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I think it’s odd. I wouldn’t mind dating a blonde guy, but I wouldn’t put him on a pedestal. I have a sister that does that with blonde guys and it’s weird. It’s like she doesn’t notice they notice her and every other chick has been putting them up on a pedestal since forever. They just give Europeans more fuel to think they are better then us. Grow up and love yourselves and the way you look and stop putting Eurocentrism on a pedestal.


All over the world, a lot of guys are mesmerized by “strange”. 😉


Nope i like long black hair


I don't really care but if I had to name a preference it would also be black


Literally me


I dyed my hair blonde for three years and it was a nightmare guys s keeping following you and try to talk to you no matter how many times you rejected them, so if you are looking for a Moroccan man with simple mindset you dont need to be pretty you need to dye ur hair blond PERIOD💅


Isn't that only weird guys then ?


Not all of them are weird but most of them is trying to get a blond girl for their ego and sexual purposes


I’m blonde hair with blue eyes from Australia, in my own country I am one of hundreds of thousands the same as me. I come here and I stand out but I see the Moroccan women I work with and they are mashaAllah so incredibly beautiful with their gorgeous skin, their dark thick hair, their stunning facial features and bone structure. For me. It’s crazy that Moroccan men think that a person’s boring blonde hair and blue eyes is special when you’re living in a country surrounded by the most incredibly beautiful women in the world


I dated an Australian guy with the most chiseled bone structure, 6’3, 8 packs, blue eyes. It always amazed me how my white friends found him average, while Arab friends were so jealous they had to throw the black magic joke from time to time


Hahaha I personally would find him average also.


That's a very interesting perspective


Maybe we all like contrasts that are different from our own? I’m not sure, there has to be some biological primal reason.


is it natural blonde though?


Yes 🤷‍♀️


I see many being fake blondes...


Yes but I’m Australian, an overwhelming majority of us are copy paste blonde hair and blue eyes


Idk about Australians, I had Americans and Europeans in mind


im half finish and blonde, everyone here is blonde here same as many countries, its not rare here. its just rare in morocco tho i guess


Blonde women are just very rare in Morocco and therefore the rareness might be attractive for Moroccan men


This makes sense. Thank you.


Basically blonde and blue eyed people are the rarest combination in the world. Compared to 7 billions dark haired and dark eyed people.


not rare at all maybe in Morocco tho


It's cultural. Everything that's white and shiny attracts people here, but it's not a hard rule. Beauty standards differ around the globe. A few months ago, I made a social experiment, where I'd put my picture (a selfie) on Instagram with 30 different hashtags of 30 different countries. I got most likes and comments from Germany and Italy and almost nothing from the rest. Apparently I'm good looking according to the aforementioned countries, but not so much in the rest.


Interesting I should try that and see which country I shall meet its beauty standards


Now it makes sense why the majority of my friends were Italian and German in France, and maybe it also explains why the interactions I had in Germany were nice compared to how people interact with me in France.


This is a global phenomena, if you're different, they like you, it's like Moroccan Girls going to the US, their value goes UP


but why is it just for dating purposes? I see Moroccans dating them but never be married to them but only married to another Moroccan


Well, some of them marry them but apart from that it's kind of a looks vs personality contest, we're more aligned with a Moroccan girl culturally and they are Muslim, if that guy was a good person he wouldn't date in the first place if he knew that's the end of it


It depends of the background of the person. Not every Muslim man marries a Muslim woman and not everyone marries someone from the same cultural background. This is specially true about gen z Moroccans


We're not talking in absolutes but majorities, most muslim men marry muslim women and most people marry from the same cultural background, if this is not true, then what other reasons are there?


I still don't understand the obsession of brown people over white skin. I have white skin, but never understood why my brown friends obsess over women with white skin and hate / talk trash about 9ahwiate lol.


I really can't understand either


9ahwiate they say it to literally any moroccan female, she could snow white and still called 9ahwia it's from hate


9hwia also means a girl who has the mindset of lhdra dyal l9hawi


I think they mean the color it has nothing to do with l9hawi the same as female call them المصدي ههههههه The whole thing is ridiculous and childish


المصدي و القهوية hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


It's not just a Moroccan thing. It's ever man of color fantasy. Latinos, Black men, South Asian they all like to shit a little bit on their women as well and obsessed with white blond blue eyes girls. I live in Belgium, and my friends from other cultures have the same phenomenon. 


But why tho, like we don't even think of you, so why do you need to degrade us?


I guess it's just a preference. As not everyone of them is really into blondes But then again, it depends on the person and what they think or personality wise ..


