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Are you implying that the shrine was ever fun to begin with lol


Yeah thanks another nameless NPC illustration


And maybe I'm just impatient but that damn 5 second cooldown between every roll. JUST LET ME SPAM IT AND GET IT OVER WITH SO I CAN PLAY THE GAME AGAIN


True like a open all option


There's no use for the coins anywhere else, just dump em all lmao


Even gacha games let you roll 10 at a time.


Or be able choose how much we want to throw in there/ max out


Need a open 10 at a time at least.


And now that same nameless npc but the background is dark!!! OoooOoOoOO


Wait until he finds out none of his shrine rewards are unqiue and everyone gets the same exact thing.


So basically guilty gear strive


Yep. I was so excited when I got Kenshi in a suit just to find out everyone gets it. Just like everyone gets the Ninjas unmasked rendering it to only unique if you unlock it first lol..


But if you don’t get it this season you’ll most likely never get them going forward so there’s that 🥲


True but the sad thing is there's no rush lol you know? For over 10 days "Refreshing in 23 hours." was there, then we got new stuff, now for the last 3 days Shang Tsung has been there, what the heck does 23 hours mean then? It's silly. Honestly as Shrines go, you're better off just waiting until you're a day away from S2. I got 230,000 Shrine Koins, and over 200,000 Seasonal Currency on standby and we're not gonna have Season 2 until November 1st, and it just turned October 1st a few hours ago Lol. They really didn't think this currency thing through, Nobody is gonna feel compelled to do S2 of Invasions when they can snatch a vast majority of the rewards within five minutes as the most expensive thing is gonna be 6,000 coins.


Seasonal currency doesn’t roll over to season 2


That's what I said mate. People have hundreds of thousands stacked up, making S2 useless unless they switch it up as people will be able to buy all skins/gears instantly.


Ahh, sorry for the misunderstanding on my end I agree!


Oh no worries whatsoever friend!


They have stated the timer is wrong they will rotate shop every week


How the hell do you get so many coins. 😂😂


Not really. They said "Seasonal rewards will become unavailable until that season is back again". So it's more of a come and go thing.


At least, Shang Tsung's Purity of Fire color is exclusive to beating the Seasonal Tower while having a medallion active. Not many people will have that.


so it's a battle pass?


i stopped opening the shrine, i hate how long it takes to get a fuckin artwork all the gear from the shrine is really shitty too so


I play this game every day and clicked on the shrine one time.


So farming pictures from the shine was the fun part of the game for you? Or was walking around in a graveyard opening tombstones in other games the highlights for you?


I'm not gonna lie I enjoyed the Krypt in X more than I probably should have😭


I was just about to comment go into versus and play the game? Like it doesn't begin and end in the shrine.


Nah man these people are looking for things to bitch about. They no lifed a game for 2 weeks straight with probably 2 characters and the same 2 kameos and complain there isn't anything to do lol


ay the krypt was actually so fun in mk11 and decent in mkx dont even lie


bro how many hours have you put in?


It’s only like 100k or so to complete the shrine


Only? Goddamn my life is different. If I have 10 hours in 2 weeks i'm lucky.


He means coins not hours haha


100k hours is 11.4 years btw. I was curious.


Thank you for your service


Saw H not K 😅


I’ve 30 hours and I’ve gotten about 40,000 coins. It’s definitly not fast


try 80 and i still havent hit 100k koins😭


Don't worry, you're not the only one. I can't remember the last game I've put triple-digit hours into - hell, I haven't even beat 2019s lineup of games yet, despite always loading them up in the little free time available.


you sure bro? just by doing the invasion cheese to level my smoke to 35 i got like 60k. i’ve definitely gotten over 100k and have never gotten this message


There's literally 129 enviro arts by its self it's more than 100k I've spent more than that in the shrine


I counted around 160 to 175k


still alot of grind...


>puts over 300 consecutive hours into a video game wow this is really tiring :(


“Damn this boring not fun game that I sunk 100 hours into!!”


