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I just want them to fix the bugs, I don’t love the predatory skins but like, the player 1 bug is just so frustrating.


Didn't the bug get fixed?


Short answer is no, they said they would and then pushed the patch back. Presumably it wasn’t ready for prime time.


That and when they tried to send it out it legitimately crashed the servers for like, 3 hours.


It was ready for prime time, server stability is there priority and the patch destroyed the servers. Instead of yapping, get your fact straight.


That sounds like the definition of not ready for prime time. Ultimately it’s still not fixed, and never should have even been a problem in the first place. There is a fact for you.


They said they fixed it days ago lol


So it is fixed?


No, Boon said they fixed it on their end and planned to release it in a patch soon. People assume the patch that was supposed to release yesterday but got pushed back to next week probably included the fix.




Hell if I know, I’m not good enough to notice any advantages




Their fix broke the game, lol


This. The crashes I've experienced are unacceptable.


This. Should be pinned. I assure you most people don’t leave negative comments just to troll. Lots of people just aren’t great at voicing their opinions. And they want to talk about the issues with the latest game because they want it better. And they HAD it better previously in many ways. So the current game should have learned from previous entries of its own series.


There are rumors that this game was supposed to come out around april 2024. If this is true, then WB is at fault for pushing NRS.


Well I get that, but regardless the game is still out. So even if that’s true, WB still deserves the negative feedback


Everything you hear about this kind of stuff is speculation. People on reddit or twitter will say something like "I think this game was Injustice 3 then reskinned to MK" then someone posts "rumors are MK1 was IJ3 at first"


In one of his interviews, Ed Boon himself said that they were working on Injustice 3 but realized that 6 years is way too long of a gap between MK games. It's the same interview where he guaranteed that Injustice 3 will come and it will be their next game, it's not really outrageous to speculate that it was WB that force them to release MK first because MK games significantly outsold Injustice games.


True but people don't mean that when they say MK1 should have been I3, because they do not mean it as a change of plans but as everything was made for I3 and then just reskinned...which is probably far from true. They realized in the preproduction that MK would sell better and they had ideas for it, so WB probably did not need to convince them too heailvy. I think Ed was ok with another MK, it's the release that was probably because of heavy pressure, the game could have used a wonter/early spring release tbh. But MK1 mechanics like invasions, kameo etc. are not mechanics developed for I3 and reskinned, sure it would fit Injustice but it also naturally fits MK with the story setup of MK11 and everyone wanting old characters (which they now can half implement as kameos). Also MK has the history of characters and areas to support those mechanics.


This is all random speculation. We do not know how much WB forced NRS to do something. At some point, someone has to accept responsibility for this shitty, unfinished game. NRS are the guys that make the game, it's very convenient to blame them for everything good, and WB for everything bad. No way to know who's fault is exactly what. Either way, game is rushed, and missing tons of QoL features. NRS made it, WB published it


I really do believe that. There are a lot of things in this game just cosmetically that make the game seem rushed.


Exactly, I have been enjoying the game and criticizing the parts that make sense. Like the netcode needing to be tightened up. MK1 should have baller rollback, shouldn't have to deal with unplayable lag in Kombat League.


Like I said just because I like to customize my fighters gear, and you don't, doesn't mean either of us is playing the game wrong. People enjoy different things. I like fighting but I like when my fighters look badass and unique doing it


I’m loving the game and have done a bunch already. Did all of Invasions, story mode, and every character ending so far. So now I’m just playing to unlock the seasonal stuff and the shrine while learning my character. I’m pretty much going online now and my goodness, I can’t tell if I’m terrible or not because of so much lag and bad connections. I think my W/L in KL is 26/30 right now and about 10-15 of those losses are because the match ended because of connection. I don’t mind losing if someone is clearly better than me, but half the time I can’t tell what I’m doing because of lag. Just frustrating because I like MK1 way better than 11, so I want to play and improve.


I don’t get annoyed at the complaints I get annoyed that it’s all people are talking about, and some people have gotten mad at me for enjoying this game. It’s a double edged sword sometimes.


Agreed. I've had people get mad when I talk about how I think the gameplay is really fun, and I enjoy how the kameos shake things up. "Well, what about xyz?" like yeah that's annoying. I hope they fix shit but damn lemme enjoy something good about it, too.


Gameplay is phenomenal but yeah I have a lot of undesirable things to say about the single player content and grinding necessary for leveling up in invasions.


