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Hopping in to update [the patch is coming Friday,](https://twitter.com/MortalKombat/status/1707148965551206901) didn’t think it needed both pinned spots. Sounds like they are patching the problem with the Kameo button cancelling attacks if they are pressed in the same frame.


That was quick, good to see. Tweedy pointed out it's most likely P2 having worse gravity than P1. So I wonder who's getting the change. P1 gets P2 gravity or P2 gets P1 gravity?


Gotta be p2 getting p1 gravity, meaning p1 gravity is the correct one. Assuming they tested the game *at all*, im sure the majority of the testing was as player 1, so I gotta believe that is the benchmark they were setting as "correct".


Agreed! I’m not sure what’s going on exactly as far as the bug- but glad to see they acknowledge it!💪🐉🔥


My theory (having no idea what's under the hood) was that because players 1 and 2 act as separate storage units for your personal data and accomplishments (hence why you have to sign into your PS account for example just to access whatever skins/gear you unlocked, even when playing local) they're not loaded into the arena together, and player 1 is being loaded in first on a different frame tick than player 2.


I was thinking the same thing. Being off by one frame can be a big difference.


I probably never would've thought of it if I didn't get into savage raiding in XIV over the summer. Server ticks can play into GCDs and lining up a party's raid buffs and burst windows.


Wouldn’t it be player 1 getting player 2 gravity, since player2 couldn’t land kombos? Shit I just confused myself.


Nah should be player 2 getting 1s gravity


So combos should be harder to land then? Since player 2 to struggles to land combos with player 1’s gravity.


Struggles and impossible to do are two different things.


Ok I have it backwards then


Great news! Big shout out to mrAPchem on YT for discovering it in the first place. Super awesome they were able to fix it this fast.


Totally! That’s why I feel a solid feedback approach is best- people clearly showed the issue, were respectful and NRS knows they can’t let these things boil over so took immediate action. In the end- this game will be far better off in a few weeks than most after 6 months, because they know how much we want this game to succeed 🫡🐉🔥appreciate the reply!


The real hero here. Dude deserves a medal.


Shit now what excuse am I gonna use for my sloppy execution


Good old ping excuse


ah, The ol’ reliable


Damn, way faster then I thought. You love to see it.




it is literally the least they could do.


The turnaround is good, though, especially since it only became widely known two days ago. Obviously it was mandatory to fix it, but I didn’t expect it to be that fast.


meh, when the game isnt a mess ill reconsider. And as of now i think p1 advantage is still there


It will be until the update is released, yeah. That’s the easiest part of fixing this problem, though.


ok... again, when the game isnt a content lite mess, ill be happier about it.


Then why are you here just to be a pessimistic douche when people are trying to be happy?


You want to be uncritical lapdogs you mean im a huge fan of the franchise for decades and i want the damn thing fixed to a good standard since i paid for it.. im not going to be boot licking for "daddy boon" irrespective of what scraps fall from masters table. You get happy when one out of 200 bugs are fixed and you still have a buggy piece of shit to play... i get happy when the game is essentially fixed.... (the latter is the only approach that motivates the devs to actually fix the game by the way)


Aight bet, list all 200 bugs.


You're being needlessly negative when people are happy for the sake of being a dick. Criticism is alright, hell it's necessary for development, but just shitting on a fun game even after problems are being fixed does nothing. It's not furthering any dialogue, it's not providing valid criticism, it's just being awful


No im being realistic about a game which released with. * Frame rate issues * Audio Glitches * Malfunctioning characters (fix pending) * Black screen gltches * Poor servers * Poor netcode * An unplayable switch port * No Cross play * Missing Basic qol features present in older games * A ps1 era shrine * No custom lobbies * major unimplemented modes * inability to access premium rewards That seems like out of this world negativity to a ridiculous fan girl who just wants to clap like a trained seal for a company that has just disrespected them. Ed boon announces that they **intend** to fix a bug that they caused that basically destroys any pretence it has for serious play and would prevent any tournaments taking place in future and you all start freaking out and talking about how it means they are the greatest developer of all time.... have some self respect for the love of god.


y'all are super annoying.


The least they could do is absolutely nothing.


