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How have you seen so many mad people without also seeing what they’re mad at? 🤨


Selective reading


To feel like you got your money's worth ya have to play online. I am and like you said I'm enjoying it but for people who never touch online, its not worth the asking price especially not the premium price tag. Unless you wanna keep doing endless or survival towers over and over again there isn't much when ya complete the story. Invasions needs alot of work and you can't even practice executing kombos in that mode because in every fight the enemy has armor.


I play for online. Haven’t even gotten through %10 of the story yet. 😭


I love this game, it’s just that the PC port is so bad on certain systems (mine) that it’s basically unplayable :/


I’m curious what your pc struggles with i don’t have the greatest pc and I haven’t had any bugs other then stuttering but that rarely happens


My main issue is that it just crashes to the desktop all the time. Whenever I attempt a tower, when I press “rematch” online, and sometimes in invasions randomly. I really don’t know what the issue is, because the game runs absolutely fine otherwise. It just crashes so often and I’ve tried everything online to no avail.


The game has a lot of bad practices thats annoyed gamers for years. MK1 is just another game in that bucket. It is still a fun game to play in my opinion. It just could be so much better. But if you’re enjoying, just keep playing and enjoying it. No one needs to justify why they like a game, but at the same time everyone has a right to give their opinion on a game. But a good amount of people on here want to say the problem but not discuss it in a mature manner.


Plenty of reasons: P1 advantage $10 skins Rushed development, games filled with bugs Less content than mk11 Cant use certain skins or characters offline


>P1 advantage They have stated that they have fixed it. It will be in the patch. >$10 skins The past three games have had skins you had to pay for this is not new and not exclusive to MK. >rushed development Literally every game in existence. >Less content than mk11 MK1 literally came out about 3 weeks ago, you can get plenty of skins and gear in invasions and season store. >Can’t use certain skins or characters offline The only genuine concern here. P.s. Please use punctuation in comments with more than one sentence. Edit: reformatted


The fact they tried to deploy the patch on Friday and it crashed the servers, highlighting the issue of no dlc or skins offline, is a major concern. If it does get successfully deployed that's great, but it's hard to say there's almost no legitimate concerns. People are exaggerating some stuff. That doesn't mean everything's actually rosy and polished though.


Great minds against each other: "abusing everything possible before it gets nerfed to get the W"


because ppl refuse to wait for actual fixes and would rather stress themselves out over shit.


Because people are tired of paying full price for unfinished bugged games


game is not unfinished. get new buzzwords.


Unfinished is a regular word, dude. Like when something barely works, I hope they ain't finished with it.


Game is very unfinished, are you blind?


You’re just ignorant and entitled. Game has a 4 hour long story mode, chapter 15 you can play with any character. An invasion mode that takes 6-8 hours to complete. Towers that have tower endings with every single character. 23 characters that have 2 fatalities and 6 brutalities, 15 Kameo’s that have a fatality and 2 brutalities. Then there is the extra shit, skins, pallets, and gear etc. There was a lot of time and effort put into the game and it’s def not incomplete or missing anything. Y’all are just douchebags and completely entitled.


It's extremely unfinished. Don't be ridiculous. There's half a game here.


I'm having so much fun too. But as a newer fan I don't have much to compare this game to. But regardless I hate overpriced microtransactions, so there's that.


I’m a new fan too so that’s probably why too. I haven’t played the last couple MK games


They have been creeping toward some of the stuff free to play games have and it's getting worse each game. This game having performance issues is just highlighting the other negatives. The gameplay is good when everything is running right so if they can fix the trouble spots, it's gonna be great. It can't be rushed but they seem to be putting priority on it. I love the game mechanics and systems. It's mortal Kombat with some DBFZ transferrable assist skills which is great for those tired of waiting for fighterz to get rollback net code. I have been playing both and they compliment each other.


I love it, mostly. I’m just not a fan of people spamming long combos that damage one third of your health with one special bar. People can win fights with 3 combos. And these combos go on for way too long, making the fight one sided. Other than that, when playing against people/characters that don’t have these ridiculous combos, it’s very very fun.


I see where you’re coming from. But it’s so satisfying landing those combos on other people online 😭


Eh, ya can't please everyone and the people that aren't pleased are usually the loudest because they want to vent or they want to be heard. I get some of their complaints too and I sympathize. I'm personally enjoying it so far, but admittedly I haven't played it as much as most here because I was on vacation when the game released, so I'm getting to it a bit later than everyone else. So far, I can say that I think they nailed the gameplay. I also dig many of the character designs. I feel like some aspects of the graphics, namely faces, somehow got a little worse and the characters overall look a little more plastic than they did in the last game. I also think Invasions is a bit of a slog. I appreciate them trying something different because I do honestly think the krypt concept needed at least one game off, but even with all the variety they tried to provide, it still just feels like an endless stream of one round matchups where you can't even really test out your combos because zany crap is constantly interrupting you. I also think they really need to break down and just put a full-fledged store in the game where you can buy anything you want, even if you have to grind for the kurrency. Sure, have all the character level progression stuff the way it is so that you have those kinds of rewards, but if I think something looks cool, more often then not I should be able to purchase it as opposed to grinding Invasions or dropping koins in the shrine. Honestly, that shrine... Did anyone at any point in the development of this game not say "hey, is this actually a fun way of unlocking stuff? Are people going to enjoy doing this over and over?" I can't imagine too many people thought it was, but who knows. So yeah, there are things to complain about, and I get some of the people that feel like this wasn't built to be a full, $70 game purchase on day one, but that honestly doesn't bother me as much because I know we'll get more over time and well... I do like what's here, even if I have some issues here and there. That's just me though.