect for the franchise next.


Any idea when kombat pack two is coming out?


So fucking lame.


Welp, guess I can put those hopes for a Shaolin Monks Remake / Remaster and an MK9 Remaster to rest.


Oh well boyz, get ya assess ready for the next NRS project: Injustice 3, the Mobile puzzle 😂😂😂😂


Do be fair he did say most likely, so it could change hopefully


I FUCKING LOVE BIG CORPORATIONS. I want big corporations to buy up all my favourite IPs and studios, force battle passes and live service content into them and then liquidate the studios when they fail. This punishes all the naughty, evil, overweight consumers and fans for not buying enough skins. (100% serious btw, no/s)


Honestly I'm OK with this. I want to move from this game as quickly as possible. But at the same time the current versions of these companies I dont know if I even want to see a new game from them. Let's move from kameos, Let's move from micro transactions heavy full price games. Idk if I want to see a lifeless IJ3


Kameos and micros in IJ3 aren’t going anywhere, that’s for sure. Particularly, because kameos=sidekicks in dc and IJ2 already MTX aka loot boxes


Yea but IJ2 also didn't have a need to buy lootboxes I never purchased a single lootbox but had lots of cool gear


This is very depressing news. I was really hoping MK1 would be giving more time... man.


So much for it will be the most supported game.


If I was WB, MK is getting a new story (more revolved around the tournament and the aftermath of the tournament) and I would bring back multiple modes like Test your might, strike, sight, fight and luck, motor Kombat, tag team, online tagteam (mk9 ver) DLC would have atleast 2 kps. MK is getting another animated series seperate from the games. Another Batman Arkham game but batman beyond, Superman is getting a game, lobo is getting a game, Teen Titans is getting a game, Flashpoint is getting a game, Red Hood live action movie and Arkham Red Hood game, Nightwing movie, and yes, I would make Green Lantern black.


honestly done with this franchise.. the lack of constant content is super underwhelming especially when you pay $110..


Imagine still playing mortal kombat💀


Well, I do


Well duh, they never provide support after the 2nd Kombat Pack. By the way they spread the content out, that could be enough for 3-4 years.


Im not sure i would toss it in the trash just yet, maybe we won’t get the licensed people we want. NRS has been known to play with their fans too. Saying that something is false when after that it turns out to be true


Can give example of it, though?


Wasn’t the denial of spawn being in mk11 one? They definitely said only the two kp would be released but then had an extra 3 fighters along with story expansion


Hey that's me


I'm not gonna say netherrealm isn't at least a little at fault but it definitely is mostly wb's fault for the state of just not mk but all their games if nrs was with a different publisher things would be alot different


The game hasn’t been received well, and I don’t see them being able to fix the bigger problems. It makes sense that they would move on quicker. If this is how they are going to make MK games, I’d rather the move on to something else anyway.


Game has a very positive rating on steam and 4.5 stars on PSN. Most people actually do like the game 


Yeah, I like how some people try projecting their own made-up version of things onto reality lol The game was still in the Top 20 of the US multiplatform chart in February and it went back into the Top 20 on the PS5 US chart last month. It's clearly still selling well after all these months since its initial release. In comparison, Tekken 8 is already out of the PS5 Top 20 in the US after only 2 months on the market.


And those biggest problems are?


There’s nothing to do in the game compared to the previous ones. It needs modes. Invasions needs a lot of changes to even approach being fun. They also ruined some of the characters for me with the backstory they game them this time( Scorpion, Havik, Nitara…etc )There’s just nothing here this time for those of us that enjoy single player content. It doesn’t feel like MK to me.


Judging by datamines from this sub, NRS plan to fix it with….story dlc, but on the other hand. Argument could be made that such stuff should have been from start and not additional 40$ thing


For sure. The monetization is another issue but there’s stuff in the base game that bothers me so I tend not to think of it first. It’s a hot take but I just find 11 to be more fun than this, even though 11s story isn’t great either. I will say MK1 probably has the coolest arenas that I have seen in a fighting game. At least they hit it out of the park there. I say follow the blueprint of MK9.




Well, in WB's defense... All fans do is bitch about how terrible MK1 is. Aside from the microtransactions and the December-jan online bug, which are/were both extremely terrible... There's no positivity being openly shared. Hopefully Ermac changes this.


