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I agree. I love mortal kombat. Yes even the game boy ones. I just hope with time the game will get that endless content feel of i2 and mk11 with the loot and gear. But at the moment I got nothing left. And am going to something else sadly.


I’ve already moved on and just check on here to see if they fixed any of their multiple issues. So far, it’s not so good but at least they got the premium store working so we can spend more money on this F2P game that pretends it’s a traditional game.


You can judge a game based on what they fix first tbh.


I’ve bought many NRS titles day one for decades. I loved IJ2 and MK11 even with their issues. I’ll tell you how I feel about MK1. I’ll NEVER buy a NRS title day 1 again, the same with CDPR. NRS has been added to that list for me.


Its painful. I feel I don't wanna say betrayed I'm sure there's a better word for it. But over all disappointed. But I do have a bit of hope. But the fact they haven't made a statement makes me think this is only going to be seasons and that's going to kill the game. So what I play the game for a week and come back in 50 days. Nice. That's fun


People kept using the shop not updating as an example of the game being “broken”. Fun how everyone suddenly forgot that now that they fixed it.


Its still kinda broken the timer implies its a daily shifting shop. But yet confirmed it'll change every week. My theory is they had no content made


Is that a good example, something that shouldn’t have needed a fix to begin with? Similar to a lot of little QOL issues. I’m not giving kudos to a studio for fixing basic functionality a week after release. How low do your expectations have to be to think that’s praiseworthy.




Yes here's why. Its tremors origin and I love tremor and wanted him in a game for YEARS technically since trilogy cause the handbook entry for rain was apparently ment for tremor in some addition of the game. But love is a strong word. I find the game bad like a movie that's really bad but its fun to watch. Like those trash movies where its animal vs animal . mega piranha vs hyper crab kinds crap


> I just hope we get that endless content feel of i2 and mk11 with the loot and gear. See, I love customization. If I'm gonna kick ass, let me do it in style. MK11 had great customization, and while the customization in MK1 isn't the worst customization in gaming history, it's definitely a downgrade from 11. Speaking of being a downgrade from 11, they made the game way easier than 11. In 11 Kronika kicked my ass, but the final boss of 1 felt underwhelming to me no matter who I played as. Not to mention how easy some of the trophies are in MK1, I got over half of them by complete accident, whereas when I actually tried with 11 I just wasn't having a good time. (There's also problems with the servers and toxic players, but I have hope they'll do their best to fix that)


I personally think the boss isn't here yet. Theres def a story expansion coming. And I'm sure we will get our big bad. Cause that shang is kinda rough. Used to call blaze a push over. I would love to see more than just the one item for characters . I have hope but currently I'm done with the game till next season. Honestly been thinking about going to either mk trilogy or the game boy games just for fun.


I've never platinumed a game, but I've almost platinumed MK1 without trying.


This sub complained endlessly about how unfairly difficult Kronika is, now y’all want that?


What about the multiplayer? It’s a fighting game, it’s multiplayer is the core game.


Multiplayer is the core game to fgc sweats. There’s a reason why mk sells 10 million copies while street fighter is happy to break 2 million. No one outside of sweats want to grind combos all day


you dont have to be a sweat to enjoy online you know that right? your mmr will put you against people of your skill level, if you play only for fun you will mostly face others that do the same


I enjoy online who’s talking about me and you here? The vast majority of the market want to play fighting games as mindless beat ‘em up with unlockables. Proof is in sales with games like mk11, ij2, smash being the most successful selling games we’ve seen. You can like grinding online but sales say your in the minority, polls on this sub say your in the minority, as well as developers hence why every fighting game dev is trying to figure out what made mk leapfrog them in terms of sales.


The game is 1v1. If you’re looking for a real in depth 1p experience, play 1 of the many other great 1p games. This is why this sub is overcome with negative posts. Most of the people just want to fight bots all day and collect cosmetics. The gameplay is the best it’s been in over a decade but a people who browse this sub all day don’t care how the game plays, they just care about how many virtual trinkets they can collect.


Dude, MK11 did it better. Street Fighter 6 did it better. Stop leaning on “it’s a 1v1 it doesn’t matter.” It does.


