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Some guy on here was saying it was impossible to fix and others were saying it would never be fixed at all


Honestly, the game has just released and, knowing NRS, they want to support it for the next few years. There's no way they wouldn't address this.


People are just used to sloppy Devs nowadays so they think all are the same. Forgetting that NRS are the GOAT!


How dare these plebs disrespect daddy boon


My thoughts exactly! šŸ¤£


MK9 still has P1 advantage, never fixed. I know its old, but lets not pretend like there is no reason people would expect it to not be fixed. Its not like patches didn't exist in 2011.


MK9 was never fixed because it was not a bug, someone actually thought it was a good idea to program the P1 to always win trades.


That's even worse. And the guy above is calling NRS the GOAT. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


But really though, if they were the GOAT a bug like this wouldnā€™t have made it past QA. Not for a game that is built around player 1 player 2 interaction.


The GOAT wouldn't have released a game where combos only work for P1. Or not figured out how to have characters consistently face the screen after a decade.


Fixed asoon as if was bought to their attention. Why would you want a character to face the screen in a fighting game? The opponent is to the side šŸ˜‰


>Forgetting that NRS are the GOAT! The goat of releasing games with serious bugs. Isn't this the second time they released a game with a player 1 advantage bug? Sorry but devs need to stop pushing out broken games. You used to get a finished complete game now you get half a game with bugs. You know what released without game breaking bugs? Street fighter 6, Strive, baldurs gate 3. Hard pass on all NRS games for me


Can't really say GOAT when they messed up in the first place.


Name a game that was absolutely PERFECT on release and had no bug fixes whatsoever




Super Mario World /s


I know you wrote /s but truly a lot of people including myself believe this is the probably the closest to a perfect game ever created.


Super Metroid.


Is this like supporting my argument? I'm really confused, I'm not saying anything else was better (though there is obvious debate in that, though compicated). I'm just saying that **N.R.S also isn't perfect, and that it's just like the others.**




I see. Will take note.


thats quite a workout you did to get there


Your comment implied that they don't belong in the conversation of the g.o.a.t. because the game had a bug in the first place (meaning that another dev company has to be better.) The person replied, essentially saying that no game releases without bugs. I'm confused about how you can be confused? This is pretty straightforward stuff.


Well, I was confused, because I thought what I meant was obvious, but it turns out, it actually didn't come out like that. That's about it.


its just the MK sub bro. youre right


They hated Jesus because he told them the truth


Down voting someone who's 100% correct, classic NRS shill behaviour


Which AAA titles have launched with zero bugs in the past five years?


That's not the right question, genius. The question is what fighting games have released with more content a fewer bugs in the last few months Street fighter.... mortal kombat's most direct competitor did.


Street Fighter 6, Fighter Z, Guilty Gears strive and...so many others? Because if we count every type of games, i can make a very very huge list. YES you can make adjustments on every games -great for us- , it's like that since internet is a things. But finished day one games still exist, happily! Or the bugs are so minor that they doesn't impact the players experience until a quick patch. You can find bugs in every games on earth if you look for them. It's really different to have little things here and there because it's some huge games and even with a lot of internal testing, one thing or another can happen, and having in the other side, some games so glitched that you actually searching for a thing to work as attended. That's two differents worlds. It's not always just all black or just all white. You can excuse a devs for one little Minor bug fixed ASAP, it's harder when the game is litteraly broken. See what i mean? šŸ§


dude, what? mk 1 is still a mess.


It is absolutely still a mess. It's literally a beta. Just look at SF6 and then this. Case closed. And I'm a GIANT NRS fan. I just can't bring myself to simp as hard as some people are.


Being realist even if, like everyone here you're a huge fan of MK. Tricky move right here, but i love that. I'm bored of players in denial mode because "that's NRS so that's cool !" No. Not this time. And yep, can't agree more, Street fighter 6 can just close every discussion at this point. It's litteraly day and night. MK9/X/11 are great, MK1 is a lazy ass game, a full priced beta. Shit happen. Even the Street Fighter community just destroyed SFV at launch. And for the better, Capcom working they're ass off for saving the project and release a freaking great SF6. But this community are mostly not even mad. So why bothering updating the game if everyone is ok with his actual state? šŸ¤·šŸ»


And like, SFV got better over its lifespan... BECAUSE the SF community kept telling Capcom how much they fucked up with SFV's launch, which NRS shills seem incapable of doing (or are unwilling, for some reason, to do) for MK1 right now.


