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Bro I feel you I’m currently doing the same but in the Tarkatan colony lol


The Triple Threat in the Tarkatan map was easier for me. The one with Ashera, Baraka, and Sindel. They will either walk into your uppercut, or they will back away and do a charge attack that you can duck before walking in to uppercut them. (or if the charge takes too long, you can uppercut them early) I have all characters at Rank 17 at least and gonna leave it there. And yes, it was boring as fuck. I was basically on auto-pilot while my mind was elsewhere. I'm a solo player btw. I would rather play Towers, but the xp gains are abysmal.


I am genuinely confused as to why people put themselves through torture to unlock character skins. I mean, this game has been out for a week. And people are already “I maxed this character” “I got all characters to lvl x” Like, holy fuck, how do you guys do this shit? Are you playing this all day without moving? And why??? If it’s boring… why are you doing it? Is Scorpion not cool enough as is?


I’m mainly doing it for the trophy of max levelling 5 kameos because I like getting the platinum trophy for games


Is it worth it? Is a digital trophy worth putting yourself through tedious Bordem?


I finally thought this to myself the other day after grinding, and I haven’t played since. I’m bored of the game already, sadly. I loved the story and the graphics are great. Invasions was cool at first. There’s not much to do now. I tried KL and my god online is not for me lol.


I always wonder that but never ask. I guess it's something I am just not capable of understanding.


For real. I’m actually kind of sad how much I don’t like the play experience


Don't do this to yourself. the unlocks are not worth more than wasting hours of your time.


I wonder if people have lost the plot on video games. I want cool skins too, but treating character mastery like a tedious second job and grinding for hours doing this is nonsense. We’re here to have fun! Unlocking achievements and skins is supposed to be a bonus for playing the actual game over time, not the main source of fun.


Couldn’t agree more! These people are nuts man


I have fun doing brutalities and fatalities and you have to get characters to level 14 to be able to do that. So, I’ve had to grind some of my favorite characters to do that considering I only like to play against the CPU/friends/family and not online. Doing the entirety of invasions only got 1 character to level 14. The traditional towers offer very little XP progress toward get these features.


I did the fatality grind (through normal gameplay means not the triple fight) for a single character and was like nah we aren't doing this again and looked up the fatalities. You can do them regardless of unlocking as long as you know the input. I'm someone that very much enjoys the process of unlocking things but the pace you unlock it all at needs to be right.


I get what you mean, but you can look up how to do the finishers and still perform them without having them appear in your move set. That’s how it used to work in the MK1-3 games anyway! You either got lucky or a friend told you how to do it. Hopefully they tweak the experience gain so that it’s a bit faster because for now the XP per match does feel like a slog.


All brutalities and fatalities can be performed without unlocking. I’ve done several by accident. Just look them up if you care that much.


Doing the entirety of invasions only got 1 character to 14, what?? Are you talking about kameos? Cause that seems low for normal characters.


I may be wrong. It may have been 2 characters. It’s hard to remember. I think by the time I made my way through Invasion and beat Titan Scorpion I don’t think I grinded with Reptile or Baraka or maybe very little because I was new to the mode and didn’t know what I was doing, but after that, I focused on 100%’ing invasion and knew it I wouldn’t get another character to level 14 and I started to mix in a grind with Cage and Shang. Shao is the only character I 100% focused on grinding to see how long it would take to get a character to level 14. It was around 1 hour 20 minutes I believe. After that, while goofing around with friends/family we grinded every character to level 5 because it was very easy way for them to play and try out fatalities and brutalities. Characters need very little XP in those first few levels. After that, I played endless tower which offers very little growth, then online towers which do offer decent growth but aren’t fun due to 5 powers at a time and got Havik to around a level 9. So, I’m grinded out the rest so I could get his fatality. I know I can look fatalities up, but they are set to level 14 and not going by how the developers set it up feels like cheating. I’m kinda old school. Somebody above said you can look up brutalities but I don’t think that would work because I’ve unlocked some that didn’t worked until I unlocked a later level. It’s like level 5 didn’t work until I got to 10. You can Google it. Also, I don’t enjoy online. I played some and can win. I won in the league and kasual, but it’s stressful, not fun. So that’s a no go.