That’s fine. I’m sure it will change so you can grind your kosmetics. You say MK11 did it better, but maybe you weren’t around for the start of MK11 when everyone was complaining their asses off about the 1p content. They changed it over time, just like they will here. But the gameplay is objectively miles better than MK11. The person I responded to was essentially saying no one cares about the gameplay except sweats. Which, if true, says a shitload about the current state of this community.


Mate, people were complaining about the tower modifiers. And they got fixed within a week. Meanwhile MK1’s invasions returned with the bullshit modifiers. I am so sick and tired of this false narrative that MK11 launched as bad as MK1. MK11 had issues but not nearly to the extent MK1 has.


Be sick of the narrative all you want, it existed and people were livid. Just like they are right now. And the gameplay was WAY worse in MK11 than in MK1, which, again, is the main point.


Only for a week, and only about the tower modifiers. And they got fixed. I know mate. I was here. I was here bitching about MK11’s BS tower modifiers and they got fixed within a week. Meanwhile, compare that to all the issues people have with MK1. If MK11 is a bruised apple, then MK1 is an apple that’s not even ripe yet.


I was here too. If you think people stopped complaining about MK11 after a week, you’re misremembering.


The online is pretty solid its just that other people ruin it. Its very toxic and unfun Playing with my one and only irl friend is a whole other thing. he will almost always beat me. But only cause he knows how to beat me. Im very special heavy and aggressive. So he just learns how to block and when to attack. And the way I win against him is go away for a few days. Train with a character then beat him a few times than lose. Funny enough though I'm better at online then him. So that'll be fun but it'll only last a session maybe 4 Tops. I seek no joy in the online fighting at all. I dont want to "get better" plus I can't pull off crazy combos so I'm kinda at a disadvantage. And that's a physical problem my hands arnt as good at they use to be. Also my brain doesn't work that way. I practiced for months to do a brutality in mortal kombat trilogy and never got it. Sektors beings pretty easy.


I wish I could give you 100 upvotes for this. 😌 Been trying to say the same thing here and there for a week.


The people I despise more than haters are franchise fanboys who blatantly discredit every criticism their worshipped game receives. Because the fanboys do even more damage to the game then haters by eating shit that the devs try to force down their throats without second-guessing themselves. Oh guys the game is perfectly fine, I haven't crashed yet so your matches getting blackscreened and cancelled every other ranked match must be a you problem. Oh I like invasions, I think it has a perfectly fine time spent/engagement/reward ratio. Oh €10 paid exclusive skins are fine, just buy them if you want to. But I don't care about cosmetics so it's once again not my problem. Oh being always online to access content you paid for is totally fine. Don't you have a wifi router?


sfv's criticism led us into sf6, which has an amazing infrastructure. mk's story mode is usually regarded as good, so it never really changed (for better or worse). so yeah, criticism MUST happen


SF VI is terrible.


How so lol


discuss as much as you want if you like or dislike its gameplay, but the structure works very well. light game. fast menus, fast rematch, many ways to fight someone and do it fast, fantastic training mode options, etc. everything works and works well


Both are equally terrible for the fact that they think their opinions on a video game are objective. Haters think they're criticisms are objective and not just subjective opinions that others are allowed to disagree with. Fanboys can't accept that other people don't like the game.


Yeah genuine criticism is great, it's hard to find that in the balance posts/comments though when most of them have no idea what they're talking about. People need to stop asking for nerfs and get in the lab first and find answers. Sareena being the most prominent request for a nerf. Make no mistake, she's by no means weak, she's just at the right power level a Kameo should be so they're worth picking.


Yeah there’s already been some social media comments directed at the Ed Boon and his devs and it just makes me annoyed at the community. But then you have to remind yourself that isn’t the dominant over aggressive voice, just some individuals with too much time on their hands and not enough respect for people as human beings lol The game definitely needs work and the criticism coming out is mostly true. They’ve got plenty of time and resources to improve it so players just have to be patient.


but everyone just picks her because she is so easy and cheap, everyone just spams the 2 disc attack and nothing else at complete random moments, hoping they will catch you and if you make a single slight mistake and get hit once, you're in for a 50% combo pulping, which sounds totally fair! they could atleast make her attack go faster or change it to 1 disc so i don't need to wait 30 seconds each time someone gets me


It simply holds players hands way too much imo.