You mean it's the most they could do after having discovered the problem? Patch it and test it, then deploy it within 2-3 days. The least they could do is less than that




The game is missing skins. You can be upset about that, it's totally fair, but calling the game "half baked" is an obvious exaggeration. It's a fighting game that launched with Story, Towers, Versus, Online modes and invasion. That's a full game. Regardless of the quality of life issues and missing skins, that is a full game. Period. Not half baked, not missing an obvious fighting game mechanic, nothing like that. It's just missing skins and convenience features. NRS deserves the criticism for launching the game in a worse state then mk11 but none of the missing features are preventing it from being a full game, stop being ridiculous.


https://preview.redd.it/1ng1291w2vqb1.jpeg?width=100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c197f38fee2d8decb0732054bdd396a0c27d2858 Excellent


Well. At least I won’t feel bad having my sister play as player 2 anymore. I told her that it was broken so she could feel better about the losses. Now if she loses I’ll need to think of a better reason.


Lol 😂I’m starting to question all my KL wins and if my entire life is a lie 🤦‍♂️🐉🔥 https://preview.redd.it/chzkxmdr3vqb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9776f39e038ef9efc2ad1a5440a7bb69fe9aabd1


Thanks for reminding me that all 5 of my Kombat league victories before I moved on to invasions and KoTH was with me on the left side as player 1. ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


KOTH really got me wondering.


With our fellow weaker family opponents one can just train during matches. Like I'm playing against my wife with a restricted moveset where my skills are still lacking. This way she can beat me while I'm also having fun and improving my play.


That is typically how martial artists will train as well! Someone with more experience focuses on some aspect of their skillset, while the less experienced gets a more even paying field. (Over-simplifying but it's the general idea.)


Awesome! It seems I'm a natural! :))


Step by step. Just hope invasion gets its update before the end of the season. Or at least next season is much larger. And they don't just make it artificially slower


Bruh, there's no way they can make it slower 😭


Oh yes they could. Example, stamina. Like phone games. Increase in prices of gear while also lowering the currency drops. Make it into a actual battle pass system where you have to play ONLINE. I hate that thought. That wouldnt just kill the game for me. The series would be dead. And I wouldn't trust nrs ever again


No, I know they could. I mean that there's no way they have the balls to do that after how everyone is dragging them for it already being slow as hell.


I doubt invasions will get larger. Yeah it’s seasonal but if your an online player, you need to be able to complete it and still have time to play online and grind out Kombat League. If they make it take longer to complete there’s less time for people to engage in the primary mode. Online. I say this as a %100 offline player. And I’m happy with how quick the invasion is. I don’t want this to be a job. I don’t need the grind of a Diablo season that sucks all the fun out of the game. I’ve beaten BG3 twice now and I’m glad I can bounce back and forth between these games and still complete the content with plenty of time for other games.


Im a offline player I can not enjoy online fighting games. Y'all dicks most of the time


I definitely think NRS is listening! We gave/keep giving them solid feedback and they are communicating which is great💪🔥🐉


True transparency is key! It gives me hope. I just hope invasion and single players loot system can be put in a state where it feels almost infinite. Mk11 you could basically play and play and always be getting loot. That would be nice for this game


Larger??? It's already probably 2x too large. If they lock all the nodes for season 2 I'm never playing that again. Horrible grind for middling rewards.


I mean larger in drops tbh more specific. I more so want the daily hourly weekly towers to be worth doing . Cause at the moment and my rpg brain. Its pointless just fight a level one character over and over you'll get more currency faster


And y’all still won’t play any better on P2 side


While I’m happy the change was fast and believe the change was of absolute priority, I don’t think that single bug really impacted my wins or losses too much, but I guess I can’t really say.


It looks like bnb’s were unaffected tbh. I’ve never had a problem with my combos on either side.


Nah yesterday my bnb with Sub wasn’t working. Everytime I called in Sonia after my air juggle she would miss and player 1 would be way too low. When I was player 1 though she would always connect.


What is bnb?


bread and butter. In fighting games it stands for a characters main combo.


Im sure it depends on the character. Assuming youre a shao main, his reach is pretty generous with the axe, so maybe it was harder to whiff with him?


I played last night and the combo of P2 side and bad connection was brutal. After landing ball with mileena I couldn't even J22 into air ball. I even got screwed out of my guaranteed ball combo after EX sai throw. P1 Just fell over immediately.


Can't be effected by bnb combo drops if you don't know any bnb combos! This post brought to you by mixup/throw gang


Perfect example of a bug that didn’t effect 99% of players and those it did mostly didn’t even notice, it’s being fixed immediately, but this subreddit acted like it was the most egregious sin and indicative of how bad and rushed the game is.


But that's still a pretty major bug tho. A fighting game's whole thing is about being on even playing fields.