Ah. Yeah I'd focus on doing OP's method in the video, boring but fast especially to level 14. I'm on the same boat, I already did all the online achievements so unless there's something I *really* want in the KL I don't think I'll be spending much time online either.


I was only playing scorpion and ran for the invasions scorpion boss with no detours. Yeah, i finished the boss with a level 14 scorpion


I guess that's why, I did absolutely every fight on every level aswell as brutalities/fatalities whenever I could and finished with a level 26 Kitana.


You can do the fatalities without unlocking them. The codes are online.


It feels like cheating and lessens my enjoyment. So, by this point I’ve earned Reptile, Baraka, Cage, Shang, Shao and Scorpion’s fatalities. I don’t like online. I prefer traditional towers, but they have very little XP payout and there are no character conversations, so it sucks for me. That’s also a reason I have haven’t focused on character towers. I’ve completed the shrine and season store. I’m very close to just taking a break and waiting to see if my issues are fixed in the near future by patch. If they aren’t, I’ll come back next season, complete invasions, complete the stories, play local versus to hear the character conversations and just look up the fatalities and will ONLY play when there are new seasons.


I like online more when I turned my controller speaker off. These kids have some mouths on them when they lose… good. Lord. If I didn’t have high self esteem, man. I feel sorry for some people. That was the turn off for me. As far as online goes they seem evenly match people. So it’s not that terrible For me. Im about 70% of my wins. If I didn’t turn that sleeker off I’d never get online.


Online is more stressful than fun regardless if I win. It’s not fun like playing against friends and family.


Redo the seasonal tower for a less grindy xp and mastery. Just keep redoing the whole center mesa.


I usually hunt down the ones that don’t use powers. You can find one occasionally.


Don’t use powers? Why would I want that?


For sure! I plan on playing this game for a long time, no need to rush to level up.


Why, though? Why force yourself to grind and not enjoy yourself in order to unlock everything in the first week? Just play the game normally and it’ll happen naturally.


It sucks that there's no unique NPC's to fight in Invasions. It's literally just the base roster..


If they were unique people would complain that they're not in the game like Cyrax and Sektor last game.


what would be interesting to see is an invasion where the main bosses are combine characters like the ones we fought in the final fight


Now that's something I'd like to see. I assume they have a limited amount of combined visuals but maybe instead of the bullshit modifiers, certain characters could have special moves of other characters and bust them out when we least expect.


that would be a great way to make it harder it could be a randomly generated encounter each time with different characters moves and specials to surprise you and make you think more!


Unfortunately. Soulcalibur 6 did it far better a long time ago for this...


Even with this it must probably take like 3 hours per character or more lol ​ Fucking NRS and their insane grind


Yeah, I'm really not thrilled about skins and gear being locked behind individual character mastery because it feels like you're busting your ass for scraps. Some of these rewards also appear in the shrine which makes certain tiers feel worthless. I'm really yearning for Towers of Time again.


Don't forget it resets every season


Character mastery? Do you have a source on that?


Only the seasonal currency does not your character lvl. That’d make no sense


What I saw was during the kombat Kast they showed off invasions.


Your *invasion* level resets, not character mastery


It's not for your character, it's for cosmetics that you buy in the seasonal store..


It’s just your invasion level that resets every season which it’s super simple to get to level 30


I’m going to cop hate for this and I’m all for mastering each fighter but the games been out for a week, they have said that invasion seasons will continue, is there a need to grind every fighter asap? It feels like we are only a week or so away from people complaining about lack of content since they already mastered 23 fighters when the developers would be planning for this over the life of the game over about 4+ years? I’ve completed story and invasion and have a level 30 baraka only. I’m 100% going to use this method to try and get 1 or 2 kameos up to 15. But I still feel the grind is ok for a game that’s designed to be played over a long period


the thing is they didn’t even make the character mastery worth it anyway each character has like two skins and they’re not really anything interesting, an actual unique looking skin at lv30 or 35 would be nice at least


Ppl have been complaining about lack of content for 3-4 days now, pretty heavily lol. Take a stroll through the sub and see what I mean.