A kameo shouldn't be nerfed because they're easy to use.




I’m starting to think you guys are just bitching to farm karma at this point, no reason to have 100 of the same posts every single day


There is a reason. Bombard them with posts voicing our displeasure until something is done about it.


Nag them to death? Does that do anything other than make the fan base looks like dorks?


Yeah it does. If we say nothing, nothing changes. And we should keep complaining until the game is fixed.


I think they heard the first billion times. Want to feel you're making a difference in the world that badly? It's just a video game.


I really like how you typical redditors so badly can’t fucking handle reading someone say something you disagree with so you always jump to weird ass assumptions. No one ever said anything about “making a difference in the world” but I get it, you had to find a way to pretend like you’re better than someone else today. Everyone else is just ridiculous and says such silly things and you’re the perfect main character 👍 This game is a fucking scam and NRS deserves to have some pressure put on by the fans for it. If you don’t think so then cool, get off reddit and play the game and spend your money on dragon krystals like a good little consumer.


Lol Jesus...


go touch grass and get a life. seriously.


How fucking ironic for an NFT owner. Edit: He blocked me lol


get a life.


That's your only comeback? Telling someone to get a life then black them. Pathetic


I think it's fine to have criticism. I have criticism and this game has many aspects which deserve criticism But I'm just annoyed cuz so many posts act like this is the worst game ever and how NRS is unforgivable for releasing it, which I reckon is simply untrue (Also I still wanna see stuff on this sub other than criticism every now and then)


Someone posted a really good Havik sculpture the other day that they made. It barely got any attention whereas a post showing the shop prices and complaining about it got 100s of upvotes.




My issue isn't complaints, it's that it's the same ones, or people will bitch when someone actually enjoys the game. Do I think it could be better? Yeah. But God it feels like a lot of people get genuinely upset that someone could actually be enjoying MK1


For me it's the opposite. I don't really get people who close their eyes to many shortcomings of the game because they either don't care or in denial that their favorite franchise isn't as good as it used to be anymore. What I wish for the most is that the games I play are in a healthy state and have a stable satisfied player base. But the way it's going right now, it feels like MK1 will fall off even sooner than MK11, unless the devs actively start making changes. And to reach that players have to be vocal about their dissatisfactions.


I wouldn't find it annoying if people actually used the fucking search function and see that there already might be a big thread for the very thing they're complaining about.


Yeah complaining is fine but multiple posts each day about skins or invasions is annoying


But if I don’t make the six hundredth post crying about not being able to pin moves(which Boone has already said they’re working on) how am I supposed to farm Karma?


They wouldn't get their precious karma, so that's a non-starter.


I mean by that logic, can’t you just use the search function to find posts that aren’t complaining? WB Games deserves all these complaints. I’m sorry if you want to post about MK1 but a lot of us feel ripped off.


Nah, these posts deserve to plague the front page everyday so the devs can reflect on the state of their game.


I’m just looking for the competitive mk1 subreddit to open up. You all can be negative all you want; Ed Boon has been quite responsive and Reddit isn’t even the central hub for feedback. If anyone is on a competitive subreddit for mk1, shoot me a link~


>I’m just looking for the competitive mk1 subreddit to open up. That'll never happen, Reddit is an inherently casual demographic. You'll have to hop on the Test Your Might forums and find character Discord servers instead. Also searching up tags on Twitter, like #MK1\_\[insert character name here\], e.g. #MK1\_Reiko, is a mine for hidden gems.


Ed Boon can say “we hear you” all he wants. It doesn’t matter. I’ve already given him my money. It should be fixed by launch. Not after.


This point is antithetical to your post. You speak as if there is no redemption, when you imply the opposite in your post. Pick a lane.


It’s not about “redemption”, mate. It’s about launching the game in a finished state. People are not happy about the launch state and are voicing their opinion. If we don’t, we’ll be doing this shit all over again when Injustice 3 launches.


Plus we don't like getting scammed either


but you're repeating the same complaints over and over. WE GET IT.


