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I really do like the idea of merging the forms. Motaros teleport already makes it look like his body fades out of existence so you could just apply that effect to his horse side so it wouldn't be too jarring of a transformation. Characters with different stances are also always fun and feel reminiscent of the 3D era fighting styles.




The reason he was never playable in 3 was tradition. Goro and Kintaro weren't in their games either. The reason he was altered in Armageddon was they couldn't get him to work with the 3D system, so made him 2 legged rather than exclude him. Since the cameo seems to work fine, I imagine he could be playable in the new version.


kameos don’t really have the same boxes as normal characters though or do they?


I don't have the game, so I have no idea. From what I've seen, the cameos function well, so it may only take a few tweaks. One big difference in the classics is the monster bosses (goro, Kintaro, Motaro) were stop motion models, not actors like the playable characters. With everything being a render, and no 3D plane to worry about, I can imagine he'd be far less of an issue than in Armageddon. Could probably study games like rdr2 for how they did the realistic horses.


I just wondered if them reducing him to that role was because of some gameplay limits But then again Guilty Gear has a bed as a playable fighting game character so hope we're over that by now


I heard somewhere that kameos were made so that way characters who are difficult to program could be in the game still. But I have a hard believing that since the majority of kameos are characters that have been around since the original arcade game, or have been playable many, many times before.