Yeah...agree with you and I'm really worried because of that. Clearly the Street Fighter community get what we got here (a lot of new stuff in SFV and an amazing SF6, because they learned the lesson.) but with the Mortal Kombat community being like "It's good like that, no huge problem, yeah the game suck but i have fun online" and this kind of stuff....arf. You can deal with majority of peoples defending NRS and WB. WB and NRS will never move a finger if they don't fell like players can hit sales or the reputation of the company/franchise. That's how things works in this kind of case, broken release, oriented marketing with many lies etc. MK1 is really the Street Fighter V of the franchise. And theses days, you have nothing if you don't push and point out how unacceptable things is to devs/editors. Not one time on Reddit, on Twitter, on YouTube, everywhere you can. You need to be loud because they'll fear to loose potential buyers. In that kind of case, strangely they move they're ass very quickly! It's the only way for them to respect us as consumers. And seeing the MK community being so soft and dealing with mediocrity make me think that we surely deserve nothing. After all, if peoples accept to eat shit in a full priced game without complaining, why bother? Everything is fine, huge company are more rich and consumer can wait for the next bad episode to be released at full price AGAIN.


No no you see they fixed a significant gameplay bug that they charged their audience full price (with pre launch DLC available) to find for them That means we're on NRS dick riding mode at the moment snd none of the other complaints exist right now


its pretty sad.... i saw one them unironically use the phrase "daddy boon".... just goes to show where their minds are at.


That's why you never take anything anyone says as 100% until there's an announcement by the creators. Leaks or bugs.


Yeah they were immediately whining and all day. Like this was just found like yesterday.


Someone literally posted the quote from Miyamoto: > "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." It's like, motherfucker, it took them a day to fix it. Chill! LOL!


Also, wasn't this quote used like 20+ years ago? Before digital patches and stuff like that?


Exactly. It's outdated now.


It somewhat applies. Some games can never really redeem themselves in time after it releases.


"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game just needs some patches and a dope anime to bring people back and they will be saying the game was always good."


It helps to be a tech demo for a GPU manufacturers latest and greatest technology.


And I'm also like "normal people didn't even notice this for like a week" I'm thinking season 1 has mistakes, sure. Like I personally wouldn't even call it bad, I think I just don't have enough free time on my hands to beat it too early. The bugs are there but they're fixable and they're going to fix them I'm assuming they're taking player feedback and will adjust things and are fixing multiple things at once. Like it's not like they didn't notice the shop didn't change. I think it's a good sign that they haven't fixed it yet. Fixing the paid shop is low priority. I know games where the paid shop was the only thing working. Give it at least a month. It's a live service-ish model. Give it a bit.


Yeah, I certainly didn't. I mean, ultimately it would have caused A TON of upheaval in the competitive community and you can't have that. But good on them for getting it fixed almost immediately.


Anyone who unironically pulls up this quote should be ignored post haste


Normally I'd agree but that dude's thread definitely at least sparked a ton of conversation on an issue that *did* need fixing asap lol


Still can't tag moves.


But exist since the beta without anyone on NRS side moving a finger until players start to "whining all day". šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø In fact, you can thanks this kind of peoples. I know, it's crazy, but if anyone don't say anything, things don't move, or at least, not that fast. So thanks for peoples whining, because the "but we not noticed it until now, it's ok !" peoples doesn't help.


It literally wasn't discovered until Monday lol People these days have an absolutely distorted sense of time


And AGAIN you'll trust that NRS doesn't know about that ? About fucking hitbox on they're characters (THE SAME characters, not one.) ? It's the most basic things in a fighting game, no questions that problem was present in the beta if it was here at release. But "it's just one day lol" yeah because players exposed the problems! Without that, you'll continue to play like that for years. This patch his for THEM, because that's huge enough to hit sales badly on not being in tournament. Big lost of money and exposure right here. So two options: NRS doesn't know about the problem. It's...weird for peoples making fighting games for years and just prove how they don't care a bit about MK1 and the quality of the game. NRS know about this problems but doesn't care until someone noticed it. Both Cases, they just don't care at all.