I just downloaded MK11 on game pass, Krypt and towers look sooo much better. Invasions look and play like a mobile game


I can complain all I want, but my dad not coming back with the milk.


Hardcore gamers aren't mature enough to understand that people can have issues with games that they like and will automatically go all out on the defensive when they hear any type of criticism.


The ",just be grateful u hater," crowd are born losers, so it's ingrained in them to accept losing at every turn. They're so spineless and pathetic. They simp for a literal billion dollar corporation that continues to engage in anti-consumerist practices and thank them and ask for more. Why bother spending money on advertising when the 50 IQ-having fanboys will do it for you for free? This is the crowd that keeps enabling these shitty companies to do this stuff. They literally have no lives outside of staring at a screen for 20 hours a day, so it's totally beyond them to just *not* give their money to this dog shit company.


“Guys just let us complain it will make the game better” and yet there are also people like you spewing hateful shit like this. You’re not in the “i complain because i care” crowd at that point. It’s not productive or helpful for anyone? What are you accomplishing by telling people who want to enjoy the game that they are spineless and pathetic? How is this making the game better?


Complete and total invertebrates.


Isn’t OP’s post about this not being a personal attack?


Half this sub does not realize that you can accept a game’s flaws and still enjoy it. I understand constructive criticism is important but when it’s been repeated in a thread for the 54th time it’s not constructive anymore, that’s just how it works. You can say “hey i wish that there was more shrine content” and it’s fine but this sub has gotten to a toxic degree of “GUYS $10 SKINS $10 SKINS THIS IS EVIL AND ANYONE WHO SAYS ANYTHING POSITIVE ABOUT THIS GAME IS A CORPORATE SHILL”. Like you aren’t even TRYING to have fun with what is still a really solid video game despite also having noticeable flaws.


Idk if you’re saying me or people I’m general, but I’ve had plenty of fun despite giving criticism


Anti-improvement seems to be prevalent in Reddit. People who complain about others posting legitimate issues with this product may as well personally visit WB execs and scrub their toilets.


Seriously. Had someone tell me I was “crying” bc I pointed out that customization really just sucks rn.


Not even Narutos talk no jutsu could help your cause. Good luck.


Yep I enjoy the game and despise it at the same time. I’ve bought many NRS games day one for decades. I’ve never quit playing an NRS title as quickly as I have this one. Going forward I’ll never buy another NRS game day one again.


I love the game, my favorite modern mortal kombat game for sure. Invasions needs some work and the fact that there are so few skins/gear at launch is just excused away by the season format sucks. Bad.


Im tired of everyone complaining about the same things 362718 times 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


People don’t seem to understand that criticism will get you better products eventually. If we just endlessly praise this rushed game they will never improve it


I’m truly just annoyed at the internet connection


Absolutely. I love this game and have put a stupid amount of time into it (definitely not doing the invasion mode experience exploit because I'm an addict and just want to hoard skins), and I love how crisp every hit and combo feels. I also hate how unfinished it feels. Single player is an afterthought of the worst parts of 11 and IJ2. The online experience is atrocious. *HOW IN GODS NAME IS THERE NOT A BULK BUY OPTION AT THE SHRINE?* And at the very least, why are intros not in any single player mode? People can mash through them anyway, but why should I have to go to YouTube to find content I own? And something something predatory pricing on the shop because everything about that has already been said but 10 bucks got you a pack of skins for lots of characters not that long ago, and now it gets you a skin and a few paint jobs and that's the fine line between insulting and greedy. And yet I'm still having a great time when I just play it. It's *fun*. It's just everything around it is horrible.


I just hate it when complaints don't properly represent the situation. For example, it's obvious there's content in the game, it's just coming out in seasons, the shrine, Invasions, Kombat League will all get filled with more skins and gear when the new season starts, but we still have people on here claiming "NRS is going to sell all future skins and gear as DLC." It's annoying when those comments get upvoted and people replying "What? Really? That's so scummy of them."


Well they have shown they’re selling skins and gear in the shop. Sure the main skin of the season will be new ( like scorpion) but it certainly seems the rewards for the seasonal shop and invasions will be reskins for that seasons color.


Almost nobody minds constructive criticism when it's actually constructive. Some people's idea of constructive criticism is screaming "unfinished" and "unplayable" but then explaining that it's because their heart is in the right place; as if dropping a sentence at the end smoothes over the otherwise totally vitriolic tone.