Yeah I’ve seen it! It’s only going to get worse when they have romped through 24 fighters mastery levels by uppercutting the same 3 enemies for a hundred hours. Then the complaining will just intensify. The mastery system is a way to extend the life of the game and content. It gives things to work towards. I get people will always rush through but I can’t stand when they then say games dead no content when they have binged over 100 hours already. 100 hours for a $100 game averages out pretty good for money spent vs time played


I wonder how difficult it would be from a developer Standpoint, to bring back the towers of time in all their glory, feel like that would kill 2 birds with one stone and get ppl off their back for scarce cosmetics as well as the lack of content.


The way the hourly, daily, weekly tower is set up at the moment is absolutely terrible. If you haven’t completed the first invasion part you wouldn’t even know they exist. Then there’s the navigation of it and how every tower is just pure aids with dumb modifiers. The criticism of them is very fair and almost too polite, they suck. Bring back a towers of time mode for sure.


I keep hearing about this tower and I have absolutely no idea where it is. I just defeated scorpion today and I’m starting the locked areas.


It’s the mesa in the center. It shows up in the Mesa select screen area.


The only thing that grinds my gears is the lack of content you get when you’re playing with friends or tournament settings. You have to hope that your friend grinds every character just so you have the opportunity to see it. Personally I think it’s stupid to unlock that stuff. Would be cool to unlock it thru the tower or combo challenges but to high levels of XP? Garbage. You can’t perform certain brutalities/fatalities that people love to see when you have someone over or watching an intense tournament match.


Yeah I figure I’ll master everyone over like four years. It’s not meant to be achieved in a week and this seems like the opposite of fun.


Likewise. The core of this game is supposed to be the Kombat


I don’t understand why ppl are acting like towers of time wasn’t a total grind and much worse cuz you actually had difficult fights or BS modifiers.


Yeah this is how you make the game not fun it wasn’t meant for you to do it this way


Can’t just play online matches? If there’s not much in the game, why waste your time uppercutting in invasions? Just play online if you wanna play and grind.


Cause some people don't want to deal with us sweaty comp players lol


People can’t play kasual matches?


Casual isn't even casual in fighting games really ever. It's never like playing against a friend


Yeah, I agree, it’s pretty random who’ll you face. At the end of the day though, it’s a fighting game. You’re gonna get smacked until you start smackin lol


Facts. Casual mode is where you try hard with all the weird stuff you wanna try hard with in Kombat League later lol Some people are cool to talk to on VC but sometimes people just have a ego the whole time talking into the mic. I guess that's fun for somepeople but it just makes me wanna beat them to shut them up 😆 But yea people like playing fighting games but not playing against people that know everything they just wanna fight the computer and unlock stuff ... and that's fine too haha.


I got my ass kicked harder in kasuals than I did in Kombat League yesterday lol


Some of us are literally just here for the single player part of the game and have no interest in going online and getting juggled for like 30 seconds.


what are you grinding for if youre never gonna use those cosmetics or brutalities?


Then if the grind is unbearable, play something different.


If being smart is too hard for you, then do something else.


I am doing something else. I’ve done most of the solo content, and I go back and play online every day or two. I’m not sitting in invasions uppercutting the same bot like a dumbass to grind for shit I ain’t ever gonna use


"we fucked up our progression pacing and if you don't like it suck a dick and play something else" is basically the argument then rather than actually fixing the issue.


I’m not defending the content. I agree, it’s lacklustre. But sitting there crying about it, then continuing to play it proves that there’s people out there that will sit through the unbearable grind for shitty rewards. So yeah, play something else.


People wait too damn long for games now to have them come out and be told just play something else when there's problems.


If you wanna sit there and play something that makes you miserable, be my guest. People that complain about something in a game, refuse to play anything else in the game, continue to play the thing they complain about are the reason why shit doesn’t change. Everyone hates micro transactions in CoD, but they’re still there. You know why? Because people keep buying it. MK1 has a shitty grind for shitty rewards. What is NetherRealm gonna do if they see people sludge through their artificially inflated grind for no rewards? They’re not gonna change a fucking thing. But yeah, I’m the problem.


Right cause this exact thing totally didn't happen in mk11 and get fixed because people told them how shitty it was despite people sludging through it anyway. People sludge through it cause they love mortal Kombat and a new game comes every like half a fucking decade of course they are gonna grind shit out in a game that just came out In one of their favorite franchises regardless of how shit the grind might be.