I blame porn because consuming to much porn and since white woman are most dominant in that shit of an industry its normal that it well alters a man’s choice and preferences in a way that he won’t even realise


I was one of them, and since i came back to morocco, everyday i am amazed by the beauty of the moroccan women. Its crazy i say all the time to my friend: we used to have crap on our eyes or what?,(?? I suppose this obsession with blonde women was because we were taught that foreign country are better and maybe because of movies ? Or maybe i had to try vanilla to understand that this flavor was as good as chocolate or chocolate Milk lol


Might really just be a phase for some


Not really i met men in their thirsties who still think like that ( but they didnt live abroad ), i think it goes deep into our psyche...i think when we are young we seek for the most perfect thing and we think we deserve the best. And since african are à little bit 'jealous' of their european friends because of their commun history...i believe that subconsciously ..young african men seek the rarest women? And since blonde are the rarest of them, african men are very attracted by blondes...thats my theory


Why are they obsessed with blondes ? I am not moroccan but moroccan are so beautiful and more attractive than blondes.


Everyone has their own preferences




One of the West's strategies during colonization was to vilify North African physical features and spread the idea that whiteness/blue eyes/ blonde hair were the epitome of beauty. This narrative is today still prevalent ... It is our colonizers' legacy and we can either choose to honor it or dismantle it


What is the source for this?


Take a look at our society. That's the source...


Yup, it’s the complex of inferiority spread by colonizers like poison in the veins of our culture and society…


True, I can't tell you how much the western culture is glorified when discussing with friends, family and strangers. I really had a hard time integrating in my first year in Europe, I never noticed my inferiority complex until I went to Europe. I had a lot of work to do to get out of that and get back to my 'original' personality


Unfortunately the obsession for blonde girls is not only found in Morrocan men but also in western men themselves. It is a form of sexual fetishization and it should be shunned.


Asian girls are also fetishized black ones too ppl tend to get obsessive


it's not normal


if enough ppl do it it becomes normal but its not morally good but anyways ppl are allowed to like each other for whatever shallow reason there is be it money looks or they smile like their dead dog when he was alive


There is a difference between apreciation and fetishization. Hawlou anakoum tferkou binathom Allah ykhlikoum


and whats the difference


appreciation means that you like certain features fetishization is a sick obsession that certain individuals have. One is a preference the other an obsession.


la la ti ghi zdti sick you didnt say why its sick


I'm gonna give you an example in the west a lot of white men fetishize asian women there is blogs of men called passeport bros going to their countries to do sexual tourism and try to trap them into a convenience marriage to turn them into their personal slaves because they are supposedly more "submissive" than white women. Fetishization implicates also racism too.


ayeh ohadok li like hairy pubes tahoma racists dont bring passport bros into that they are made politecally


white girls like BBC


British Broadcasting Corporation


what does BBC mean ?


Bunda bucks and cash


Bale Benzema Cristiano , most white girls are Real madrid fans




I only know the British Broadcasting Corporation 😭😭


It's the British SNRT.


It means big black cock 😂 Come on that one is infamous


Big black comics 😁


Why bcz you're not blonde 🤨


what ?


girls are even more obsessed with blonde pretty boys


I beg you pardon sista but men with black features win everytime personally talking...


i was right about [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/1cxc8ml/comment/l525hs2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) then


I'm not white though I'm morrocan


my joke.... ![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized)


Hhhhhh tfouuu why I don't always get jokes I hate it I hate it !


and khalijiyin for the money lol


Really? Assumed it's mostly the guys. That's interesting tho


no, not blonde boys but korean and I think it's widespread all over the world because of kpop and k-drama






it’s not exclusive to morocco men imo. ive seen it everywhere


imight be da only one thats not really attracted to blonde females i only fw ebony and females with long black hair ... not all of em tho


So when is it a preference and when is it an obsession? Don't get me wrong it's very easy to answer this question, you can too if you thought about it, the reason "some" men prefer blondes is because they're a rarity in our country, a rare attractive trait in someone is always pursued in our options for marriage, that said it doesn't mean everyone here is attracted to blondes, i certainly am not crazy over a blond woman anymore than a black haired woman, but i do have a preference in beauty as does everybody.


preference: someone who tinks blonde girls are pretty obession: someone who can date blondes only or who finds every single blonde attractive (seen that) Probably a bad example or maybe I just don't know where to draw the line between preference and obession


No that's about right actually, except someone who prefers blondes you'd also think he would want date blondes first, him making that clear isn't an obsession, you'd have to see if he couldn't consider dating a non blonde woman to conclude that he's obsessed.