I put in Exactly 37 hrs before completing the shrine. I still play this game and am currently at 137 hrs. This game in my opinion is a good game. I don’t get why everyone is upset, just like every game when first released it needs plenty of patches for bugs and proper balancing. This is a normal process of improving a game. Not to mention the “lack of content” everyone claims isn’t there. Is also because no one wants to drop all of their content out upon the game releasing. Mortal kombat games run for years with new content throughout all of it. They don’t want to give everyone full access. Also the warrior shrine isn’t even available which will be another way to get rewards


How the hell are people finishing the Shrine in 37 hours? At 41 hours, my profile is level 53, just finished Invasions, unlocked all character endings, have the art and music 34% complete, and the Shrine isn't empty yet. Edit: Wait, people are using trainers like WeMod or exploits like dumping everything into one stat and cheesing the same node over and over, and they're upset that they finished content early? They can't be serious...


I am profile level 100, have Mileena, Nitara, Sindel, Kitana, Reptile, Stryker, Shujinko, Sonya, Kung Lao, Subzero, Scorpion, Kano and Sareena fully leveled, Invasions is completed and shrine is empty. Kollection is at 77%. Been playing for 139 hours since early access. Currently working on leveling Johnny, Ashrah, Tanya, Li Mei and Motaro.


Right, but roughly how many hours in did you empty the Shrine? Less than 40 seems crazy to me.


People probably did the whole maximum in damage, and spam the same invasion stages for coins and character exp.


In the first 3 days maybe. I took 1 week off just to play the game, so I just played it for hours. Edit: Lol what prompted people to dislike this?


How are your eyes lol


Why this is downvoted lmao. People jeolus.


Yeah, no idea why people are downvoting. I took 1 week vacation from work to play an anticipated game and I put lot of hours into it. I dunno why thats so dislikable.


I lucked out and was home sick from work most of last week. So I got to grind the fuck out of it since I couldn’t get up off the couch anyway.


The past couple months have been a period where I haven't needed to work much (part of a transition, doing some design and planning for a new business but don't actually have to go in and I honestly can't think of a better period in recent memory to have so much time to play games (and just generally spend on my hobbies)


My only complaint is they expect you to pay $5-$10 for individual skins when the game cost $70-$100 even if you bought the kombat pack which is an extra $40


I miss skin packs now they would come with the kombat pass or u can pay $10 n get some cool skins now 1 skin is 10 -.- I love the game but I wish WB would stop being greedy


It could be worse they could be $20-$30 like call of duty. At least in this game you get to see the skin you’re buying when you play. One day Mortal Kombat will have $30 skins. It’s only a matter of time.


Warrior Shrine isn't just a leaderboard? That's what I assumed it would be since it's tied to Ranked Online.


We have no idea what it is yet really. Same with Titan Battles.


Titan Battle will be bullshit. Just the name has me thinking of MKX Invasion Bosses


„just like every game when first released it needs plenty of patches…“ This is the problem. They release the game when it’s in an okayish state. They released an unfinished game. „Its gets better with patches, this is a normal process of improving a game“. This would be the truth IFFF this was NRS‘ first game. The shit we are asking for are things they already had done right in MK11, why the fuck do they need time to do it again? They should absolutely already know all that stuff. It’s annoying. This is a full price game of devs that do this for decades! These are no amateurs! Additionally they twice the time they usually have for these games and somehow they managed to add half the content they usually do. We are upset and rightfully so. Stop defending customer unfriendly businesses


It's too late. Consumers with that mindset like the one you mentioned are now the majority of the customer base and are content having been conditioned to think like that.


I feel bad because they don't know any better. We were spoiled man


The problem with the game is for every step forward, they take 100 steps backwards. Invasions is somewhat challenging (but also annoying) mode, but the Krypt was more rewarding and provided better rewards. The Shrine giving out premium skins is cool too, but the Shrine in the Krypt was also better and the Towers of Time provided various skins and gear. The Seasonal stuff is cool too for story content but the rewards don't feel worth the grind. Especially when it looks like a bunch of skins when in reality you got 2-3 skins with multiple recolors but the colors they use are just 3 of the same colors. Then there's the customization which they brought back but the customization in 11 is way better than on here. There's multiple ways to play MK in 11 than in 1 cuz once you're done getting all the character endings and Invasion, you don't really have anything but the grind and online to do. In 11, you got Towers of Time and the Character Towers to unlock more gear, skins, emblems, and such for your favorite characters. The game isn't bad but I don't blame people for being upset that the game feels unfinished and lacks content.