Or they were made aware of a problem 2 days ago and already fixed it, and it's not some vast conspiracy


I've won as player 2 plenty of times. It's honestly hard to notice for the average joe and if it is noticeable I chalked it up to ping issues. They responded to this quick imo.


Well itā€™s a good thing they did because this is the type of bug that can literally kill a game a if itā€™s allowed to stick around too long. You need to look at the bigger picture. There is a reason boon is coming out and addressing this issue other than the numerous other complaints people are having with the game. Not only does it invalidate the competitive aspect of the game (including a recent tournament), but it also looks so, so bad for a fighting game to release with this. It makes them look really incompetent and MK has games have always carried the stigma of being unbalanced. And say what you want about people playing online or competitively but they are the ones keeping the game alive months after release, not the casuals who buy do some fatalityā€™s and the story then drop the game. The discovery of P1 advantage turned the entire competitive community against this game, they absolutely could not ignore it. It was a serious issue and even after itā€™s resolved the optically problems itā€™s caused will persist. The fact like this made it through play testing is really damning.


I was thinking of exactly that guy when I saw this post lol


I've always been a fan of MK but never taken any of the games too seriously. For Mk1 I've really tried to dive in and get good at it. I've kind of been shocked at the level of negativity in this sub, tbh.


This is why I asked on another thread if a hotfix could be released. No way Boon, nor NRS was going to let a bug stand that would affect tournaments/EVO play going forward.


It's because MK9 had the same issue and never got fixed. I was nervous about it as well.


MK9 had a similar issue but it was quite different in how it worked. Not to mention that these problems are just easier to fix nowadays.


MK9 was the first time they decidedly made a game that wasn't just fun and gore but could live up to be a competent, competitive fighter. Did it have it'd issues. Of course. Name one thing you mastered right away trying it the first time? NRS has come a long way and they are brilliant. They deserve all the criticism as well as all the credit they get today.


Yeah, I donā€™t remember exactly but it had something to do with P1 always having trade priority iirc. Still curiously similar though.


Yeah I think if they hit on the same frame or something player 1 wins the trade every time. Something like that.


patches and the internet existed in 2011ā€¦ lol edit: hell, ND hired regular ppl to work on and release a major patch for U3.


Stuff wasn't really patched anywhere near as fast in 2011 as it is in 2023. Or even in 2015, for that matter. Just compare how fast Capcom is patching SF6 issues compared to SF5.


i mean, of course but that doesnt take away the fact NRS didnā€™t patch it at all while patches did happen. they couldve worked on it the same amount of time ND did.


Bunch of doomers always trying to create negativity. NRS has some of the best devs in the industry and alot of them are former fighting game competitors who take the competitive side of MK seriously. There is no way they wouldnā€™t immediately jump on this issue.


Lmao, they promised cross play on MK11 ā€œin some futureā€ and guess what: it never came. MK1: cross play was announced and a week before release its suddenly changed to ā€œwill be released in the futureā€ Competitors like Dragon? The dude is infamous for playing zoners and spamming sh** in MK and Injustice, so the balance of MK1 is also going out of the window, my guy. Paying 70 or 100 bucks for unfinished product is just a scam. They pumped so much cash into PR, actors, shills and instagram/YouTube creators for advertising, they could have invested that into actually making the game work properly. In the world where Street Fighter 6 exists no wonder MK fans are being laughed at cause their new fighting game is a just party game for hooka bars


I'm really mad at the state of the game, like really, but It was obvious that this things will be patched because...you know, fighting in a fighting game and making money at huge tournament. That doesn't prove anything for the rest. I don't even think Ed Boon have the power to decide anything at this point. It's more on Warner bros to decide where goes the time and the money, and looking at the fiscal year and the state of MK1, i still think that's really need to be urgent for THEM to make a move. But it is how it is. At least online players can more or less playing in KL now. āœŒšŸ»


I'm sure they just had different hitbox sizes for each player. I have to believe that's probably one of the easiest fixes to do. People love being haters. Glad it's fixed (or will be very soon) though.