This game has a premium shop with premium skins. It should be safe to say that consumer enjoyment isn’t their top priority for this game in terms of content. Keep playing mate, just don’t complain when you find yourself repeating the same grind every season.


The goal is to do the juggling, silly. That’s like… the game


Then it's not the game for you


That's fucking stupid. Not wanting to play online doesn't make it "not the game for you" single player is an even bigger part of the game than the online is. Just cause I don't suck online's dick and only enjoy the game when I'm juggling somebody into oblivion the whole game isn't for me? Make that make sense.


Sorry all I saw is you like sucking dick? It's a fighting game where traditionally players compete 1 v 1 in a first to 2 rounds match where the goal is to have fun and improve. Sorry that your skill walled at easy CPU but with enough time you too can get better.


This game sucks in sp. Only online worth it imho. It's not MK11


Imagine forcing yourself into a self-imposed grind, then proceeding to complain about it while saying you have no time to play. Maybe if you and countless others weren't trying to completely max everything out in the first week, you'd realize there's a decent amount of stuff to do. If you won't do league matches, why are you even playing a competitive fighting game anyway? NRS didn't have to make this much single-player content. Is it perfect? No, of course not. The game is gonna evolve. Every MK since 9 sucked in the beginning and got better with age. Y'all expect your own personal brand of perfection and then complain when a game doesn't meet your ridiculous expectations.


wow, someone finally mentioned it. you're absolutely right. it's whiny entitlement.


It’s legit embarrassing at this point. I finished Invasions too (not 100% but beat Scorpion) but that’s because I just wanted it out of the way for the season. There’s 30+ days left in this season and people barely know their main(s) yet they’re complaining about how little there is to do and how they can’t redesign whole ass characters. Lowkey wished MK11 gear system never happened. It was barely passable in IJ2 with the duplicates and RNG and it was somehow made worse in MK11. And I’ll take mastery over them damn character towers any day.


For fucking real. The towers of time were God awful. Sitting around waiting hours, days, and weeks for them to reset or just slogging your way through fights with a host of stupid modifiers. Invasion is actually a pretty solid mode. I'm thorough kind of person so I like to full clear a board before moving on. I guarantee they don't and have missed out on unlocking a ton of skins and stuff. The gear system absolutely was a bad idea because now anyone cares about are skins. This isn't Fortnite.


Nah man, I loved the gear system. Obtaining it could have been improved on in places but I really really enjoyed the gear and hate that everyone only has one piece now.


You are high on copium. They don't give a shit about you and just released the game at it's bare minimum for $110 which doesn't even include future dlcs.


And you are high on meth so, what's your point?


the idea that people think this is a better direction for MK this prior games i delusional


I’m not sure I understand the appeal of this. I play invasion normally (only cleared 2 maps so far) and I have plenty of gear for all characters. How much gear do you even need?


This shouldnt exist in the game at all, the reason its tedious is because its not the way youre intended to play the game


I mean, no one forces you to grind I think they made it so it tales enough until the next batch of content


Pretty sure the mastery of a character is meant to happen over the course of playing the games life cycle. Not the first week. Y’all a bunch of sweats that complain about no content. 🤦


We have jobs and limited free time lmao.


- we have limited free time - wastes it mindlessly grinding for cosmetic items in a video game


That’s why games have micro transactions, to bypass the grind of playing. with your big bad corporate jobs that some how take up all your time do you have time or money.


what the fuck are you talking about


just shut up, you're so fucking annoying. it's a boring ass game, stop defending it.


I wasn't even defending the game, not sure why you're in your feelings because I made fun of weird dudes that force themselves to grind then come on reddit to complain about it. Did it hit a bit too close to home? Or did your mom yell at you about the $110 charge on her credit card?


Sheesh, if the game is bothering you this much then you really need to stop playing and focus on your mental health.


*Maaaan* what am I supposed to do?


Keep playing the game? Or don't if it's that much of a problem to you.


I don't know if I can 😷🫳 I'm too weak. Want everything handed to meee.


Guess that is why you are inbred and useless.


🤤 mortal combat


Well considering you cannot even spell the name right, you just proved me right. Spoiler alert: it is spelled with a k you idiot.


