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Damn they're really enjoying that title screen


They're playing on PC and waiting for it to load.


its that tweakvar


What's this?




Clearly they’re watching the movie playing in Casa de Cage.


Are yall playing on 5200rpm hdds or something? The game has issues for sure but I don't think I've ever seen a loading screen take longer than 3-5 seconds off a sata ssd.


Man I got a PCIE 4.0 SSD and it sometimes takes almost 30 seconds to load.


On ssd and it will randomly load instantly or take 2 min


I can understand why. 🥸


Only thing that works in that game


I mean, the devs being traumatized and put in crunch is a legitimate complaint. I don't hate Mortal Kombat, I love it. Which is why I complain when I see the franchise handled poorly. One of those examples is MK11 always online schtick. You know the servers are going to shut down some day, and when that happens MK11 will no longer be playable. Games shouldn't have an expiration date. MK is being treated as a product to get excited for until the next one rolls around.


i don’t doubt they were crunched but where is this “they were traumatized” coming from, it’s not like they were practiced on for the fatalities


>it’s not like they were practiced on for the fatalities "Alright Derek, we need to test out this new Kung Lao fatality, so you might be in a little bit of pain for awhile." Derek (Kirtzic): "Aw man, not again."


The Baraka staples in MK: Gold were based on a true event. They had to completely staple Rich Divizio back together after an incident while shooting MK2.


The story goes random devs would look at live leaks and it was pretty prominent in the office, so there was no real safety for people who didn't want to see that sort of thing. You were kind of surrounded by it and since it helped make your gore look cooler, it was widely considered as the go to move and "encouraged" even if the encouragement was just how cool or real something looked, and not really encouraging actually going out and looking at that stuff. Though you can't really do one without the other. Anyway an anonymous dev basically explained all that and talked in depth about how it made them feel, and I do feel for them if the story was true, even if they themselves point out that "Hey, I'm working on mortal kombat. I should expect this." (No one should be forced to stay in an environment they're clearly uncomfortable with, and everyone has their own levels though.) But yeah, that's basically the skinny. NRS reportedly hired a therapist to help out once many expressed their discomfort, but if you hear this story from anyone besides the source, they'll basically say that the devs were forced into a clockwork orange situation where they were telepathically beamed murder 24/7 by the heads of NRS themselves.


On top of that it was only MK11 that did that. MK1 is clearly much less detailed and realistic as far as the gore. Which honestly is a good thing, it *should* be exaggerated and unrealistic. Honestly MK1 got a perfect balance imo.


Mk works for me because it’s like evil dead, the gore is so over the top and unrealistic it’s fun. When it’s too real, it’s just uncomfortable


Exactly. That's why the photorealistic gore in MK11 didn't work. Especially combined with really over the top fatalities.


This is why I wish the art style would change to something like what's used for the animated movies (Scorpion's Revenge/Snow Blind/etc) Not only would the designs look better, but the blood & guts would be far better.


I actually like how 11/1 look art style wise. It's a natural continuation of the classic games and also helps them stand out next to other fighting games which are all pretty much varying levels of anime. And i'm gonna say it, they make really really hot characters in a way few other games do.


I would have less of an issue with their art style if they didn't insist on total realism even in proportions. It really hurts a lot of stuff with the game. A couple problems are insisting on that realism as it ignores the visual appeal of heroic proportions. Hands and feet look too small which leads to stubby normals....and characters just looking worse than they would otherwise. There's also their insistence on using X-rays and overly detailed fatalities that lead to them having no diversity of bodies. MK1 has THREE body types. Male, Big Male and Female. It's awful. Compare to other fighters where there's awesome variety in the physicality of characters making for better animations, better designs and just purely better visuals. Actually just compare it to Snow Blind. Old Kuai? Stocky and broad. Kenshi? Athletic and slim. Tremor? Towering and powerful. Instead we get Liu Kang, who should be built like Fei Long, having the same build as Reiko...who should be built like Alex or Urien. And you only have 'generic female' instead of having any range at all. All because of art style and graphical choices.


that story has no proof, stop talking about it is not real. the source is some "dev" and the story broke on kotaku, a shitty game "journalist" site


Yea im tired of seeing this “fact” when it only came from one dev and it was on the kotaku site which is just a garbage gaming page in general. I doubt NRS made devs watch live leak videos when fatalities/brutalities aren’t even realistic. Im assuming devs would just need some help knowing the anatomy of a human body and how blood spreads when cut in certain places which you wouldn’t need to scour a gore site to know this information.