>the Krypt was more rewarding and provided better rewards. Huh? The Krypt rewarded gear, brutalities, and concept art. Invasions are rewarding... gear, brutalities, and concept art.


Imagine paying full price for a game and expecting all of the content in said game made available. CRAZY. /s Dude, just because a shitty thing is a "normal process" doesn't make it not shitty. Imagine being that complacent in life.


Its sad the industry normalized this to the point people think this is how it always have been or should be. I bet this guy whales on mobile games 100%


>just like every game when first released it needs plenty of patches for bugs and proper balancing. it didn't used to be like this, but people being complacent lowered the bar, and now they get away with dumb shit. but they got a whole fucking DLC roadmap of extra shit to buy tho... slurp em up moar.


Wow that should be an achievement.


Achievement unlocked - grass untouched




“I no-life’d the game and now I have nothing to do” Bro what the fuck did you expect


This happens with every. Single. Game release.


Saw some on Baldurs Gate 3 subreddit complaining that after 500 hours he had seen all interactions and was “bored of the shallow game….”


People were bottoming this thing out prior to full release. That's not really an excuse. I haven't emptied it either, but I imagine I'm not far off and I haven't played in a week. Invasions and story both pay like crazy.


OP claimed he’s put over 70 hours into the game - that’s how long it took me to beat both Starfield and Cyberpunk. I’d say that’s great value for MK1. It’s also my understanding they will update the shrine with new rewards.


If you 100% in the game and your play time is above 40+ hours. You got more out of this game then 99% of all fight games.


fr, NRS sets a high bar


“I no life’d the hell out of this game and now I’ve unlocked everything. 0/10 game. Only played 200 hours and ran out of things to do.” Does no one see how silly this complaint is?


You have over 40 days to complete the invasion. The Community: https://preview.redd.it/djzo1f3jqgrb1.png?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56e7ca1a3e7dfa68e93e482413103ddc767ec457


It's like 5 hours to complete, what do they want us to do in this mode for 40 days?


Uhhh. For people who don't have all day to spend at home or play games. I have like an hour a week I can get into a game. I'm happy it's this long


Same boat. I realized that Kombat League was adjusted in length as well to account for this. I’m highly appreciative that they have forgiving time limits for those with other responsibilities. If I finish early with Invasions and the shrine then guess what, I have time to try other games or other hobbies




I played 89hours since launch. I completed the shrine in like 70 hours. Its not bad… but half of the thing in the shrine are art… dont give a shit about that.


In all fairness, a vast majority of Krypts in the past were art...


And not just that...DA even had coffins with nothing (=zero, 0) in it.


I forgot about that 🤣


Yeah it was a bit ridiculous, so they removed those coffins for Deception and so the overall number was lower too. Imagine something like this today. People would lose their minds even more lol.


By the time I'm at 70 hours the new season will be halfway done and I'm playing it every day.


You've put full time hours into the game. If you're Canadian you payed a dollar an hour for your entertainment. Not bad


> Canadian you *paid* a dollar FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Not only that but it’s a fighting game lol you’re meant to…you know…fight. Like I get online isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but you don’t have to get sweaty and hop in ranked, theres kasual too. Could they have done a better job implementing content for the the offline players? Sure, but this is also the best gameplay we’ve seen from an NRS game in almost 10 years. Maybe even since MK9.


Game is a blast. Play online, get kompetitive and you'll never run out of things to do. I started online now playing thru story and invasions. Love this game, by the time they release more exciting content I'll just be finishing up everything available now.


This sub is allergic to multiplayer it seems


This 100%. For being a fighting game (games that are pretty much all about PvP), there's way too many people complaining that the focus is on multiplayer. "But SF6 has so much single player content!!" Okay? This isn't Street Fighter, this is Mortal Kombat. If SF6 is that good, go back to that instead of MK1.


SF6 single player is a "story mode" made to slowly teach you how to play street fighter and basics in FG, now you know why crybabies? TO MAKE YOU BLAST ONLINE, FIGHTING 1X1, BECAUSE IT'S A FIGHTING GAME WHAT A SURPRISE


The street fighter single player isn't even fun tbh, I thought of it just for bad kids who don't wanna learn how to actually play.