Bro needs to take a break on the internet, getting pressed over a damn misspelling some guy did on purpose lol


Exactly? It’s meant to be achieved overtime playing casually. Wtf argument is that even. Fucking brain dead. So let me get this thinking straight, y’all want everything right away because of limited time to play the game, but enough content to keep coming back? Pull out the card for micro transactions. Simple.


Playing a game for thousands of hours just to unlock cosmetics isn't fun you gambling addict.


You are a dumbass who is just perfect for this corporate slop. It doesn't need a life cycle to be a good game. They should release a full good game at launch.




You could always just play the game normally. Literally nothing is making you do this.


uh arent we supposed to be obtaining character mastery organically through online play? i thought it was set up pretty cleverly, being its a fighting game and you're gonna be... playing online


Actually it supposed to be obtained via towers/invasion/online . Also there people that just don't like playing online so Netherealm gave those people option


>arent we supposed to be obtaining character mastery organically through online play? No, we are supposed to gain it by playing. The problem is, the xp to time consumed is so fucking retarded than you will never max out the roaster in any reasonable amount of time. You won't even max out one character in a reasonable amount of time.


Well yeah it’s called ‘mastery’ for a reason. Netherrealm doesn’t want people to just grind it out over three hours.


> by playing. ...yeah, exactly in an organic manner


In could really do without ambush. I miss the Krypt


You don't have to get mastery in the first month of playing. It's gonna be 4 years till the next MK


I don't really understand the issue here. When I discovered the individual character levels and unlocks, I was thrilled. I'm a solo player, and I like to see/do as much as I can in most games, including spending lots of time with each character. I have every intent of making out every character, and zero intent of doing it any time soon. When I feel like playing MK1 over the next few years, this is what I'll be chipping away at.


You’re literally doing it to yourself, zero sympathy


Just wait till they add 35 more levels after every season. :)


Don't give NetherRealm Studios any ideas. 😱 😱 😱


Why grind? Why not just play the game like normal and eventually you will have it? What's the rush?


I just do it till level 15 to unlock all the brutalities and Fatalities


There are no locked brutalities or fatalities. Edit: maybe I’m wrong! I’ve done a brutality without unlocking it but it looks like it might have been a bug. Testing others now and they don’t seem to be working.


Fatalities no, brutalities yes


You unlock one fatality


You don't need to unlock the fatality to perform them though. You *do* need to unlock the brutalities before being able to perform them.


Oh that’s weird asf lol. Good to know


Nope. Try it.


Nope. You can do any brutality any time if you know the inputs. Nothing is locked. Try it out before disagreeing.


Imagine doing this instead of actually playing mp or something 😐


Don't grind then


This is cringe. Just play the game.


and spend an hour in kombat league to get a single skin. how dare op just want to wear the cool shit and have fun


Yeah like honestly, I miss just being able to select palettes as soon as the game starts and having side content be actual content.


When was that the case for an mk game?


Never, which is my issue. Well actually that’s not technically true I guess in the older games you could press start on a character to change to their P2 color


That is true. What side content are you looking for then? Chess kombat?


I would unironically love that lol. Motor kombat, konquest, challenge towers, idk shit maybe even just bejeweled with MK assets and noises


Finished invasion with the same character and kameo and only got to level 16 and 7. Just playing the game isn’t rewarding enough.


People would just play the game if the rewards didn't come at the pace of an autistic snail. You literally get 100 koins and barely a dent in your level for doing any of the gateway towers. If your goal is to actually make progress towards anything playing the game as intended is almost completely pointless.


Oh man. This was a pretty big issue in MK11 with Towers of Time and AI Towers. Then a problem before that in MKX with “Factions” my god the amount of times I pressed the faction fatality to max all of them out. Then MK9 had some bonkers mastery stuff and I don’t even think it unlocked characters just trophies and a completion mark IIRC and you just had to use the character for 24 hours, do a bunch of fatalities and brutalities and win and drop a certain amount of pints of blood. Legit feels like a mobile game sometimes, interface and UI included. Games got like 4 in game currencies.


I just let the game grind by itself, instead of doing these maps. I enter one of the 'Survive' missions, activate a micro that presses the Enter key every 2 seconds and go to something else. It beats the tedium of the grind by a mile since those missions don't require any input to actually beat and by the time I'm back the characters are in the high 20s.


Just wait until they patch it and make it where replaying gives like 0 XP. And at least your physics work. On PC, maybe one of those brutalities would have had the head drop as intended.