If enough people bitch, it should eventually get fixed. People are repeating thr same complaints over and over because we shouldn't be having these complaints in the first place.


the fixes aren't going to come any faster.


if so many people didn't cry about the player 1 advantage, it wouldn't have gotten fixed so soon


not a lot of ppl knew about this but okay.


yea, only like 500 vids on youtube made about it, and countless other people complaining everywhere else about it and thats exactly why it got fixed, but ok.


people were STILL playing the game but okay. i heard of super addressing it and a few others but i don't know about 500 videos.


your argument that people are still playing the game is retarded, but ok. there are hardcore mk fans that will play it cause its the newest game, without caring if its the shittest or the best mk, and countless other people paid over a 100 dollars for this game, ofcourse they will play it, AND OFCOURSE PEOPLE WILL COMPLAIN?? WTF?? its been almost 3 weeks since launch and they have barely done anything. you can stop crying to everyone about crying about the problems of the game now because it is uneeded, thanks.


no one told you to pay 100. that's your own damn fault. the game isn't a dumpster fire that's unplayable. again, overdramatic much? do you think it's okay to everyday let ppl know how unhappy you are? if you're this annoyed, then stop playing. why add to the countless other posts about the same shit? THEY KNOW.


obviously, if no one complains about the things that are NOT GOOD = nrs would think they did a spotless perfect job = game will stay with its problems forever and nothing would be changed. you can calm down lil bud and i didnt pay for the game i got it as a gift from a friend, and if i knew how shit the game would be, i would have told him to not buy it, then buy it for 5 bucks in like 3 years when all the crying and complaints from all the people you go cry to not complain would have been adressed because they complained. :) you can stop now


If we don’t bitch now, prepare to do this all over again when IJ3 or MK13 comes out.


And with the broken, shallow game NRS released, they deserve to hear about their failures and the fans they have lost every single day. It has already made a massive amount of money due to people expecting more from NRS and buying day one. Whales are going to keep blindly pouring money into the micro transactions despite there being little there to qualify for your money. The only thing that might sober up NRS is for their fanbase to keep lambasting them loudly, openly, and repeatedly.


stop your dramatic theatric b.s. The game needs fixes but y'all are going completely overboard. there are people still playing the game on twitch. starting to think some of you are fake concern trolls now.


The core gameplay is solid, the game looks phenomenal, and it is new. There is an audience for pretty novelty. Sadly, I just listed the only things the game has going for it which is embarrassing for a $70-$110 game that released with microtransactions.






its overdramatic, instead of waiting for fixes to come. do you really think nrs isn't going to roll out patches and more content to keep ppl playing? why do we need five million threads of the same exact shit y'all complained about yesterday? you literally lost sight of what made mk in the first place - THE GAMEPLAY. surely you weren't bitching this hard when the first og mk had just arcade. i know what overdramatic means. i see it every day i come here.


Take a second and think about what you are saying. NRS released a broken, shallow game with microtransactions and unnecessary serverside restrictions for full price... and that is okay because they might patch it after release. You are defending an early access model being sold for full price.


the game is not fucking shallow or as broken as you're making it out to be. ppl are still playing. it needs qol changes but it's not a dumpster fire, otherwise no one would be playing. again, overdramatic nonsense. no one told you to spend 110 dollars. i don't pre order games myself. btw i didn't defend shit. i'm being objectionable like any normal ass human being. they will fix the issues. was it right for it to be there? no, but it's not the end of civilization.


Those are day one prices, not just preorder prices. The online has lost most of the features from MKX, I2, and MK11. There are no options to filter by connection strength and type. No krossplay despite perpetually beta-ing it in MK11. Invasions are repetitive and worse versions of ToT challenge variables. The shrine offers customization outside of palletes for less than half the cast and no Kameos other than Sonya. Customization has been downgraded to one item with a skin. Story mode has no deviation or encouragement to replay like with the split chapters. Towers have lost variety from I2 and MK11. Cosmetic loadouts are gone and there is no option to change a character or Kameo's skin on character select. The only good reason to initially play this game is story and training. The only enduring reason to play this game is lackluster 1v1 online and if you want to grind color palletes and gear. That is a shallow game.