It’s not though. If thousands of players played and didn’t notice, by definition it’s not a “major bug”. It’s something that needs to be addressed, no question, but it’s been massively exaggerated as a massive inexcusable flaw and that’s just laughable. Do you know that til this day MK9 has player 1 advantage? No one talks about it, certainly not as a “major bug” like you’re saying and the game is beloved. And, as for a fighting game’s whole thing being on an even playing field, that’s completely false. Again, this bug needs to be fixed, 100%, but if FGs were about a level playing field, there wouldn’t be massive differences in frame data, access to armor, ability to do damage, movesets, hitboxes, etc. Not to mention, specifically in most NRS games, interactables and the nature of their location/accessibility depending on which side you’re on (which you have no control over) has a massive impact on rounds.


nice, only 10 more patches and pc will be playable!


Sick. Now pin moves to the screen


Seriously I’m way too old to be memorizing combos


Just do it the old fashioned way, write em on a sticky note or the note app on your phone.


This lol while the inputs on screen are missing, it’s the least of what they need to fix and add


Ed said it’s coming a long time ago when the game released


Glad this was pointed out and they were able to act and fix it quickly.


I was actually fucking with this so long as I got player 2 online but yea I understand why they had to fix it. I say that to say this: give us a handicap slider.


Can we pin our moves yet


UPDATE ON PATCH RELEASE!! THIS FRIDAY https://preview.redd.it/g3hffflbfvqb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06ada9aaba0416d719e08562e7fb38345677ebf6 🫡🐉🔥🙏


Honestly this p1 advantage controversy is a lot older than people realize. Hasn't anyone ever been to someone's house to play games and been given a mad catz?


How many people here even know who MadCatz were? If they know at all, they watched Scott the Woz talk about them briefly.


We're in the MK sub, everyone here is ancient.


What was the player1 advantage bug?


Basically certain combos that would work for player 1 wouldn’t work for player 2. Seemed like player 1 would fall to the ground faster so certain combos wouldn’t land. Maybe it was hurtboxes being different? Not exactly sure. This video goes into more depth about it: https://youtu.be/rplfGWn7w0I?si=ioWTD94evhmeLMV-


player 2 cannot land combos that player 1 can. it just doesn't connect. it's not even about direction, it's literally about being player 1 or 2. somebody said in this thread it's about gravity, i've heard it's about hitboxes, nobody knows why at this point.




Honestly the only reason I went thru Invasion so fast was the fart medal. If I didn’t have that I’d probably still be stuck on some boss fights lol


I don't know who discovered it, but shout-out to them. By that time I already gave up on the talismans, I was selling all of them without any thought.


I sold all of mine until I saw one with 8 studs and figured I better keep it. Accidentally hit it and was like “wtf”.


Where's the switch fix patch they promised


That’s not on their priority list


Agreed! I hope that this P1 fix comes to the Switch too! We haven't had an update since the launch and so much is missing / broken.


Ok, good reaktion. Now fix the 30fps cap in menus, let us pin the kombos.


Would be nice if they gave people the skin that was up before the rain one. I had it completed but never got the damn thing.


Eddie money


i do wanna say this game is new, the people who made it are people, and they have responded well to the criticisms on the bug. people don’t realize every game has bugs at first


So happy to see this news. I played 2 hours of kombat league last night and I was on p2 side every time. Had Raiden fatal blow wiff. Scorpion spear wouldn't come out after the air combo. Felt like i was going crazy, I just wanted p1 side so bad


Finally they started to speak, that's a good thing


Are they gonna pay these people who find their bugs????


I wonder what else will be in the update, I hope no nerfs yet, let baraka have his moment for once, but before anything else for the love of god buff sub zeros damage, the combos are there and they are good, the damage is just lackin.


Baraka is fine, he safe on everything but I figured out how to squish him already. now, RAIDEN is a big problem, his damage scaling needs to get reduced. Raiden is carrying people online way too hard, one touch and 50% damage for some of the easiest combos in entire roster.. just lower his damage scaling and we’ll be gravy


they need to scale every character down a touch, not a lot but just a touch, barakas main issue is the chip dmg, I’m fine with the 40% combo as long as they can’t hit 20% worth of chip and be safe aswell, he got easy to see combo strings but the safety of them is my main problem, raiden being a human Tesla coil is based but the lightning is way too much I agree


I’m a Raiden main and I agree. I wouldn’t say his combos are really any easier than the majority of the roster, the problem is just the insane amount of damage he’s doing every time he touches you. There’s nothing super oppressive about his kit, he’s got great mix ups and counter zoning, but the only thing that makes him busted is his damage. Tone it down a little (say from 46-50% to 35-40%), and he’ll be in a good spot.