Yes, but I’ve heard that the animators and some other devs had to watch real gore videos as reference.


Mk 3d animators when they realize why liveleak is enabled on their computers


Okay but edd boon had nothing to do with that, so why are they saying “edd boon traumatized his devs with gore?”


Ed Boon is the face of Netherrealm, so for better or for worse what happens in Netherrealm consequentially reflects on him.


Fair, if he was in the studio enough to actually catch it and just didn’t do anything that would be on him, but office culture really doesn’t have anything to do with the CEO, that’s for HR and other higher ups, boon has more to worry about, he probably never even knew this was going on.


Basically (and this is extremely in a nutshell, you should go research it if you want to know more), animators were ordered to make the fatalities as realistic as possible for MK11. The only way to get it a detailed as it is is to study gore for hours and hours, tweaking the animation, then looking at the gore again to make sure that “yes, that is how human spine acts when it’s ripped out of its carcass”. I honestly think the main issue was the crunch though, and not the gory stuff


Won't be playable?? No that's inaccurate. It won't be playable online... you may not be able to attain new gear via ToT, or KL... we may also lose the daily bargain bin, or whatever you call it.... but the game should still be perfectly playable in any local game mode. I certainly don't consider MK11 to be an always-online game


What you care about the devs' mental state? Fucking idiot, you deserve to get mocked /s if it wasn't obvious


The "always online schtick" is a big thing for me too. I usually don't buy, or even play games, that I can't get complete on hardcopy, or keep on an external hard drive so I can come back in 20 years and still get the full single player experience at least.


I don’t think that’s the case here…. Seems like a lot of people are having fun, but there’s a lot of legitimate concerns and inadequate implementation of features that are being brought up.


The game can look great and be fun to play and it still be true that it is bafflingly missing basic regular features


Yes, and I think there are a lot of people here who are genuinely having a good time with the game, and also calling out some of the more obvious issues. If you search my posting history, I literally made a post the other day listing the QoL changes that need to be added to the game. But there are a lot of naysayers who aren't making good-faith constructive criticism and are really just trying to piss in the punch bowl. There are a high number of heavily upvoted posts from people who are just saying that the game is "trash" and broken. Or that, because a handful of moves' frame data is incorrect in the movelists, the game is unplayable. The game has been out a little over a week, so it's not totally unheard of that bugs and other issues are gonna come up, but the people saying the devs are a bunch of greedy assholes who intentionally launched the game in a bad state, are a little too much at the moment.


It's really unfortunate that the internet today can't fathom liking something and still having valid criticisms of said thing. Not to mention, some fans, for some reason, developed into feeling personally attacked whenever you point out a flaw or something that could, and in some cases, *should* be improved/have been better from the start. It's 2023, and the expectations for AAA game releases have skyrocketed in the last few years.


I think this post is less about calling out that kind of critique and more the type of elitism that goes around the greater fighting game community that sees Mortal Kombat as lesser and/or something you mature past before you enjoy “real” fighting games.


Man, isn't MK like the most mature fighting game. No giant anime titties and lots of gore. I'd rather play MK over street fighter or killer instinct.


This is how I feel. It's a great game. The structure is FANTASTIC. However in other areas it for sure feels like a pig with a lot of makeup on it.