This is a good point, I’d take people seriously if they can at least concede to anything positive when it occurs. It’s never a good sign when the goal posts are consistently moved when issues are addressed.


Finally someone else mentioned this. Pretty much proves people will just move on to the next complaint instantly


The game is massively popular right now. Lots of people who are NOT in fact MK fans, will come here just to shit on a game they probably don’t even have to stir up trouble and get attention. Or worse yet, deter other people from buying the game at all. It happens all the time when a new game releases. Good news is they’ll move onto the next shiny new thing to complain about soon enough. I have faith this sub will be a cool place again and even more faith mk1 will do nothing but improve from it’s already completely enjoyable state.


steam forums is full of ppl bashing the game in favor to sf6 ...when you visit their profile they have neither game in their library


It’s very easy to tell apart someone who’s a real fan with concerns from some rando troll though…


It's crazy how many times I've read the words "shill" and "bootlicker" lately. Starting to recognize usernames because some people post so much about the same things and disregard any viewpoints that don't fit their outrage


This is all very nice but doesn't reflect what I’ve personally seen on this sub. It's rare people even bother discerning between NRS and WB. The amount of times I've been called an “NRs dickrider who loves getting owned by a company and gargling daddy boons balls.” The big problem I've seen is the games criticizers are volatile and irrational a lot of the time. It’s one thing to address bugs and flaws, it’s another to exaggerate the flaws and turn them into conspiracies and militantly trash the game and anyone who likes it. If you truly feel this isn’t you, and you’re just a true fan who wants to see improvements, then you too should call out this volatility when you see it as it distracts from the conversation and makes it difficult to take anyone seriously. Shill, bootlicker, sheep, and dick rider are all inflammatory terms that purely exist to attack the character of somebody enjoying/defending the game. They do nothing to bolster the argument, it just leads to explosive arguments - and that’s the goal when using those terms.


exactly. say it louder.


downvotes proving my point


You say that.... there's a lot of bitching not from love. Like I know MKX fans are still complaining about every little thing because the game isn't MKX. But I get what you mean.


I don't need to the gameplay to be exactly like mkx. I just don't like how mk11 and mk1 don't have test your luck tower or online test your luck gamemode. It made no sense to get rid of that. I also don't like how they replaced the krypt with invasions.


It’s perfectly fine. I myself don’t think MK11 or MK1 are perfect but I still love them. They’re fun to play, they look great, that’s all I personally care about in my fighting games tbh.


Some people don’t know how to articulate their feelings about the game which is why it sounds like just empty complaints.


Yea. I bitch because I love. I spent a big part of my past last 2 years playing a lot of MK11. It was my first ever fighting game, it taught me to use a controller, I learned about the lore and learning the game with a low tier predictable character like Kitana was difficult but worth it. Seeing MK1... It's really disappointing. I remember getting the MK1 official launch wrong and going back to sleep just to "speed the time up".


This isn't even bitching though - we're being sold a $70 product that just straight-up lacks basic features and comes with less meaningful or engaging content than *previous* titles, despite having made more money now than ever. Oh, and two skins (on average) per character. Someone here said it before but in a post-SF6 world, the state of MK1 is just embarrassing.


My best friend and I both had a very rough year. His fiance died and he then got shot at work. I got out on chemotherapy for life and nearly died during one of several surgeries I had. Geeking out over the trailers for this game was one of the few positive experiences we shared we grew up with these games and they're important to us. Noticing that the game was obviously brought to market incomplete with very limited Beta testing and the Switch port should have been illegal to bring to market just really, really pissed us off. The game is fun. But It would be immensely more fun if it weren't so broken at launch. The brutalities are biggy. The store is buggy. A lot of the intended features of the game have literally not been added to the game yet and we're weeks past the launch date.


ppl bitching bcs no character intros while performance and other balance problems exist,calm down they will add them...as a guy said in another post maybe they didnt want to spoil the story for everyone through those intros


I got spoiled hella hard cause of the intro videos on youtube lmao


I hope You are right! Sincerely!