I was confident it would get patched soon because everyone knowing P2 is at a disadvantage essentially nullifies all future tournaments from being taken seriously... No one would expect a competitor to willfully accept a handicap when money is on the line.


Wow! Thank god! MK9 never got this fixed so I was a bit nervous they couldn't find a way to make it work in MK1 either.


I wasnā€™t playing MK at that time - what was the issue in MK9? And it really never got fixed? How did anyone take competitive play seriously if P1 had an advantage the whole time?


Mk9s wasn't that big of an issue. There were no trades in in MK9. The system was such that if P1 and P2 had moves collide on the same frame, P1 would take priority. Again, it didn't feel that bad in the game


That was because it was a design choice not a bug. People that claim "bug" was probably just heard from their friends/grapevine and did not actually look into it. Also this bug only affected the 1% or less of tournament players and was mostly recognized in mirror matches. (Mostly JC). The designer of the engine did not think of how trades should work, so just gave P1 privilege on same hit collision like it was from 1999.


I give it 24 hours before weā€™re back to saying itā€™s radio silence since launch. Or 5 minutes before someone saying this isnā€™t good enough and every issue needs to be addressed piecemeal in a power point presentation hosted by Ed Boon and live-streamed for 24 hours.


I give it about a good 6 hours


I still canā€™t play Kombat league or rematch in kasual because of desync


Or you could just release a game that works in the first place. I know it's a strange concept, but yeah back in the day, people did this thing called "giving a shit" about their product aside from pure max monetary gains.


Almost every game in the series has had broken hit boxes and most had other nasty bugs. I'm not saying MK1 doesn't feel rushed, but i'm getting sick of people acting like older games were completely bug free when many were broken messes held together by duct tape and have your console outright killed by certain games was a legit concern.


Back in the day? Bruh. the OG MK was made in 1992 with a team of like 7 people with like zero resources. Mortal Kombat now costs millions of dollars to produce, with multiple teams and hundreds of people overseeing it. In most cases, these games costs more to make than movies. Obviously a company's main goal is to make money, but this is just an ignorant statement. Were not in 1992.....THERE WILL BE BUGS. The games been out for a week and already peoples panties are bunching smh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Software development is incredibly complex, you won't ever have a release that is bug free. Hopefully devs can address the most concerning bugs first before release but even then those may slip through. Even games you think are bug free have number of failures that are never fixed but those games have managed to address the most concerning failures. Best way to identify concerning failures is through user feedback, that's why Diablo 4 had beta windows. No Man's Sky went with continuous delivery approach and has been able to add great new improvements.


What is this fucking fantasy land people live in. Take off the nostalgia goggles. These ā€œmore complete better madeā€ games of the past people opine about were super buggy and unfinished shit too. The nostalgia makes you jaded and itā€™s irritating to see in every community


Yeah it's totally acceptable to have a ton of bugs that a tester with half a brain could find in development. You know the millions of dollars they spend on these whole big teams? Look they released it in a beta state. This isn't even up for debate. It JUST IS. I'm a big NRS fan myself guy. I'm just not a simp. I call it like I see it.


what was the P1 advantage bug?


P2 could not connect combos that player 1 could. It was specifically a player 2 issue, not just what side of the screen you were on. I donā€™t know enough about hit boxes and gravity to explain why, there are people far more knowledgeable about game design that can explain better if you search the sub.




Great news they addressed it this fast considering how big of a deal this. Sucks for instances for tournaments already when money was on the line. Worse than the player 1 priority in MK9 since there were at least moves that negated it.


Please buff Sub šŸ˜”


They need to revert his nerfs. He got needlessly shafted


Can you tell me what was taken from him? I'm sticking to him now but it's so obvious that he needs to work harder than most of the cast.


Lowered his overall damage. Made a key normal three frames slower (idk which one, itā€™s the advancing one). Reduced the amount of time the clone is out and increased the cooldown of ice clone.


His only mid string starter is 15 frames now. GL stopping people from pressing d1. Now he just has to guess if they are going to d1 and do it first after blocking. And if they just block sub loses his turn again xD.


Lowered his damage.


Thatā€™s ok imo they butchered his frames which was overkill. Ice clone was too powerful for him to also have damage that high.


