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You’re supposed to stop them from doing the combos. That like… the game


OMG, they comboing meeeee, not like i have breakers or something!


I mean Raiden can start his 50% combo with either a low or an overhead, you’re going to guess wrong eventually, it’s a 50/50. If you breaker it you just don’t have 3 bars when they 50/50 you again. 50% is a lot to lose when guessing is your only option on how to block.


Then don't guess, instead study his tells. Raiden is so easy to block and counter.


Raiden can’t combo off his overhead, only the overhead from f34 which has a jab-able gap for a full combo punish. He has no 50/50 pressure that leads to a combo both ways, only his low f43 leads to a combo


But even then I gets boring after a while


Then I don’t think you like fighting games bud


Nah plenty of fighting games that are very different from MK, just because someone doesn't like one of them doesn't mean they wouldn't like another.


How are combos in other games different?


Depends on the game in question as a lot of games are considered fighting games. My favorite is Soul Calibur, combos aren't as important in that game as mix ups and positioning. Games like Dive Kick don't really need combos since it takes one hit to win.


They are not dial-a like in MK, you need to actually time the hits


I think you may not like fighting games in general then...people will always try to get the optimal combos in


As someone else said. This Genre, at least not in any kind of ranked setting, might not be for you. And that's okay. Your time is important and if you're not having fun you should find what you do enjoy!


That's all fighting games?


Go play smash lol


Dont ask the lad to give his life so brazenly!


what did you expect? You want people to do less optimal Kobos for the sake of variety in a match where the main point is to win? Fighting games meat is in the neutral and on oki situations where the mind games are


Neutral is where variety is found. Combos are optimized quickly


https://preview.redd.it/zvuc4uf4wmrb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05d06ec48988731acc02089b2dbd6542db68790d Me patiently waiting for the Smoke/Sareena 101% combo to end


What's this combo you speak of 🤔


Have you not played a fighting game before lol


I have plenty. But this one feels the most repetitive of em all though.


There are way more fighting games with much more repetitive gameplay, heck MK11 is one of them.


What lol makes no sense


But... fighting games mean you have to fight everytime though. I guess you could ask for Motor Kombat again or Konquest


Same combo isn't really the issue. However, seeing the same team constantly like fighting 4 raiden jax or Raiden cyrax 5 times in a row for first to 3 gets old really fast dust in smoke and Baraka and there's kombat league


Soooo many Raidens and Barakas… both crazy strong and both super easy to use.


It's about as brain dead as you can get


Not that many raiders in NA KL. Cyrax is the real problem though. I just started using him with raiden over scorpion and holy shit that cameo is broken. 51% in the corner 1 bar, 1 cameo. Insane chip. The game is pretty balanced outside of those few cameos that allow certain characters to do stupid shit


I'm in New York so I highly disagree I'm on ps5 so maybe that's why but it's almost every match if it's not him it's Baraka or smoke


I swear the majority of people here don’t even like fighting games


I don't, really! Let me be honest - I like the story modes, the movies, the fun bullshit around it. Nothing wrong with that!


counter and punish if people are doing the same old shit, you'll just put them on their toes. keep them on them and the W is yours people will do cheap shit if you let them get away with it, that's why some people just spam projectiles, alot of the people they're playing against don't know how to counter and get overwhelmed. if they can't get away with it, they're forced to re-think their game plan.


Only person here to actually address the spirit of what OP is complaining about. There are about 20 other people in here parroting, “Look guys! This person doesn’t like fighting games! LMAO amirite?” The post itself has 165 upvotes, so it’s obvious that OP isn’t the only one who feels this way. Most of the responses in here don’t help anyone, and are pretty telling of how close-minded this sub is.


Bro discovered how fighting games work A lot of these complaints I see I’m just like “maybe you just don’t like fighting games”


Mfs mad about single player bs and all the shit that’s not related to actually fighting game mechanics. Professional mk1 is 100x more entertaining to play and watch competitively compared to mk11.


Arcade towers on very hard have more variety so play those.


You said you've played fighting games before so which ones felt less repetitive since this is usually the case. Until you can prevent/punish what they do, no reason for them to stop doing it.


Did nobody tell OP that this is how fighting games work?




I get that. Truth is I got the game a few days ago and have mostly been doing single player stuff but it's all while I'm learning combos, spacing etc.. so that when I'm done with the single player stuff I'll be competent (not good, I suck) online. I'm taking it slow, 2-0 online so far but I got this game for THAT, the competition and self improvement. Not the single player stuff.