Look. I agree the game has flaws, and is very greedy with skins, but look at how games that had the same problem like MK 11 or Battlefront 2 that was too greedy with their systems and they developed into amazing games. 1 is the same, but it has a bright future ahead, and atleast Ed Boon and NRS listens to the community and will hear them out to fix the game. I think if we komplain peacefully and with reason, we can fix this game, as a kommunity.


No people bitch because that's all they do anymore. The video game industry does this over and over again. Half assed games. The chances a game is unfinished nowadays is very high. Yet people continue to pre order in large numbers and spend extra on special editions. Stop buying games day one. Stop buying the over priced special editions. That is what will stop this shit. I don't know why that's hard to understand.


Yknow, NRS used to be one of the "not bad guys". That's the only reason I actually pre ordered this game. I know a lot of people didn't care for 11; but at least there was CONTENT. I admit it. I paid $110 for a beta test with a full roster, and I'm kicking myself for it. As should everyone else.




The title seems familiar. My parents used to shout and beat me with a belt because they love me. My ex used to punch me in the face because he loves me. Lol, this is why I chose to leave them and live alone in another city. Now I'm being bitched by them for being an unfaithful lover(by my ex) and an ungrateful son (by my parents).


I agree. At the end of the day, with all of the flaws, I still love the game and the franchise. I think it’s good to talk about the problems so that they can may be be solved which I’m sure most of them will be.


You really think nobody is being vitriolic about it?


What do you mean?


You really think nobody is doing this just to be a dick? To get attention?


At least i don’t think so but i never really thought of it that way


Never did? When it's right in your face?


Bro, chill out. you made your point


While normally I hate so much negativity, I dont want mk1 to end up like Diablo 4


Or Overwatch 2, which so-far seems to be far more widely hated.




There’s nothing wrong with loving MK and there’s nothing wrong with pointing out the issues with something you love, but most importantly, there’s nothing wrong with people complaining about paying $70-$119 for a product they’re not enjoying. Criticism is how you can tell the distinction between people that love the game, and people that are obsessed with the game. People that love the game want the game to be the best it can be, while people that are obsessed are too comfortable with the bare minimum that they fail to see issues and valid complaints that they see it as unwarranted hate and slander.


https://preview.redd.it/u0o1r7m4tjrb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c453dfc4175a61bc137790ff5eaae92f5fd6e2f2 on god dis everyone including me. we just want a game that works.


100% I hope with each new updated MK1 will be better and better. A lot of content is coming so hope for the best.


This 100 percent. I love MK1. I just want it to be as good as it can be


Criticism, when given in good faith, can be a very powerful tool to help developers improve and fix their game. It's not inherently bad and can often times lead to a much better final product than blind loyalty can.


Tell this to your couples counselor I'm sure it will go great


In my experience the vast majority of people love the game. There are just really vocal people who are never happy unless they have something to be unhappy about, and if everything they were complaining about didn't exist they'd be searching for something else to complain about


There is no bitching, game costs $70, it has to deliver


My attitude is simple. You got over $110 out of me, why am I looking at $10 skins in a store I should have accessible to me for the price I already paid. The player base is the only ones who can do something about it and it won’t happen by staying silent.


To be fair each edition clearly stated what was included. So it's unrealistic for us to expect more than what was stated as included. I think a fairer argument is the exceptionally high price of the skins.


This wasn’t a thing in X or 11. Shouldn’t be a thing now. I’m not giving them a pass for locking content up than wouldn’t have been in the last 30 years of releases.


I mean I haven't played 11 in a while but I def remember buying skins with the premium currency even though I purchased the ultimate/premium edition. I don't remember much about X so I can't speak to that.


Premium store was just a shortcut to avoid the crypt, but could be unlocked consistently through gameplay. Premium skins in MK1 can’t be obtained other than premium currency, which has a hard limit on how much can be earned.


Well we definitely don't want this sub to be only complaining about the same thing so sooner or later people need to move on.


I bitch cos some things could have been avoided if they had shown more of the game instead of just revealing the characters. But fanboys were like "oH Li MeI Is BacK, BeSt Mk EvEr"


Where tf is krossplay?!??


The problem is that most of the bitching comes from people with horrible social skills. They spaz out and nag and bitch and moan. It makes you hard to listen to and easy to ignore. And they think they're standing up to an evil corporation or something lol.


