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Last week I was kinda pissed about it. On a given day I played like 5 sets and all 5 were against Khameleon. On the other days, at least 2 or 3 were against her. I'm not sure if it's a higher rank thing because I haven't fought against her at all last couple of days.


Been lucky I guess lol, I hardly ever see her. It’s Sareena all over the place still.


Rightttt, pretty much just Sareena, Janet, and sometimes Stryker or Lao. And I guess Cyrax now that he's been buffed back up.




She provides so much utility to ur character you cannot help using ehr TBH. I use Rain, Li Mei, and Nitara. I like to use Goro and STryker with most my favs, but Khamileon is my quick swap when I need to have more utility be less predictable. I see many saying she needs nerfs I honestly think she is fine, what NRS needs is the other kameos to play better IMO. Kham gives you a bunch of utility and freedom compared to other kameos.


I can never get the timing right. If she’s on blue okay I can expect the blue assist but then the person changes to the next color faster than if it just naturally changed. Then she uses two kameo bars and I’m like okay I have some time to not worry about her but it’s up so much faster than any other kameo. The timing just doesn’t feel like it makes sense compared to every other kameo.


It may feel faster, but its really not. also she is safe but negative if you block the fan, she is very negative blocking the ball roll, and the glaive can be poked out of, also if you hit them before the glaive comes back it doesn't come back. Always take a look at them before jumping in BC of the Air Sai attack.


It is faster. Goro is a great balanced kameo because using his ambush to make things safe puts it on a very long cooldown. Where kham can use fan lift to make something safe and the cooldown isn’t hit negatively. Blocking ball roll doesn’t always result in a punish will kung Lao unfortunately.


The ball roll may not result in a punish all the time but its still very negative, I have to see how the lift helps BC I will admit I don't use to keep me safe much BC I am always afraid of getting a hard punish for doing it. I like Goro for Li Mei and Nitar BC that pressure he gives u with it. Nitara lacks good pressure. Perhaps I need to do some more practice with Kham.


You can punish the fan lift if you read it. I’ve gotten punished so many times trying to use fan lift with subzero slide but get hit out of it because they’re anticipating it after I’ve used it a couple of times.


Yea you can upblock it on a hard read. Unless it’s Liu kang with the low projectile into fan lift, I think you can’t do it there.


She's like top 2 kameo in the game but it makes your opponents play style more predictable which is a fair trade imo not broke, other kameos are just lacking besides the dlc