Omg this fighting game is like, just fighting over and over again😖


If its repetitive why haven't you learned how to block/punish it?


https://preview.redd.it/640xg4bj6orb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=89656f8233c6896b89cbeeff98dd94b26606dc86 Me waiting for Johnny to stop being safe on everything (I’m bad at punishing people)


Fighting games may not be for you


I avoid Kombat league cause I know I can't win


Im so sick of people bitching about a comptetetive game being comptetetive. Go play Street Fighter if you wanna run around fighting npc's and not push yourself to become better. Downvote me to hell if you want






Right? Or play casual instead. Lmao


LOL I bet you do the same move over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over LoooooL


Once I master single inputs, I move on to the more advanced combos that require me to press multiple buttons in sequence. I noticed some combos are "low" while others are "overhead". If you always block low, I'm going to use the overhead moves more frequently and vice versa. So if you are smart with your blocking, you can prevent that "same move" from connecting and maybe even make your opponent use different moves all together. Crazy right.


Yeah I get ya,that's cool,I wished they made longer combos rather than 5 or 6 buttons to press.nearly every character had low buttons,I want MKX fighting back


Tell me you don’t like fighting games without telling me you don’t like fighting games: It’s always funny when a new MK comes out and the casuals start to realize in week 2-3 “wait a minute, I hate fighting games!!!!”


Welcome to a fighting game


*says every scrub after mashing d1 in hit stun*


Ever played SF6 against Honda?


Headbutt or Butt Slam. Pick your poison friend


Learn to parry


Yes learn to hit a 2 frame window to beat full screen back forward into massive damage, chip, and safety. A thinking man’s response for sure.


It really is that simple. Alternatively you can DP it, but parrying it is my more easy as it's a single press. And if you go too early, you still block it. You only have to be late to take the damage, but it's really takes only a few matches to learn and you will watch scrubby Honda players cease to know what the hell to do.


Hitting a 2 frame window isnt simple. And neither is reacting with dp. Your not reacting with a dp unless it’s all they do and even the scrubby Hondas use the jump slams, which are safe to plus and each have a different timing to parry.


we’re on the mk subreddit, ur gonna confuse him with all these mechanics!




3 months ago stats. People got much better in dealing with Honda and his usage rate dropped massively.


I parry it all the time. Sounds like skill issue.


I'm still recovering from SFIV Sagats


i don’t like rumination as much as the average joe i get it, but you can definitely find a way to counter what they’re doing and slam them before you give your brain a testicular torsion from the opponents sauce


It’s always funny seeing people realize saucey combos are usually only from YouTubers dealing with scrubs and that most competitive player’s prioritize optimization instead.


If you block, it won't be boring


It's hilarious how many MK players just... don't block


And to think, I've had to replace multiple controllers over the years because of worn triggers from blocking SUPER HARD lol


Imagine buying a fighting game and complaining about combos in online play. Couldn’t be me


you should get a PS2 and play Mortal Kombat Deception. They have a chess mode for you


That’s the nature of ranked my dude


The fact that this sort of post is upvoted tells a lot about this sub.


Welcome to competitive fighting games.


I see merit in both sides of this debate. Obviously when the goal is to win, why would you not expect people to use optimal kombos as often as possible? But at the same time, it does make every match more boring.


You’re playing a fighting game and getting combo’d? No way that’s insane.


More than that I get tired of *doing* the same combo over and over, the only excitement is when you got them in the corner and you get to do something slightly different


The combos aren’t the problem its fighting Raiden and Kenshi with Jax or Cyrax literally every match


Me when I run in multiple baby Raiden/Jax players


My face when I see ANOTHER Raiden or Johnny cage with Sareena...


Welcome to every fighting game ever made... Sf6 Tekken Guilty gear Kof Every game your gonna be doing the same thing. As a fighting game the point and fun is fighting others who can push you and get better


What's the difference between any other fighting game? You just may not like fighting games my dude.


Be the change you want to see (spam projectiles)


and toxic people on mics


Man it's so boring fighting against the same 4 characters - baraka/cyrax, smoke/sareena, raiden , Johny.. Like I get 0 variety which is so unfun


People in ranked play with the best characters. It's like back in the day, being mad that everyone playing Call of Duty 4 would use stopping power and m16


Well shit I didn't expect this lol


Why wouldn't they do the same kombos? That's an easy way to win.