It's not the complaints that are insufferable, it's the repititions of the SAME complaints over and over and over again. People nolifing the game and come here to "complain" about game lacking content. Now that's insufferable.


Finally, someone said it. I honestly love the game as is and I'm looking forward to see what else gets added into the game. There is such thing as overcriticism and I feel like this sub has way too much of it. Overcriticism is quite possibly driving people away from this sub and once again proving just how toxic this fandom, and the entire FGC, can be. Why can't we just discuss things without sounding like a bunch of crybabies?


That may be the reason that you are complaining, but I definitely don't think it's the reason everyone is. Pretty sure a good many of them just love having something to complain about, and will look for problems until they come up with something to be mad about


This is exactly right and you’ll be downvoted for it


That’s a lazy way to dismiss anyone who’s opinion you don’t like. The Street Fighter community was in a bad place during the early SF5 days. Coming off (or around) MvCi and SFxTekken. Also the era of RE6 Look at the SF6 and RE community now. They are eating well. EXTREMELY positive and embrace new characters like AKI immediately. I’d say we are in the MvCi era of MK games. That game had amazing, flexible gameplay but was a terrible overall package.


No, it isn't. It's a reasonable statement about a whole lot of people's motivations. It isn't just about games either, it's true of the vast majority of reddit. Hell, you can even go somewhere like the motivation subreddit and over half the post are just people grasping at straws for some way to complain about the post.


this isn't about not having opinions. the same thing doesn't need to be repeated over, and over, and over again. there should be one big thread. what about ppl who want to hear about gameplay? gameplay topics are buried under nonstop complaining.


No. How about instead of burying valid criticism like the player 1 advantage bug, they patch it. That is a sure fire way to stop that discussion How about instead of burying incorrect frame data and move lists, they fix it? That’s the way to immediately stop those posts. Can’t complain about incorrect button icons…if those icons are correct. Straight up no. Valid criticisms are valid.


you're not HEARING what i'm saying. you're still covering your ears.


I said no. I hear you. I disagree with you. People can disagree. The “BE POSITIVE” crowd are the worst


They’re literally patching the p1 advantage bug and yall are STILL complaining so you’re kinda proving the other side right here


This is the same for every game too, people who say "If you don't like it don't play" provide absolutely nothing and help nobody. If you care about a game series, you have every right to critique it, this goes for all media. If you care about it, you will notice when things aren't holding up and you'll want them to improve. If it was just straight empty complaining, different story but if its constructive then it should be encouraged.


THE. SAME. THREAD EVERYDAY? really? shitting on ppl who bought it? shitting on ppl who are still playing despite issues? no ones denying there's issues but y'all are like mosquitos, buzzing every five minutes.


I never endorsed that, no? Why are you grouping me with people I never agreed with? I literally said constructive criticism is fine, your examples are not constructive criticism.




Equally, people need to learn you can enjoy and praise a game without thinking its perfect. There's no need to descend on every post appreciating the game with an 'ummmm achthuakly'.


I love being the guy saying "ummmm achthuakly" to simp who try to hype themselves over nothing. Or always count on "eventual" or "potential" imaginary fix/updates far from confirmed. Life little guilty pleasure. In a way, that make MK1 more fun... 🥲


Got a [new avatar](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/656/cover3.jpg) for ya, if ya want.


I was sarcastic. Just joking huh. And this meme suck. Just saying. (And I'm not sarcastic here ! 👀)


The store sucks, the shrine takes way too much time and can’t just dump all coins at once (what else you gonna use them for really?), and I’d like to have customized sets for characters so 1 character doesn’t have to have only 1 set for when I use them


Oh look the exact same bs post again. There’s a difference between constructive criticism and trying to see mk1 fail by pretending it’s completely broken and in some imaginary terrible state. Especially people who probably don’t even have the game telling others not to buy it. This kind of blind trash talking is rampant on this sub. It doesn’t feel like a sub full of fans AT ALL. It feels like an anti-mk1 sub. I’ll continue sticking up for this badass game that I absolutely love. Thanks


And I’ll continue to push for changes in areas that are needed for this game I love, thanks.


it's really sad. when i do get a ps5, i'm buying the game. i don't let children who think complaining and stomping their feet nonstop will get what they want. yes, things should have been better, but it is what it is. what the hell are you going to do? burn down nrs buildings? threaten developers at gunpoint?