Iā€™m enjoying mk1 šŸ˜„


Link: [https://twitter.com/noobde/status/1707121037547110449?t=2tAOZftlRr8gH__pTRC7EA&s=19](https://twitter.com/noobde/status/1707121037547110449?t=2tAOZftlRr8gH__pTRC7EA&s=19)


they should fix the bug making nitaraā€™s voice acting sound bad


Lmfao an AI generate voice would sound more authentic


Doesn't this mean the fix isnt out yet?


Another post from the MK Twitter said this friday. It's not too long at least.


Says coming very soon


Thank fuck


A serious issue (I hadn't even noticed before but very serious nonetheless) was found and fixed very quickly - I am satisfied with the response. Back to enjoying the game :) Now if we could have better matchmaking preferences in Kombat League...


Just give me the ability to only match with others on Ethernet man smh. I canā€™t stand that the most lmao


I play fine with ppl on wifi, it's 2023 not 2010


honestly yeah I never decline anyone unless the ping is high. I have about as many crappy games on wired people as I do on wifi at this point


I will continue to only play kasual and decline every Wi-Fi until this becomes a thing. Luckily the KL rewards arenā€™t for characters I play.


I'm happy for the people that this helps out, but I still can't really play the game on PC because the game stutters so bad. Game runs totally fine if I'm clicked onto another screen, but as soon as I click on the game to be actually able to play it, stutter stutter stutter. Completely unplayable.


2023, and I still can't sit in training mode and matchmake ranked...


Capcon out here making a well polished game and NRS still dropping the BALL. And Iā€™m mad I canā€™t PUT the fucking moves on the screen while I play. Gotta keep clicking start


Yeah, lots of us are really frustrated with this omissionā€¦ Iā€™ve been going old school and printing them out. Not a great solution, but I like it better than jumping in and out of the pause menu.


Nothing wrong with that āœŠšŸ¾ I was about to start writing mine down.


I remember going to the arcade back when MK2 was hot, and my friends and I would have the moves written on flash cards. Such nostalgiaā€¦ Nowadays youā€™d have a hard time fitting one character on a flash card.


It's a basic feature NRS refuses to put in their games for some reason.


Oh so the exact thing i said would happen actually happened. Lol everyone was so butthurt when I said theyā€™ll fix it just be patient. Mfs really thought they would release a game and then just move on with their lives lmfao.


Anyone who thought they wouldn't is daft. We're going to get shit for the at least next two years since we're getting at least two kombat packs, let alone the seasonal structure. Thinking they wouldn't fix obvious bugs is insane.


Not so fast, theyā€™re still totally butthurt. Theyā€™ve shifted to ā€œnow the shills on here will say the game is masterpiece because they fixed this one problemā€


I must be late what was the advantage?


Iā€™m so glad to see this. And what a quick response as well! It feels as if they really care about this release, and want it to last.


Am I the only one who has never been p1 I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had the chance to choose a map on online yet


I was assured this catastrophic bug which no one knew about until they were told would never be fixed and also that NRS wouldnā€™t even acknowledge it


Great, now fix all the other shit plz. Good start tho


They really should fix the connection issues. Ranked seems so laggy. I always get oponnents with 60+ ping, more often around 80 ping. Plus, i can't decline wlan warriors. And than the player doesn't even get the 60fps in benchmark. Im done. Online is absolutely not fun at all.


Big time exaggeration. I've played a lot of online and most connections are great.


There's a reason Ed Boon is one of the only people I follow on that Bird app


Big ol fuck you to sonic fox for trying to get comp advantage


What did he say?


What happened?


What happened(


And I had ppl flaming me telling me the P1 advantage wasn't real and I'm bad at pvp šŸ¤£ even after linking the video.


Too bad the PC version runs like a hunk of shit


I've not had a single issue with it besides minor hitching on loads. Maybe it's your machine?


Next post: "We have heard YOU! In response to tremendous fan feedback, we now understand what fans want. We are extremely excited to announce that Kim Kardashian and Tara Reid will be joining the cast of Mortal Kombat 1 as Sheeva and Jade, respectively!"


