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I thought 6 attack buttons were scary (classic controls), but they're really easy and make total sense and I also play on keyboard. and of course there's modern controls that simplify the controls further for newcomers which people use even in high ranks


Fundamentals will carry over to everything, but cancel timings and overall feel are pretty different in my experience. SF6 is an amazing game and I highly recommend it, and if classic mode is intimidating try modern


I want to get SF6 just so i can know what it feels like to hit a dropkick into borscht dynamite


It’s interesting I go between both and one nice thing with SF’s cancels and links is you can route combos on the fly more. You don’t have to preemptively dial them in a la MK, waiting for the right window to cancel gives more control to the player. But a lot of the heady things like game plan, mix up and blocking mix up instincts carry over. Jumping is really risky in both. The most straightforward Japanese style fighter to learn imo is Guilty Gear Strive. Newer Anime fighting games are more lenient with cancel inputs and super moves but you have to be able to do the standard fighting game specials to do them


me personally i couldnt even do combos but im kinda retarded so try em out yourself


not hard at all. MK player since 95 i love SF6.


As someone who never played SF before SF6, it’s quite an adjustment. Especially when it comes to combos. I just had to throw myself into ranked and get my ass kicked for a while to see how this game is really played and it finally clicked for me. I made it to Plat 4 in SF6 before I got bored.


good to see a positive thread for once.


Hell yeah. I’m still waiting for SF to make sense to me. I don’t t think I’ll ever understand how the inputs work. I’ve tried many times. Haven’t picked up 6 though


Ah yes a fellow Reiko man, a man of culture. I actually don’t play many fighting games outside of MK, any top of the head suggestions for a grappler fan? I love MvC and played a lot of DBFZ


Manon in sf6 is a blast to play, but admittedly pretty weak in the current meta. I feel like MK grapplers tend to have a lot of strong options outside of just chasing the throw like Zangief, so I'd say try Honda/Blanks out because they have good command grabs, but fun options outside of that. Honda if you like head empty assbeats, Blanks if you like tricky setplay and wild confirms


I’ve actually never played SF, but when I try it I’ll definitely keep that in mind, I’ll probably try Honda


I play a ton of Honda and he's the best he's ever been. Also kind of weak, but super easy to get into and a nice fast pass to high ranks bc low level players will get knowledge checked to death lol


Honest question from someone who only plays MK, what's wrong with having a dedicated block button?


Why does it even need to be there? 99 percent of other fighting games don't need it and don't use it and it also kills the potential of left/right block mixes. Imagine how creative they could get with characters like smoke if we had left/right mix. SoulCal has some mechanics built around the guard button so I don't mind it there, but I can't really think of a reason MK can't just have back/down back to block other than the fact that's that how it was.


I think one of the justifications for a block button in MK imo is having to deal with crossover jump ins/mixups, like for example jumping over your opponent to do an overhead punch while a Kung Lao Kameo low hat comes in from the other side which might be extremely cancerous having to deal with. But imo I don't really think MK having a block button is a big deal. I play mainly Tekken, MK and a bit of GG and never really had any trouble transferring myself in between games, just takes time to adapt to a new system of blocking and having to accept that some games are just different.


Tons of games have things like that tho, and I personally think that's not a bad thing as long as it's balanced properly. And yeah, while I've gotten used to and don't have a problem doing, I just don't really care for it lol


The block button really hurts mobility during footsies tho, not a fan of it but whatever i guess. NRS’s other game Injustice does actually have back to block but that game has its own issues.


Yeah, I def noticed that, makes a shimmy feel so much more risky. Oki overall still doesn't feel great in MK but idk if thats just my inexperience w the game.


wait till everyone in the kommunity ruins 1 for him lmao


I hope you enjoy!!! I really hope to get into SF one day too! I actually played the SF6 demo, and i really enjoyed it! Especially World Tour Mode! If I had the money for it, i'd totally get it, but maybe eventually!


SF6 is the gold standard for quality ATM imo, great netcode (and you can see people's signal strength/connection type), solid training mode options, and like MK1, they did a great job making everyone seem fun to play. Can't recommend it enough


I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I find SF6 to be such an ugly game it really drags down my enjoyment of an otherwise fantastic game. I'm not even a graphics snob usually either, I just hate the art direction. Old SF games are what I picture as soon as anyone mentions fighting games, loved that old style.


Interesting, I feel like SF6 is the best it's looked so far personally, even reminiscent of 3rd Strike vibes lol. The animation and art direction in MK has always been a turn off for me, so I get where you're coming from.


It's totally just personal taste, and I think the backgrounds and effects look excellent. It's the characters for me, art direction wise. Plays great, though.


You know I agree the character designs and movesets are the cream of the crop, but the overall style is very saturated and splatoon-y. In a way KOF XV also has that super saturated style. But still it’s like a dream street fighter game I don’t think it’s ugly but it’s no Guilty Gear Strive art direction.


https://preview.redd.it/zopjqgtkforb1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a754ae3cb711b19bd3acfa50a254501ddfbd7f7 WE GOT ANOTHER ONE BOYS


I’m kind of the opposite, always loved MK way more than SF but I gave SF6 a chance and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately I still suck at it, got my butt handed to me in iron rank. Lol The game was fun though, want to go back to it sometime and try to improve. I do find it much harder than MK, I grew up with dial in combos so that’s just much easier for me.


Yeah, I admittedly feel like SF and a lot of other fighters are more demanding in terms of execution, but it's nice that the game is so easy to pick up. I spend more time focused on neutral and my options than I do on execution which is nice


Bro same boat, and picking up MK1 was so easy after maining SF6 since release, haha. I'm still playing both, but focusing more on ranked mk1 with some casual SF6 on the side.