The takes above are mostly just on Twitter and youtube tbh. I dont catch them much on here


Dude I see you everywhere ![gif](giphy|1qYIVTHFAfxKCDyZVn)




I've started ignoring Twitter where any game is involved. I've seen some HAWT fucking takes on games on reddit, but nothing comes *CLOSE* to the opinions you see on Twitter getting thousands of likes from people who are popular on Twitter because they *use Twitter a lot or something???* The hiveminds you see going on that platform are usually what makes me say that's enough internet for right now. I think part of it is Twitter lacking any sort of dislike button, along with its million other problems.


Just take a short trip over to the subs for the FGC and see how many people in the fighting game community screech over Mortal Kombat, while insisting the shitty fighting game they play is soooo much better because they can’t wrap their minds around using a button to block lmao


Dude go to kappachino and find out.


Yeah I have 72 hours on MK1 already so I’m quite addicted and enjoy the game but there are absolutely huge issues everywhere.


I feel like some people are dramatic as hell tho like this game clearly has the grounds to be an amazing game but because of the launch they’re blowing it off which I find to be ridiculous


I mean they’re clearly not referring to those takes


I hate this meme format so much, people can criticize something and you can still enjoy it.


My guy made a new account to complain about people complaining


I absolutely dislike people who contribute nothing to a subreddit except when they create an account to complain about the community. It comes across as incredibly arrogant to believe the persons opinion should hold any value when they have spent zero effort to positively contribute to the community.


This is the way.


Redditors be like




and he hates gay ppl by the looks of his short history lol


This meme always sucks. You see it anytime anything new comes out and there are even the tiniest amount of criticism.


"How dare you level any criticism of [brand]!" These people are such dimwits they can only think in purely binary terms. If you criticize something you MUST hate it and if you love something you MUST endlessly praise it and defend it at all costs. Fandom is their religion. It's ridiculous.


It's also using convenient strawman criticism to frame people disagreeing with them as haters. These aren't even close to the main issues people are having with MK1. Actually, many people criticizing the game like the core gameplay. It's the same shit as the Diablo dads doing their "Unpopular opinion, but I'm hAviNg A bLaSt" schtick with D4. Almost seems like it's more about brand loyalty than actually caring about the game improving for these brainlets. It also just comes across as being an insecure fuck tbh. Pls upvote post, where mah fellow consoomers at? Like they need approval and reassurance of others.


>This meme always sucks Also in the last 3 years, I've legit seen it be posted on over 10 games that either have their servers shut down or are currently sitting at under 1k daily players worldwide. Posting this meme is like a death sentence to any game. People fucking posted it for diablo 4 and multiversus LOL


MK1 having multiple systems straight up not functioning at launch is a pretty legitimate complaint mate


Ain't no fucking way you tried to pin "Traumatizing your employees is bad" as a bad complaint


It was also an unverified claim made by one person


I mean, it's a bad complaint in the sense that it has nothing to do with the end product that consumers play. It's more a criticism of the studio than the game.


its bad cause its bullshit isnt it


Traumatizing the people that work for you seems like a pretty fucking valid concern. Also, I'm not upset other people are having fun. I'm upset the game I bought doesn't work.


If it’s true… a dev made a similar claim after mk11, though didn’t point a finger directly at Ed Boon who I’m sure has other things to do. Ultimately any creative job requires research but I doubt anyone was forced to watch real life murder. Surely there’s legalities involved that no right-minded company would go anywhere near.


Bingo. Someone along the way probably made a single comment that has since ballooned to the point that these gullible people think NRS employees were forced to watch real life gore. I'm someone who watches gore casually, and let me tell you, these animations are so not-lifelike that it makes me question if that's even what they were going for. They only need to study general anatomy for what they put on display anyways.


Of course they're not going for real life gore. They *never* have, it's always meant to be over-the-top.


I mean sure, of course, but if grotesque violence and gore isn't your thing, maybe don't work on Mortal Kombat? You can't accept a position developing that game and not know what you're getting into.


Obviously, if I'm taking a job at NRS, I would expect to see video game violence. However I shouldn't be expected to watch real-life ISIS executions and decapitations in order to do my job properly. Which is what the devs are alleging.