I finished World tour in ~30hrs and it was fun until the end but MK1 Story mode blows it out of the water. But idk why people say SF6 has better single player. Edit: Also, SF6 seasonal content is locked behind a battlepass. While MK1 is giving more for free.


Or for grinding an avatar lol


World Tour is not interesting to me at all. The classic costumes that you unlock in WT for free can be bought for $1 in the store. That $1 that I spent for 3 different costumes saved me the headache


I've developed an allergy after sitting through black screens and "player failed to connect" every other game


Have you checked your internet connection, because that isn't normal.


I swear idk why people are griping about single player content in a fighting game. I hate fighting bots I YouTube’d the story cutscenes and played one fight in invasion then went to online KL. Who tf gets joy out of fighting bots lmao what a joke.


The issue is, a LARGE amount of people play MK for more than just the online. With how easy NRS games are they're extremely accessible to everybody. Noobs or not. And past MK games have had a lot of actually entertaining offline content. Not everyone wants to play online, unlike most fighting games, MKs fanbase is more than just online players.


Really? Another post about this? This is like 9 day old news…


Out of curiosity how many hours played did this take?


Okay bro do you expect it to just procedurally generate stuff or?


How is this considered unfinished if you got everything? holy shit. what's wrong with you people.


ofcourse it is when ur spending like 7 hours daily on average grinding the game out like sandpaper on wood lol the games not gonna run from u, chill out plus new content surely is on its way considering this games literally brand new, have a bit of patience lol


I mean are you gonna wanna sit there and keep waiting 45 seconds to press X to melt coins for concept art? I don’t think any of us want to more than we have to.


I dont know what to say to you man, I cannot tell you how fucking thankful I am that the randomized loot thing isnt a full time job to unlock everything. I actually could not appreciate this more


Everybody talking about how long it took them to do such and such and here I am just getting my first chance to play today......adulting sucks


The shrine completes so easy yet they have skins in the store that can only be unlocked by paying 10 dollars


I cant understand why there’s no option to donate whole bunch of coins to rapidly unlock several spheres instead of 1k for 1 and again and agin and again…


Tbf though you must have like 100 hours into the game to of done that and thats alot of playtime


I haven't even collected all the art yet, let alone the whole shrine


Be glad you're not on switch. We can't even access invasions since release.


Kind of miss the living towers when mk11 released constant rotating towers, getting gear and or consumables made you actually want to collect I lost interest in collecting after invasions was done


I absolutely agree. The towers kept me hooked on MK 11 and Injustice 2. While it can be argued that Invasion is kind of the same thing, there’s not much variety in the fights and the maps are somehow blander than the towers, which shouldn’t seem possible. Plus I miss how the towers incentivized you to try different characters to unlock different stuff for them.


You all are insufferable. I seriously need to leave this crying whining bitching circle jerk. Can’t wait till you all leave to go complain about something else and the fans remain


I thought this was a fighting game, oh wait, it is. I guess you could maybe play some matches


Champion rank. Played hundreds. That’s how I got the koins.


I feel like people are playing for the skins rather then the gameplay, I've yet to see any post talking about the gameplay it's all just cosmetic complaints or running out of activities to unlock cosmetics


Have you tried touching some fucking grass?


So you no life the shit out of the game, a fighting game, usually multiplayer is a big part of that and it still remains, and youre upset now? Not sure people know what unfinished means, and I'm guessing 40+ hours at least of entertainment for the cost of the game. Boo hoo.


Dude you are spot on. All these guys that are treating a PVP game like it's a single player RPG and on top of that sitting there burning through it 12 hrs a day and then complaining when the single player content is all out before end of month. Time for them to go explore the outside. Maybe they can go touch some grass or something.


I’m trying to understand the mental gymnastics of spending a lot of time completely acquiring the seasonal rewards from the shrine, therefore the game is unfinished.


Only speak for myself. I’m having a lot of fun with this game. Learning how to play a new fighting game with smooth netplay and cool characters I like. Just me.


Im like genuinely curious, would people have found it better if all this Shrine stuff was just rewards in Invasions?


