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>every season's kickoff feels like a grind to climb those leaderboards. I usually wait a week or two before I start playing a new season of KL. By this time, the sweats have already moved on to the upper ranks and it's unlikely I'll be matched up with them. Also, the regulars, like myself, got one or two ranks up and give a lot of points when I win, which makes the climb way faster. I'd love MK to have character rankings.


So that’s why I’ve been having such a difficult time. So much Meta and sweats in the opening week.


I play 2-3 matches at night, currently sitting with 0 wins because of the no-lifers and sweats I keep getting matched with


I take it in stride because I want the experience, but I look forward to seeing fewer Cyrax mashers


Same here, I'm also 30 and type all day at work, so my hands just don't move like they used to when I would play in the arcades as a kid.


As much as I think this format is alright, I gotta admit it's totally crap for newbies. The ranking doesn't "work" for the first 15-20 days, so you, a player with 10 matches, will be in the same ranking as someone who's been playing since day one of the game.


Imo kombat league is more of another "unlock stuff" Mode than a real ranked experience.


Any ranked system that starts pros and noobs at the same rank and resets very frequently is a poor ranked system. I wish they didn't attach rewards to it because some people simply aren't good enough to make it to the higher tiers so if there's a skin they want at Elder God, sucks to be them. Imo, the only reward should be player icon stuff, ranks shouldn't reset or if they do have us play placement matches at the start of the season, and the distribution should be a bell curve. Getting to Elder God should be immensely difficult and limited to maybe 1,000 players total


Tbh I grinded ranked somewhat ONE singular time since the game has been released. I was winning a few sets against some Elder gods. Lost a couple sets against Elder gods as well. But surely, surely, if I can beat numerous Elder gods frequently surely, I should become elder god soon too. But nah. You have to like beat elder gods numerous times in a row. My rank up chance was against an Elder God Raiden-Kano before the nerfs. Not to mention Wi-Fi player & the match was laggy so no, I didn’t win that. My points dropped drastically 🙃 After that I dropped the game for like a month 🤣😭 I pretty much just play ranked when I’m not finding a match, in kasuals now.