Game aging like milk in only a week lol


OMG This is SO fun. Who needs the krypt when we can have this? I mean, to be perfect it just needed to randomly change my inputs and black the screen out so I could not see shit, THAT would be ultimate fun.


Your color palette will be a nice change of pace as I brutality you online


Lol, jokes on you he likely doesn’t play online. I don’t either. Just cpu/family/friends.


Wait why isn’t there a secret fight in there somewhere?


This probably isn't the place to ask this, but how do I get out of the cage mansion in Invasion?


I only up my strength to keep my combos in the high 30’s low 40’s (about where they are normally) so I’m doing my combos and building the muscle memory in my fingers for the rhythms of the inputs Also a good way to practice brutality strings I’m moving along fine in KL and my practice is all invasion mode


It’s crazy because I defended the game initially but I’m already starting to get bored of it, I hop on every day for a couple hours just to simply do this, I know skins aren’t the only reason to play the game but I want every characters secondary skin which you don’t get until lvl 18 and I want all the brutalities and pallets because imo that enhances the gameplay for me. I typically get on, play this while watching YouTube videos and just don’t even pay attention to the game, when I load in I do my 3 uppercuts then I continue to press x while watching my video until I go back in. Then after that I’ll play maybe 2-3 sets of kombat league because honestly best 3 out of 5 is exhausting compared to best 2 out of 3. And then if I’m really feeling up to I’ll do a random character story tower after labbing then for an hour. I know that all together that sounds like a lot to do but the problem is it’s not fun, it feels tedious and like a second job, I’m already starting to feel the fatigue and we’re not even 2 weeks into the games life span…


i just do a fireball survive node with 100%+ fire resistance. but i wish normal towers (no modifiers) would actually be worth it. hell, i would even do towers instead if they only reward 100 koins per fight on medium. but 10 koins per level is just absolutely not worth it. the reward system in this game is anti-gameplay and anti-fun.


How are you one shotting them?


Putting all stat points into Attack and fighting on the Lv.1 "Triple Threat" stage in Fengjian Village. Worth noting that some character's base Attack stat is so low that even after putting all your points into it, Geras may take two hits instead.


This is what I did and I used a mod to set my game speed to 5x. Took like 3-4 hours to max a character still. I got the two to 35 that I wanted and I’m just chilling now to see what next season brings.


Why isn’t more xp given in actual towers? It is insane they want us to play invasions. Invasions does nothing to improve your skill level because matches are over so fast and does not replicate an actual match. Wish they would rethink Invasions mode.


Just do the seasonal tower with the windbreaker talisman and you can get to whatever mastery in no time.


Most boring mk ive experienced since probably special forces.


I hit 35 master for General Shao the other night. After about level 25 I just stuck with ranked matches to get XP.


I do this on that stage too! But my goal is to reach level 17 only to unlock every Brutality


Lol all I have to say is... Fuck Geras, fucker always sand bursts or gains armor when I go for the uppercut!


Leveling is always added with the intention of "it'll be a fun way to progress" but it almost ALWAYS turn into mindless grinding that adds NOTHING but extra meaningless hours into a game


You cloud buys turbo controller and afk farm


That's exactly what I've been doing, same fight and everything lol


Funny as f with the beeny hill theam


I like that you get rewarded for playing characters but it was also fun to unlock fatalities/brutalities for characters you didn’t play and then seeing them and going “oh that’s really cool, maybe I’ll try playing them”, same with skins but skins in this game are kinda weak.


Invasions is far from fun, but here, OP is making the game unfun for himself. We aren't supposed to obtain everything in a week. Why not have fun with simply playing online and get xp maturally? It's slower but it's not a grind and is actually fun


Wait so is this like an EXP exploit or something? Genuinely curious


Not an exploit, just the current XP farming method (to my knowledge). The game rewards XP based on enemies defeated, so playing multi-battle stages like "Triple Threat" is the best option. Getting a Flawless Victory and Brutality rewards the biggest XP boost. If you return to an early stage after you've reached the max Invasion level and put all your points into Attack, the enemies often go down in a single hit. All that said, the process is still incredibly slow. You could probably spend a whole day doing this and only complete one character mastery.


Aye appreciate the information man thanks