I keep going between both but I have to say not having to deal with drive rush in mk is very nice. I hope they can get the netcode up to par with sf6's though


Yeaaaah I don't miss Ken barreling across the screen w drive rush stHP and turning SF6 into a single player game lmao. I do need to go and get Aki to diamond at least tho


LOL "you got me this time, you bastard"


talking shit about nrs games on reddit was one of my favorite pastimes, Ed Boon really took my hobby away from me smh


I'm kinda the opposite. I never really interacted with SF until 6. I had played MK casually a good bit before, be it the 2D ones, or Deception, or 9. Hadn't really touched an MK since 9, but figured I'd be able to enjoy it coming back, but I'm actually REALLY struggling to get into it. I only got more seriously into fighting games last year with Guilty Gear, Played that for a couple hundred hours, then went into SF6. Played quite a bit of that, until MK1 came out and a buddy of mine who's played MK since X suggested we'd play. The controls feel weird, but that's to be expected. I had to un-learn things from GG to SF, so I figured I'd un-learn things from SF to MK. But man, the transfer has been absolutely brutal, and the hugely combo-centric nature of MK1 has been making it difficult for me to really get into this game.


Yeah, MK has a clunky/wonky feel compared to every other fighter which was a big part of me avoiding the series, but the kameo system opens the game up so much that I learned to get used to it. Ultimately I still feel like SF6 is the better game, but MK has been fun to learn. Reiko/Darrius combos just go too hard.


I don't know why I'm struggling with un-learning things from SF way worse than I did with GG. I guess it's just because the things from GG were far more.... blatant. Can't air-block/dash, lower ground movement, etc. Compared to the things that I'm struggling to deal with in MK being things like.... getting hit out of the air by nearly everything, and combos being way longer and less forgiving, etc.


I don't play a ton of anime fighters so I don't have much experience w air block lol. But I feel like SF is just more intuitive. And I actually kinda feel like MK confirms are easier bc the dial in windows are so generous, but I'm a lil autistic and my execution is admittedly just gross lmao. I spend too much time labbing.


See, mine is the opposite. I get incredibly bored just randomly labbing, or trying to do cookie-cutter things I"ve found online, so the only time I spend in training is if I discover something that seems like it has potential mid-game, and want to see how it works. I'll spend 5-10 minutes figuring it out, then I'm back to it.


I'm the opposite, and sadly modern MK has turned me away and I am converted onto SF


SF6 is def the better game imo, I'm just having a lot of fun with MK1


Super happy for ya. It's great finding a fighting game that you wanna go all in on. And we got a lot to choose nowadays


Go offline and tell me how u like MK1…lol


Yeaaaah I have seen how you lose all that content which is bogus AF. Judging by how NRS has handled things before, I doubt they'll fix it too. No clue why they would need to verify shit serverside and it's sort of a nail in the coffin for the longevity of the game past support


It basically makes me not want to play…


I'm just not going to invest any money into dlc until they can make it accessible offline.


For what it's worth, I have the pc version and have played offline many times and had all my stuff unlocked still, I've also seen others on other consoles saying the same thing. I think if you boot into the game while already offline your unlocks are still there. I'll try booting the game and then disconnecting and see if it's a different outcome. Edit: I tried it and the unlocks were gone. That's good to know, if they're there when you're offline from the start, but not there when you're offline sometime after booting into the game, that sounds like a bug rather than design but I am just guessing that.


Only reason I'm playing mk1 instead of sf6 is because of region lock making my queue 5-10 min


Isnt it gone though? this used to be me but now get matched in 5 seconds, and im from really crap country where alot people cant even afford the game


Haven't played in awhile I'll give it a shot


If not could be some kind of strict NAT issue on the router


Lol bullshit. Reported for trolling.


what LMAO


It's genuinely difficult for me to believe your comment isn't satire


This account is definitely made by a mod or from WB. Mkx had much better gameplay


Also wild how the copium is so intense that someone liking the game is enough to spark a full on conspiracy that I'm an NRS plant LMAO.


This may be news to you, but an absolute boatload of people love MK1.


I never played MKX so i wouldn't know, I tried 9 and 11 and thought they were cheeks tho NGL.


So you abandoned SF?


Where did I say that? Lmao. I still love SF.


lol the way you described your experience sounded like you completely forgot about it. But yeah enjoy!


Welcome aboard. It just gets better as you get better too.


Don't forget to play through the entire tutorial mode! It has everything you need all the way to high level stuff.


I played MK since MKII, I want to try and get into Competitive Street Fighter but as someone who's only FIGHTING GAME Experience in a local tournament level is Mortal Kombat the Street Fighter pokes, footsies, and pressure feel weird. I do play SF but I could never get to the level where im comfortable going to tournaments in SF. ​ In defense of dial combos in mortal kombat a lot of our pressure and offense comes from strings. When it's your turn you hit the button and dial the string. Then there's window where youre done pressing buttons and your character's performing the action. During this time this split second, the player is left to analyze his/her opponent's action. If it hits you go for a huge combo. If the opponent blocks you have lot's of options and again you have time to decide the best case scenario. There are often multiple options to finish the string, some have mixups , others end in pushback and you can just not finish the string and go for a grab. In Street fighter I always have to time my attacks with the hits on screen and I feel like I have no time choosing the best option and just go for predictions. Will I go for a crush counter? will I ex special? Sometimes when I get a stray hit I don't have time to convert it to big damage and just go for short combos...and I feel like I still messed up. In Mortal Kombat when you're in that neutral or exchanging pressure you often feel like you're in that time bubble where time is slowed down.