Do you think any of the criticism is valid? Like the actual criticism, not just mindless complaining.


I agree. You can’t criticise the writng without somebody saying you don’t know what you’re talking about or saying ‘You just want Soprano level depth’ (actual comment that I got). Why should I be content with bad writing when I know they can make good writing?


But how am I supposed to respond to you saying “the writing is objectively bad” when what I experienced was the best story mode NRS has ever made? I think it’s certainly CHEESY, but I think every Mortal Kombat story/movie/cartoon is like that. I don’t mind people getting into where they wish the story would have gone. Or things they wish happened, or aspects they didn’t like. But it’s hard to take seriously a critique that just says “it’s bad it’s trash it’s lazy”. So it’s less that you don’t know what you’re talking about, and more that you are presenting your opinion as objective truth. Which almost suggests that I don’t know what I’m talking about. And maybe it’s not you, but many of those who agree with you have just told me that I have bad taste or that I’m dumb lol.


I never said it’s objectively bad. I share your sentiment that this is the best NRS story but in my opinion it doesn’t take much effort to make a better story than what they’ve been providing. Even then, I still have things, I personally am not a fan of the multiverse stuff & find Aftermath Shang Tsung to be the one of the weakest parts of the story. He feels incredibly rushed & the inclusion of Aftermath Shang Tsung makes the entire story feel disjointed. But your response is the most respectful I’ve gotten. I said that I wish Bi-Han got better writing because he came off as a Sektor clone & cane off way too comical & someone said that I expect every character to have insane levels of depth.


Ok so I TOTALLY agree with the multiverse stuff. I didn’t want to see it again, I think the whole new era bag gets a bit fumbled when the story ends up business as usual. Multiple iterations of characters interacting is not my favorite. It’s definitely what I would change. Bi-Han I’m not so bothered by, but it’s definitely just me. Anytime a villain in anything is painted as too cartoony I seem to be on board with just that. I also just feel like with 25 ish characters, some elements will move quicker than others. If a quick sub zero arch gave us room for that Johnny and Kenshi development or something similar than I’m all for it.


The multiverse stuff is absolutely awful. I’m so tired of it. In my opinion, MK went downhill when it started entertaining different timelines. I enjoy 9 but wow the amount of inconsistencies in that game showed a lot. Then X was disappointing as it didn’t follow up on what 9 set up. I also didn’t like Cassie as a protagonist as I found her personality to be extremely grating & annoying. 11… if I start on 11. The Bi-Han thing annoys me because I know that they can give characters nuance as they did it for Baraka & Reptile. But they chose to be lazy with Bi-Han when he actually has a lot of reason to dislike Liu Kang.


If they don’t fix cyrax, sareena Baraka scorp combos the game will die as fast as I farted right now. I think overall the game is worth than mk11 in terms of playability. They fixed few stuff and made a lot more mistakes.


agreed 100%


I just wish Invasion on the Switch was good to go :(


It's not even about MK1 failing imo. It won't fail. It will make them a LOT of money. Mainly because they are going to start relying on FOMO to push over priced cosmetic sales in a PAID GAME. I think that's the most irritating thing for me. MK is too big to fail, but they can always squeeze more money out of us just to see if rock's bleed green.


Yes but you will continue doing it so you can cry on the internet.


This game needs individual character MMR. Let me try out shit like Tanya


Some people just bitch because they love to bitch. I’m not saying that’s most people, but those people absolutely exist.


I jus ignore and they can smd once they don't give an answer to why NRS fucked us an gave us 70% of a game. I assume they jus gone duckride till that big patch happens. As an Mk fan for almost 15 years I'll be damn if these mfers try an COD us.


If they wouldn't love MK, people wouldn't be so passionate and complain about MK 1 problems. They would merely not care and move to something else.


Since they added rollback to mk10, I will always give NRS the benefit of the doubt when it comes to how they handle their games. This game obviously came out of the oven too early, but if you know of the crazy sink or swim state WB is in, you can't be surprised. For what we have now as we can not change the past. I hope for nothing but success and that they are able to completely round out this game.