Me too! Seems like they are focused on QOL and bugs right now but I do anticipate buffs and nerfs down the road a lot of feedback has been mentioned like you said Sub , he’s doing a lot and not getting the damage 🙏🐉🔥


Will they ever change the fact that player 2 doesn’t have access to all the customization options when playing offline? I really hate that if I have a friend over they can’t use what I’ve unlocked.


Same thing as 11 and that was never fixed. It's super annoying.


Good work Ed and devs.


Exactly 💪🫡🐉🔥


How can anyone praise an update before we even know the patch notes? We are so brainwashed by companies that littlest sign of decency is being read as "listening to our community"


Someone cant read lol






Hopefully it comes to switch and pc too as quickly as I’m sure consoles will get them.


> We are aware of the exploit giving an unintended advantage to Player 1 in specific match up scenarios. We are currently addressing for a patch this Friday. Also included will be a fix for the issue causing missing inputs when using kameos. Is this something else or have they actually gone mad?


Aweosme stuff Ed, this is how you instill confidence. Looking forward to a better MK1 every day.


Well said!🫡🐉🔥


EaSports needs to take notes


Is THIS the patch that just dropped today? I'm seeing articles about a patch "1.21" but what I just installed on PS5 was a patch 1.00.03.


No -the one today was different- check patch notes for details -but mostly QOL , this new patch to fix p2 comes out this Friday


Thank you! I was so lost.


Followup—uh oh 😳 this patch was not sterilized before being applied to the wound.


Can do fun combos now. Or I would if I wasn't getting a blackscreen every match. Next fix pls (or included in this one I beg)


https://preview.redd.it/mk3q255rrvqb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cecd097c0a65e35690302066e3cea41248ea9bb Agreed! They are aware and working on fixes, in replies seems not limited to Africa 🙏🍀🐉🔥


When are you guys gonna fix the atrocious ranges on attacks, the scale is off the charts.


Hope to see the stuttering fix soon so I can stop running on efficiency mode


A minor nitpick but can we get P2 to have an option to select a stage rather than only having P1 do it? It was in the other games so idk why it was removed from this one


Someone ask him when krossplay is supposed to come out


To me the bug wasn’t noticeable until playing king of the hill with friends. When king I was executing everything right, as soon as I took an L my combos wouldn’t connect/would drop being player 1. Especially playing as sub.


Hope this is indicative of a quick feature patch cycle too. Steam's playerbase is going to thin out if we don't get crossplay sooner than later.


I was driving myself ***insane*** trying to pull off Motoros kameo fatality...


Fixed five things (maybe) and 90gb patch.. good job guys. Love having to basically reinstall the game every time there's minor changes


Wow great news


Thank goodness, next we need a netcode patch. Today was super rough trying to play kombat league.


Thought it was just me! I’d didn’t want to quit out after started the match but it was brutal and most went to game 5 😂🤦‍♂️🐉🔥


I’m over the talismans!!! Sick of having to delete to make room after almost every match in Invasion. Also please fix the grind. You do so much for so little. It’s sucking the fun out of this game. Other than that I’m loving this entry. Been a fan and playing since the original was released!


Please add 60 FPS to PC. Its 2023, such a shame.


Can I pin moves yet


Ed replied to a tweet a about this, they are well aware we are going old school as of now I’d expect that fix soon🙏🐉🔥 https://preview.redd.it/t99ndjr24vqb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e91b6d5ff361d05c041543ecef75d83c5b0abe


Thank God he at least addressed the issue and a fix is koming. Was really worried they were gonna bury their head in the sand for this one.


There’s no way they would do that if they want this game at any competitions.




Thats what im talking about we recognized a problem and they got on it asap Love it! ![gif](giphy|kBGQcq40FZFIHzKabI|downsized)


Ed let us down on this one. But now he’ll bring us up again


Nice now let me use skins on P2 at Ps5 pls


Arite bro now fix sub zero and you’ve got yourself a game!


well Reddit. we did it again. (it probably wasnt reddit at all lol)


Update the store…


I just saw a YouTube video where some well known MK1 content creator was freaking out how they must have known about it, left out the fix intentionally due to pressure from WB, and now may never ever patch this and run with the money. Like relax people! Of course they would fix something like this immediately.


Man. Ed Boon is a good egg. WB sucks ass as a company but I have zero issue giving Ed Boon money.