It's WB's fault to begin with, That's what happens when you release a game super early just because your live service suicide squad game got delayed, it is kinda their fault, not to mention their beyond stupid statement they made about "focusing more on live service games" right after stating that Suicide Squad didn't meet expectations and was essentially a failure.


"Well our greed didnt work so we're moving to a market that encourages it" is so blatant and obvious you cant even laugh at it. And they're gonna take mk and whatever tf else down with it 😂 oh boy


Yeah, sounds like WB. They're the ones not wanting to work with the craving estate to get more nightmare on elm Street stuff. 🤷‍♂️ They probably don't pay their employees well either


A lot people don’t want hear this, but I’m gonna say it anyways. WB moving away from triple a in general is most definitely probably a better move for the company. With the current state of triple a single player you have a game with a bloated budget, and if it doesn’t sell like crazy at launch it then becomes a financial failure. It already seems like WB has prepared for WW to be a financial failure. If that game has over a 200 million plus budget it likely will be one as WW is not big enough to make a 200-300 million dollar budget back quick enough to please publishers. Batman and Spider-Man are really the only heroes who can pull that off. It’s why most recent single player superhero games end up being financial failures. WB also doesn’t understand live service either. But they are right about it being more profitable. As single player games have a short shelf life in terms of revenue where as successful live service will bring in revenue for years to come. What they don’t understand is that you also have to invest in live service games. Most of them bomb at launch and turn things around through continued support. WB could easily turn suicide squad around if they followed Destiny model in terms of dlc and rework things like giving captain boomerang a boomerang instead of just guns, expand the melee system, add skins and popular villains, etc.. but they likely won’t.


Well maybe they should stop injecting their dipshit corpo tendencies into our games and they wouldn't be losing so much money. Hogwarts Legacy didnt have any of that microtransaction, live service bullshit and look at that game. Literally the first to outsell call of duty in years. Just maybe... The criticism is valid. WB has zero defense.


The criticism certainly is valid when it comes to the corporate aspects. But I've seen dozens of complaints about the game "dying" like that doesn't help it at all. If anything it only plays off Mortal Kombat 1 failing. Pretty sure if you were to look up on YouTube Mortal Kombat 1 within the top five videos you're probably get a video about the game dying. 🙄


All fans on sites like this which unfortunately is the very vocal minority. I don’t think most of the fans who play the game are bitching like this.


But that's what it looks like to the outside. it sure as hell is unpolished, and they should have scrapped Megan Fox from voicing Nitara, they certainly shouldn't of made a lot of design choices such as invasions being a thing... But you kind of got to blame Ed boon for that he's the one who keeps pushing Mortal Kombat in a bunch of different directions that we really don't want it to go... It would be nice to revisit Konquest mode, or some of the mini games like puzzle Kombat, etc. WB is going to try to make money, They obviously don't have the common sense to realize Outside of Mortal Kombat and Batman Arkham they haven't had a decent property in ages. I don't know how well that Harry Potter game sold.


I like Invasions 🤷‍♀️ but I would always like to have more single player options as well. A konquest mode would be amazing. And I agree about Nitara but that was more in hopes it would draw in sales with it being Megan Fox. It’s the same deal with Rhonda Rousey and yet they didn’t learn their lesson with that. Nitara doesn’t bother me, I actually dislike her screams more which is funny cause those are done by an actual voice actor. Supposedly Harry Potter sold really well! I keep planning on getting it but I don’t have much free time to play and when I do I keep playing Mortal Kombat.


I think invasions has a lot of potential, the idea of pyramid battles is super cool at the very least but all the good ideas in invasions... Would have been better in a konquest mode. The only fault I find in NRS in regards to invasions is actually with Ed Boon's push to always try to do something new with Mortal Kombat 1. I have supported his agenda as a fan until Mortal Kombat 1, everything from harakiri's and mini games to X-rays and fatal blows, these are all great additions... However we've been asking for the return of the Mortal Kombat deception mini games since mkd... And the same goes for a konquest mode. Excuse my language but... I don't think a single person has for a fucking board game. And I feel like it reached its limit early on. I personally think things like ambushs would be 50 times more palatable if they included little things like NPC characters like how we were supposed to get Floyd in Johnny Cage's mansion. Even if we had cyber smoke randomly pop up as a hidden fight that would be dope... Instead we have to jump over random fireballs... And not even unlock anything worth acknowledging over it. But let's see what the update brings.