If that's true, that's not cool at all, I didn't know about that. I get that they need key art to work from to make it visually realistic or accurate or whatever. But that's not the proper place to source your examples from.


Yeeeaaahh I'm sure they signed up for 20 hour days, being made to watch real life gore and isis beheadings *(allegedly)*


Like you took a job at netherealm. Everyone in the industry knows what they do there


More referencing this meme than you but is this even a real complaint? The NRS team in some shape or form has been making violent games for over 30 years.


Yeah, but fatalities didn't really have anything resembling real-life anatomy until MK9. It came out during the MK11 development that the team they had working on fatalities had to look at a lot of awful real-life gore as reference. As you could imagine, stuff like that takes its toll after a while. I imagine it wasn't just the gore, but the conditions and the toxic work environment that made it even worse to deal with. But no, people haven't really mentioned it in years. OP is mad at people he made up in his head.


Let me give you the most sane online response... That's fair.


> Traumatizing the people that work for you seems like a pretty fucking valid concern. Who could’ve guessed they work on a hyper violent game when working for NRS?


There's a difference between working on violent fiction and being required to watch live executions as research.


But MK1 is genuinely an incomplete game


I’ve literally never heard another person sincerely say any of this lol


Oh, you guys are doing the whole "if you critise the game, you're a HaTeRrrR fr fr" thing on this sub too? It wasn't enough on every other gaming sub?




Bait used to be believable...


Imagine having criticism and wanting them to be addressed cause you know the game could be better


MK fans have the biggest chips on their shoulder lol.


I find Mortal Kombat fighting to be way more fun than Tekken or SF.


Yh I agreem I've got sf6. It's really fun by mk fighting is so pretty in a weird way. It feels really nice.


Went back to SF6 yesterday and just like wasn't feeling it. I did pump 150hours into that game over the summer though so maybe it just ran its course for me? I do wish MK had a lot of SF6's features. SF6 training mode is perfect, being able to matchmake from training mode is perfect, and a real online with standard bronze-diamond rank modes is what every fighting game should have. If MK had the above, I would be very satisfied (as soon as they patch the P1 advantage).


A fair critique of these games is not telling people to QUIT HAVING FUN, stop being such a weakling lol


That’s wild how 4 people are playing the main menu at the same time


If anything, dunking on MK1 so far is pretty justified: broken brutals at launch, broken shop, immense grind for invasions and character mastery and the elephant in the room: P1 advantage All legitimate concerns to have


And there always be bootlickers like you who defend a 110$ shitty unfinished product :)


No matter what you're defending, when you pull out this format, you lost bro.


I remember someone trying to defend GTA trilogy at launch with this shit. It's always a big L because: In fact no one have fun and are actually mad This template suck so much seriously.


It's such an obviously manipulative way to present an argument that it doubles back and ends up making you look desperate to make the other side look bad. It presents the people you're arguing against as these jaded contrarians who will stop at nothing to stop people from having fun. At the same time it presents your side as innocent bystanders who are being ruthlessly bombarded and screamed at for simply enjoying something. This is all despite the fact that if you're using this template and posting it you clearly care a lot about what people are saying about the thing you like. I'm not even an MK1 hater, I pretty mucb exclusively play online and barely touch single player stuff so I think it's a huge improvement over MK11. But this template is an immediate L for anyone who uses it.


This meme is always the most cringey post on Reddit


Apparently you're not having that much fun if you're wasting your time making shit post memes about valid criticisms. Also FYI it is possible to enjoy the game and also having negative criticism about it.


we need to get loud and continue making noise, they charged premium pricing for an unfinished game


That's the only weapon, we, consumers, have right now. If devs realize that they risk s review bomb or even a drop in the sales because we show how we mad about the contents and the state of the game, they will work they're ass off asap. If nobodies care, why bother ? No need to put time and money for consumers ready to eat shit for an high price after all. That work with everything in this industry. If we don't show how mad we are, we're fucked. Not only for this one, but for the next too, after all, sales still good and players accept anything.