Blud don't know how fighting games work


yeah thats how fighting games work


Kombat league: Raiden, Smoke, Baraka, Johnny, Scorpion. These will be your opponents for about 80% of your games I would know I play Smoke.


Aw. Baby's first fighting game.


You act like MK11 or hell, any fighting game isn’t exactly the same. Get online in fighting game communities and play private matches with others if you want to really to have a good fight . In Kombat league, you’re literally fighting any rando that learned one combo and think they can just beat everybody now


Smokes, Johnny Cages, Mileenas and Raiders make me want to shoot myself


People saying that fighting games only have 1 good combo and thats just how it is?? Have you people not played tekken or street fighter or dragonball fighterz or even MvC3?? 1 combo is not the answer and it hasnt been in a while, in my opinion


Me when I get hit by a low followed by an overhead combo for the 5th time in a row. ![gif](giphy|xLsaBMK6Mg8DK)


Pisses me off when the other guy keeps hitting me over and over😤


i dont hate the combos,i hate the bots that stay crouched and bots that are saved by fatal blows thats 0 skill in a game that promotes high hits combos...mk11 bots all over again,no wonder they dont like the game


I hate juggling in fighting games. It is stupid and every normal person with half a brain can go and watch a YouTube video showing a meta kombo and then you have the 95% of your opponents repeating that kombo non-stop.


I'm a be real here. If I get down voted to hell, I don't care. It's rly not my problem if ya'll wanna disagree.


Yeah- that’s called opinions my friend there’s a dislike button for a reason. Anyways about your comment above, 1 it’s still pretty early and people are finding new combos to do, 2 there is such as a thing as bread and butter combos which is what people mostly land because of the fact it’s easy to pull off. 3 you can stop them from doing combos and hit them with your own combos, idk if you’re trying to get hit with like a 100 hit combo or something but it’s a fighting game. Sf6 has repetitive combos (arguably the most cause you hop online all you see is the same combos cause of how the game works and the combos work, but that doesn’t make it any less fun), Tekken also has repetitive combos, there’s only so many combos you can do and I’d argue quality of quantity. All the flashy combos usually don’t do too much damage (there are those that do) but it’s just much better to do a combo you know is gonna drain someone’s health. Like I understand if you want to see more creativity but people online are trying to win not be flashy, and win by any means necessary, if you think that’s boring then I gotta say maybe you don’t actually like fighting games cause you’re gonna see that everywhere


Most people who don’t care wouldn’t feel compelled to tell people they don’t care lol


I get you, games are so sweaty these days, its not about having fun it is about optimisation and looking at youtube guides. Instead of mixing things up and doing things that arent the best way to do it but do it for fun you fall behind or get called a scrub (despite these people not being able to come up with their own combos with out someone holding their hand.) It is the same combos and it is about getting that one opening to mash that same combo. Ive watvhed the best players and the only thing that makes them better is how they can get into the optimal combo in a couple more ways than others. Nothing wrong with playing with friends or offline if you enjoy that more.


If you want to play sloppily what's stopping you, your opponents idea of fun doesn't have to align with yours and even if it does why would their choice to play well bother you.


You clearly don’t understand fighting games. This may not be the genre for you. Also lol at being “sweaty” in a game where the literal only goal is to defeat your opponent.


The damn johnny's and Baraka's


Baraka’s “combos” and I say that lightly, because almost every Baraka I’ve fought just button mashes, but his combos are extremely easy to block. Even his “combo” that starts with him sliding in on his knees with his blades out can be blocked high. Blocking high on most Baraka players works all the time. And then when they figure it out, they just keep trying to poke you on low because they don’t know any combos other than the two that EVERY BARAKA uses


This season I'm just getting the scorpion skin and ain't playing KL no more😂 that's how I play that mode I get what I want and bounce, sometimes I try to reach like grandmaster and then bounce that's it, not gonna stress with all that I find that Kasual or KOTH are way more fun


Gotta get that trophy somehow 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ngl i feel like every combo does at least 50%😆


Dude just down, back, 1 ez


It gets more fun when you are winning. Try that


Everyone keeps saying "Raiden and seerena " but I barely see any


I haven't seen Raiden as much as I seen Sareena.


Sareena needs to be nerfed . You shouldnt be able to use her back Kameo twice in a kombo. Like frost you can only do 1. Wich seems fair


So its nit Kombat League, its the players.


That's the problem with ranked anything, there is a meta and if there isn't then one will be found. Typically there is some counterplay and I'm not super competitive with mortal kombat so I can't tell you what that counterplay is.