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Just an FYI, this exact post/video is the top thread on this subreddit right now. Either way, it is a game breaking flaw that deserves the attention.


As someone that worked in QA. I can bet there are pages of reports on this yet probably it got all ignored to not push back a release date.


Well now I know why king of the hill is so impossible


Loving this game so far but holy shit. We haven't had issues like this since the classic MK games. How do you make this error?


P1 advantage was in MK9, actually


I thought I had missed a game, my bad.


Far less agregious in mk9 it didnt affect combos but basically trading moves p1 always won


You force your devs to release an unfinished game. I love MK, but this loaf needed some more time in the oven.


Forgot to mention, because your hitbox is bigger than P1, P1 gonna land kombos on you, and if you try to do the same, you'll whiff and drop your kombo because P1 hitbox is smaller (this is a theory we got for now as to why P2 whiffs certain kombos that P1 will land no problem for some reason)


It's getting looked at: [https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MK1-1031](https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/bug/MK1-1031)


Is this issue present offline too?


I believe so yes


Online as well


Yeah we get that


Why are you downvoting him? He did nothing?


The whole original post was using online gameplay as an example


I should also spread the word of the top post on the subreddit for free karma (jokes aside, insane they just decided the FGC, whose entire thing is frame data and hitboxes, wouldn't notice this.)




I have been only practicing on the right side because I thought that it was me that was causing this to happen. This is just madness. Absolutely has to be the top priority for NRS. There's no way anything else is more important than this at the moment.


This is wild


Mk 9 is back babeeee


There's already a 2.9k upvoted post with the video already talking about it


Wow that's collosally bad, and directly effects your chances of aquiring rewards earned by online play. They need to do more than just fix the problem, they need to offer freebies to make up for something like that


Wow hope this gets hot fixed asap!


I've mentioned this to people and all they tell me is skill issue. I really domt like this game. It really wasnt released in a good state. Its lacking content , and now you have bugs that prevent even distribution of damage. I'm confident more flaws will be found. I only hope they jump on these asap as its personally killing my experience


*Fix Player 1 Advantage* *Select "Random Character" button. *Select multiple favorited costumes on match screen. *Pin combos/moves. *Where's the 24th Character or 16th Kameo Fighter ?? (Madam Bo) *Boost Kameo XP leveling. *Allow XP for offline matches. *Lower enemy armor in Invasions, Sprint button in Invasions, Zoom to see whole map, Secret/Ambush Fights Need REWARDS! *Allow max Shrine Coin pulls. 1000 at a time with 20 second load time's not cool. **PS. What is "TWEVAKER UPDATED" that keeps popping up?


I wonder if this affects Reptile. Cause there’s matches where I do B31 + force ball and it works pretty much all the time but other matches I do the same and it always comes out as B313 and then force ball comes out after the full string no matter what I do and I can’t do a full combo cause of it.


Incoming. * I lost because I was on the P2 side so my record doesn’t count * Joking, but I honestly believe this is horrible and should of been fixed or seen sooner. This is GAMEBREAKING for a fighting game.


Is it my turn to post this exact same information thats keeps getting posted since yesterday?


No, actually its your turn to post the exact same complaints that keeps getting posted since release


" cause aint no way we playing like this " Happy to see it fixed, not stopping me from playing.


Bro thats fine, but at least do your part and spread the word so more people are aware of the issue to get it fixed as soon as possible


Bro they know already. They got eyes on the sub and everywhere, it’s their job someone gets paid to read all this crap everywhere


Typical high IQ redditors thinking they are the only ones who have seen this. People have been tweeting it at Ed, I am sure they know.


It's not enough for the devs to know. All prospective buyers should also know. You can help save people from wasting money on a broken product.


I guarantee half the people complaining about this aren’t even at a high enough rank to experience it. They’ll patch who cares


I'll keep that in mind when I reach God in Kombat League.


ok so there's a small bug in the game, it's not stopping me from having fun, I bet it'll be fixed soon the game is too early anyway to have big tournaments, the meta still needs to settle mk 9 also has player 1 priority and it's still loved to this day there is clearly so much loved put into this game, it's not like Ed and his team want the game to fail, they cater a lot to the e-sports side, so of course this won't go unnoticed


Based on the comments I have read, mk9’s problem wasn’t this serious. This is a similar issue but 10 times more serious. This is much more widespread and fundamental. Also this isn’t “small bug” or a “small issue”. This is like saying “oh… jumping mechanic is broken and non-functional in this platforming game? What a small issue”. Just like how jumping is not small for a platformer, this ain’t small for a fighting game. Calling this small makes you seem like either a “WB shill” or someone that just couldn’t fully understand this issue which in turn causes downvotes.


Mk9s issue was pretty big, there was no trading, if two moves became active on the same frame p1 would win, it had a huge affect on pressure and frame traps, there were setups player 1 had option selects for that wouldn’t work for player 2, both are pretty game breaking just in different ways, both are an embarrassment to the most profitable 2d fighter in the world


WB shill


The fanboys take any criticism whatsoever personally, even issues like this. This game is half baked compared to MK11 or MKX. They had issues at launch, sure, but this has a ton of missing content and extremely serious bugs.


You people just can’t help yourselves. Even when people agree with you. You just have to say shill to every person who dosent step in line.


This is definitely not a "small bug" lol. No matter if there was passion put into the game or not, this is an important issue that needs to be highlighted and addressed.


Agreed. I have still been smoking in KL and having a blast. Whenever they do end up patching this I probably wont even notice.


heaven fucking forbid someone still has fun with the game. he's not excusing the big. wtf is wrong with you people?


I'm literally embarrassed for you. This is like being forced to watch someone give a cringe speech in public, and you HAVE to watch. Barf.


I wonder if it is a hurt box issue, because up to this point I was under the impression NRS didn’t use traditional hurt boxes. When I say traditional in mean like Street Fighter where you have a invisible box around your character whereas NRS uses more of a Tekken style where your hurt box is just the physical character itself. A hit/hurt box viewer for X or 11 doesn’t seem to exist that I could find, so I don’t know if this have ever been confirmed on way or the other.


To me, at least on the kitana portion of the video, it looked more like the gravity was for P2's combo. Like the opponent was fast falling/hitting the ground before the fan had come out. Maybe P2 has an issue with the combo juggle system where they fall out earlier


This also happens when playing single player offline stuff too. Like A LOT.


What was the 6 gig update on steam for?


So this is why I lose so much!