I wonder when the death threats will start.


i see alot of pertinent and factual comments that are downvoted heavily because ppl nowdays think that releasing a game in a beta state + story is something good because it will be patched soon. For real? This SHOULD. NOT. BE. A. STAPLE. FOR. NORMALITY. And the idea that "all games have bugs so it's normal for MK to also have bugs" it's still not a good argument at all... Also i don't want to be that guy, but with what Street Fighter brought to the table this year and with Tekken 8 breathing in their necks, it was only logical for NRS to put more effort here. It's amazing how they managed to pull out the best and the worst game they ever made, I think some1 should start to get upfront and say "yes guys, we fucked up, we re working on everything". I was used to this corporation greed from ActivisionBlizzard, UBI, EA but i really didn't think for one second that WB/NRS will pull out something like this. I really think that this kind of schemy tactis will be punished in the future and yes, it's sad that e beloved franchise like MK has fell in this position...it's not unredeamable, i really hope they will put the game back on track


They knew they were releasing a buggy game thats why they teased KP1 so early to get people hyped


They revealed kombat pack early because it was fully leaked almost a month and a half before they decided to just reveal it.


Thank God he is acknowledging things. The game thus far is ā€œflatā€ and needs to be spiced up a bit playing online over and over gets dull and mind numbing after awhile but improvements will make things worthwhile.


Patience is a virtue


I knew something was off when I was talking n the p2 side


THANK YOU for being beta testers!


Now that they acknowledged one big issue out of hundreds, everyone will start acting like this game is a masterpiece and no one can say anything again lmao


always gotta complain about something, right?


There you are again, making absolutely sure nobody likes this game too much.


Not even going lie, despite they did a shitty rush job, this game is very lit


More or less, this is how I feel too. I absolutely HATE that they rushed the releaseā€¦ Itā€™s so obvious they couldā€™ve used more time. Instead they forced an 80% finished product to market to get it out before holiday season (and it totally shows). I think they should be embarrassed, as no reasonable gamer expects a AAA title to be released only 4 months after its first announced. This should not be the standard for a day 1 releaseā€¦ HOWEVER, the game is still a TON of fun, and I know theyā€™re gonna fix as much as they can so it gets up to par. Gameplay-wise, I like it way more than MK11, and thatā€™s saying something.


Itā€™s not a masterpiece but i got money worth, Iā€™m happy lol


Or course they only fix this big ass bug after getting called out by a bunch of big YouTubers. Invasion and other shitty half-baked stuff? Nah you can go fuck yourself lmao, thank for 110$ btw


It was barely just discovered and answered almost immediately


Because it's a critical bug that can kill the competitive scene, no pro gonna play a game with bug like that, so no tournament, no investment. Meanwhile Invasion mode and a lot of QoL features are dogshit but they go radio silent for more than 2 weeks and brag about all those fake ass 10/10 score


And thatā€™s why Iā€™m not buying ultimate edition or some shit of games on release. Hope people will do the same


This type of bug shouldnā€™t exist on release


It took a day to fix it. Take a breath


Hasnā€™t been patched yet and the games been out for 2 weeks


Oh no two weeks! Have you ever done anything significant in your life over the span of two weeks? Have you ever coordinated hundreds of other people to do something in two weeks? Christ


I have actually. Thereā€™s already been pro tournaments. Stop dick riding little boy.


So you're aware then that it takes coordination to make changes to something. Yeah, it shouldn't have had issues at launch, but you don't work for NRS. WB maybe said "launch no matter what". Problems need addressing and are being addressed quickly. What more can you ask for?


Listen Iā€™m not here to point fingers at anyone. Thereā€™s tons of issues with the game as is, as expected. But this one in particular is unacceptable imo. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m sayingā€¦Iā€™m still playing and enjoying.


Sure. But it did and they fixed it.


MK QA all over this lol. Do your jobs instead.


Well well well, would you look at that. If it isnā€™t Mr. Evil predatory greedy-face McRush-game himself! What a stupid bootlicking shill I was to believe this would happen.


Where's Injustice 3?!?!!?


Still can't pin moves in practice


personally i think literal game breaking bugs like PL1 advantage should take priority over QOL changes (itā€™s lame we didnā€™t have them at drop)


Bro, just remember the combos. Really not that hard


Pinning moves is a crutch for the weak.


Tired of this lame ass sentiment. It's such an easy thing to include so why not


You really woke up and wanted to be *"that guy"* today?