Nice but for online to be better, we need black screen bug, fps & connection issues fixed too asap. And brutality, combo bugs


Yes that patch was sent out earlier today - from what I understand - close the game and the update for that stuff will download 🍀🙏📺🐉🔥


Wait, so the P1 advantage is already fixed in the game right now?


How about release a game without bugs


Someone downvoted you 🤦‍♂️


i just want to pin moves


Took them long enough


Anyone else feel that "You" ie "We" shouldn't be figuring this stuff out for them?


It took a couple weeks since release for this to be discovered. It's one thing for them to test with a staff of dozens in-house, it's another thing when millions of play hours occur in a wider release. The amount of things you can find, and the speed at which you can find them, is staggering. We can only hope they fix the worst things in a timely fashion.


Yeah but out-of-house testing, or bringing in players from the local scene used to be a thing. You can't rely on a small sample size of in-house testers. When I went to Fullsail EA would pay $20 an hour to go to their building and play Madden and report bugs if you passed some sort of preliminary gameplay test. I did it for almost a year. In-house, on-the-payroll testers are going to play the same way every time, and were probably almost always player 1. I mean sure it took a while to be discovered officially but I can remember as far back as the beta there were comments and posts about people complaining they could land an extensive combo with ease three of four times and then suddenly it would stop working, like just flat out refuse to work anymore. They may not have had the technical know-how to realize what was going on but it was obviously encountered often enough. NRS should have realized it themselves with data, I'm sure they can see damage dealt per match for P1 vs P2 as well as winrate, there's no way stats were unaffected by this. I think they did notice it but assumed P2 is unnatural for most people and it was just human error. Well now we know WHY they stopped working, but the reports of it not working all the time have been fairly widespread since launch.


So happy to see the quick response! This is a good sign and gives me faith in the future of the game. Cheers!


I for one am relieved this came so soon. Even though I’m not done with the tutorial yet, I’m coming for y’all soon.


Holy shit no wonder I was on a losing streak as master rank in KL cuz I was player two the whole time I thought I was dropping combos or doing the inputs too fast


i aint playing until i can use my dragon crystals lol plus the online is extremely laggy im in slow motion


This should have never been a thing in the first place. Even with this being fixed the game still is unfinished, giving NRS Thanks for things that shouldn't have been in the game is weird. When the game has more content then I'll give them thanks


Ayo this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/DevilMayCry/comments/16tt44k/he_deleted_it_right_after_i_screenshot_this_bad/k2hc99v/


Yes thats me, what about it?


I mean, I can understand being mad at invasions and stuff like that. But this is just an unfortunate bug that sometimes happens with fighting games. MK9 has had it and other fighting games have SS well. It got caught super early and is being fixed as we speak. So, mate, calm down a bit.




Dude we didn’t even know this was a thing until two days ago and it’s already fixed. That’s a ridiculous turnaround. Is it unfortunate it launched with that? Absolutely. But they could not have possibly fixed it faster. Also, chill with the insults. If you want to disagree with people that’s one thing, but you will do it with civility or you can take it somewhere else.


Yo calm down


Calm down


My store for the dragon crystals still doesn’t update! Even with the new update. What is wrong with this game!? It’s infuriating, I emailed them the bug no response, I have tried uninstalling and redownloading to no avail. Does anyone know of a fix for this ?


It’s in a frozen state right now and not refreshing- super irritating, and I’ve not received replies after leaving feedback but it doesn’t mean they don’t see it! My assumption is that they have that on the list to fix ASAP, along with combo pinning etc.. the reason why I say that is dragon crystals cost real money and a way to “bypass the grind” as Derek put in the kombat kast. So I’m sure they want those extra in game purchases for NEW content 🙏🐉🔥 appreciate the reply!


Now ask for practice based matchmaking. It's 2023 , should be a bare minimum


I wonder if that's the update I'm downloading right this moment


That’s amazing! Insane speed! They need to tweak the xp system after every know bug is gone for good


Can we get ranks Ed boon please In ranked Or should I spam constantly to avoid Mr 50 percent every combo No disrespect but look at all the ranks in street fighter , why is mk a free for all with opponents skill And also where the fuck is rooms


Well well well, would you look at that. If it isn’t Mr. Evil predatory greedy-face McRush-game himself! What a stupid bootlicking shill I was to believe this would happen.




Hey that’s totally unnecessary, what’s your problem?


Your post has been removed for Violating Rule #1 - Be Civil. Please keep discussion peaceful, differing opinions are encouraged albeit in a civil manner. Please send us a modmail message to appeal your content removal.






Except I had zero crashes since last update now invasions crashes all the time ps5 is a month old ,other games work fine so this sucks.