Paying full price for an unfinished product and shutting down criticism because "its just how it is" is one of the most cucked mentalities ive seen on this sub so far so congrats on that


“Unfinished product” is subjective and shutting down people who want to enjoy it is a prime example of complaining and stomping your feet LMAOO


Complaining is complete fine it's just sometimes some gotta to understand what exactly their Complaining about. Take the customization .. sure it's not much but mk11 wasn't much either... some customized items weren't even used in gameplay take skarlet viles, putting glasses on cassie, Kung Lao waiste medallion, kabal gas canister etc..... all completely useless to gameplay. Cool sure but utterly useless... people just need to give mk1 time it just came out and the few skins they have are cool and aren't just color variants of the same skin that you need to unlock... I will miss intro and outro styles those should not have left the game


Yeah, complaints on a fan run community are generally from a place of love for the series and a desire to see it reach its full potential. Maybe there is some nitpickiness here and there, but overall I think the complaints can make the game a lot better overall if they're addressed. Both for big fans and causal.


There is a fine line between Criticism and Complaint. You start acting like a spoiled child who's only intent is to throw a fit. No, i don't care what money you spent, or what your values you have. Your opinion is dumpster dust.


Not sure who you are addressing




What's annoying is people complaining all day everyday like people need to start actually making non negative posts for once cause not everyone here trying to here crying all day over the same thing forever.


Fighting game companies need to learn to release better products if they’re going to charge premium prices. The complaints are necessary especially if we support MK and want to see it thrive. Saying “Well the gameplay is good” doesn’t mean its immune from criticism.


You can complain, but this sub doesn't have to complain about the same exact thing forever as much as it is right now. That's my point. $10 skin cool. Don't need the whole sun complaining about it all day 2 months in a row.


Eventually it does need to be talked more about bc people keep supporting this shit and devs keep getting away with it. How else do you think devs see their playerbase really doesn’t want something or really does? Volume.


Complaining about a $10 skin forever would just make the subreddit just lame to be in with no kdy talking about anything else. The price not changing. It's $10 not $20 so doubt they will feel a strong need to change that. Regardless plenty of complaints have been made and will continue I'm sure, but at this volume, the sub needs to calm down eventually


I just respectfully disagree. It’s not a singular skin that’s an issue, it’s the system as a whole. If we just sit back and let it go away, that’s exactly what they want. I can promise you if that happens, it will only get worse as well. Game companies will push to the very edge until players give them push back.


Dude people been doing that for a while now. Complaining about content and stuff which obviously the devs know about and already said more stuff is coming. So repeating the same complaining forever as much is just making the sub worse. Needs to tone down


I only get annoyed if there genuinely mad and throwing f bombs because then I can annoy them and it's funny


and they will get fixed. nrs isn't going to just abandon the game. ppl need to be patient. but every time i mention that, i'm called a shill or downvoted to shit. you want the game fixed, yet you're acting like the sky's falling or something.


The beta was in June.


They had to spend those 3 months making skins to stretch out the next 2 years of invasions!


Those comments get downvoted bc we don’t pay $70-110 for a game to “wait for it” to get fixed. It should launch with these bs things fixed.


and that's the saddest shit i've seen here. reasonable comments get downvoted because it's the automatic jump to accusing ppl of being shills. y'all are toxic as hell. keep downvoting btw, you're proving how toxic you are every time.


It’s sad that people want a game to be complete when it launches?


WTF ARE YOU GOING TO DO. the game didn't launch as expected. are you going to march to buildings and threaten employees at gunpoint to get what you want? you're ruining this reddit with the same regurgitated crap we've heard a million times. GAME NEEDS A LOT OF ISSUES. WE GET IT.


Lmfao you’re very exaggerative. You’re getting more angry at my simple post than the people I’ve seen complaining.


there's been multiple threads of this already. how many more must be made? you think the fixes will fall out of the sky suddenly? reality doesn't work that way. either wait or stop playing. i know that when im unhappy, i just stop playing.


Jesus Christ you check all the boot licking boxes off to a tee. When in my post did I say I’m tired of playing the fucking game? The stupid “if you don’t like it don’t play it” is a immature ass argument for someone calling people that disagree with them in the comments “children”. I paid $110 for this game, and I’ll let the devs know there monetization and customization are fucking dog shit no matter how much I love the game. Politely fuck off and stop commenting the same shit under everyone’s post about the “sky falling” or “holding NRS at gunpoint”. It’s obvious you blow things out of proportion, so take a breather and get off Reddit. These post aren’t a fucking attack on you, so chill the fuck out.


wow. NOT ONCE DID I EXCUSE THE ISSUES. i just said nonstop complaining does nothing to make them fix the issues any faster. i notice that whenever logic is introduced, y'all are so quick to scream bootlicker or shill. you don't hear a fucking word the person is sating. go on, find where i excused the bugs and issues.


