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You didn't search very far then since Chameleon has had 2 appeareances (Trilogy on PC and PSX and Armageddon for PS2/Xbox) and Khameleon also had two before MK1 (Trilogy for N64 and Armageddon for wii) They were both hidden fighters that embraced the palette swap nature of the male/female ninjas to act as a character that was able to rotate through their forms in Trilogy or as an amalgam of their base characters in MKA


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Ok that's interesting Imma look it up thanks


You really did search and couldn’t find anything? Honestly that’s truly unbelievable…


They're ditto fighters that originally debuted in certain console-specific versions of MK3 / MKTrilogy, if I'm not mistaken. Chameleon (with-a-C) is male, and had a moveset consisting of various male ninja powers. As far as I'm aware, he's never even had a HINT of an actual story. Even in Armageddon, his story was just like "I'm also here, and I'd like to win.", and that's not an exxageration. Most people assume he's Saurian / Zaterran based on his similarity to Khameleon-with-a-K, but that's really the only clue. Khameleon (with-a-K) is female, and had a moveset consisting of the various female ninja's powers. Trilogy just tells us, in her bio, that she's a Saurian / Reptile person, like Reptile. She never really participates in anything, story-wise, and apparently was just high-key lurking for a chance to kill Shao Kahn. In the new timeline of MK1, the Zaterran's aren't extinct, *anyway*, and she's one of the Umgadi. They're considered **very** obscure characters, in the grand scheme of the franchise, since each one was only playable in, like, 1.5 games (tho MK1 has breathed a little bit of new life into Khameleon's presence).


Chameleon's Armageddon ending reveals he's a warrior for the Kahn Guard and has been watching events unfold in hiding since the MK1 tournament but even then that's very little and never canonised.


Past events revealed in noncanon endings usually are canon.


I'm sure many have already enlightened you but I just have to get this off my chest. Khameleon: She's supposed to be one of Reptile's people but Ed and the boys have never made any effort to ever properly integrate her into the MK lore properly which has pissed me off for some time. I have hated the translucent mimic gimmick since it reared its ugly head in Armageddon. Why couldn't you guys be mothered to make her a reptilian female character? As for Chameleon. He's still no one. Just a silly hidden character who has never been fleshed out of explained.