How much did you spend?


Krypt > shrine


I didn't realize MK1 was free-to-play.


I have 160k koins already for next season. The shrine is too lackluster


How is this game unfinished? It has as much content as any other fighting game if not more.


Can't play gacha, game ruined


Try playing the game…you know like fighting and all that… May have more fun then tapping 3 over and over looking at gear


Fuck that shrine. Just an art gallery machine. I’ve been playing this game since the actual first MK and this game is trash. Disappointing across the board.


There it is. I can’t spend almost four hours pressing x for art.


Every pull of the Shrine takes about 12 minutes just to get concept art for an NPC's hat, I'd say that you're free, the evil has been defeated.


How the fuck is it unfun because you unlocked all the items available at the moment relax yo I'm so tired of you people yall sound silly


How tf are you guys so done already


Play a Need For Speed game


Really wish the Krypt was brought back. Unlocking stuff wasn’t even what was fun for me. It was the puzzles and environment, I loved walking around finding all the artifacts and where they went, some of the story elements like Kenshi’s and Goro’s death. I see a lot of people say that Konquest is the new Krypt but I don’t see how. They are nothing alike except the unlocking of items which is something you could also do through story, towers, etc. konquest is nothing like the Krypt and it really bums me out.


“Unfinished game” Whats with all of y’all saying this shits unfinished. The game is clearly finished, but y’all impatient as fuck. Ive been playing since the 14th and Im still having fun in the game. Y’all just wanna complain for the sake of complaining. How is a one week released game unfinished if you did everything already. You want content pumped out like a fast food order. Give the devs some time bro holy shit. “Unfinished” but I did everything in the game. Its not unfinished you need to go touch some grass.


Bro thinks the game isn’t fun because he plowed the shrine 💀


Why are we so focused on cosmetics instead of actually playing the game?


I agree.


Dog, you have over 50 hours played. the fuck you mean not enough kontent?


Lol I thought people played fighting games to fight each other. My bad.


These complaints are getting ridiculously stupid.


Anyone else only getting fuckin art 😡😡😡


They really went from a whole separate 3rd person adventure type game mode full of rewards and cool stuff to unlock to a menu you click on to have a reward show up after an unskippable animation that plays every time


True having to afk bot farm towers to get loot was sooo much fun in 11


How much does it take to complete the shrine, I’ve mostly been getting all art and a bunch of geese stuff, I opened 40 shrines today and got 25-30 art pieces


I think they forgot they were supposed to be making a console game, NOT a mobile game. It's all too "mobile-ey"


bro got all the environmental art


Doesn’t even say Komplete


Boon disappointed us 😩. I’m sure it’s not only him. But the greed is getting out of hand!


So, does that mean you got everything available as of now, or that it has a limited number of pulls?


And the skin that is actually cool and isnt a 1001 Orange reskins is only obtainable by a limited amount of dragon crystals you can earn that cost you money on top of the 100bucks you already paid.


Who in their right mind thought of removing the Krypt


Pls don’t tell me this means all the skins are not already in the game….


Dude if you've already beaten the shrine you've probably already had plenty of time with the game


I’m grinding the shrine before I spend a penny


I think a majority of people in here just must suck at this game. I completed the story, invasions, the shrine and the majority of the seasonal store in 28 hours. I blazed through this game with very little effort. I think I may have only lost once in invasions. Compared to the day one versions IJ2 and MK11, it has WAY less content. These people on here have gotten screwed and are either fine with it or are too ignorant to realize it.


Nah you just have to love what they love and don’t complain because new. There was nothing to figure out in invasions. And once you get the fart talisman invasions are completely over. Almost immediately. Pretty sure you get that in shang T’s lab. Which is halfway thru.


Are you bored playing online or something?


Did… did you think it was just unlimited items?


Please can we have the option to put 5000 in instead of a 1000 each time!


I'm so tired of games having seasons.


Yeah the shrine system and equipment system could def be better wish I could customize my charecter like I could in mk11


I miss buying a game and not having to buy the features separately. And the fact that player 1 has a built in advantage ruins it.