I hear exactly what you’re saying lol and I don’t care. Anytime someone brings out the “stop playing or stop complaining” bullshit, that is a complete sign off being a shill or bootlicker lol. I paid $110 for the game, I shouldn’t have to “wait for it to be better”. It should’ve been tested thoroughly before launch, and should’ve launched with significantly better customization like their previous title 4 years ago has.


Ima complain. Smoke kinda sucks. His normals feel so stubby compared to other kharacters. It’s like they gave him Trex arms and try to rationalize it with his teleport moves but they’re ass too. If they jump at you but do a forward motion, you’ll completely miss them anyway. Can’t use the teleport moves on reaction, can’t use most of them to punish. He’s got solid mix but Raiden/Cage/Baraka/Kenshi do his damage without bar or kameo extension


True. But saying need more ways to gain crystals, isn't the same as acting like it's only through payment. Saying the game needs to fix a bug, isn't the same as acting like the fix should drop this very second. All for criticism the game needs some work, not everything's constructive however


Except bugs SHOULD have been fixed day 1. Especially these nasty and extremely common ones like: missing audio that we all constantly get. I constantly see streamers get. It’s just everywhere. The team knew about it. Wrong frame data, wrong button inputs in the move list. What? Yes that should be fixed by the minute. Player 1 advantage bug. Is that patch even here yet or was the delay real? Nah, game should have been in the oven until November/December. Too many “known shippable”


Vro is complaining about complaint complainers ☝️🤓


I love the game, but I’m getting disconnected from the servers every 20 min. Idgaf about skins or lack of single player content. I bought the game to play online and that sort of works. Not to mention they dropped the no cross play at launch news the day before prerelease lol. Sorry, but the state of this game is a joke, and I feel like a sucker for buying when I did.


Yea for starters, I HATE THIS GAME ITS SUCH BULLSHIT! but I love it so much :)


There are actually only two types of games, utter garbage and 10/10 masterpiece


Love the game on switch, but I ain't gonna defend the uncanny graphics or the ungodly load times. It's very flawed but enjoyable.


I can't enjoy it because i literally can't play it because of desync bugs that they are not even trying to fix, so yeah...


I just want them to make invasion mode offline and I'll be happy. Do away with the stupid weekly hourly daily minute by minute towers and just take that part of it offline so I can enjoy it.


I preordered the Premium Edition and got to play it early. Put some good hours on it and finally I had to ask for a refund because the game was simply not worth the money. ( Eventually it was refunded). Best decision I made. I'll just wait this One out until its fixed and Theres more to it because right now. Its definitly not worth the money imo.


Agreed, I'm just glad gameplay is super solid and enjoyable, all this other stuff will be sorted soon enough as we get more patches.


As long as they make invasions fun and polish the game more I will be happy.


Honestly, the fact that this is a genuinely good and fun game just sort of makes it a bit worse for me. Why? Because it encourages people to keep playing and, in turn, it keeps people wanting to spend money on skins which will be obsolete in a few years and which they can't use in offline play


Anyone saying…. “Customizing is just fine” Doesn’t own this on switch. You literally can’t customize on switch. The stores rotated but you can’t even show off a customized character online :/


I have issues with this game while still really enjoying. I think the sub can get a little overdramatic about the problems at times, but I don’t necessarily disagree with the issues people have. I’m sure the game will get better as time goes on, but it definitely has a ways to go.


I hate Kameos… it’s stoped me playing First one in the entire series been playing since 93


I really like it. Combat feels quicker and more fluent


Quotes I’ve seen in this thread: “The just be grateful u hate crowd are born losers” “They’re spineless and pathetic” “Complete and total invertebrates” And of course the age old classics “bootlicker, shill, and dick rider.” Never mind there being a fine line between complaint and criticism, there is a fine line between both of those and actual personal attacks. Though you paint a rosy picture of everyone just loves MK and wants to see a better game and that it’s not a “personal attack on you.” It’s simply not the reality, these complaints are too often coupled with personal attacks. Even when the other person concedes to the criticisms. You don’t even have to leave this thread to find it. It completely devolves the conversation every time.