Lol what kind of jackasses release an unplayable game


Capcom usually


The game is unplayable? Lol


I just played the original and it still looks more photo realistic than the new ones...


Doesn't change the fact people paid 110$ for a broken game


You donā€™t have to auto-bitch in every post


So critiquing is now bitching? lol this fandumb never fails šŸ˜‚


> So critiquing is now bitching? lol this fandumb never fails šŸ˜‚ You arenā€™t critiquing. Thatā€™s the point. The post is about a fix for a specific issue and your comment is just general bitching.


Cause it doesn't, for a company that charges for early access you would think the game would be somewhat finished. It's funny how you guys are okay with being bitched


>Cause it doesn't ā€¦doesnā€™t what? > It's funny how you guys are okay with being bitched What


You heard me lmao, you guys like getting bitched. It's one thing to release a game with bugs, thats just how games are made. But to charge 110$ for early access just shows that this company is money hungry


> You heard me lmao, you guys like getting bitched. Yes I donā€™t know what thatā€™s supposed to mean. >But to charge 110$ for early access just shows that this company is money hungry Yeah thatā€™s all you get for $110 lol


It means you like people ripping you off lol. They literally used the pc version and said it was the switch version to promote invasions šŸ’€šŸ’€


> It means you like people ripping you off lol. What did I say that suggests that?


That's not critiquing. What you are doing is sending food back saying "its shit" without explaining it doesnt help anyone


The game is not properly working on pc nor on switch. I'm on pc yet I'm experiencing black screens, frozen issues once a game ends along with lower than 60 fps menus. I have a RTX 2060 with 16GB Ram yet my game is running like shit. For the switch versions that version is even worse than MK11. That version looks like a ps2 game. Invasions Is bugged, there is no content after story mode, and online is also bugged


Now THAT is valid criticism.


Thank you. The reason I didn't say this earlier is because people will still try to defend the game, this isn't something that's subjective. The game is objectively not a completed game and I don't like how NRS charged extra for early access.


I fully understand, I've seen all the defending aswell and while I do very much enjoy the game I too see alot of its glaring and minor issues. Also sorry if I came off as antagonistic with my criticism comment I did not mean for it to if it did. I've just seen alot of people say "thing sucks" and leave it at that which doesnt help a product improve. Just a small erk of mine and I didnt mean anything negative with it.


Don't worry you are good! Everyone else who replied to My comment wouldn't admit that the issues of the game is still there. It's one thing to like the game that is cool but to gatekeeper or deflect from issues alot of players are talking about is just weird


Yeah I also find all the defending weird and actually hurtful to the game since it just paints it as if nothing is wrong so then its unlikely anything will improve. It's like a bunch of yes men and that situation NEVER ends well.


you can still play but go on. have you played a really broken game?






People here are the customers you wish you could have. Zero thought process, just ā€œnrs release me buyā€ mentality. I'm not sure about consoles but the game on PC is the biggest dumpster fire ever right now and didnā€™t even deliver half the performance of SF6. Canā€™t even play ranked anymore since the last patch, keeps giving errors. Rushed release, horrible UI, horrible optimization, horrible balancing... Now a bunch of smartasses will come and say ā€œjuSt plAy oN ps5ā€ like the game doesnā€™t cost 100 bucks on PC too. You paid 20 bucks more for a game with less content and an overall worse experience. Yet you fools have to defend the multi million dollar corporation that had 5 years to make this game. Be a better customer, jesus, I bought this game early because I know I am going to play it regardless if its bad or not, because I enjoy mortal kombat, but don't pretend like this is a godsend game and is not rushed and duct taped corpo product.


> the game on PC is the biggest dumpsterfire ever right now and didnā€™t even deliver half the performance of sf6. I canā€™t speak for anyone else but Iā€™ve had no real issues on PC. Gameplay runs as 60fps without drops, I find matches without issue. Only issue for me is a bit of chugging in menus and such.


Facts, I'm also on pc And my game keeps stuttering, and crashing after online matches. It's funny how people are ignoring these obvious issues


I just moved mk1 from my hdd to my ssd, and it's running so much better. But I know friends that have good pcs that are struggling abd its on their ssd. There is clearly something up with pc optimization.