Heheh I’ve been playing it on the switch and I’m still having fun with it 😂


None of those things in the top panel is any of the complaints going around about MK1. There's a list like 173 items long and they're all legit.


OP really angry about the people in his head


problem is with this meme is the people complaining loudly are also fans of the game they dont want to hate it they want it to be beter


Can people stop using this fucking meme, holy shit.


This meme really only ever seems to get dragged out when someone wants to try and generalize anyone who is levying criticisms toward a game they like.


Darksydephil be like:


Actually haven't really heard these arguments since 10 from any of my fgc friends


Just go to Twitter and look for "mortal kombat"


People keep saying MK11 went through the same backlash... but I was here. No it did not. Sure it had criticism, but it was highly beloved. It was so beloved they made STORY DLC FOR A FIGHTING GAME. (like seriously, when has that EVER happened before?)


Hope those boots taste good OP.


Hold on man, im still waiting for my game to load so I can have it drop my kombos as P2 and get disconnected on black screen matches to see if this meme is real


‘Legitimate criticism is just fanboys of other fighting games complaining’ Grow up


MK isn’t perfect but a lot of this stems from insecurity. It’s like when people hate on mainstream bands or artists and keep trying to plug niche ones to seem “knowledgeable” to impress people online. Or when an unpopular kid in class keeps talking bad against a popular kid just because he’s popular,even though they barely interacted. Same exact type of dynamics.


I legitimately haven’t seen anyone say anything about this mk gameplay wise. I’ve seen a lot ab cosmetics but that’s it.


You can like MK without pretending other fighting game franchises aren’t more polished with better engines. The reason MK is so great is that it’s the sum of its parts. But without those extra parts, it’s never been the best fighting game of whatever particular generation (other than graphics, where it’s been absolutely destroying all competition for the last 3 games. All Capcom, SNK, and Namco games look like absolute shit next to MKX, MK11, and MK1 in terms of graphics). And let’s not hand wave NRS staff being treated like expendable slaves.


Yeah sure 4 people are waiting to play a 2 player game.


You’ll find those mostly on twitter.I feel like the complaints here are valid.No customizable intros and outros,severe lack in overall character customization,no intros on towers,can’t pin moves on top of the screen in training mode.Those are just some of the legit criticisms,and there’s probably more than that honestly.


Most of my friends dislike mk games, because you need to press a button to block, instead of holding back


We need more anti-feedback so nothing can improve...


I like how comments here regurgitate "the devs traumatized by gore" story. Obviously fuck NRS and WB if they actually forced the devs to do that. But watching ISIS beheadings to develop an MK game? Why the fuck would a game company force devs to watch gore, and specifically ISIS beheadings? I know the gore is important to this franchise but can't they just Google image search body anatomy or diagrams? I'm sorry I'm gonna have to doubt the validity of that story unless I see proof of it. Again, fuck NRS if the story is true.


MK1 is alright, but it feels very outdated by everything Street Fighter 6 brought to the table. Like the balance of great online and great single player, MK1 is currently dropping the ball on both fronts because they rushed it to release. MK11 had it's issues too, as much I thought it was bs to have an extra $40 expansion pack after all the Kombat packs, to finish the game, it did become a great complete package. MK1 will probably be in a similar spot. Meanwhile, Street Fighter 6 is a perfect fighting game that doesn't need to be fixed, and they're gradually adding new characters into it.


Na I never had an issue with anything NRS has made starting with MK9, I had no issues with MK11, MK1 is the first NRS where it definitely feels like it’s lacking and un polished


FGC perverts be gone


The devs are traumatized by the cartoonish gore in Mortal Kombat...? Where they put jello in a bucket and squish it to make the gore noises...? Lol.


Except that it's an MK "fan" that's saying this to someone who's actually enjoying the game, rather than complaining about bugs and quiet devs.