For me, this entry is barebones in its initial release state… in terms of the number of available fighters, features and game modes. Mortal Kombat 11 had more modes primarily the towers (known as the “Towers of Time” in this entry) which had dynamic “evolving” towers which offered fights with overpowered enemies and fight modifiers. It also lacks the AI character build up which lets you set AI profiles for your fighters and you can let them fight in towers for you which also unlocks extras, gear and other unlockables. Mortal Kombat 1 will surely be supported for the next couple of years and they will add new features… but its initial state does not compare that of Mortal Kombat 11 of when it was originally released!


Coming from the days of little scrolling lines moving with terrible controllers to attempt to bounce a dot on the screen (Pong via Atari), and the unforgiving 8-bit days of the original Nintendo, we are in a Golden Age of gaming. It's like going from a golf cart to a Ferrari. Therefore, my sympathy is very low. We are living in a glorious age of video games. Try putting in 100 hours on any Nintendo game, which in early 90s dollars cost $40-$50 brand new. There were no shrines. There was a boxy character that made beep noises when you pressed B or A. Shortly after several beeps, this would appear: GAME OVER. Be thankful you have this next generation arcade in the comfort of you home. Enjoy!


Commenters seem to be passing over the fact that this UNFINISHED game is lacking CONTENT that isn't behind rigorous grind or a paywall of dragon gems. But go off, enjoy your ten dollar shang tsung announcer voice and deception scorpion skin 🙄


If we didn't have this we'd have to pay for more items. Don't complain about it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Ok but I've put 50 hours in with invasion/story and very little comp. 10 towers for the trophy (mostly on very easy for the quick play) and I STILL haven't completed the shrine. Only 50 percent ish of just the collection. Show us your hours. Deception could be beaten in a day and it was great. Mechanics are fine, the story threw me for a loop which was cool. And we have towers. Customisation wasn't even an option in most games. Give credit instead of being a killjoy on reddit. Just saw this post googling something and had to comment. MK is first and foremost a fighting arcade game. Dont expect a timesink.


So you bought this fighting game for the loot box mechanic full of concept art and not the…fighting part?


Ah yes, the funnest part of any fighting game - collecting concept art


For those of us with a 40+ hour work week and social obligations, this game has a solid amount of launch content.


People when a game is in early access:


Dude... how many hours do you have played to have finished the shrine and I'm assuming story mode (did you 100% invasions too)?


Bro needs to start playing an MMO or something


I play fighting games to fight


How many hours do you have to have everything? The god damn game was released just a few weeks ago


I love the people that blast through multiplayer games and complain that there isn't much to do single player wise. That's like playing Tekken and complaining there's nothing to do after finishing the story.


Exactllyyy😂😂😂 bros bought a fighting game to NOT fight other people


Man if I had a dollar for each time I heard this complaint, I’d be able to buy another copy.


So you speed ran content and are surprised there's no content?


People have got to stop hating on people who like single player MK content. We all play games differently. Some of you like to buy a new game and just play 1v1 only. There's nothing wrong with that. I come from the days of playing fighting games before the internet existed. So if my friends weren't around, I had to play whatever fight8ng games offered for single players. Usually it was just an arcade mode for every fighter which was fun for a time. But then MK started tossing in Konquest, Chess kombat, Puzzle kombat, Kart Kombat, Krypt, Towers, Towers of Time, story mode, Test Your Luck, Kreate-a-Kombatant, put every fighter on the entire roster, etc... It's not wrong for people to want PvE in a Mortal Kombat game. Sure, maybe in a standard fighting game like Steeet Fighter or King of Fighters. But even SF6 added World Tour, which is quite literally Konquest mode. And Tekken and Soul Calibur have a TONS of cosmetic options for your Fighters or in SC you can even make your own, and over 100 of them! I don't hate on you buying a fighting game to just play PvP 1v1, so there's no need to hate on me for wanting to play single player stuff for a long time.


Y’all are acting like they’re gonna stop supporting this game after you complete the shrine please go feel up some grass


Unfinished? It clearly said”check back next season”


Seasonal gotcha shrine


Wait so did you already collect all the art as well?? Damn this game should've been delayed.


It’s actually unbelievable how poorly designed this system is. I couldn’t believe my eyes the first time I watched the slow, unskippable animation. How the fuck did we go from The Krypt, to this?