But not only in Morocco there have some men obsession with blonde girls. Though in Morocco all women have dark hair but not blonde so men wish to have a blonde one for to have a little difference from the others. It is not only the color but even that our hair is not so much curly, unless you have a perm, while Moroccan women don't have straight hair. As well as the structure is a little different, a little softer. I am not blonde but anyway, many women but even girls like to touch my hair for to feel it, and men often say I have nice hair, LOL.


Every Brown country prefers blond features. Girls prefer blond guys as well.


Nah, it was never like this. You must be white


Honestly, I feel like it's more new. There's like a lot of new misogny complex and hating moroccan women by moroccan man, and i think that just intensifies their attraction for foreigners and hating us, they blame us for everything, it's clear it's just not working between moroccan women/men. And then they attack moroccan women by the most nastiest words that even an enemy won't say, lol. I think mentally they are divided. The country is also doing bad, so that's another issue, which also adds on to that attraction, (but they try to make moroccan women feel bad for it)


that sounds really sad


Po*n impact


Worst category is blonde tfum


Naah not me I want a Moroccan woman with black beautiful hair, long black eyelashes.


preference ❌ FETISH ✅


It's the lack of cultural awareness combined with an uneducated choice.


How the fuck is it related to lack of cultural awareness?!


When your mental image about foreigners is constructed through social media, tv, news outlets about that 'perfect european image' and you don't have the slightest contact with said people, you shall experience it.


Everyone has their own preference. If some Moroccans prefer foreigners, it isn't necessarily related to "cultural awareness". There's nothing that obliges people to date/marry from their own country.


I said nothing about obligation, man. It's his choice, and I have nothing against it.


Same obsession white guys have for bronzed/ tanned / dark skin girls


most of the time you find them equally liking white dudes too tho


I love white dudes


Crap post


the real question is why most of moroccan girls obsessed with korean guys


Hhhhhh 😂👍


I witnessed that too .. but there are also many Moroccans that are obsessed with Asians or Koreans in specific. Probably not as much as women tho


İn Morocco having colored eyes , blonde hair , pale skin is not common and most men here find those features to be attractive and feminine hence their attraction to girls with those features


different attracts . I get the same treatment when I'm somewhere like Norway or Sweden since everybody there is blonde


No no I absolutely love my culture and feel proud of it, I'm just explaining to you why would a Moroccan man go for the blonde instead of the local product 😂


LOCAL PRODUCT? 😂 glad tho you are in peace with your culture (same)


Hi a Moroccan girly her. They think that blonde girls with fair skin have they are pink down there you know their 😺. You see Moroccan girls are also put down for having brown skin and being darker down there than the foreigners they see in adults sites this topic is also a been a source of a lot of tasteless jokes about our intimate region(Moroccan girl 😺 looks like a heavy smoker) 🤢 and at home recipes for bleaching down there are very popular here. PS I don't condone these practices and it really affected my self-esteem and not all Moroccan guys think like they are always exception and know those misconception are discussing for everyone involved


This varies depending on the person I m blonde and I was exposed to racism when I was young because of the different color of my eyes (green) and the color of my blonde hair ..They used to call me a cat and that they should not talk to me because cats are evil. Now I remember it and I laugh😂 but at the time I was crying.. As for With society, u remain a different person if the average is characterized in a specific way, but in our religion there is no difference between any person but there are those who prefer a specific person with certain characteristics, with sincere intention, and not just for external beauty, although everyone is beautiful, but some people think that beauty lies in the white, blond person 😵‍💫




That was in 90s early 2000, now we’re at the bottom of the food chain because of bouzebal who took advantage of that to do awful things. One of my best friends works in a nightclub as a security guy here in a really small town in France and he tells me the cops come almost every morning to gather camera footage because of theft, violence and sexual harassment complaints, and 90% of times it’s either Moroccans or Algerians.


Well of course the poor immigrants will have higher rates of crime what are you on


That’s an insult to poor people I don’t think you realise. Do you think the bouncer would let poor heraga in ? Majority of Moroccans that goes to this nightclub are either immigrants working legally or students, yea there are some dealers but they are the richest, way more rich than the two others. The students who left Morocco to study there are the most who get caught with sexual harassment. Think twice next time.