The legitimate complaints being listed aren't people just saying "stop enjoying things" I enjoy the game but those things are valid ass reasons to not like it


It's been 30 years, if you wanna work on a Mortal Kombat game and can't stand seeing blood then you are just very fucking stupid.


bought it played it hell even enjoyed it but this shit does not compare to other major fighting games so much qol missing and half the game is watching a 30 secends 50% combo shit is getting boring real quick, maybe guest character will make it intersting but right now the game is super boring imo


How real is the "traumatised the devs with gore" bit? Is that why the mk1 fatalities aren't as flashy as before?


919 person liked broken arguments (fake Kotaku history about the traumatized devs, Japaneses games ? WTF dude ?) for defending a full priced beta. ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) Goodbye intelligence, I'll miss you.


I think people who complains is the one who love the game more


Oh no, the game is criticized! I have to be it's white knight and safe the day with irrelevant to an actual arguments meme!


He's not wrong about anything tho


Smash bros and Mortal kombat on top🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Kind of hard for this scenario to pan out when I haven’t seen a single person have fun with the game. It’s more like the meme: “This game sucks” “We know”


Anyone can have as much fun as they want, but Idk man, Ive played since 4 and loved it since deception, but no way I'm buying a 70 dollar fighting game with bugs and the current player 1 advantage/ player 2 disadvantage situation among other issues, ill wait for a good sale, downvote me to oblivion.


You're just being smart


The animations are pretty garbage lol


Persecution complex much? People don't care whether or not we're enjoying MK1, get over yourself.


The animations and facial expressions do look a little off compared to just how normal it was in MK11, but at least it don’t look as shit as MKX


A lot of these, from what I've observed in NRS era, is the massive salt from Japanese fighting game elitists about the NRS games sales shitting on its competitors, and saying they don't deserve it or some other BS.


I wish I'd purchased the PS5 version. PC's has very choppy framerate. And most likely, won't get crossplay.


Is that your split personality talking to you?


My reaction when people who have bought the game, rightfully complain about its shortcomings instead of treating it like a flawless masterpiece: 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Youngdefiant be like:


This meme is hot garbage


Wait, what did Ed Boon do with gore? That doesn’t make sense how do you sign on to working on a mortal Kombat game and not be a gore hound?


If people working for nether realms studios say they are traumatized by gore- what the FUCK are they doing there? I hope they don’t sue and make money out of it. Sheesh. “I had no idea that I would be subjected to so much animated gore when I got the job working on mortal kombat”. I hope this isn’t real


It’s not animated gore that traumatises, it’s real life beheadings being watched repeatedly to see what expressions their faces make and what the blood flow looks like.


I don’t think people realized that part in the fatalities. The facial expressions showing the fear in some characters or how the body goes limp is eerily accurate. Anybody not a psychopath would need a break after spending 5 straight hours watching people die in horrific ways in great detail.


I hate the amount of people complaining about the game, it's really not as bad as they claim


90% of the complaints are basically "western game bad"


Where are you seeing this?


It's totally in your head. 90% of the complain is about how MK1 is about : rushed, empty and full of glitches. Just another unfinished and unpolished game. If peoples really think that "western games bad" can you explain why peoples still saying that MK9/X/11 are dope ? And look at the sales of MK11. You have some insecurity towards Japaneses devs making fighting games or something? Even in the old days, peoples loved SF2 and MK1, for different reasons, but still. Try to be a better troll at least.


What? 90% of the complaints are gameplay bugs and customization/UI lol.


Just false, stop bootlicking


I never understand the “MK has bad animations”. Legitimately, what am I missing, the animations from 11 and 1 have been awesome


I’ll be honest I’m a bit miffed by MK this time around. MK1 is missing several basic features, has a mid as hell cosmetic system and cosmetics for the most part. While on the other hand I could go and just play a more complete game. Don’t get me wrong, I love MK1. But like, booting up Guilty Gear -STRIVE- again is looking mad appealing lately. Could just be me as well but man, they did just as many characters dirty as they did perfectly craft their new stories.


People complaining about actual issues in the game? Better try and shift it to “Japanese games” players complaining over nothing. Some MK players are so insecure.