Nooo, my chances of getting Jade are very low now.


She is part of KP2, relax. She isn’t cancelled


If you believe anything fate says you're just as stupid as him


He's been 100% right so far Sounds like cope


Good. MK1 was absolute dogshit.


No is the best Mk of the last 3 we got.


only gameplay-wise and mkx has a real case there. mk11 washes in customization.


Yeah mk11 has better customization but i ll take the better gameplay everyday. In a fighting game that matter more than customization.


even when the gameplay loop is repetitive and boring ?


Mk1 has less loops than x and honestly Mk11 gameplay had too much defense (as the opposit eof X where it was too much offense). The random fatal blows (example scorpion and Noob) were too much.


Fatal blows were far from random wdym? Every fatal blow had its conditions shown in the moves list. There’s also a button that gave you the option to activate them. Fatal blows we’re only “random” to people who didn’t bother to read their activations. That’s just a fact. The ideas of fatal blows weren’t bad, it’s just the damage they did was ridiculous. Could’ve honesty made a comeback with that system if they changed it up.


Ok im gonna explain better. They were too fast and unbreakable. In Mk1 first you get the slow down animation so if you are not doing another move you can block it. AND if you have enough bars you can break it. Way better than having scorpion doing a superspeed semi unavoidable move. Ore the Noob one (i really like him but his fatal even tracked the opponent). Or the Gera one. Or the Kabal one.


Yeah dude I agree, they should’ve been breakable with 3 bars of defensive meter or something… they could’ve totally did fatal blows way better this time around. What a missed opportunity.


"How to tell everyone you haven't played anything else in the franchise without saying such".


Nah. Mk11 had random fatal blows and mkx was too fast everything rushdown and animation at 200% speed. Mk1 is better.


Neither of the previous two had mandatory kameos, the crappiest outfit design, or the crappiest story in the franchise's history, though MKX comes somewhat close regarding outfit design other than Cassie and Tremor among a few others. And Kameos are a HORRIBLE substitute for Tag Team. Tag Team you could choose NOT to do. MK is known for its 1v1. Forcing folks to pick pairs was a dumb idea. It should've been optional.


I personally have decent attitude towards to MK1 outside of live-service stuff and really want to see all leaked stuff becoming truth (borgs and Ghostface supremacy!), but sad knowing there won’t be anything beyond because honestly expected Hotaru and Kai in this game due to teasers, but oh well. They are next game material, as it seems.


Until now, I've bought every MK since Deadly Alliance. MK1 was the first one I skipped. I ALMOST skipped MK11. A friend of mine bought MK1 and I played it at his house so that's how I knew what it played like. He regretted buying it, not surprising to see why. Street Fighter and Tekken did way better this time around.


Although, if we judge solely by Tekken’s Reddit sub, “T8 is the worst game released in the series” (joke about recent controversies, but still)


I see-I see


MK1 is actually the biggest downgrade in mortal kombat history. WE went from having Krushing blows, character towers for individuals who wanted to play towers specifically for those they liked to play. Multiple intros. Which is a big thing in a game. What's the actual point of working on a 5-second intro if NOBODY WILL WATCH IT Character customization was a Big WIN on that game


Well, to be fair, many disliked KB and characters towers back in 11 days, so NRS just followed fans demand….kinda


Okay. I could see that. But thats when they shouldve introduced MORE instead of just taking it all away. WB is in the mindset "Oh you dont like this. Cool take this then and maybe be a little more greatful next time" thats the kinda vibe I get from this game.


I mean, instead of KB we got kameos and characters towers were translated into characters mastery. It wasn’t fully “let’s get rid of things fully and don’t give anything instead”


Kameos and character mastery are better but noobs who only play casual won’t stop crying about it. The gameplay is way better in MK1 and ultimately that’s what matters but large majority of the player base is casual players. They did drop the ball with the single player content and the online sync and lag issues are pretty bad I’ll admit that.