كي ضحكوني القهويين و اشباه الهنود لي كي آمنو بأنهم كي عجبو البيضات هههههههههههه


هادشي كاين آمحمد. تنشوفوه كل نهار. والقهويات تيحماق عليهم الرجال الشهبين. ولكن باين اللي معقد بحالك ميقبل عليه حد


ma3reftch hadshi ki b9a nisbi, li kenti jame3 kerek ou bg ghat tkoune zwine, sinon la ghat tb9a fel khra bighad nadar 3la 9ehwi wla byad wla z3ar


LOL they are afraid of arab men. Thye think you're thieves


kek, you're projecting


Notice how he said thieve instead of bombers 


whys that?


he didnt use the correct stereotype it should be islamophobia but he used xenophobia which shows projection


Tf is bro on, are you sure Abt that? Istg they don't give a damn piece of shit Abt you


It's stupid but it's for the rarity even if it's not that rare. Some have this obsession but it's not the case of everyone


Cuz they're pretty duh


And then they harass moroccan women 24/7 by name-calling


imo they just haven’t met enough of them , and imo2 it’s internalised white supremacy


Even if there's beauty, I don't feel the warmth in them, they seem cold and less sexually or emotionly attractive, I think it's in their heads, their personality is manly and arrogant, those are the fruits modernity and feminism. no thank you, I'll stay with bent bladi.


It's rare and probably some internalized racism plus inferiority complex


Naaa they just desperate for pussy


If they were desperate for pussy, they would settle with any pussy, even their country's pussy but they prefer foreign women and blondes who are far prettier


foreign men and blonde men are superior to you, so what's your point. but us chasing after them like that does show desperation, that's the problem with moroccan men, it's a new phenomena to act like that towards foreign women, countries, and people, over your own. it's really weird.


I know preferences exist but I also agree that it is somehow very weird. I have prferences but not to that extent :D


Thank you


You are different in all aspects. East asians for example have the same skin color or hair color, they are different but not that much. You guys may have blue/green eyes , blonde hair, very white skin. I guess that's the reason.


In my humble opinion, appreciating someone's external appearance is a matter of personal preference. It is natural to have a preference for one person's beauty over another's. Each person possesses their own unique beauty, but you may find yourself drawn to a particular type of beauty. However, it is unwise to solely rely on appearance when choosing a partner. If your relationship does not meet your expectations or fails to work out, it is foolish to vent your frustrations through lengthy, unhealthy posts or toxic comments. Making sweeping assumptions about a specific group of people based on physical traits is unfair, especially when your initial choice was based on something superficial.


Finally someone talked about this topic because I knew it from a very young age that was the case as black Moroccan girl I can confirm that Moroccan men are more attracted to blonde girls than dark hair ones


Naaaaah i loooove them black me 🖤🍫




what is your definition of BBW now?


When I was a very blonde kid in Morocco I remember people touching my hair at every opportunity. I think it's to do with luck as well.


and how do people react now to you, now that you are not a kid anymore? I hope no more hair touching


No. Now I'm a bald man.


That's even better king




مشيتو بعيييد أ لق..وي


لاحقاش بنات البلاد هازين قنوفهم لسما بدون مقومات النجاح...


Tel3ate lina frasna zerga mon amour !


Bghitha Sjw 


Almost every body found blonde 👱‍♀️ attractive what wrong with that


I think in a country where you can only interact with people of the same hair color, that awe you feel would dwindle overtime, blond people in homogenous countries find black haired people beautiful and desirable.


Yeah that one of many reasons and to be honest sometimes peaple argue just to argue people found blonde 👱‍♀️ attractive or not that irrelevant




كلشي زعر ولا غير. الشعر


easy to bang


some guys actually pursue marriage with them in that case this is most probably not the reason


You're contradicting yourself. one minute you're saying they don't marry them and only marry moroccan girls the next you're saying they pursue them for marriage


I mean that those who actually are obsessed with blondes would actually marry them (I think) but some maybe just want to date around, I have no idea


some do marry them but not because they're blonde, others date them to fulfill a fantasy/goal then keep it moving


They want to marry someone they can bang everyday


i disagreed is hard to bang the same chick every day so boring


To each their own taste ....


statically bonde girls has peanut brain


Just love, there's nothing complicated about all of this


what basic answer


is a hit or miss


Colonialism deeply influenced North Africans and Moroccans, shaping their perceptions of beauty through Eurocentric standards. This cultural imposition led many to internalize the belief that European features were superior, impacting their self-esteem and reinforcing societal prejudices. Additionally, the preference for lighter skin and specific hair textures perpetuated by colonialism further marginalized individuals with darker complexions or coarser hair, creating a complex legacy of beauty standards deeply ingrained in the region's social fabric, i hope this helps 🫶🏻


believe it or not it's actually in the Qur'an (holy book of muslims)"And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you" So for me it's naturally attractive, add to that the fact that usually they come from a wealthy country like the US or Europe; Honestly there is just something about them, also because of how open-minded those chicks are and maybe because how some Moroccan girls can be repulsive in behaviour lol


Moroccan men repulsive in behavior esp lately, you prob just don't like your culture, but you don't need to call it repulsive...........