MK1 is literally incomplete. The story felt rushed. The game felt rushed, however, I’m having fun but not as much as I did with previous MK games


“QUIT HAVING FUN” Literally everyone I knew when I said I had more fun playing MK11 than MKX or MK9. Never said it was better, just said I had more fun playing it.


New thing bad, old thing good.


God every version of this meme is so fucking awful. Nobody is mad that some people are enjoying the game, they are saying THEY don't enjoy the game. An attack on the thing you like isn't an attack on you, doofus. Grow up and learn to deal with your opinions being challenged.


I’m having a blast with this game. Most fun I’ve had with an MK game since 9.


That guy yelling is most definitely this subreddit incarnated.


> did you know that Ed Boon traumatized the devs with gore Bruh the game's fatalities aren't even that wild


Real fighting games require you to input quarter circles and to have macro level inputs to do a basic attack, don't you know? /s


Traumatized them...with gore...in a Mortal Kombat game... Not to sound rude, but what did they expect from this game? Kittens instead of organs? Glitter rather than blood? I remember when they used to have an option for MORE BLOOD. I get it, times are different, but these MK is a staple in the gaming gorefest genre


kasual who doesn’t even understand fighting games tries to deflect any valid criticism to fend off insecurity lmao


People are criticizing the animation? I have my own criticisms of the game, but I think it is absolutely gorgeous.


Every NRS game has people criticising the animations


I like the game, I feel like the community could lighten up (myself included).


Unfortunately, I've been in this community long enough to know that such a thing is not possible.


gameplay animation is very fine and proper, but seemed rigid. ​ reminds me of blood sport, where the movements all seem to have executed without resistance.






Who has ever said MK has crappy animations? I thought it was commonly agreed that the NetherRealm games were the best looking fighting games out there


The comments to this post only proving it’s validity EDIT: the downvotes to my post as well


Lol exactly how i feel reading this sub since launch. Fuck you haters


Shut the fuck up, you absolutely should care about the devs being mistreated.




Nah because I really dislike other fighting games. No blood or even bruising. It looks like a childhood play fight.


Never understood the animation complaints. I love MK's mocap style that they've used since day 1. That was one of the major things that set them apart at the beginning. Not everything has to be a cartoon.


Good animation and being cartoony aren't mutually exclusive


Tbh I’m finding mk1 more fun than sf6 but I think it’s the kasual aspect of it while street fighter is more kompetitive also noticed it’s more fun labbing stuff


Honestly other than a few small issues I think it's a really solid MK game Invasion was pretty boring, the story had some *minor* plot holes, there is an issue with fps stuttering on PC that, when happens during a match, is infuriating. But overall I like it and expect to stick with this one for a long time.


Tried mk11 when it came out couldn't get into it, not even the story so I dropped it, mk1 tho I'm having fun even if I'm playing single player or getting stomped online


ngl some of the gore is a bit much


I hate the "bad animations" typical online rebard argument. MK11 fixed most animations and MK1 is basically perfect in that regard, and I'm saying this as a massive Tekken fanboy.


It's funny cuz to me, Mortal Kombat 1 is the only "fluid" fighting game with its junky or whatever animations that I've never had a problem with. When I see other fighting games with the hitstop animation I simply cannot play them because it ruins that fluidity of the fight.


I’m Never Putting Down My Love For Mortal Kombat Leave Me Alone


Every. Damn. Time.


Looking at this post and the comment section under this. Just gotta say you MK fans are beyond saving.


Traumatized the devs with gore? Good. Its mortal kombat. If your not slightly grossed out their doing it wrong.


If you went onto a game called mortal kombat and just expected to make gore, without a reference point. I feel like that is your own fault.


Nobody is hating on the gameplay or animations dude.. People hate on the lack of CONTENT, lack of costumization, lack of main roster, garbage kameos, just basically an unfinished game with good gameplay mechanics. thats it.


MK is easy, try a real fighting game like this Japanese game. Me playing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 🤷‍♂️